anart said:Psyche said:Shar, try taking the 5 HTP (around 300mg, perhaps more if needed). It will build up your "will power" against cravings. Think it of it as a chemical imbalance and not as a matter of will power, so don't beat yourself up. Here is a rough guide on how to take 5 HTP:
L-glutamine can also be very helpful in eliminating carb cravings. L-glutamine should be taken on an empty stomach, 500–1,000 mg. twice a day. Higher doses can be used to fix up leaky guts, around 5000 or 6000 a day. Some even suggest to put some L-glutamine powder under your tongue when you have cravings.
I think the 5 HTP is a great idea. As noted in that link, don't just jump in and take 500 HTP all at once without building up - that might very well give you a 'serotonin headache' (speaking from experience here). Build up slowly until you reach the level you need to be.
It's also easier to deal with these things when you realize it is a chemical imbalance and not that you have no willpower, imo.
Well, I do take 5 HTP already before bed, usually 100 mg but I've taken up to 300 mg. I'll try taking more throughout the day. I also take sublingual melatonin every night (5mg) and gaba, and take L-glutamine in my morning shake. Maybe I need to take that by itself, although I used to take the amino acids every morning on an empty stomach but quit as I didn't feel any different, and they were expensive.
I think the biggest motivator to clean up my act is the fact that I now have only two pair of pants that fit me and finding something to wear to work each morning has become a challenge!