Session 25 February 2023

Q: (Adobe): Can you recommend writings on karmic understanding?

(L) I think there is some of that in our recommended reading list. But you know, one of the books that really kind of opened my mind to some of the ways that things can work was the book "Life Between Life" by that Canadian psychologist or psychiatrist... I think his name is Whitton.

(Joe) We have a thread on the forum about life after death.

(L) Yeah, well "Life Between Life" was the title of the book, but there are quite a number of books about hypnotic regressions, or past life stories and current life events that kind of make it fairly clear how...

(Andromeda) …it all works.

(L) Yeah. And there's another one called "Heading Toward Omega". I forget who that one is by. But it's where people have near death experiences and they recount, when they come back, what they experienced and what was pointed out to them as being important, and what was not important in life. So, those can get you started.
Thank you for the session! A lot to process..

For now I'd like to comment on the above topic..I checked my bookshelf yesterday to see if I own the book 'Life Between Life.' Didn't take long to find it as right there in front of me on the top shelf was the book. I also have the book 'Heading Toward Omega' and look forward to reading this book as well.

This past year I started reading 'Thirty Years Among the Dead' by Carl Wickland and also the book 'Many Lives, Many Masters' by Dr Brian Weiss. The topic of karmic understanding in this session brought to mind a passage from 'Many Lives, Many Masters' about karmic debt. Some time ago I tried to locate the passage to share about it on the Descriptions of the "afterlife" thread but wasn't able to locate it. Think I'll try again.

I have quite a bit of reading to catch up on in this session thread. Thanks for everyone's contributions..I always look forward to reading the follow up posts to the sessions as well!
I've re-read the session this afternoon and have had a few little musings that have played on my mind. It pertains to the network. Bearing in mind that we are a kind of aggregate of knowledge/being, we should as a network working to balance out this kind of state, because the C's have previously stated that a future amalgamation is on the cards, as the wave brings within it an added bonus of alternate selves springing from other dimensions. There'll be folk who have tremendous intelligence but be lagging on being, contrasted with others whose being is fine, but their knowledge is lacking due to numerous external factors. I think we need as a group work on balancing these things out as a collective. Heck, maybe this has been broached elsewhere on the forum but I thought I'd raise the point anyway. we're only as strong as our weaknesses allow after all. It's something I'll be pondering anyway.
I'm putting hereunder an amazing group of people producing rain drops noises for a couple of minutes before singing the Africa theme, all in such a creative way that it reminds me of how powerful our own group is at raining sunshine against all odds. Thank you!

Thank you! That was amazing to hear and so good to see. :love:
The finger snaps/rain imitations at the beginning are awesome! And all these happy faces doing so and singing together are a good reminder of how people united with the same aim is powerful.
Thank you all for the session and for sharing it.

Q: (Summerlite) Is resistance and exposure foiling their plans?

A: Largely, but people need to suffer enough to lose their fear of action.

In the end I think they will see that they have nothing left to lose. and I think it was Sun Tzu who once said that the enemy should not be left without a choice because he becomes unpredictable.

Take care everyone.
Thank you to all people involved in the session, and for the interesting questions being asked.

So it seems as time is now ripe for kind of a deja vu we've been witnessing along these last two decades that will have to be fully experienced in our flesh in a near future; only god knows how and when all this maihem will end. What brings me joy is that at last but not least we have become aware of its purpose, which is making our lives so unique and aimful atst., albeit at the cost of saying goodbye to so many things we once thought to be part of our world.

I'm putting hereunder an amazing group of people producing rain drops noises for a couple of minutes before singing the Africa theme, all in such a creative way that it reminds me of how powerful our own group is at raining sunshine against all odds. Thank you!

Wow Hesperides, how fantastic this chorale! Thank you. So much energy and joy! Imagine being part of a chorale like this one, how lucky they are! So beautiful!
Thanks for sharing the session, there's a lot to process.

Q: (irjO) Can a soul or being, be still at 5th density contemplating, while at the same "time" part of its consciousness reincarnates and lives in one life or multiple ones?

A: Yes

Regarding the above, this was also talked about previously in July 22, 2000 session.

