Well said. Thank you for the informative sessionI would be lost without this group.
Hopefully, we can use this information to "get outta town" should we need to.(MK Scarlett) There is a theory that connects the formation of cloud anomaly with future earthquakes, and a study published in 2022 says, "The physical mechanism of cloud anomaly was likely caused by electric field, which linked active fault, atmosphere circuit conduction current, and cloud anomaly, and thus provides a reasonable hypothesis of cloud anomaly." Does this connection exist?
A: Yes
Q: (MK Scarlett) Can so-called "orographic" clouds, such as lenticular ones, in some cases, be precursors of earthquakes?
A: Yes
Q: (MK Scarlett) What is the average period (in days) between the atmospheric fluctuation that forms these cloud anomalies and a potential earthquake?
A: 3 to 7.
—this Session: 25 February 2023—
Q: (Ryu) With all the earth changes going on, blackouts, censorship, etc., may there come a time when we will be cut out from networking and the forum?
A: Yes
(L) So let's take advantage of it while we got it.
Q: (Joe) The fires at egg farms: They're all deliberate?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Why eggs?
A: Eggs are major source of protein for poor people.
Q: (L) So they're just going at this whole genocide thing from all kinds of directions.
(Joe) At a very practical and crude level, as well.
A: Yes
Äggproducent tvingas avliva hundratusentals värphöns
I början av januari kom nyheten att jordbruksverket beslutat att 165.000 höns ska avlivas. Detta efter salmonellalarm hos Sveriges största → Läs mernyheter.swebbtv.se
Sweden's largest producer, CA Cedergren in Fliseryd, is once again forced to cull a large number of laying hens in a short period of time following salmonella alerts, reports P4 Kalmar. At the same time, Sweden's major food chains have to recall eggs.
In early January, news broke that the Swedish Board of Agriculture had decided that 165,000 hens would be culled.
This after a salmonella alarm at Sweden's largest egg producer in Mönsterås.
- We have had continuous salmonella control in Sweden for a very long time. As soon as we received the test results, we closed the farm, said Katharina Gielen, head of infection control at the Swedish Board of Agriculture, to SvD.
Now it is time again. According to P4 Kalmar, there has been another salmonella outbreak at CA Cedergren.
The Swedish Board of Agriculture says to the radio channel that 160,000 laying hens need to be culled this time.
Q: (Alejo) Did they use the whole balloon/UFO hype to gauge an eventual introduction of "extraterrestrial" overlords that will "save" the planet?
A: In process, yes.
(Joe) Post-hypothetical transition to 4D, is there any 3D infrastructure remaining?
A: Semi sort of, yes.
Q: (Adobe) Is it possible for a 3D STO candidate to find themselves in 4D and be little aware of it or not aware of it at all?
A: Yes Yes Yes
Q: (irjO) Are we part of that 6% left?
(L) Oh God, I can see it coming...
A: Up to you!
Yes, I think so.The part about the kid who heard voices hits home hard... I have a loved one, a child, who is going through this now and is on Meds and has seen a psychologist and therapist for a while now... She is 17 and identifies as a boy and says they heard voices and they tell her/ him to harm people and or dogs... she never has and is very smart and kind but maybe fighting it inside...
It's very hard to get any info out of him...
It's pretty crazy... My wife is a nurse and is all business, the idea of possession is out of her realm of possibility...
I've tried to look for alternative options here in town but it's hard to find someone to help... Maybe I should start a new thread for help or ideas...?
Q: (Puma) On December 20, 2022, scientist Zesheng Yang reported an unusual object in the LASCO C2 and C3 fields of view and he reported it because he knew that this was something different, not a comet. In the image, on the east side, we can see an object that seems to go directly towards the sun as if it were a sundiving comet, however, a second later it describes a curve moving away. (Thread: Sol (Sun) and its phenomena, post #551) SOHO stated that this object was actually a speck of dust from a micrometeorite near the spacecraft/satellite. Is SOHO correct?
A: No
Q: (Puma) If not, what was that object?
(Joe) A weather balloon. [Laughter]
Having seen and discovered many comets in the SOHO data, Zesheng knew immediately that this was something different, as did we. In fact, in 27 years of operations SOHO has never quite seen something like this, despite having seen it many, many times...
So putting all this together, the physics and optical signature of the feature point almost unambiguously to this being something very small, and very close to the spacecraft (probably within a dozen feet or so). We also have clear evidence that immediately before it appeared, a micrometeorite created a small cloud of debris around the spacecraft, which is an event that happens at least several times per year. This adds up quite conclusively to a very fortuitous observation of a dust speck that by chance stayed perfectly in front of the LASCO C2 and C3 optics for a couple of hours
The curvature of the object's trajectory tells us that it cannot be close to the Sun -- the laws of physics simply would not support that at all
if it was near the Sun, it would have to be truly vast in size to reflect as brightly as it does - like planet-sized - and something like that making its way into the solar system is going to get noticed and reported by a global army of amateur astronomers long before SOHO spots it! And to change trajectory like that at those distances would be a stretch for physics, even for Sci-Fi. Alternatively, if this object was near the spacecraft then it would have to be extremely small or the sunlight reflecting off it would massively saturate the LASCO images...
