Session 25 February 2023

But it's not just COVID. It's also any potential virus (space virus too). If you want to reduce population you want to make them immunologically weak. They started with vaccines and now eggs. I think even the egg diet can neutralize the effects of vaccines to some degree.
Eggs could very well help reduce histamine/inflammatory reactions.

I had a fight with my doctor...I never had high cholesterol but as my adrenals started to weaken, my levels went up...Told my doctor it was my body trying to balance itself. My adrenals were probably struggling with cortisol output and cholesterol is a building block of it. Not that the doctors would test me...It was because I have histimine intolerance that I reasoned this out. Cortisol squashes excess histamine...So my high levels of cholesterol was my body attempting to bring down crazy high amounts of histamine in my body.

Well, the doctor wanted me on statins and I said, "No!"....I got labled non-compliant 😁 Anyway, when checked later my cholesterol went down...She asked how I did it and I said I ate more eggs and butter!
Thank you all for this great session. As usual, great info, lots to ponder on and a bit more reading to do. I have a question: If eventually we are "disconnected" toward the team because of earthly disasters or other reasons, will the charged crystals we ordered still benefits our "connections" to each other no matter where we are and help us to reach the goals we want to achieve?
The response about the people who are ready to leave this plane is a difficult one for me. Particularly with the Covid scam and the injuries this poison has caused. Their death is accidental, according to the Cs but it does not make it easier for those left behind. Will their souls be ready to help the living? It was not part of the their life plan, after all. I hope so. We will need all the help we can get.

Thank you team and the great questions that have been asked. Greatly appreciated. 🥰
Hi All,
Thank You very very much for this session and for all your hard work... Amazing!

The part about the kid who heard voices hits home hard... I have a loved one, a child, who is going through this now and is on Meds and has seen a psychologist and therapist for a while now... She is 17 and identifies as a boy and says they heard voices and they tell her/ him to harm people and or dogs... she never has and is very smart and kind but maybe fighting it inside...

It's very hard to get any info out of him...

It's pretty crazy... My wife is a nurse and is all business, the idea of possession is out of her realm of possibility...

I've tried to look for alternative options here in town but it's hard to find someone to help... Maybe I should start a new thread for help or ideas...?

Thank You again all, very grateful and humbled to be here...

Q: (MK Scarlett) A teenager fatally stabbed his teacher on February 22 in France with a single "quick, fluid and unhesitating" stab. According to the prosecutor, the 16-year-old student, described as "intelligent and hard-working" as well as "solitary and clumsy", said he was possessed and evoked "a small voice that spoke to him, a being he described as selfish, manipulative, egocentric, who incited him to do evil and who would have suggested to him the day before to murder his Spanish teacher". Is this voice real?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) And is the teenager under the influence of a malevolent psychic entity?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) If yes: The young man had tried to kill himself with drugs in October 2022 (he had been hearing the voice for several years and had told his mother about it) before being followed by a psychiatrist who had placed him on antidepressants. Did this suicide attempt cause the entity to punish the teenager by having him commit a murder, which could send him to prison/a psychiatric hospital for a long time leaving him under the domination of this entity?

There is a light within us that those voices try to make us blind to. They try to paint everything a person sees as negative⁠—a sort of encroaching darkness that eventually enshrouds one more and more, and will get worse if one doesn't see, and defend that light within oneself. When everything is dark around you, keeping sight of that light within is important. She'll win if she doesn't lose sight of that, and after some time of constant resisting, and not feeding that darkness, they eventually fade. I apologize for the strange wording in advance, but this is how it felt to me when I heard these hurtful voices years ago.

If she seeks help, then starting small goes a long way. Take life step by step, and do simple things such as writing in a journal or drawing with crayons the images we used to draw as kids. Happy ones like beaches and sunny days. Watching children's movies with inspiring themes may help too. The point is to counteract that enveloping shadow that skews people into seeing life through a dark and colorless lens, and taking the lessons that come with it in stride. FWIW
I have a question: If eventually we are "disconnected" toward the team because of earthly disasters or other reasons, will the charged crystals we ordered still benefits our "connections" to each other no matter where we are and help us to reach the goals we want to achieve?
I think this problem will be solved via dreams and the crystals will be the facilitators. As long as you maintain the connection through meditation and prayer.