Q: (I) I think that when we die and go to fifth density, that we make pacts with people in each incarnation, so when you come back, it is coming back to fulfill that pact. (LC) Yes, that is the way my line of thinking is going. But, when they asked that question, I was thinking that you have people you come back with because of closeness. Somebody may be your mother in one life, and there is a love bond, and then there are other people that you come back with because you have to resolve something to let go of that person rather than to get closer.

A: This is partially correct. But, there is more to it than this. For example, one can incarnate on various planes of existence, not just the one you perceive currently. And, one may actually reincarnate on more than one plane concurrently, if one is advanced enough to do this.
Session Date: February 25th 2023

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Pierre, Joe, Niall, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie

FOTCM Members attending by Zoom:

[3DStudent, 987baz, A Jay, Abats, Adobe, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, aluminumfalcon, Ana Huitzil, Anamarija, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, Annp, Ante, Approaching Infinity, Aya, bjorb, Bluefyre, Bo, Bobo08, Brandon, Breton, Carl, cassandra, Chad, ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Deliverance, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, Fallen_735, finduilas495, Floetus, Gandalf, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, goyacobol, herondancer, Hesper, Hesperides, hlat and his wife, iamthatis, irjO, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, jess, Josi, Juba, Kenlee, keyhole, Kinyash, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, Lainey, Laurentien2, Laurs , Learner, Liam1310, Lilou, logos5x5, loreta, LQB, Luc, lucius, Madara Horseman, Maiko, Marek760, Mari, Mariama, Mark, Martina, mARTinSky, maxwell1110 , Mike , Mikkael, Mililea, mimimari, MK Scarlett, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, msante, Navigator, Neema, NewEngland Seeker, Nicholas, nicklebleu and his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Puma, Rashi, RedFox, Redrock12, Regulattor, rrraven, Ryan, rylek, Ryu, Saman, Scotseeker, Seamus, seek10, seeker2seer, Sid, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Summerlite, T.C., Theodor, thorbiorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Turgon, Ursus Minor, voyageur, vulcan59, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Zar]

Q: (L) Alright. Let's get this show on the road. This is Saturday, the 25th of February 2023. We have the usual suspects here, except Gaby. Gaby had to work tonight. [Review of those present]

A: Mroillonia of Cassiopaea here to serve you.

Q: (L) Does anybody have any burning questions?

(Joe) Were the Turkey earthquakes natural, in the sense of not being induced by human technology?

A: Yes. Human tech can produce smaller quakes but this one was natural and part of a sequence. The powers handling this technology are well aware of the dangers of trying to generate quakes.

Q: (L) And what are the dangers?

(Pierre) Further quakes.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Chain reaction...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well then how come these people aren't aware that putting dust in the atmosphere to shield us from the sun is not a really good idea?

A: They know that also but propose such nonsense as a fear-mongering tactic.

Q: (Joe) Just to promote global warming and climate change. So, they said the Turkey one was part of a sequence?

A: Yes. This year there will be more.

Q: (Joe) When you say "sequence", you don't necessarily mean in the same geographic region then?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) On the...

A: However, watch Africa.

Q: (Joe) Africa doesn't usually have quakes.

(Niall) The Great Rift? Somalia and the Horn of Africa...

A: Recall the strange events off the coast several years ago.

Q: (Joe) The outgassings?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it could be Africa as in off the coast of Africa.

(L) Was there some strange noise off the coast…?

(Tuatha de Danaan) Madagascar.

(L) Yeah.

(Breton) There was a very deep underground subterranean cavern that collapsed, and it was huge and deep... Off of Africa. That's what I remember.

(Joe) You could have more of those with gasses bubbling up...

(Chu) And an earthquake.

A: Yes. Close enough.

Q: (Joe) Was our assessment of the Original and Best Chinese Spy Balloon event accurate, that it was a normal balloon? A normal spy balloon? I suppose the first question is: Did the Chinese deliberately direct the balloon across the USA, or was it accidental?

A: Accidental.

Q: (Joe) And so somebody decided to deliberately make a big deal of it to sour relations with China?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And the other four supposed events where they shot things down, they were just innocuous weather balloons?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They were just big uppin' their prowess. Okay, so that's all about the balloons then. Are the official Russian stats about the number of Ukrainian soldiers who've been killed or injured so far accurate?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Have there been any abduction-type events going on in this conflict like they talked about in Vietnam?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're abducting soldiers off the battlefield?

