Session 24 October 2009

I am glad that Burma wrote what he did because it is an ongoing problem - raising funds to do more stuff! Very shortly, I'm going to have all the new FOTCM members assembled in the FOTCM private forum and we will get down to discussing just how we can do what we need to do. We have a HUGE task in front of us - and by that "us" I mean ALL the members of FOTCM, not just us here on the "front line" so to say. We have the human resources, now we just need to figure out how to sort things out so those humans doing the work will be supported to do it. We have some ideas, but that's to be discussed among the members.

Hang on, we're working to get it going as fast as we can!
If you need any help about the audio part, I'll gladly help. I can do a lot of mixing and mastering work from home, so, feel free to contact me.
Polonel said:
If you need any help about the audio part, I'll gladly help. I can do a lot of mixing and mastering work from home, so, feel free to contact me.

If you wish to help, you can do so through the Translation group, since you're a member ;)
I planned to write to editors and please move this post where it belongs if this is not the right section.

I have notice that here in Serbia we pays high custom duties for books we order from Amazone. Therefore people avoid to order and buy books.
Also there is translation of Political Ponerology for example in Croatian which we understand , but there is nowhere to buy it . I have some Croatian version ordered from their web site and I am giving it to people to read it , and they would pay for it if they have chance to buy it. Do you think its possible to find the publisher here, or you can publish it on local language if we can provide financial support , so we can order book in Croatian version. If its allowed , I would contribute as much as I can and dedicate to the sales, translations and organising on line sales here.
I think the language is barrier for some countries , and book sales can be increased if we concetrate on translations?
Burma Jones said:
anart said:
We really aren't in a position yet to pay anyone a few dollars for anything they contribute - design or material wise, so all ideas will have to be offered up as contributions to the FOTCM.
We would definitely love to be in the position to be able to pay people for their services. In fact, we really need to get to that point soon. Most of you probably don't know what it takes to do all that we do now and how few people and little money it is all done with. [..]

I have been thinking about this. December will be full of clients, because of holiday season. In January however i plan to kickstart graphics design, show anything that could sell in FOTCM's shop: printable logos, texts & pictures/graphics for t-shirts, mugs stickers, text or graphics printable/machine-sew-able on table cloth, jewelry, book-markers, picture postcards, cute dog dolls, any product that comes up and turns out liked is cheap is great idea and sells in big quantities. Get the business going, get enough income that FOTCM members can get paid in reasonable small amounts. The idea is not getting rich, rather feel a joy over paid accomplishments. So we can say "Hey, i designed this t-shirt logo, which sells like crazy!", resulting in unexpected income boom. I'm sick of watching political sites collecting millions of dollars in donations. I plan paid newswriters on, paid translators, paid audio & video engineers, paid artists, paid FOTCM members contributing their considerable expertise. EE is exercised by more people every week, eventually the majority may realize the potential of launching a strong FOTCM business. Maybe some of us would actually love to work for FOTCM in a full time job in the future? Let's do this!
forge said:
I have been thinking about this. December will be full of clients, because of holiday season. In January however i plan to kickstart graphics design, show anything that could sell in FOTCM's shop: printable logos, texts & pictures/graphics for t-shirts, mugs stickers, text or graphics printable/machine-sew-able on table cloth, jewelry, book-markers, picture postcards, cute dog dolls, any product that comes up and turns out liked is cheap is great idea and sells in big quantities. Get the business going, get enough income that FOTCM members can get paid in reasonable small amounts. The idea is not getting rich, rather feel a joy over paid accomplishments. So we can say "Hey, i designed this t-shirt logo, which sells like crazy!", resulting in unexpected income boom. I'm sick of watching political sites collecting millions of dollars in donations. I plan paid newswriters on, paid translators, paid audio & video engineers, paid artists, paid FOTCM members contributing their considerable expertise. EE is exercised by more people every week, eventually the majority may realize the potential of launching a strong FOTCM business. Maybe some of us would actually love to work for FOTCM in a full time job in the future? Let's do this!

Indeed. Our plans include significant sharing/networking and that includes helping those who need income. But, like I said, let's hold off on getting into it. Another couple days and I'll have a master list from the data input and can get everybody whose applications I have into the FCM forum. We can then get down to brass tacks.
I don't know what to think about bananas. Are they that bad?

Q: (L) Anything that makes you feel better than anything else? (A***) Ultra shakes are safe. I think they're the only thing that I'm sure is safe. (L) I think those and fish. (A***) Fish, maybe some brown rice, maybe some steamed vegetables. (L) And that's it. Anything else is deadly. (A***) I'm not even sure about bananas any more.

A: No

Q: (A***) No bananas. What about mint for me?


Q: (A***) Lemon?


Q: (A***) Phew! (laughter) (Joe) Bananas are evil for everybody! (L) NO! (Joe) They're from South America and were developed by Quetzalcoatl, who dropped down out of his spaceship and said, "Eat these!" (laughter) (Scottie) Bananas were invented by the Atlanteans! (Joe) Look at them! They're yellow and bendy!

The last part looks like a joke but it raises questions :/
mkrnhr said:
I don't know what to think about bananas. Are they that bad?

I guess it depends on what you can have and not have. Since everyone is unique in this, it's hard to say. There's quite a lot of good stuff about bananas:

Reading from the transcript you can see that A*** probably already had an idea that bananas were bad for him/her. So again, it differs...
You can observe yourself when you've eaten an banana and ask yourself questions like how you feel about it and whether you can take for example sweet etc.

Here's something what Carolyn Dean said that might also be interesting:

"Why does one person thrive on tomato salads and another breaks out
in a rash? Why does one person thrive on raw food and another turn
into an emaciated skeleton? Why does one person do fine with dairy
and another is running for the toilet?

