Session 25 April 2010


I am shocked by this, its a predetermination, based upon an individuals past history. which makes EE program Mute.

mmm are u absolutey sure about this?

The 'readings' are short, too short.

once a month and not too informative.

I asked a legitimate Question in regards to this 'Cut-off-' and the only familiar reference in this board is 'shocks'

well i wasn't asking 4 me, i was asking for 'Guest', i tried to use this boards controls to highlight -- that point.

I dont get it, in christianity - you get a cut off point too, hell or heaven.

and here and now in this 4th way there is a cut off too.

at least, in the book of the damed, the 'bible' they try to fill in the blanks,

Im asking for me and for Quest, ; '" If his/her Extreme narcissistic bubble, is his/her past and if the past is any Quantum indication of what the future may hold, Isnt he/she; doomed?

so far no one knows.

if it is this cut and dry after years of becoming aware of 'A' and 'B' influences-es, what is the point?

wow id like to make a star trek reference, right about now good lord there is almost 9 references to 'be well and prosper' (now, after this post, even laura makes an obscure reference to the programmers,{help? wtf})

more along the lines of "Beam me up Scotty" thats what my post would say when someone asks a question

instead of be well, or what not

but i really want to know if our 'Guest' is doomed.

In light of this revealing 'Cut-Off-Point'

Don't worry about me, i have my own 'board' -

legitimate service to others is natural, empathetic and normal.

Being curious about the stated individual, is also. normal.

His Future is also mine , since we are US in the future.

i want to thank everyone for showing me how to 'quote' a previous post.

and i want to thank Ana, and Redfox for the 'Shock' page-(not necessarily in that order)

Two legitimate responses and the intention is clear 'To Help Another'

But I really want to thank the person who can answer this simple question,

"If one is observant, and has not raised his awareness above his STS-Machine- and still misses his opportunity, is he doomed as it is stated?"
"once we raise ourselves above our machines, will we still need it?"

let me ask it differently, " I am an STS machine, i was born here and so far i live here- i really do need to eat; i really do need shelter; and i really do have sts machine routines. I try not to eat, i try not to poison, the machine i embody.'

Weird thing is- without this body(machine), i wont live. right food, wrong food this machine is dead, and as cut and dry as printed word is on digital paper, its very narcissistic of me to provide food and shelter 4 this bag of bones.

Again this is all 4 naught, but by the awful grace of god, there go i-

I understand it now.

B4 the wave - chop wood - carry water


After the wave - chop wood carry water

We me and you are in a machine. thats all there is you can try to change it ;~Alchemy~ and be androgynous, ' but it is still gonna need - some food/shelter

And IF there is a Cut-Off Point here in 3D, well thats ok cuz i dont know anybetter anyhow. and Guess what~

your still gonna need to go to lunch in the fourth grade too. thats what really sucks even tho we kno we are food 4 the moon,

We need food too. and unless you have a small fortune and then a large fortune to buy the purest, freshest- goods.

you are probably gonna - have ta~ eat tomorrow too.

Even in the 4th grade.

Well according to 'us'(We in the future)- we are all eating each-other anyway. just like now all 2-D friends are meat and meal just as we are 3d snacks and morsels to our 4d co-existers.

but when get to 6d, we consume energy thru our big left toe, and whoa` well maybe we do or do not 'consume energy' on that level'! Of course we do/dont we all merge back into our fragmented, lucifer self.

mmm, there is always a subconscious influence on these boards -shock be damned. this 'Cut-off-statement' does not add up.

it does not 'Grok'

Re: Cut-Off-Point

I think I mentioned that the remark was specifically FOR "Guest" and for a particular situation that, if he didn't sort it out, there would be no further chances, the window of opportunity would close. That's all it means. I also said that I decided to publish that private exchange because there were a few things there that were valuable to all people - and here I meant the advice about self-observation and dream work, NOT the specific remark made to "Guest" about his specific situation.

See this post:

This is one of the problems of publishing the transcripts without full context. People grab on to the WRONG things and run with them. And, in this case, it is a personal situation with a long history that I am simply not at liberty to disclose.

But, let me try to give you a situation that might explain situations where windows of opportunity close. Suppose you want to buy a house and you don't want to pay the asking price but you really want the house. The house is on the market and there are other buyers. If you don't get over your miserliness and cough up the money, someone else will and then you will be out of the running for that house. It will be gone to someone else. You didn't get over your resistance to paying the price, and now it is too late for THIS house. Doesn't mean you won't get another house, but THIS house, this specific situation, will be closed to you.