Yeah I’m just starting to process the option of surviving and helping others through this. It’s happening to me now, I am currently in a situation where a lot of people around me are asking for my help. It’s a bit overwhelming or maybe I decide it’s not overwhelming. Maybe I decide to take a role and act and decide on being part of bringing in a future. Part of me feels, aaagh do I have to, the other part answers yes you do. This is what you have become, there literally is three maybe even four people that are anchoring themselves to reality of the position and perspective I am standing at. So it’s not me I feel they are anchoring to, rather it’s the perspective my position in this reality offers that they are anchoring to. It’s coming with a lot of time commitment from me to I help them and I am getting to discover who I really am, I think. I have discovered that I am capable of genuine heartfelt compassion for people in serious mind altered distress. Also that I will selflessly help others and appreciate the fact that I am growing and learning from these experiences. I’ve never been tested in this way before. I am quite relieved that I’m capable of this type of service, ie I’m not a self absorbed human being.Funny, but I was thinking something along these lines recently. I was coming at it from the point of view of whether there might be different countries and was thinking we have often focused on how different 4D must be, but actually, what might the similarities be.
Early in the sessions, Laura and many other people near where she used to live had an experience where they were woken up in the middle of the night by some sort of loud bang that didn’t seem like a usual sound wave type bang. There was some related high-strangeness involved as well. When Laura asked the C’s about it, the C’s said they had been completely in 4th density for something like 1.4 seconds.
I think there might be many different possibilities for how one might find themselves in 4D. Maybe during some types of meditative states.
For many years now, I have contemplated the future chaos and destruction to come, as I’m sure most others here on the forum have. But there was something about this question the really hit me hard. I guess I’ve always thought that the chances of me dying in what’s to come are pretty certain, and that I spent my time meditating on being okay with that.
But the thought of surviving? In that case, I would have had to witness the deaths of almost everyone else in the planet. And there seems to be a subtle difference for me in that.
‘We’re all going to be killed’? Okay, then we’re all in this together. And let’s try to alleviate the panic of it by understanding that we’re more than our physical bodies.
But, “everyone else is going to be killed”; that hits different. I haven’t quite processed this yet, can’t quite put my finger on what feeling it’s triggering in me. It’s not like I didn’t know it was coming.
The human mind is a strange device.
Well, I wasn't expecting that far back. So Rama's story is Atlantean story. Most probably Odyssey too.(seek10) The C's mentioned that Hindu god Rama was a high priest influenced by the Confederation. What is his time period?
A: 50k years ago
We don't know the exact date of this cometary activity. Probably it is Younger Dryas event based on the 10 heads analogy. So the entire story is NOT as it happened w.r.t timelines.Q: (seek10) Is "Ravana" a fictional character based on cometary activity?
A: Yes
It was not clear when they "Same Thing". May be it is related to previous session.Q: (Sid) Has "the War of 10 Kings" been used as a prototype for the Mahabharata war?
A: Same thing, like Atlantis.
Q: (seek10) Is Mahabharat event happened at 1100BC end of bronze age event? If no, what is the event date? If yes, is it related to Victor clube's Enke disintegration event ( 1000 =/- 300 BC )?
A: Close enough. But the main event was the 12900 event.
We can't expect 3D human to fight with 4D STS in direct form. Probably some form of Lizard manifestation like Psychopathy as they tend to use type of OP's for psychopathic purposes.Q: (seek10) What is the evil he fought against?
A: Lizards.
So Rama and his actions are after Nuclear war that destroyed 50% of India. The timing is too nearer. Probably what Rama is dealing with is Psychopathy after nuclear fall out and OP mutation to psychopathy. This gives some intersting meaning to the Rama's supposed virtues. So many were added to Ramayan story later- by Vedic sanskritian Kurgan Indo-Aryans (around 600 BCE) and later during Brahminical counter revolution phase (184 BC and later) to include caste items, adding a version of Ramayan to Mahabharat, his deeds pretty controversial at the present day.(seek10)(seek10) The C's said that 50k years back, there was a war between Kantekkians and the Paranthas. Does the Rama play into that picture? Was it before or after the war?
A: After.
