Session 28 December 2019

Thank you for the new session and and for being who and what you are in these times.

A: Hello to beloved ones. Cassiopaea calling. Fear not; All will be well! Wave effects produce many unusual manifestations and chaos.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that the recent events with which we've had to deal and news we've become aware of is all part of chaos caused by the Wave?

A: Yes

I hope to heck the events and news was not too tumultuous!!

Q: (L) So is Ark gonna come out the other side of this treatment plan with all the ideas to finish off what he's been working on all these years?

A: Very likely!!

My thoughts are with Ark and all for a successful outcome.

Q: (L) So we're basically... Yeah, we need some rejuvenation. We need some real healing so we can last long enough to finish this thing out!

A: Yes exactly, and there is more work to do!

A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

The quote regarding the C's message to all would seem to fit the entire process here on forward to the realm border crossing and probably would be fitting dozens or hundreds of times until that event comes to pass for all the things that may happen.

The above (last two) quotes may go together if what is on the near horizon is the arrival of the optical effects of the Rigel supernova. I am not sure of when cosmic/gamma rays would arrive but they could possibly seed many clouds and bring chills to many. It would certainly be a cosmic/celestial display. It would freak out a lot of people to have a second mini sun for days or weeks. Communications satellites and terrestrial power grids could be knocked out. Communications/Internet down even partially. Many without power for days/weeks. Global auroras, atmospheric and terrestrial plasma phenomena, not to mention electrical and bleed-through events. There is a lot of chaos and strange freak out possibilities in such an event (radiation exposure). Then there is also the mention of beneficial DNA modifications and upping the "ante". I am not sure what beneficial DNA modifications for those who are ready entails but perhaps healing and rejuvenation are part of that along with heightened awareness and communications amongst one another and the C's.

Rigel is only one possibility. Trump certainly upped the "ante" recently (more pseudo-human-pathological activity anyway).

Thank you again for the session transcript.

This session made me think of Bob Dylan

- The Times They Are A-Changin’ -



Happy New Year Everyone and all!
Thank you so much for the reading and everything you all do for everyone!
Stumbled across a new video from Adapt2030 and he mentions the BlueStar Kachina of Hopi prophecy !

his new video


Thanks again!
"If a little is good, a lot must be very good!" Is not always true.

This time it is. I experienced it (motivated by C's in session 4 years and few weeks ago) and it worked. Iodine is most important for human, right after water and salt.

While higher doses of Iodine have worked very well for many of us I don't see the need for @lara4unow to increase the amount after describing such good results for now.

With such good results, I would be slow to offer any advice to increase the amount.

Since Iodine is antioxidant, like for example fatty acids or vitamine C, imagine yourself saying, "with such a good results of using 300 mg vitamine C (or 3 g of butter/lard), I would be slow to offer any advice to increase the amount".
So, after 4 years with daily experimenting with doses between 10-5000 mg daily, I would say, If 20 mg have done so much good, 200 mg will do miracles, and 2000 mg - probably will give immortality. Joking. But only a bit.
60-100 mg doses have cured me from pain in back (15 minutes from first usage)
200-400 mg doses detoxed me from mercury and gave energy (3-5 weeks)
1000-2000 mg doses made me 25 years younger (after 2 days)
2x2000 mg dose helped me survive when I was swalled and horrifying weak 15 minutes after being bitten by some insect (some kind of wasp). I might not die, but I was afraid of that... (It started to work after about 10 minutes, an hour later I was ok. I took the second dose two hours later, because I started to swell and become to be weak again).
Happy New Year and thank you for the session.
Thank you all for the new session! I think it will be very interesting to see what sort of strangeness will be coming up as things are already pretty strange! Not to mention chaotic.

Also interesting to hear that others have had these back to school dreams. I have as well and was quite perplexed by them. Had them before I went back to school and after I graduated. Didn't know what class I was supposed to take, wandered around and attended different ones. Had trouble understanding what was being said during those classes and then feeling this dread that I won't graduate. In one dream, I was being shown a map of Siberia and then told that its no wonder you have trouble learning. I thought it was quite strange but then someone came to me and told me not to always believe what you are told.