A: Yes

Q: (L) That's creepy.

(Joe) They talked about abducting them from Vietnam, reanimating them, and putting them back in different places. The train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. That was an accident?

A: No

Q: (Joe) So... The train was tampered with?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And it was kind of allowed to happen in that respect…?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And how bad is the contamination?

A: Deadly, but will ameliorate.

Q: (Joe) So no long-term...?

A: No

Q: (Joe) The fires at egg farms: They're all deliberate?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Why eggs?

A: Eggs are major source of protein for poor people.

Q: (L) So they're just going at this whole genocide thing from all kinds of directions.

(Joe) At a very practical and crude level, as well.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I mean, there's the monkey lady... Jane Goodall. She's saying the population should be reduced to what it was 500 years ago. What was it back then?

(Pierre) 500 million.

(Niall) Which is what the Georgia Guidestones recommended. And someone blew it up.

(L) So, do a quick calculation here somebody. We have 8 billion people on the planet, and they want to reduce it to 500 million.

(Pierre) Times 16. They want to reduce the world's population by a factor of 16.

(L) How many corpses is that?

(Joe) 7.5 billion.

(L) I'm thinking about practical things like where... Where do you put the bodies?!

(Pierre) Nowhere.

(Joe) Put 'em in the hole in the seabed in Africa.

(Chu) It's a 94% reduction.

(Joe) They're not gonna get that, obviously.

(L) But ya know, that's a strange number considering that's the number the C's used in the very first session about 94% will be used. Does everybody remember that? Is there a relationship to that first session where 94% was mentioned?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, you're saying that in the very beginning, there was kind of a prediction of a 94% reduction in the human population, that they are apparently endeavoring to effect as we sit here and speak?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Except they're not gonna be able to do that by their own machinations...

A: No but there is more to come as you well know.

Q: (L) So we're talking about possible viruses/pandemics?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Earth changes as in catastrophes of various kinds? Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis...?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Possibly some little cometary bombardment here and there?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Weather issues?

A: Yes

Q: (L) War.

A: Yes Yes Yes

Q: (L) Sooo...

(Andromeda) What did they mean by 94% would be used as containers?

(L) They would be used as parts - that they were containers...

(seek10) How would they extract that many bodies to use for parts?

A: Not the issue.

Q: (L) So, they were saying... The issue about containers... Containers means a holder for a soul, or something. So maybe in that very early session, everything was really uneven. Very jagged. So they're talking about 94% will be used to create a new race. Did they say that? And maybe what they're looking for is out of the ones that remain, they want containers for their own downloading of their evil devious lords and masters... Is that it?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) What did they mean originally in that very old session? What did they mean by 94% used as containers?

(L) They didn't say, "used AS containers". Does somebody have that session handy?

(L) ALL are containers. 94% are used. And of course we know they feed on pain and suffering.

(Joe) Maybe the other 6% are pathologicals - psychopaths - that aren't really used in that sense.

(L) No, I don't think that's it.

(Joe) But the 94% are used to create a new race for...

(L) Don't try to get too much sequentiality onto that because it was very choppy and it came through in sharp little bits. I can remember at the time, it was very...

(Joe) Ask them to clarify.

(L) What do you want to ask?

(Joe) Can they clarify what they meant? It's a bit late, 29 years later... What's the significance of 94% of the population being 'used'?

A: Energy consumed and parts being used for new race. But we do not mean that physical bodies are used for parts, but rather that genetics of humanity will be modified.

Q: (Ark) Will this be a hybrid: artificial intelligence with human DNA?

A: Humans wish to do that, but that will not be the outcome since the necessary technological infrastructure will collapse.

Q: (L) So, they're trying to go for these super-humans that they're gonna put electrodes in their brains and all this kinda stuff. But even if they do that, that will fail because...

(Joe) They won't have long enough to implement it before collapse.