Hi Laura,
I'm a little late commenting on the April Session. I did want to write real quick before sleep.
I was in bed tonight "trying" to sleep, but mind would not shut up. So decided to lay there and do the breathing. Slowly I began wondering if I was seeing the situation that I am in , in such a distorted way that I was not in any way able to see it what it really was. Than kept getting nudges to get on the forum and finely gave in. Well, like everyone here, it hit me square in the face. I copied the parts that I felt I could really use to help in my Work, and will see where I go with it.
I am also happy to hear that you are safe. My appreciation goes out to all. We are so very Blessed that you are doing this tremendous job to help us all.
Thank you Laura & Ark & Team once again !

Yes dreams are something to work on and pay atten to there is soooo much one can see/learn/fix/utilize / and the list go's on lol , For myself the more I pay atten to my dreams the more seemless my life becomes ...and not paying atten to them normally leads me to rugher rocky times , needles to say I pay big atten to them ....

Thank you again all for your efforts :)
Mona said:
Thanks Freyr, I was hoping I would find some guidelines/methods on how one can use dreaming to explore past lives. What Ark was describing was not a simple way of just dreaming up past lives; it sounded like he was able to monitor/control his dreams somehow. I may be wrong :-[

The reference to Ark's journals was in terms of "how to think about a problem of the self" and write it down as a way to help identify the core issue which is then to be thought about before sleep. In thinking about the problem in a clear way before sleep, the idea is that this may help to bring up some other information from deep down that will help with the problem resolution. If and when this happens, the dream or information should be written down and recorded and used as further material think about before more sleep and dreams. That's how I understand the process. So in that respect it was about "controlling" dreams, but it is something that I believe unfolds naturally by following this procedure.
Re: Cut-Off-Point

Stevie jj said:
I am shocked by this, its a predetermination, based upon an individuals past history. which makes EE program Mute.

mmm are u absolutey sure about this?

The 'readings' are short, too short.

once a month and not too informative.

I asked a legitimate Question in regards to this 'Cut-off-' and the only familiar reference in this board is 'shocks'

Stevie, you seem to be really experiencing a shock from the recent transcript and the reference to a "cut off point". I think you need to stop for a second and first realise that the comment was made in reference to "guest" and was specific to their situation. It does not necessarily follow that it applies to everyone. Everyone is at their own point on the circle. In a recent session the Cs made a few comments that appear to have been directed to all PC members and people in general:

A: The wave is coming, you are teaching people to surf it instead of being dragged under and out to stormy seas.

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"!


(Allen) So by observing something, you enhance it. But by anticipating, you cancel it?

(L) Observing can be anticipatory or not.

(Ark) For instance, some remote viewers want to see what's going to happen... (laughter)

(L) And they interfered with the system!

(Joe) It happened once when they weren't expecting it.

(Ark) Once it did NOT happen when they expected it.

(Joe) But the first time...

(Ark) Two times it happened.

(L) And when they were ready for it, it didn't happen.

(Ark) And then they were ready for it, they wanted to see it better. (laughter) Now we’re gonna, we WILL find the devil!

(P*****) So, anticipating a future event reduces the likelihood of the happening of this event? How does it happen? How does it work?

(L) I explained all that in the {training} video. Weren't you listening? (laughter)

(A******) He fell asleep.

(L) I explained that you can't micromanage it. You can only see the outcome.

(Ark) There is famous quantum Zeno effect: pot never boils when you watch it. (laughter)

(Allen) This is also why in baseball they say, "Keep your eye on the ball"...

(A***) Or the van never leaves until you roll a cigarette! That's the Scottie Law! (laughter)

A: These factors should be kept in mind by all the new PC members. You are all on the threshold of a new life. Anticipate not what the universe can and will do, just do the work asked of you and the wave will come to meet you and lift you up.

Maybe you could read the entire session again. Here's the link

Stevie, try not to let fear take control of your thinking. In fact, try not to respond to any of the recent session comments with fear at all (it takes some effort!). A better way to look at it is to remind yourself that you came with a mission. You and all of us here, probably came here with a mission to fulfill. The mission was to do things in a different way this time (this life) and try and stop the endless cycle of 'karma'. Karma seems to be based in the strong emotions of one life carrying over into the next and causing us to act in ways that simply keep us stuck at this level of reality.