Q: (L) Is there something she wants to say, or can you convey to me, or... I mean...

A: She says that you were right and she was stubbornly wrong.

Q: (L) Did she suffer?

A: No

Q: (L) Well, just tell her to enjoy herself and talk to me in dreams or send me little signs. I'll enjoy that. But only if she's inclined to. And I guess she knows things now that she didn't know before. Alright. Kissy kissy, Chloe. And goodnight.

Q: (L) Are those kinds of stones useful at all?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What are they useful for?

A: As you received already in your uplink before this communication, those stones are perfect repositories for creative energies and dream guides.

Q: (Ark) But, but... What are we supposed to do? Take one stone or several and put under the pillow and have dreams, or what?

A: One

Q: (L) But that's the colored stones.
Thank you so much for the session.
I am now reading, contemplating and trying to understand the C’s and Lauras work for more than 2 decades, but after reading this session it feels like reading the first chapter of the wave for the first time….
Thank you for the session. A little dark, a little depressing, but eh! This is what it is. Hopefully we can exchange and feel a fellowship.

I was surprise how fast the session stop, I am wondering if it was because the C's felt an interference? I know that we are in the “eye of the hurricane”. So protected by all of us and by the Divine Cosmic Mind.

These sessions give us courage and energy to continue to learn. Thank you!
Thankyou for the session! I found it quite intense and depressing as well... I read a quote a few months ago - I've forgotten who it came from - that was something like "despair joyously!".. Well that's what I try to do.. because you can't help but despair, when you look around at the world.. But also, when you really think about it, the despair is self-centred. Or so it seems to me.. So why not just, be joyous, on purpose...? :) (can be difficult)

(Joe) Can they clarify what they meant? It's a bit late, 29 years later... What's the significance of 94% of the population being 'used'?

A: Energy consumed and parts being used for new race. But we do not mean that physical bodies are used for parts, but rather that genetics of humanity will be modified.

About this.. it sounds like something horrible ("consumed" "parts being used").. but then when looking up old sessions for mentions of this 94% value, there was this one:

Q: (Foofighter) I am interested in how the 94% of the population being used as containers or parts for a new race relates to the comment that “all of this will fail”. How can those two things happen at the same time or are they mutually exclusive?

A: Just because 94 percent may “die” does not necessarily mean success for STS forces. The energy of “containers” can be utilized positively or negatively. Also, notice that the plans were revealed prior to the efforts of the present company. Remember the flapping butterfly wings.

.. and so I wonder if this is related to the stuff the C's said about "D'Ankhiar", seeding & molecularisation of lifeforms, etc.. because it sounds to me like it might be. For example:

Q: (L) You said the other night that the Nephalim came from some area around the constellation Scorpio, is that correct?

A: Originally seeded there but you were too.

Q: (L) We were originally seeded somewhere else? Where? Orion? What is the name of that planet?

A: D'Ankhiar. Ankh is ancient symbolism of this planet. Is female symbol. Stands for mother planet.

Q: (L) Let's go back to the three forces. You said numerous souls desired physical existence. When the numerous souls did this, how did physical existence come to be?

A: First was apelike.

Q: (L) And then what happened? Did these apelike being just pop into the air? What did the souls do with these apelike beings?

A: Souls altered them by transfer.

Q: (L) Transfer of what?

A: Souls into seeded bodies. Orion Union was first into Neanderthal.

Q: (L) The Orion souls came into Neanderthal bodies?

A: No. Put humans there for incubation process.

Q: (L) Were altered ape embryos put back into ape females for gestation?

A: No. Souls only.