"It has a lot to do with our ancestors.

"Now, I'm not talking cavemen ancestors, here. We don't need to go
that far back. I'm talking about your family tree from the day
Jesus was born until the 1800s -- more or less."

Let me interrupt for a second and add that a lot of global dietary
changes took place with the discovery of the New World.

It may amaze some people to know that an Irishman never saw a
potato until at least 1536 (according to "The History of the
Potato" by England's Potato Council Ltd.).

So while Europeans may have had time to adapt somewhat to tubers,
they are more natural to South Americans' digestive systems (whom
have been eating them for 6,000 years).


"Before passenger ships and airplanes, it was uncommon for most
people to move any great distance from the place they were born.
Back in the Middle Ages the average peasant (who never lived that
long anyway) rarely traveled more than 30 miles from where they
were born according to some historians.

"For thousands of years your ancestors -- save for a few adventurers
- were living in the exact same place on the planet. They adapted
to what their environment offered and didn't offer. This is really
important for you if you are eating foods that are different from
what your ancestors were eating."

I really think this is a key point to remember whenever you are
trying to make a decision about what is good for you. Oftentimes
what you THINK is good for you just doesn't FEEL right - and this
may partly explain why.

It also explains why there is so much contradictory dietary advice
out there.

Your own GRANDMOTHER may better know what's good for YOU than some
super-educated nutrition guru.
Reading from the transcript you can see that A*** probably already had an idea that bananas were bad for him/her.

Maybe becouse of some ingredients in banana.
Here is the list of Food Value from bananas in 100 g taken from

Calories 65.5-111
Moisture 68.6-78.1g
Protein 1.1-1.87g
Fat 016-0.4g
Carbohydrates 19.33-25.8g
Fiber 0.33-1.07g
Ash 0.60-1.48g
Calcium 3.2-13.8mg
Phosphorus 16.3-50.4mg
Iron 0.4-1.50mg
B-Carotene 0.006-0.151mg
Thiamine 0.04-0.54mg
Riboflavin 0.05-0.067mg
Niacin 0.60-1.05mg
Ascorbic Acid 5.60-36.4mg
Tryptophan 17-19mg
Methionine 7-10mg
Lysine 58-76mg
mkrnhr said:
Ok so there is no toxins? only blood-type incompatibilities?

Many people on the forum have read, and follow to some extent, the book by Peter D'Adamo titled Eat Right 4 Your Type. He talks about how different foods affect different blood-types. And bananas are a no-no for some of us.

Also, if you read up and follow the The UltraSimple Diet which has been discussed fairly extensively in the Diet and Health section, you will see how eating a simple diet as suggested in the book for a week and then reintroducing foods back into your diet one at a time, is a very good way to see which foods you have a sensitivity for. And some people cannot eat bananas without feeling bloated, sluggish, etc.

These books, and more that are talked about in the Diet and Health section of the forum are very important to read and apply as we are not only trying to detoxify our minds and emotions, but our bodies as well. You will not believe the difference detoxifying the body has on not only your physical health, but your mental and emotional health as well.

I have read MANY reports here on the forum about how members have changed their eating habits and have found how helpful it has been for them.

This has been stated many times in many different threads. You must have heard mention of it? If not, and you decide that you want to do this very important step in your detoxification, or even if you don't, I think that you should really get the book by Sherry Rogers, Detoxify or Die.

Just some, uhm, food for thought. :)
Yes Nienna Eluch, it was just to be sure and the except from the session confused me a little :-[
I stopped eating bananas anyway because since two months I started don't liking it, like if my body was rejecting it.
Thanks :)
mkrnhr said:
Yes Nienna Eluch, it was just to be sure and the except from the session confused me a little :-[
I stopped eating bananas anyway because since two months I started don't liking it, like if my body was rejecting it.
Thanks :)

I find this to be interesting. Are you doing the EE program?
mkrnhr said:
I don't know what to think about bananas. Are they that bad?

Good question mkrnhr,

because bananas are my main food-stuff: regulating bloodsugar and filling my stomach.
And I think as Oxail wrote, everyone has to find out for themself, what is or is not good.

Here is a pesticide list, also mentioned in the UltraMind Solution:


1 (worst) Peach 100 (highest pesticide load)
2 Apple 93
3 Sweet Bell Pepper 83
4 Celery 82
5 Nectarine 81
6 Strawberries 80
7 Cherries 73
8 Kale 69
9 Lettuce 67
10 Grapes - Imported 66
11 Carrot 63
12 Pear 63
13 Collard Greens 60
14 Spinach 58
15 Potato 56
16 Green Beans 53
17 Summer Squash 53
18 Pepper 51
19 Cucumber 50
20 Raspberries 46
21 Grapes - Domestic 44
22 Plum 44
23 Orange 44
24 Cauliflower 39
25 Tangerine 37
26 Mushrooms 36
27 Banana 34
28 Winter Squash 34
29 Cantaloupe 33
30 Cranberries 33
31 Honeydew Melon 30
32 Grapefruit 29
33 Sweet Potato 29
34 Tomato 29
35 Broccoli 28
36 Watermelon 26
37 Papaya 20
38 Eggplant 20
39 Cabbage 17
40 Kiwi 13
41 Sweet Peas - Frozen 10
42 Asparagus 10
43 Mango 9
44 Pineapple 7
45 Sweet Corn - Frozen 2
46 Avocado 1
47 (best) Onion 1 (lowest pesticide load)

IMO looking for pesticides seems to be important as well, if I cannot go for all organic stuff.
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