Here's an example: Say that in your first life on earth as a human, you are emotionally traumatised by someone or some event. This creates a 'scar' on your soul or your consciousness, and it carries over into the next life and manifests in strong emotional reactions to certain situations that mirror the situation or dynamic from the past life that caused the trauma. It can cause you to be especially fearful or introverted or aggressive or narcissistic or just a "jerk". In the end, the likelihood is that these previous life experiences and emotions will cause you to act in ways that hurt others. By acting on previous life experiences and repeating the same patterns and hurting others you prevent yourself from learning the lessons that you want to learn and gaining the knowledge about yourself and life that you need to gain to grow and progress.

The problem is that, in each life, you are largely unaware that all of this is going on inside you, pushing you to act and react in ways that are just going to create more 'karma' and keep requiring you to come back and pay off your 'debt'. I don't mean to suggest that this debt is imposed by any higher being, but that YOU (or some part of you chooses) to keep coming back so that you can unburden and heal yourself from these 'scars'. It is YOU that wants to do this, because you realise that you have to be healed of these wounds before you can progress to the next level.

By the way you have been reacting to the session comments it seems that you might have a strong emotional reaction to "judgment". Maybe that is something for you to ponder in terms of your experiences in this life to date and maybe also to ponder how it might be related to past lives. It is through this pondering, and journaling etc (as suggested in the session) that we can begin to open the doors that we have kept closed and that have closed us off to what we really want to be and achieve this time around.
Perceval said:
The reference to Ark's journals was in terms of "how to think about a problem of the self" and write it down as a way to help identify the core issue which is then to be thought about before sleep. In thinking about the problem in a clear way before sleep, the idea is that this may help to bring up some other information from deep down that will help with the problem resolution.

The problem with an alarm clock is that what seems sensible when you set it seems absurd when it goes off.

[The Rodeo Murder] - Rex Stout

Therefore thinking clearly before going to sleep may be not enough. One also has to put the alarm clock in a far away corner of the room!
Session Date: April 25th 2010

Laura, Ark, Rabelais, Perceval, Andromeda, Burma Jones, PoB, Bubbles, Ailén, Belibaste, Mr. Scott, Psyche, Guest

Q: (L) Okay, this is Sunday, April 25th, 2010.

A: Hello delighted to be back!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Nilennioa of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) I've often wondered when these names come up. They're just such strange things. What is it that they mean?

A: They relate to the specific vibrational frequency of the moment as expressed by the numerical frequency of the combination of vowels and consonants.

Q: (L) What is the numerical frequency of a vowel and consonant?

A: It is a science barely understood by your civilization but was once well known. Words have deeper meaning than you suspect.

Q: (Bubbles) Like in numerology?

A: Similar, but that is a dim reflection of the ancient science.

Q: (L) Well, that's a fascinating topic, but I don't think we want to get diverted.

I wonder if the topic introduced by the C's it is something related to the japanese belief of kototama (kotodama); i.e. referring to the spiritual power that is contained within words, but also refers to the conception that spiritual power can be manifested through the intonation of words (Encyclopedia of Shinto). Also, the founder of Aikido talked about this subject. According to his words:

"Aikido is the work of learning, from the divine, the echoes of the soul* of the Universal Design**. Putting Aikido into action by means of the echoes of the Universal Soul we effortlessly bring forth power that is without limits. The form of the echo of the soul of the universe carries within a force capable of resolving all things, regardless of their nature. The echo of the soul or spirit of the Universal Design** is the kototama, “Suuu-Uuuu-Yuuu-Mu.” This is the kototama for Honos Wake Island***. The echo of the Universal Structure learns from the whole universe and rescues all by coming to unity with the center of the cosmos. Nothing less than becoming one with the universe will suffice. Then you can go forth in concert with the whole universe".

Gimpy said:
A: It is a science barely understood by your civilization but was once well known. Words have deeper meaning than you suspect.

It reminded me of a book called "Being and Vibration" by Joseph Rael and Mary Elizabeth Marlow. Its been years since I've read it, but it was about vibrational frequencies. It might shed some light on what the C's said, or not, I don't know but thought I'd mention the book as a fyi.

Thank you Gimpy! I've ordered this book and can't wait to read it. I've been trying to find some information related to that comment by the Cs, but it wasn't much of a success. I found two interesting papers, but they are not totally related:

_ <>

Interesting comment, Tristan. There are many traditions where words are important for their deeper meaning (Think of the mantras, for example). But now it would be fascinating to learn how this works and what they really mean! I'm guessing that in chant it has more to do with the harmonics produced by specific vowels and consonants and the way they are amplified. But I can't see what it could be like in normal speech.

Recently I heard a talk about chakras and their different frequencies. Perhaps it could be said that each center has a specific frequency that can also be reached with speech sounds? This sounds kind of obvious, but what I wonder about is its implications. Lots of homework to be done!