Happy new year to everyone! May it bring love, health and knowledge to all! :flowers:
This time it is. I experienced it (motivated by C's in session 4 years and few weeks ago) and it worked. Iodine is most important for human, right after water and salt.

Hey Kenny, just because you personally have experienced benefits from high doses of iodine, that doesn't mean everyone will. In fact, the iodine thread has a number of reports from people who, when taking more than the recommended low dose, experience negative effects. Personally if i take more than a small amount i get a serious headache, and i know others do too.

So, i would advise caution when recommending people do certain things just because they've worked for you. Suggestions are fine, but one should bear in mind that our reactions to supplements can differ greatly, and if the person we're recommending them to is not fully informed, they could actually make things worse for themselves.

High doses do appear to work for some people, but, as it is, i haven't seen evidence that it works for everyone, all the time. If people want to experiment, that's fine, but they should be sure to read the entire thread and be aware of all the experiences shared.
Hey Kenny, just because you personally have experienced benefits from high doses of iodine, that doesn't mean everyone will. In fact, the iodine thread has a number of reports from people who, when taking more than the recommended low dose, experience negative effects. Personally if i take more than a small amount i get a serious headache, and i know others do too.

I would prefer if you point out real comment, then we discuss. I personally read much of the thread, found only (and cited them in Iodine and Iodide thread) reports of bad effects at low doses, which pass when dose is increased. If you had serious headache, the dose was probably too low, and you should have started from 50-100 mg if you want to get full use of iodine.
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

Thank you for a timely hope inspiring session. The whole thing about Paul has also been very enlightening and has helped to reconcile certain past experiences in my life.
While reading Plato, Prehistorian, by Settegast, I thought that it almost sounded as if Zarathustra was a 'forerunner' for Paul or trying to correct things in a similar fashion. One of the Zarathustran prayers that Settegast quotes on page 223 says:

May we be those who will renew this existence.

That sounds very much like what we are aspiring to. To send a signal out to the universe and to be here to help when a new reality emerges.

Many interesting comments here, just speculating, but the word strange sticks out to me, and to me this implies something unfamiliar, unusual, something new that we don't have experience or knowledge of. Combining that with chaotic and chills, I'm thinking along the lines of something that really shakes up people's view of reality, something out of people's frame of reference, something that is truly undeniable. Perhaps something that our materialistic society has no reference for?
I also speculate along your lines, thinking that strange and new reality to explore might mean things that are seen and experienced as the veil breaks even more. Perhaps also a transition phase of 3D and 4D realities relating to things not being so material and 3D, which to our Darwinist, materialist society would be shocking and downright scary.
I would prefer if you point out real comment, then we discuss. I personally read much of the thread, found only (and cited them in Iodine and Iodide thread) reports of bad effects at low doses, which pass when dose is increased. If you had serious headache, the dose was probably too low, and you should have started from 50-100 mg if you want to get full use of iodine.
Kenny, if your only response to anyone having reverse effects is to say that they just took too little then that is going nowhere. Is is hard to accept that we are not all the same and that we react differently to different supplements?

All Itellsya is saying is to not make these kinds of blank statements of one size fits all because we have seen that not everybody reacts the same to supplements. That goes for iodine too. And to tell someone who is happy with iodine, to up the dosis by 1000% is a little strange.
Kenny, if your only response to anyone having reverse effects is to say that they just took too little then that is going nowhere. Is is hard to accept that we are not all the same and that we react differently to different supplements?

All Itellsya is saying is to not make these kinds of blank statements of one size fits all because we have seen that not everybody reacts the same to supplements. That goes for iodine too. And to tell someone who is happy with iodine, to up the dosis by 1000% is a little strange.

I'm one of those people who had a very negative experience with mild doses of iodine. Muscle testing confirmed that I shouldn't touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole. Telling everyone that they should just up the dosage and everything will be fine is plainly irresponsible.
Thank you for the new session.

(Artemis) Maybe people will be traveling to other realities or something.

