Session 28 December 2019

A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

Thank you for the session Laura and team.
Thank you all for the amazing new session. "Cosmic forces on display" is pretty clear--we have been warned about this for years--prepare and duck!
Watch out for weirdness reminds me of warnings we received years ago- that holographic images of UFOs, visions of saviors, saints etc., and
other weird phenomenon would appear and become much more common--some of it human/4D created and some "natural".
As always, we should remain observant, vigilant, and skeptical while we ride out the worst of the Wave, and remember to also look to the positive world of the future and each other.
Thank you all for the amazing new session. "Cosmic forces on display" is pretty clear--we have been warned about this for years--prepare and duck!
Watch out for weirdness reminds me of warnings we received years ago- that holographic images of UFOs, visions of saviors, saints etc., and
other weird phenomenon would appear and become much more common--some of it human/4D created and some "natural".
As always, we should remain observant, vigilant, and skeptical while we ride out the worst of the Wave, and remember to also look to the positive world of the future and each other.

That reminds me, a few years back I had a dream where large image of an ancient Egyptian male appeared in a central gathering area just after dark and the outlines of the Egyptian were glowing white. Everyone that saw it was running up to it was running up to it saying 'Daddy, daddy'. But I stood back to watch to see what happened and the dream ended - or I don't remember what came next.
Thought I should add a bit more of the vision.

The electricity was knocked out worldwide, for some reason. With no electricity available, people were just a bit apprehensive about what was going to happen next. Then these crafts began to appear in the skies. Needless to say, people were shaking in their boots.

Their main concern was for the people who were left stranded on the surface of this planet. They had blankets and food enough for all.

I saw all of that and a lot more. This came to me when I was laid out in a hospital bed July 2005. I had suffered a stroke and was paralyzed on my right side, head to toe.
Thank you for the session Laura and team

A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

chaotic , ok , it is that already ,but strange ? as in new laws of physics ? or just the co2 hoax exposed
chills has many meanings ... cold...fear...surprise it could be all 3 with this grand solar minimum in progress
be not alarmed....that reminds me of Ben Davidson sign off : no fear ,be safe every one
cosmic forces on display ,like undeniable there for all to see and experience a comet or a bunch of them
or a burp from our star like the carrington event wiping out the grid in one foul swoop
cosmic forces are electric ,are they not ?
lately there have been KP 0 days where health warnings have been issued for cosmic rays
heart problems and mental issues = chaos and strangrness
cosmic rays make the weather more extreme
a question for the Cs could be is the galactic plasma sheet Ben Davidson has been tracking the WAVE ?
and will it trigger an earth stopping event or micronova ''soon'' ?
they said something about mountains being ok because ''not much ! folding would occur THIS time but that implies some lithosphere/ continental movement... a new reality to explore as old maps dont work ,the stars have moved and the compass is wrong maybe?
Yeah, I can't wait to watch people's reactions when things start randomly appearing and disappearing on a larger scale, people waking up in different places than where they went to sleep, reality appearing distorted and fluid, etc. People will think they're going crazy (and some will). Then all the different groups of morons, like Christians, will start rambling about their interpretations of what's going on. The governments will lie about everything as usual, the media will try to cover up as much as possible, as usual, but this time people just won't buy it. It's going to be glorious chaos. Dunno about you guys, but I'm planning on having a lot of fun watching that.

Maybe some of these things will directly affect some of us as well. I've often thought about something the C's said about 4 years ago in the session of Nov.20, 2015:

A: Hello Kinder! Mineakaea of Cassiopaea calling! We see that your realm is rapidly changing. This is the time you have been preparing for. It will be difficult to navigate the turmoil coming. But it is possible and you should not lose sight of the fact that massive changes are coming. Remember what we said about cosmic biorhythms. It will be a bad time for the elite soon. And it will intensify for them according to their FRV.
It's their choice of the word "navigate" that I found interesting.
Just my 2cents...

The part about 'cosmic biorhythms' from the above Nov. 20 2015 session excerpt stood out to me because not long before I read your post, I read the August 3rd,1996 session that discusses this very thing. Interesting to think of the very strange times likely on the horizon and how it might relate to all that was discussed in the 1996 session.

The part of the session by the way, that specifically discusses 'biorhythms' or 'cosmic biorhythms':

Q: (L) Well, I am still trying to get at... the wave causes transitions in the macro-cosmic atom, what causes the microcosmic atom... what causes a quantum jump? What accumulates in an atom that causes it to transition? (T) Is it a case of accumulation, or something being given off?

A: Completion of Grand Cycle.

Q: (J) It just is. (L) No, no...

A: And who says that the Sun's twin appears every 3600 years?

Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three things causing a transition in nature?