Probably Rama is related to legend of Phoenix - rebounding back from 50% nuclear destruction? If we take news of flora growth in Chernobyl after mere 3 decades of the accident, probably it won't take lot of time to recover, if nature decides to do it in its own way.Q: (DD) You hear stories about children of military families that are inducted into this and taken at a very early age...
A: What kind of genetics do you think you are dealing with in "military families?"
Q: (L) That leads me to my next question. You've said that psychopaths are defective OPs?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, how do they get to be defective? I'm trying to figure out how to ask this... Are they defective because they're born that way?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are they defective because of something that happened in their childhood?
A: Sometimes...
Q: (A***) Were they engineered that way somewhere along the line?
A: Some are engineered especially lately. But in general it is genetics due to mutation.
Q: (L) Okay, so if it's due to a mutation, when did the original mutation occur?
A: More than one occasion, but first time was fifty thousand years ago.
Q: (L) Is it true that psychopaths... well, we know they appear in the population at a certain percentage. Do they increase at various times in history so that they grow more numerous and kind of take over the planet and create a lot of destruction, and in creating this destruction, do they destroy themselves or reduce their own numbers significantly, kind of like populations of rabbits and foxes or something like that?
A: Very similar, yes.
Q: (L) Is there anything to my idea that the present strain of psychopathy comes from a crossing between Neanderthal and Aryan types in Europe or in Asia somewhere?
A: One strain, yes. But not all psychopaths.
Q: (L) What particular strain would come from the crossing of the Neanderthal and the Aryan cross?
A: The kind with the drive to destroy.
Q: (A***) Aren't all psychopaths basically destructive? (L) I don't think so. I think for example the schizoidal psychopath, they're different. And then there's the paranoid psychopath, and then of course when you're dealing with pure psychopaths, you've got a scale... what do you call it, a spectrum. Can anybody else think of any other questions on that topic? That pretty much covers my questions.
Q: (L) What is the source of the legend of the phoenix?
A: Ancient Indian destruction and rebuilding.
Heroes of the Past
An "epic" is a lengthy poem telling of heroic deeds and significant events. Homer’s Odyssey and Valmiki’s Ramayana, both ancient epics, are the products of oral tradition employing an array of literary devices; The Odyssey dated around 8th to 6th B.C.E. and The Ramayana proximately 5th century B.C.E. Comparing other epics from these civilizations, there seems to be a similarity with their order. The Ramayana and the Odyssey were both preceded by tales of war (The Mahabharata and The Iliad respectively), whereas they themselves focus on the journey of their main character; Odysseus of The Odyssey and Rāma in The Ramayana.
The Odyssey conveys Odysseus’s wanderings after the Trojan War. Making his way back to Ithaca after the fierce battle, he is marooned on Calypso’s Island while his house is plagued by suitors after Penelope’s hand, thinking that Odysseus has perished on his homeward journey. By the grace of the Gods, Odysseus escapes from Calypso’s clutches, however, faces the wrath of Poseidon and other obstacles before he finally returns to Ithaca. The Ramayana tells the story of Rāma, prince of Ayodhya who has been exiled to the Dandaka forest for 14 years, and the subsequent challenges which he faces, the most notable being the abduction of his wife, Sita, by Ravana and his quest to regain her freedom. Thus, both epics depict one man’s journey, ultimately, to their respective wives; Rāma to Sita and Odysseus to Penelope.
In an initial comparison of both epics, it’s interesting to see that their titles hold some sort of similarity. The Ramayana literally means, The Journey of Rāma, while The Odyssey, according to Merriam Webster, has come to refer to a long adventurous voyage. Thus, even by their titles, we get the impression that the reader will be accompanying the protagonist on some sort of expedition, be it physical, mental or spiritual.
Since the situations of Rāma and Odysseus are similar, we can roughly compare their reactions to like circumstances. Rāma and Odysseus were of noble lineage. Rāma hailed from the Kingdom of Kosala and was Prince of Ayodhya while Odysseus was the ruler of the island kingdom, Ithaca, thus the reader has specific expectations of both characters given their social upbringing. Rāma was of the Kshatriya[1] class, usually comprised of kings and warriors, where duty and honor would supersede all other values. Similarly, Odysseus conforms to his kingly duties, showing courage by fighting in the Trojan War.