Q: (L) They put the souls into the ape bodies?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Did the soul's presence in the ape body cause its genetics and DNA to change?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They entered into living creatures on this planet to experience 3 d reality and by entering in caused mutation?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Then were altered by Orion Union first. They resemble you.

Q: (L) Who resembles us?

A: The Orions.

Q: (L) We haven't talked too much about the Orions...

A: Orion Union. There are others in Orion Community.

Q: (L) Are some of the Orions not good guys as we would term it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are some of them good guys?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Now, you said that the Nephilim were seeded on a planet called D'Ankhiar as were human beings. When you said we were seeded there, what did you mean.

A: Was proper environment for molecularization.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the physical bodies on planet earth, the various types of mankind such as Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, Australopithicus etc., were generated on that other planet and then brought here?

A: Yes.

A: Here comes a shocker for you... one day, in 4th density, it will be your descendants mission to carry on the tradition and assignment of seeding the 3rd density universe, once you have the adequate knowledge!!!

A: It is actually good. Coming to knowledge that is sure by your own efforts locks it in at the belief center, and thus gives added power. All who seek to graduate to 4th density must seek knowledge. In 4D, eventually it will be your job to engineer lifeforms on new worlds.

Q: (L) Well, from what I've been reading about the engineering of the lifeforms on this world, that gives me the idea that 4th density intelligence and abilities are so...

A: Stupendous is the term.

Q: (L) Yeah, stupendous. Reading these books has just blown me away.

(Pierre) You mean the level of engineering?

(L) The level of engineering, the level of intelligence, I mean... Obviously, there have been experiments. Look at the book, Prehistoric Life. You can SEE minds working on engineering creatures. Then they decide, oh, we don't like that one. They wipe out the whole planet and then a whole new bunch appear. That's engineering. They didn't like the old design. There were some of the old designs that REALLY were bad, I'm tellin' you! [laughter] I swear, you can see in that book. There were some really BAD ideas! Serious design flaws.

So it sounds like this kind of thing is a normal activity in 4D, both amongst "good" and "bad" guys..?


Q: (thorbiorn) In a previous session you said the Earth was overpopulated. What determines the carrying capacity of the planet?

(Joe) Food... food production and conditions... Environmental, weather conditions, suitable for producing enough food...

(L) That's an interesting question.

(Andromeda) The resources? Energy?

A: Psychic health.

(Pierre) So it means...

(L) that it could carry more if people were very psychically healthy.

(Pierre) Exactly.

(Joe) But that's because they would do different things, so the actual carrying capacity on the planet on a practical level is sane human beings acting in sane ways, that produces enough of the basic essentials for people to survive.

(L) Right.

(Joe) If crazy people start doing crazy things, and messing up, for example, the food supply, or the food production, then people are going to die and it's no longer viable.

A: Yes

This makes total sense.. My thought when they gave that answer "Psychic health" was a bit more abstract: I was reminded of part of Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" novels, where the whole population of a certain planet was sentenced to telepathy (for the crime of being too peaceful and generally nice to each other).. and were then driven so mad by constantly being able to hear each other's thoughts that they could only survive by continuously talking out loud about meaningless trivia..

So, if everyone on Earth is telepathic to some extent, even without knowing it - (and why not? We're all part of the one big system..) - so all our thoughts affect everyone else, we can all *feel* the sum of thoughts of lifeforms on the planet, and definitely of the people immediately around us.. then it would make sense that the healthier the thoughts over all, the healthier the system. Like a well-oiled machine, whose parts work well together. If there are many people with unhealthy thoughts and feelings, the system would not be able to support as many.. like an unsound structure with bad geometry..
Q: (Ark) Mathematical question for a change. Long ago I was interested in Swiss mathematician Armand Wyler. He derived a formula for what we call fine structure constant. It's not really a constant like the speed of light is not really a constant, but nevertheless it has a value. So, he derived this and then was put into an insane asylum. Now, I'm not going to an insane asylum, but I am interested in his derivation. I want to go back. No one understood this derivation. I hope I will understand. What should I pay attention to while reading his papers?
A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".
In this episode of The Quest for UFT, our heroes learn of the first cosmological constant: soul stuff = S.