This reminded me of this session:

(L) Yes. And we had the idea of making some just regular meditation audios where I could recite the prayer and maybe sing it, or even sing some other songs and he could manipulate them with this software to make it melodic and meditation-worthy type music. So, we were wondering if this was something that was a good idea?

A: Oh definitely!!! In fact, that is a superb way for truly cosmic frequencies to be transmitted via your/our voice!!

Q: (DD) So long as it's not Patsy Kline tunes! (laughter) (L) But I wanted to channel Patsy Kline!!! (Allen) I was actually wondering if my multiplying your voice several times would actual multiply whatever it was they were putting through your voice that many times?

A: Not only that, it will enable us to insert frequency modulation directly between the layers of sound. Why don't you play a sample now?

This was a very interesting session for me too. I've been doing some dream work and had some very interesting memories and dreams. Worth exploring, indeed!
ark said:
Perceval said:
The reference to Ark's journals was in terms of "how to think about a problem of the self" and write it down as a way to help identify the core issue which is then to be thought about before sleep. In thinking about the problem in a clear way before sleep, the idea is that this may help to bring up some other information from deep down that will help with the problem resolution.

The problem with an alarm clock is that what seems sensible when you set it seems absurd when it goes off.

[The Rodeo Murder] - Rex Stout

Therefore thinking clearly before going to sleep may be not enough. One also has to put the alarm clock in a far away corner of the room!

Which, in terms of thinking, would involve not just thinking at nighttime before sleep, but also during the day, at work, on the computer, driving, etc and thinking about what you are going to do when you realise that you have forgotten to remember to think. Bring your attention back to yourself and what you are doing as often as you can every day. Then try to make it stick so that your attention is always in the present, always observing, no matter what you are doing. Practice it for 3 months, starting today.
Hello, and thank you very much for this new session.

Your information about Jim Humble + MMS & dream work (not the movie company ;)) was very very useful.

And, well, it's nice to hear about the ban on flying in Iceland and that the Cassiopaeans' prophecy was relating (partly) to this event. I was pondering about Iceland weeks/days ago and was quite surprised as it happens while I was remembering what the C's have said.
I will just say that I am on a trip, working on a resolution to emotional baggage which I have been packing for years.

It was kind of a surprise to read this, as I have not had a computer for a week now. It is myself that I am working to understand/fix. This information is helping me, thanks.

Reading the discussion has also strengthened my resolve. It is clear that others have similar issues. All of the comments seem to be things that I can relate to and use.

Glad to hear about the Amsterdam event and the outcome. I read that SOTT article before I read this.
Re: Cut-Off-Point

Laura said:
But, let me try to give you a situation that might explain situations where windows of opportunity close. Suppose you want to buy a house and you don't want to pay the asking price but you really want the house. The house is on the market and there are other buyers. If you don't get over your miserliness and cough up the money, someone else will and then you will be out of the running for that house. It will be gone to someone else. You didn't get over your resistance to paying the price, and now it is too late for THIS house. Doesn't mean you won't get another house, but THIS house, this specific situation, will be closed to you.

If I understand this clearly, it is where you need conscious suffering.
You have to pay in advance, for every little thing that you don't want to do, for every resistance, for every inaction, pay with the loss of your false personality and you're going to suffer, but this suffering has a purpose.
It will open up possibilities.
I suppose that if you don't pay in advance all the other open roads are closing down, one after the next, until there are fewer and fewer options left.
That's how I understood it but I might not grasp this fully.
Tigersoap said:
Laura said:
But, let me try to give you a situation that might explain situations where windows of opportunity close. Suppose you want to buy a house and you don't want to pay the asking price but you really want the house. The house is on the market and there are other buyers. If you don't get over your miserliness and cough up the money, someone else will and then you will be out of the running for that house. It will be gone to someone else. You didn't get over your resistance to paying the price, and now it is too late for THIS house. Doesn't mean you won't get another house, but THIS house, this specific situation, will be closed to you.

If I understand this clearly, it is where you need conscious suffering.
You have to pay in advance, for every little thing that you don't want to do, for every resistance, for every inaction, pay with the loss of your false personality and you're going to suffer, but this suffering has a purpose.
It will open up possibilities.
I suppose that if you don't pay in advance all the other open roads are closing down, one after the next, until there are fewer and fewer options left.
That's how I understood it but I might not grasp this fully.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Thank you, One and all for thought provoking, eye opening, and jaw dropping insights!
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