(L) Yeah, because remember that other session when they said that all of these big moves were being made for people to be totally, completely controlled... and I mean, ya know, when they said that back... I don't remember when that session was. There was the session about the mark of the beast if anybody wants to pull that up. It was about 666 and "visa". I was complaining at the time, saying, "Oh my god!" And they said, "Why? Change will follow." I think that, put together with the idea that the technological infrastructure will collapse, will mean that the change that will follow will be kind of like a reversion to a more primitive state of existence. Is that...?

A: Somewhat, yes. But it will depend on location. Plus, remember that all these plans of 4D STS are much wishful thinking.

Q: (L) So you're saying that the plan to reduce the population by 94% is not necessarily what's going to happen?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But that is their plan.

A: Yes

Q: (L) That's what they would WISH to happen.

(Pierre) And then during a previous session, the figure 78% was given for a virus.

(L) But that doesn't account for other kinds of events...

(Pierre) It means it's gonna be high.

(L) It's gonna be high, but it's not gonna be...

(Andromeda) By the means that they're going for, maybe.

(Chu) And if they're talking about genetics, people don't have to be dead. You can still download stuff and change the antennas and all that stuff. It doesn't mean the death of 94%.

(L) You can change DNA with viruses and all kinds of things. Are we done with this? It's depressing.

(Joe) Just a follow-up on the East Palestine train accident: Was the reason that train was derailed on purpose to cause a toxic spill, was that in order to further left-right divisions in America?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That was the primary goal?

A: Not necessarily. If you are going for terror, depopulation, and general mayhem, you gotta start somewhere.

Q: (Joe) It had Biden not going there or paying any attention, but Trump went though. It's a Republican area, so commentators were saying, "Well, you voted Republican, so you don't get any help from the government."

(Pierre) You know the difference between the 94% and roughly the same number implemented by nature is the "triple-bad day". They're gonna be included amongst the casualties...

A: Yes Yes Yes

Q: (Pierre) Well, it was obvious to you, but not to me.

(L) Well, it's like in any kind of confrontational warfare-type situation: If there's a traitor who sells out his side to the other side, the side that he sells out to is never gonna trust him. They see he's been a traitor once. So, those elites who have sold out humanity to the hyperdimensional overlords or whatever, they can't be trusted. That's just my point of view, but maybe people who are like that by nature see it differently. I dunno.

(Joe) Post-hypothetical transition to 4D, is there any 3D infrastructure remaining?

A: Semi sort of, yes.

Q: (Joe) What happened to Nicola Bulley, the woman in the UK who disappeared from a river bank in Northwest England several weeks ago? They finally found her body in an area they had already searched several times. I was just wondering because it bears some of the hallmarks of a "Missing 411" case. So I was wondering if it was that, or something more mundane?

A: Mundane. There may be an arrest.

Q: (Ark) Mathematical question for a change. Long ago I was interested in Swiss mathematician Armand Wyler. He derived a formula for what we call fine structure constant. It's not really a constant like the speed of light is not really a constant, but nevertheless it has a value. So, he derived this and then was put into an insane asylum. Now, I'm not going to an insane asylum, but I am interested in his derivation. I want to go back. No one understood this derivation. I hope I will understand. What should I pay attention to while reading his papers?

(L) What kind of question is that??

(Ark) What did he do wrong?

A: Made assumptions.

Q: (Ark) Which of his assumptions was wrong?

(L) You're not gonna get anything out of these questions. You're not asking very precise questions.

(Joe) You have to reference some of his ideas and ask if they're right or wrong.

(Ark) Alright, thank you very much. I will find it myself. Yes.

(L) When you ask it that way, I feel like a... a compression.

(PoB) Will there be any next president of the Russian Federation as we know it after Putin?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Let's open the floor. People, go for it!

(Ze Germans) Did [forum member’s] mother make it to the other side?

A: She is fine. No worries.

Q: (seek10) Forum member Boza48 wants to ask about his son's condition: "My son has cancer and I would like to know is it his decision or a consequence of some early trauma? Thank you all, in advance."

A: His decision. Many are leaving the body at this time.

Q: (L) Why are many leaving the body at this time?

A: To act as support for those who will go through trauma in the coming years.

Q: (L) So is that generally the case prior to very traumatic periods?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, naturally you'd think they're checking out because they don't want to go through it.

(Andromeda) Maybe that's the case for some people, for others they'd go ahead of time to blaze a trail.