If S was named deSmond, the dramatized scene could look something like this.
So here I am thinking of making a firm decision to survive the troubles coming and be of service. Is anyone else thinking along these lines?
Absolutely. I want to survive and see the movie full spin!

We can help people in so many ways as there are people. Some people need a smile, and just a smile and a hello is an energy that will get them through the day. Older people are so lonely, saying hello to them and taking the opportunity to talk a little bit, either about the weather or about anything, is a help. Right now that's what I'm doing because I live in a neighborhood with many, many older people. And alone. There will come a time when I can help them in depth, when it comes. I also live in a city where it is so easy to communicate with people, strangers. Sometimes I need to say hello myself, for me, to help me get through the day, to feel human. So helping others is also helping yourself.

Since I was very young I have always done volunteer work, then I worked in a community center to help people in a conflicting neighborhood to overcome difficulties. I volunteered for the red cross, also with the dogs, and then I volunteered at the prison. It's human nature to help each other, it's the only solution for the survival of the human race. Hard times make us stronger, that's for sure. Come hard times and taught me things. I'm afraid, but don't worry. I worry but do not worry. We will overcome our fears in front of this film that we have chosen to live!
(MK Scarlett) There is a theory that connects the formation of cloud anomaly with future earthquakes, and a study published in 2022 says, "The physical mechanism of cloud anomaly was likely caused by electric field, which linked active fault, atmosphere circuit conduction current, and cloud anomaly, and thus provides a reasonable hypothesis of cloud anomaly." Does this connection exist?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) Can so-called "orographic" clouds, such as lenticular ones, in some cases, be precursors of earthquakes?

A: Yes

Q: (MK Scarlett) What is the average period (in days) between the atmospheric fluctuation that forms these cloud anomalies and a potential earthquake?

A: 3 to 7.

Q: (Joe) Some of those clouds were seen in Turkey - strange clouds. They were kinda like domes with a hole in the middle, almost like a hat.

(Andromeda) How long before?

(Joe) A few days, I think.

There was an article posted on the Russian SOTT, where Sergey Pulinetz, D. in Physics and Mathematics from Russian Academy of Sciences, shared couple of other strange things that happened close to the earthquakes in Turkey.

Two days before the first tremor, the humidity in the region suddenly dropped from nearly 100% to 35%. And the temperature was increased.

As explained by the geophysicist, an earthquake only seems to be a sudden event, but in fact the earth's crust at the site of future destruction begins to crack little by little a few days before the disaster. At the cracks, various gases burst to the surface from the Earth's interior.

These are mainly carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and helium, but some of the noble radioactive gas radon also escapes with them. It is formed underground as a result of the decay of uranium. Radon has a special ability to affect particles in the surrounding atmosphere, says an IKI RAS expert: this gas ionizes them, which means that when interacting with it, atoms of substances in the air either lose an electron or, conversely, gain an extra electron.

It is known that the process of condensation releases latent heat that was stored in the air particles before. And an increase in temperature was indeed noted in Turkey at the same time as a drop in humidity.

All these data were obtained from satellites, which regularly record similar temperature and humidity anomalies in places of future earthquakes, assured Sergei Polinets. The problem is that this information circulates only among scientists, and no responsible agencies use it, he complained.

Only once in history have authorities paid attention to earthquake precursors, the scientist said: that was in China in 1975. At that time, before the disaster in the city of Haicheng in the east of the country, the local authorities noticed strange animal behavior and some other phenomena, which were considered as warning symptoms.

On the eve of the earthquake an evacuation was announced. Thanks to this, many lives were saved. The earthquake was magnitude 7.3. More than 1,300 people died, but there could have been many more deaths if not for the evacuation.

Thank you very much for this super interesting session! :flowers: :wizard:
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