That would be fun. Maybe we will see the surroundings of underground bases switching to 4D, like the C's predicted long time ago:

A: Bases are partially 4th density already, and always have been. It is the surroundings that are in for a massive change.

Picture driving down a highway, suddenly you notice auras surrounding everything.... Being able to see around corners, going inside little cottages which become mansions, when viewed from inside... Going inside a building in Albuquerque and going out the back door into Las Vegas, going to sleep as a female, and waking up male... Flying in a plane for half an hour and landing at the same place 5 weeks later...

Picture driving to reach New Mexico by car and "skipping" over and arriving in San Diego instead, or... driving to the grocery store in Santa Fe, and winding up in Moscow, instead.
This time it is. I experienced it (motivated by C's in session 4 years and few weeks ago) and it worked. Iodine is most important for human, right after water and salt.

Since Iodine is antioxidant, like for example fatty acids or vitamine C, imagine yourself saying, "with such a good results of using 300 mg vitamine C (or 3 g of butter/lard), I would be slow to offer any advice to increase the amount".
So, after 4 years with daily experimenting with doses between 10-5000 mg daily, I would say, If 20 mg have done so much good, 200 mg will do miracles, and 2000 mg - probably will give immortality. Joking. But only a bit.
60-100 mg doses have cured me from pain in back (15 minutes from first usage)
200-400 mg doses detoxed me from mercury and gave energy (3-5 weeks)
1000-2000 mg doses made me 25 years younger (after 2 days)
2x2000 mg dose helped me survive when I was swalled and horrifying weak 15 minutes after being bitten by some insect (some kind of wasp). I might not die, but I was afraid of that... (It started to work after about 10 minutes, an hour later I was ok. I took the second dose two hours later, because I started to swell and become to be weak again).
Happy New Year and thank you for the session.

@Kenny McCormick ,

I am pleased to know you are having excellent results with different supplements. As others have already shared their lower tolerance for Iodine I think you should at least take that into consideration before recommending an increase. I think those who need more will gradually increase the amount according to need. I am a big fan of Iodine myself but I have read the whole Iodine and Potassium Iodide thread (huge up to 251 pages now) and on the very first page Gaby recommends:

A Word of Caution to the Reader from the owners of Cassiopaea Forum
The information presented in this thread should not be undertaken without first consulting with a physician. Proper laboratory and clinical monitoring is essential to achieving the final goals of using safe and natural treatments. This discussion is for informational purposes only.

As much as we often have good intentions and want to help others the Cs give us something to ponder about the nature of STS vs STO actions. If you have read The Wave maybe you will remember this comment:

The Wave Chapter 22: The Nexus Seven Meet the Cassiopaeans
What is “a little guided Free Will”? Can it really mean that certain enclaves of higher echelon humans have decided what humanity, as a whole, needs? As the Cs said, “An STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another (Sept. 19, 1998).”

I mention this not because I am immune to the temptation to determine the needs of others but because I often find it difficult to know the difference between persuasion/recommendation and manipulation myself.
Kenny, if your only response to anyone having reverse effects is to say that they just took too little then that is going nowhere. Is is hard to accept that we are not all the same and that we react differently to different supplements?

All Itellsya is saying is to not make these kinds of blank statements of one size fits all because we have seen that not everybody reacts the same to supplements. That goes for iodine too. And to tell someone who is happy with iodine, to up the dosis by 1000% is a little strange.

I originally thought along the same lines as you and others but after considering and reading Kenny's argument I did try to up the dosage as he suggested. Mind you I didn't have much of an averse reaction to Iodine to begin with but I was able to go up to 750mg and the only problem was not being able to keep it down(potential vomiting). I've described this on the Iodine thread, latest pages, and there are many other members who also tried going up to 100-300mg with good success. From what I've read of those who have tried upping the dosages (one even had a very bad reaction to low dosages but did well on higher) I've heard good results with higher dosages(100-300mg).

I'm not entirely sure yet since we still need more data but I think Kenny may be on to something with higher dosages being the key.
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