(seek10) The C's mentioned that Hindu god Rama was a high priest influenced by the Confederation. What is his time period?

A: 50k years ago

Q: (seek10) What is the evil he fought against?

A: Lizards.

Q: (seek10) Is "Ravana" a fictional character based on cometary activity?

A: Yes

Q: (seek10) The C's mentioned that the Vedas are written by "descendants" of Paranthas. Where were those "descendants" of Paranthas from? Inside the Indian region (archaic ancestors of Tamilians/Dravidians) or outside the Indian region?

A: The former.

Q: (L) And they are also most strongly represented in the Australian Aborigines, is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (seek10) What is the language of Iranian farmer migrants into India around 6000 BC? Is it Sanskrit or something else?

A: Close to Sanskrit. But more archaic.

Q: (seek10) Forum member Aragorn wants to ask: "You've said that the Secret Government has technology that is thousands of years ahead of what exists publicly. If Russia is such a threat to the plans of the PTB, why don't they use this superior technology to destroy Russia?"

A: Who said that the "secret government" was aligned with that goal?

Q: (L) So I guess they're not necessarily aligned with that goal. And is the secret government human?

A: No

Q: (Joe) If they destroy Russia, how are they gonna have a war? Look at the nice war they're having as a result of provoking Russia!

(L) You couldn't get all the suffering out of it. You've gotta wring it dry! Misery, suffering, torment...

(seek10) The C's said that 50k years back, there was a war between Kantekkians and the Paranthas. Does the Rama play into that picture? Was it before or after the war?

A: After.

Q: (Ursus Minor) When did the Atlanteans start building pyramids on Mars?

A: Also about 50k years ago.

Q: (Eboard10) In a recent session the C’s said that things are about to get rather "rocky". Is there anything we can do to prepare for what's to come?

A: All instructions given up to present may be reviewed.

Q: (irjO) Can a crystal be charged and utilized just to cure or treat a specific disease or part of the body?

A: Not generally, no.

Q: (L) I think you have to have a crystal charged with a certain energy or whatever, and then you use your own mental focus and maybe even place the crystal on the location to direct its energy.

(MK Scarlett) There is a theory that connects the formation of cloud anomaly with future earthquakes, and a study published in 2022 says, "The physical mechanism of cloud anomaly was likely caused by electric field, which linked active fault, atmosphere circuit conduction current, and cloud anomaly, and thus provides a reasonable hypothesis of cloud anomaly." Does this connection exist?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) Can so-called "orographic" clouds, such as lenticular ones, in some cases, be precursors of earthquakes?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) What is the average period (in days) between the atmospheric fluctuation that forms these cloud anomalies and a potential earthquake?

A: 3 to 7.

Q: (Joe) Some of those clouds were seen in Turkey - strange clouds. They were kinda like domes with a hole in the middle, almost like a hat.

(Andromeda) How long before?

(Joe) A few days, I think.

(T.C.) Was Paul familiar with Plato's "Apology" (about the death of Socrates)?

A: Yes

Q: (T.C.) Did it influence his ideas about Christ?

A: No.

Q: (Adobe): Can you recommend writings on karmic understanding?

(L) I think there is some of that in our recommended reading list. But you know, one of the books that really kind of opened my mind to some of the ways that things can work was the book "Life Between Life" by that Canadian psychologist or psychiatrist... I think his name is Whitton.

(Joe) We have a thread on the forum about life after death.

(L) Yeah, well "Life Between Life" was the title of the book, but there are quite a number of books about hypnotic regressions, or past life stories and current life events that kind of make it fairly clear how...

(Andromeda) …it all works.

(L) Yeah. And there's another one called "Heading Toward Omega". I forget who that one is by. But it's where people have near death experiences and they recount, when they come back, what they experienced and what was pointed out to them as being important, and what was not important in life. So, those can get you started.

Q: (Adobe) Is it possible for a 3D STO candidate to find themselves in 4D and be little aware of it or not aware of it at all?

A: Yes Yes Yes

(L) That's a big 10-4.

Q: (Anartist) What is the level of David R. Hawkins, and is his kinesiology technique for truth useful?