A: Like "biorhythms."

Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.

A: Bad day if you are John D. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

Q: (L) So, does something like a three cycle event also occur in sub-atomic transitions, like the biorhythm?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, there are three factors to be considered... or more than three?

A: Either, or.

Q: (L) Can it be a random, arbitrary number of events?

A: If you wish.

Q: (L) Is it partly the observer that adds one of the factors? Consciousness?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, we see three separate cycles coming together here...

A: Everything reflects macrodynamically and microdynamically. We suggest you absorb for now; and, fear not! For it is not imminent!
I think that scenario is pretty unlikely. MAD (mutually assured destruction) still rules, and for quite a while now the US appears to have settled for "asymmetric warfare". Their desperation in that respect has been really showing over the last 10 years or so.
Indeed,but desperate psychopaths aren't known for rational thinking.
I get what you're saying,but I'm referring to a last ditch effort sort of situation.Psychopaths don't act rationally at the best of times,so what will happen when you add high strangeness/odd weather?I think emperor Justinian is a good example there.Also should they decide to release the race specific plague,do you think Russia won't know or recognize who's responsible?In one of the previous sessions Cassies said that the US would be hated and bombed.While they did mention ''natural'' bombs they didn't specifically rule out man made ones.
I mean ultimately I'm spit balling ideas here.For example,there's a book called The adventures of Little Baron Trump written in the 19th century that talks about Trump being the last president and America destroying itself ''as an evil eye looks on''.So far it seems to be on the mark.Also this is a bit of a tangent,but I'm currently reading Programmed to Kill and at least two of the serial killers, Manson and Henry Lee were both sent to school wearing dresses.Obviously that alone didn't make them serial killers,but it's interesting that the people responsible for manufacturing them appear to have the same leanings as the current left.Or more accurately,the left has the same leanings as the people that program serial killers.
Another tangent,a ton of serial killers came from Santa Cruz.A little hippy area where lots of hippies moved to get away from the big city and it's lifestyle.The area had no cops and being full of hippies,naturally had no militia either.So no rules.Pretty soon meth dealers/cooks moved in.So did satanists and every other kind of evil.Not long after the little hippy area had one of (if no the) highest murder rates in the country.

Reason I brought it up is that I've been trying to figure out why hippies disgust me.And I mean that,i have a gut reaction to them the same way I do to the general new age crowd.Even when I was 16 or so just looking for answers and fully mired in the new age materials,i just couldn't shake off the feeling of disgust i had.Like smelling something rotten on a hot day,some phrases or the general ''look'' of the people who are really into it would throw me off.I used to think that maybe something was wrong with me,after all how can you be disgusted by love and light right?Well I think i kind of figured it out.Not fully,but at least halfway there.It's a lack of morals.They preach love and light and acceptance ''Just smoke pot and listen to music,why doesn't everyone do that''.But they don't have any actual values,nothing they're willing to stand by.And they judge others for having standards,for caring about something other than pleasure or mental masturbation.Hippies were not able to prevent their communes being co opted not just through a lack of knowledge about psychopathy,but also through lacking a spine.For your community to survive you need people in it who will draw a line,who will say ''These are our values,we don't want or accept what you're preaching and we won't tolerate it in our community.We will defend ourselves,violently if necessary.''Naturally,hippies disinclined to violent defense became victims instead and the Santa Cruz area became littered with mutilated corpses used in dark rituals.The reason I brought this up is that I still see some of this hippie thinking of ''any violence bad'' and it's important to remember that ''The rules dictating that it is being less than human to defend ones self and what is right and true may just have been put in place to make one weak.'' I'm not saying to go out and raise hell,just don't be like the Santa Cruz hippies.
Edit : removed double quote
Another possibility that literally might give chills to many is a fever, e.g. the plague. That, plus getting chilled to the bone. Regardless of the further chaos and strangeness ahead, may we face the lessons of 2020 with grace, dignity, unity, love and peace!
And... as if to announce the coming attractions of 2020:

I would like to share the link:

In Poland is clairvoyant Krzysztof Jackowski. He is quite popular there because his skills help to find bodies and criminals. He also has visions about the future for the entire world. In 2020. He predicts the escalation of the war in the middle east. And some kind "revolution" somewhere in Europe and connected to this, the big fire/explosion of some longitudinal building about political meaning.

I wonder what it could mean. When I think about that, what comes to my mind is that maybe exactly we will witness the fall of some cosmic body, what can be hailed as a terrorist attack from some Arabic or eastern country and it could raise the anger/"revolution" between citizens and use as the excuse of the escalation of war in the middle east or around and serious changes within the country aimed by this cosmic body.

These are just loose predictions, so FWIW.
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