Additionally, The Ramayana is considered to be a main contributor to Hindu mythology. Rāma himself is God, who was incarnated as the son of Dasharath to destroy the evil Ravana; hence, Rāma exudes righteousness and displays good moral values. Throughout the entire epic, Rama exhibits exemplary behavior, with the exception of a few lapses in judgment, which some think to be intentional to ensure the destruction of Ravana. These lapses include his unquestionable attitude towards Sita, especially concerning the golden deer; he blindly acted to fulfill her request to capture such a rare animal, as stated in R.K. Narayan’s translation of The Ramayana. It also exaggerates his love for her and the lengths to which he would willingly go. Another moment, at which Rāma’s judgment can be questioned, is his treatment of Sita after her rescue. Rāma describes her virtue to be in doubt, and her presence “as unbearable…as a bright lamp to a man afflicted with a disease of the eye” (Damrosch 644). It should be remembered though, that on his return to Ayodhya, Sita was under the scrutiny of the citizens after the kidnapping ordeal of Ravana. Rāma, even though he was sure about Sita’s innocence, was forced to make it a public spectacle so that no one would doubt her, thus the ‘trial by fire’ that Sita was made to endure.
In the case of Odysseus, who was not of a divine origin, was, however, aided by the Gods of Ancient Greece. We see at the beginning of Book 5 of The Odyssey, Athena presents Odysseus’s case to the pantheon, “Athena began, recalling Odysseus to their thoughts, the goddess deeply moved by the man’s long ordeal, held captive still in the nymph Calypso’s house…” (Damrosch 248). When compared to Rāma, Odysseus was witty and cunning. Even when Calypso, after Zeus’s orders via Hermes, offered Odysseus freedom, Odysseus immediately thought that there was some sort of trickery involved. Odysseus replied to Calypso’s proposition, “ Passage home? Never, surely you’re plotting something else goddess, urging me- in a raft- to cross the ocean’s mighty gulfs…” (Damrosch 253). Odysseus’s reaction to his impending freedom gives the reader a glance into his thoughts. His mind is filled with suspicion, why wouldn’t it be, as his mind is also filled with intentions of trickery.
Another aspect of comparison is their interaction with other people. The heroes’ interactions with their individual families are important to their specific characters. Rāma’s purpose for the majority of the epic is the rescue of his wife, Sita, from the clutches of Ravana. Odysseus is also on a journey of returning to his home and to his wife, Penelope. In essence, Penelope and Sita are portraits of an ideal wife. Penelope refused to marry or lie with any of the suitors in Odysseus’s absence and waited patiently for the return of her husband. Sita, as well, kidnapped by Ravana, refused his advances and all the luxuries which he promised and confined herself to the Asoka grove. Penelope and Sita showed what ideal wives they were with their actions and gestures. One important point to note is that even though Rāma can be described as the ideal husband, it would be difficult to place Odysseus in the same category. Even though Odysseus pined for Penelope, he still had relations with Calypso, even after being promised freedom, as stated in Damrosch: “And now, withdrawing into the cavern’s deep recesses, long in each other’s arms they lost themselves in love” (254). Odysseus’s infidelity seems to convey a double standard- his wife is faithful, eagerly awaiting his return home while he knowingly commits adultery.
In conclusion, when comparing Rāma and Odysseus, even though their situations can be easily superimposed, their characters a different in many respects. Rāma is the embodiment of dharma, perfectly illustrating what the ideal husband, son, and brother should be. Odysseus on the other hand, has many flaws, his cunning being most prominent. Excluding the fact that the cultural identities associated with both heroes are extremely different, nonetheless, Rāma is considered to be the ideal man, one who has mastered emotions, and a model that others should try to emulate. Odysseus, on the other hand, is a character who seems much more realistic. He displays uncontrolled emotions which the layman can associate with. He may not have been an exemplary figure like Rāma, yet his cunning and wit are celebrated, if not immortalized, while his infidelities are downplayed. Thus, from it all, it seems that you don’t have to be the perfect man to get the lady in the end!
I guess it depends on location rather than how much time they need. In some places people may have months and some years.If it's 80%, I would think that means that there's still a good deal of time left.
While they need some chaos to be able to implement their plans, I'd say they also need at least another 3 years, probably 7, of relative normalcy to lay down the infrastructure for their goal of tight top down control using corporate power to get anywhere near 80% success.
I believe that answer to "may there come a time when we will be cut out from networking and the forum" would always be "Yes" no matter what.This probably is on some occasions already happening with some of us. And yet, somehow, I have been believing that when necessary the connection with the forum would be available. And so it has occurred till here.
Now, considering the creepy alerts and previsions about the PTB incursions, then we can recall and thrust when the C's stated: "Fear not." And on that cue, I say, "resistance is always useful despite and whatever the days that will come."
These answers closes LOT of gaps in understanding of Indian history.Q: (seek10) The C's mentioned that the Vedas are written by "descendants" of Paranthas. Where were those "descendants" of Paranthas from? Inside the Indian region (archaic ancestors of Tamilians/Dravidians) or outside the Indian region?
A: The former.
Q: (L) And they are also most strongly represented in the Australian Aborigines, is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (seek10) What is the language of Iranian farmer migrants into India around 6000 BC? Is it Sanskrit or something else?
A: Close to Sanskrit. But more archaic.