(L) What do you mean by "what is the level"? Are you trying to be nosey about somebody? Hmmm? Who is David R. Hawkins?

(Chu) Can you turn your mic on?

(Anartist) Yes, David R. Hawkins is a spiritual guy, healer, and psychiatrist who wrote Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Linus Pauling. He co-authored it. And he's done a technique called kinesiology, which is muscle testing, for determining the truth or the falseness of something. And I'm just wondering if that technique would be useful for us, for anybody?

A: Yes

(Anartist) OK, that's it. It's an interesting technique used to determine the truth of people, at a spiritual level and the falseness of information as well.

(Joe) We use muscle testing.

(L) We do it.

Q: (Sid) Has "the War of 10 Kings" been used as a prototype for the Mahabharata war?

A: Same thing, like Atlantis.

Q: (Puma) On December 20, 2022, scientist Zesheng Yang reported an unusual object in the LASCO C2 and C3 fields of view and he reported it because he knew that this was something different, not a comet. In the image, on the east side, we can see an object that seems to go directly towards the sun as if it were a sundiving comet, however, a second later it describes a curve moving away. (Thread: Sol (Sun) and its phenomena, post #551) SOHO stated that this object was actually a speck of dust from a micrometeorite near the spacecraft/satellite. Is SOHO correct?

A: No

Q: (Puma) If not, what was that object?

(Joe) A weather balloon. [Laughter]


Q: (MK Scarlett) A teenager fatally stabbed his teacher on February 22 in France with a single "quick, fluid and unhesitating" stab. According to the prosecutor, the 16-year-old student, described as "intelligent and hard-working" as well as "solitary and clumsy", said he was possessed and evoked "a small voice that spoke to him, a being he described as selfish, manipulative, egocentric, who incited him to do evil and who would have suggested to him the day before to murder his Spanish teacher". Is this voice real?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) And is the teenager under the influence of a malevolent psychic entity?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) If yes: The young man had tried to kill himself with drugs in October 2022 (he had been hearing the voice for several years and had told his mother about it) before being followed by a psychiatrist who had placed him on antidepressants. Did this suicide attempt cause the entity to punish the teenager by having him commit a murder, which could send him to prison/a psychiatric hospital for a long time leaving him under the domination of this entity?

A: Yes

Q: (irjO) Can a soul or being, be still at 5th density contemplating, while at the same "time" part of its consciousness reincarnates and lives in one life or multiple ones?

A: Yes

Q: (Summerlite) What percentage of the World Economic Forum plans will come to fruition in the USA?

A: 80 or thereabouts.

Q: (Summerlite) Is resistance and exposure foiling their plans?

A: Largely, but people need to suffer enough to lose their fear of action.

Q: (Andrian) Do the baoding balls...

(L) What the hell are baoding balls? [Laughter]

(Andrian) ...have health benefits?

A: Yes

Q: (Andrian) If so, what would be the optimal material of which the baoding balls are to be made?

A: Jade.

Q: (thorbiorn) In a previous session you said the Earth was overpopulated. What determines the carrying capacity of the planet?

(Joe) Food... food production and conditions... Environmental, weather conditions, suitable for producing enough food...

(L) That's an interesting question.

(Andromeda) The resources? Energy?

A: Psychic health.

(Pierre) So it means...

(L) that it could carry more if people were very psychically healthy.

(Pierre) Exactly.

(Joe) But that's because they would do different things, so the actual carrying capacity on the planet on a practical level is sane human beings acting in sane ways, that produces enough of the basic essentials for people to survive.

(L) Right.

(Joe) If crazy people start doing crazy things, and messing up, for example, the food supply, or the food production, then people are going to die and it's no longer viable.

A: Yes

(L) Well, I'm glad you figured that out.

Q: (thorbjorn) In the Earth's current condition, what is the optimal carrying capacity?

A: S.P.A. [See previous answer.]

Q: (Alejo) Did they use the whole balloon/UFO hype to gauge an eventual introduction of "extraterrestrial" overlords that will "save" the planet?

A: In process, yes.

Q: (JEEP) Back to the train derailment, was the name of the town a factor?

A: Not really.

Q: (Regulattor) In a session about 9/11, it was said that Russians have knowledge and evidence of who or what struck the Pentagon and other related places. Would Russians in the not-too-distant future make this knowledge available to the wider public, thus making the deep state more visible to Western populations?

A: When they are sure they will be believed.

(L) Yeah. There is no point in them releasing it if it's going to be used against them.

Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question, Laura?

(L) Yes.

(Joe) I think it was brought up on the forum. The Cs have said that all souls were already created from the beginning. But we have this idea that OPs and stuff can develop souls. So they are kind of mutually ... they are not compatible ideas, right? And the idea that OPs come back to the soul pool, and keep coming back and forth, so, what is the deal there? If all souls are already created, is there no progression from an OP point of view into... or is it a group soul type of thing?

A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".

Q:(Joe) OK. So, it's just levels of souls, then, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Ryan) Do some incarnated souls actually accomplish more in their incarnated lives than they originally planned in 5D?

A: Yes. But not many!

Q: (irjO) Are we part of that 6% left?

(L) Oh God, I can see it coming...

A: Up to you!

Q: (Ryan) In the same way that Christ was based on Caesar, was the mythical Perseus originally based on a specific, real person?

A: No.

(L): Behind that answer, there is a whole thought thing, by the way, and I'd better tell it to you now: The answer "no" referenced the idea of battles in the sky that took on mythical proportions, so that there was more cometary imagery to Perseus than an actual person imagery.

Q: (Breton) When I answered the question of what big thing happened near Africa, I was remembering from 2018:

(Andromeda) Yeah, I remember that!

(L) Yes, that whole incident was really weird. So could we say that the Turkey earthquake, that it was also under the influence of these influences in the solar system at present?

A: Yes

Q: (Anartist) Would medium to high intensity PEMF be useful for Laura and others for healing?

(L) We have one, and I use it. Yes, thank you. I'm going to put it on my knee tonight.

Q: (Ryu) With all the earth changes going on, blackouts, censorship, etc., may there come a time when we will be cut out from networking and the forum?

A: Yes

(L) So let's take advantage of it while we got it.

Q: (Fallen_735) Who is Elon Musk? On one side he releases controversial twitter files for the whole internet to see and makes fun of the "branch covidians" but on the other side his starlink tech is being used by Ukraine in the war… is he a man of the people but greedy? Or is he part of the PTB and just distracting the masses?

A: More complex than that. Good intentions but blinkered by beliefs like everyone.

(Joe) Like, he's gonna save the planet with green energy, and we're all going to live on Mars...

(L) Electric cars...good AI... And of course, I think the more he's thinking about it, the more he is seeing that AI is not so good at all.

(Joe) Yeah, he's worried about AI. He thinks he's going to combat AI with AI. [Laughter] Dude, it's a bad idea! Don't let computers take control!

Q: (Brandon) "A: Just because 94 percent may "die" does not necessarily mean success for STS forces. The energy of "containers" can be utilized positively or negatively. Also, notice that the plans were revealed prior to the efforts of the present company. Remember the flapping butterfly wings." (Session from Oct 20, 2005.)

(L) So that was something the Cs said before. Yes, that goes in with what we've got tonight.

Q: (Ryan) With regards to the 'covert ops' squads of the deep state who are causing factory fires etc, is there anything ordinary people could do or be aware of to stymie or prevent such criminal activity?

(L) I don't think it's a good idea for you to go lurking about dressed like Rambo, guarding your local factory or chicken farm, or anything like that.

(Joe) Raise some chickens.

(L) Yeah. Just raise your own chickens and take care of them.

(Tristan) As for the great exposure referred to in previous sessions, it has something to do with what Elon Musk said on Twitter recently about the Covid scam.

(L) Yeah, you know? That's possible.

(Andromeda) I think they are trying to say something...

A: Time to say goodnight, energy waning. Goodbye.

Thank you so very much for the session. I was particularly interested in the young boy killing his teacher. I wonder what practical protection can be used against that, like burnt garlic to keep away entities...
Great session and lots to think about
Thank you Laura, Andromeda, the C's and to all the community members who participated at the session. Much food for thought.

About the 3d sto candidate perceiving the 4d environment basically the same way it perceives the 3d environment it makes sense since the key aspect here is the individual's level of being and awareness, me thinks. Him being a 3d sto candidate will experience the reality in which he finds himself in according to his level of awareness therefore even if the planet will "upgrade" to a higher density for the 3d sto candidate it won't make too much difference. I assume it would be a whole different story for a 4d sto candidate in relation to his awareness of the 4d environment.

That is, me thinks that probably if the question has been asked differently, something like the following, how will perceive a 4d environment a 3d sto candidate and a 4d sto candidate, we'll have received a different answer from the C's. But that's my speculations.

About the baoding balls' health benefits, I was curious since i'm using them for quite a few years now, though, to be honest I've used them much less in the last 3 years. My own conclusion according to my own observations while using them was that there must be some health benefits to them. When using them my hands were more strong, flexible, fluid, developed more dexterity, was much calmer and focused. So I'm glad the C's confirmed that there are health benefits related to the usage of the baoding balls.

I've the following article about possibile health benefits by using the baoding ball in case someone will be interested to read:

Some would say that I am a nervous person. I often don’t know specifically what gives it away, but I tend to be a bit jittery. I also don’t sleep regularly, work too much, and don’t get out of the city often. All of these factors probably contributes to my ongoing nervousness — as well as my unfriendly neighbors, who I saw too much of this holiday season. So, I certainly would like to feel less stressed. My aunt, bless her heart, decided to gift me some “Baoding balls” for Christmas in the hopes that they will relieve my nervousness — or at the very least, channel it to something else. And I love to read the directions for every gift that I receive. This is not to say I follow them to the letter; rather, I find comfort in going over them.When gifted with a pair of big iron balls, a certain amount of curiosity arises: how exactly are they supposed to help? Is juggling an acceptable form of ball play? Is this really therapeutic — or an elaborate practical joke? To answer my endless questions, I turned to the manual that came with the balls.
According to the manual, the balls are just as old as I am — as they were made the year I was born. I took that to be a lucky sign — not that I’m superstitious or anything. The ones I received were produced by the Chinese Baoding Iron Hallow Ball Plant. Their motto is, “Strengthen the ball players and make our country powerful,” which I found funny in a way I’m sure that the author did not intend. It turns out that Baoding ball production dates back all the way to the Ming Dynasty and is considered one of the “treasures” of Baoding, China.

I also discovered that a traditional Chinese medical theory called Jingluo refers to an internal network of main and secondary energy channels, along which acupuncture points are distributed. Based on this school of thought, our 10 fingers are connected to our hearts and vital organs through our cranial nerves. There are 12 of them connected to the human brain, and they are part of the peripheral nervous system.

The idea behind Baoding Balls is that by using your fingers to shuffle the balls around — you stimulate the diverse acupuncture points in your hand — promoting the circulation of blood and energy in your body and therefore creating overall health benefits. In the manual, it states that the balls “can prevent and cure hypertension and various chronic diseases.” Since the peripheral nervous system largely works to connect the central nervous system to the limbs and organs — this ancient Chinese medical practice may be on to something.

The manual goes on to state that if you practice with the balls for years and years, “You can get the fine results of keeping your brain in good health with high intelligence and good memory, relieving your fatigue, drowning your worries, and moreover, and prolonging your life.”

Personally, I think that this beats the hell out of acupuncture — since I am not very needle friendly. Hopefully, playing with the Baoding Balls will relieve my overall nervousness as my aunt intended. There’s certainly no harm in giving them a try.
Edit: clarification and grammar
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About the 3d sto candidate perceiving the 4d environment basically the same way it perceives the 3d environment it makes sense since the key aspect here is the individual's level of being and awareness. Him being a 3d sto candidate will experience the reality in which he finds himself in according to his level of awareness therefore even if the planet will "upgrade" to a higher density the 3d sto candidate it won't make to much difference. I assume it would be a whole different story for a 4d sto candidate in relation to his awareness of the 4d environment.

The only difference here, I think, is whether or no a person post transition has the knowledge about what is happening. And that can make a fairly big difference I suppose. But in either case, both would be termed 4D STO candidates, given that they are both present in a 4D reality. Note also that the Cs said that post transition, there is a 1,000 year period (in 3D terms) during which a person would have that time to decide if they will progress on the STO path or choose an STS path.
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