Session 28 March 2010

Thankyou to Laura, the chataeu crew and forumers for making valuable knowledge be known. I feel a bit slow around here as it takes some time for me to actually get into the profundity of the sessions and the emotional consequences in you and me.

Wanted to chime in, that I also have the ear ringings, and minor head and back aches. the thougths I get from reading in this thread on the head pain is, either it's heavy metal compounds picking up on the harmfull frequencies or dark pockets of unawareness, yet to be released toxic ignorance, same thing maybe on some level.
Q: (L) Are you saying that another human being can be literally a vector of waves that can kill you?
A: In some cases, yes. There are quite a few such vectors about nowadays.

I definetly have one of those around, a marrow drenching person, superficially pleasant and we share interest in the spiritual but the emotional hollowness of our meetings is alarming, he claims he cannot feel anything, and uses this as a ploy for my pity and fixer programs. Last we met I was left feeling empty, worthless and next to dead. In one sense the experience made me see some of my programs which leave me open for manipulation and helped me distinguish the main pathological identification by mirror, the ID of the 'first initiation', which is a positive step. Not that I wish to continue this specific vectoring relation but my question is: can these vectors be used for the transmutation, discussed in the last couple of pages?


A documentary on investigations into Monsanto

The Genetic Conspiracy (1/3) - about Monsanto
Christian said:
Hi all,
Many Thanks for this Session, I have really a strange experience: A lot of pain and really tired all the times this week. :(
best regards,

Welcome to the forum, Christian. It is customary for new members to post a bit about themselves in the Newbies section. No need for personal information - perhaps how you found the forum, what your interests are, etc. :)
anart said:
I'm going to reproduce Perceval's post here in this thread since it's so important:

Perceval said:
I think this sums up pretty well how it should work

When the negative emotions are evoked in the sleeping, dreaming emotional center, in response to reality, elements from the intellectual or moving centers are added to them according to our social, religious, and psychological programming. We then "fall into confluence." Men and women commonly fall into moral prostitution in its infinitely varied shading because their actions or thoughts corrupt the pure negative emotions, deny them, suppress them, or otherwise create fantasies about reality using that energy.

As in the case of positive emotional reactions, the energy of the negative emotions spreads over the whole of the motor center and penetrated the motor sectors of the intellectual center and a state of profound confluence is the result. That is to say, that the individual will shift into a dream or an action that is programmed into them. Driven by shock or passion, a man loses his inner peace and falls immediately into the program, and proceeds to express his negative emotions via the intellectual or moving centers, and the energy is thereby lost.

If, however, at the moment when the negative emotions arises in him, the subject remains calm and does not mechanically begin to run a program, something powerful and positive can occur. By persistent introspection, the individual can observe the rise of the negative emotions and can disconnect them from intellectual or moving center usurpation and, understanding the origin of the reaction, will shed light on the inner darkness. The individual is then in a position to perform an act of primary importance:the liberation of the energy of the negative emotion for positive use. To allow this energy to be kept in the emotional center itself, to concentrate there, while simultaneously acquiring the knowledge of the external reality that stimulated the emotional reaction, and preventing the energy from being dissipated by the moving center, is a "victory" over the negative emotion, a mastery of the self that immediately brings an inflow of joy to the lower emotional center. This occurs when the negative emotional energy, concentrated in this way, causes the lower emotional center to vibrate at the rapid rhythm that is normal to it, which then establishes instant contact with the higher emotional center which triggers the current of higher emotional energy into the lower. The inflow of higher joy in the current of energy from the higher emotional center can then act on the energy concentrated in the lower emotional center by induction, transmuting it into the higher energy of the soul, which is the essential process of fusing the magnetic center, or growing the 4th density body - the gradual transformation of the physical body to the immortal body. With practice, this contact can be prolonged with more rapid results.

This works.

I was on a bus yesterday, and tax time has many of us doing extra laps in the mind, myself included. As often happens with issues about money, a nice ball of anxiety began to build. So I tried the technique detailed above, and the effect was very noticeable.

The moment I disconnected intellectually from the anxiety, (while sitting very still; not much else one can do on a bus ride), I could really feel it just sitting there as a ball of fire in my upper belly/lower chest. It no longer had meaning or context with any of the programs which had acted to create it, and I just let it burn there for a while. It wasn't pleasant, but it was just a thing, not a series of thoughts. It was almost like having eaten hot peppers; it was very odd being able to just observe it like that. -I'd performed this sort of technique with anxiety before, but I'd not really known what I was doing, more just feeling my way on instinct. I'd used different words to explain the process and I'd not gone on to the next step. . .

While I couldn't recall the above passage in its entirety, I made a conscious effort to alter the nature of the ball of energy through intent and will power, attempting to change its flavor into something else. I don't know if that was advisable, or even if it worked; I felt no real difference in the burn quality. But very shortly after, it dissipated and was gone. One thing I recall myself doing was muttering under my breath as I felt the burn, "This is MY energy. I'm not giving it up. I'm not going to lose it. I'm going to change it. This is MY food, not yours! (With vague thoughts of hungry 4D creatures nearby holding forks and knives.)"

I don't know what actually happened, but I certainly felt much better by the time the bus deposited me at my destination. About a half hour bus ride. I was actually quite bright and happy and bounced through the rest of the afternoon, (possibly spending the excess energy foolishly through the moving centers). I was also able to contemplate the subject of money and taxes without the accompanying feeling of anxiety.

When I got home, I re-read the above technique to familiarize myself better with it, and since then have been looking forward to the next ball of dread to sprout in my gut so I can try again and watch more closely what happens. Oddly enough, I've not felt much anxiety about anything at all. I'm sure that won't last, but now I'm looking forward to it!

Nienna Eluch said:
jubazo said:
Genetically manipulated food crops are not fit for human consumption and should not be classified as food. No legitimate study has ever proven them to be safe or nutritious. The burden of proof is on the producers of such crops to verify their safety and, to date, all data has revealed that they are unsafe. Claims that GM foods will end world hunger are baseless, propagated only by those that have a financial interest in converting the world's food supply to their own patented varieties in order to control it.

more on:

This article was carried on SOTT here.

It is really maddening how Monsanto's GMO crops can contaminate organic farmers' crops and "that's okay." Or they can even come and claim that you are steeling their seeds.

Monsanto is evil.

Terrifying, not only they cross-contaminate our healthy plants via: cross-polination, birds & rodents litters and/or by misplacement of GM seeds and ruin our health (like this is not enough) but they can financially ruin us as well, evil has no limits :jawdrop:
Thanks to everyone involved with the session! Interesting as always, especially the bits about HAARP and genetically modified food.
Woodsman said:
This works.

I was on a bus yesterday, and tax time has many of us doing extra laps in the mind, myself included. As often happens with issues about money, a nice ball of anxiety began to build. So I tried the technique detailed above, and the effect was very noticeable.

The moment I disconnected intellectually from the anxiety, (while sitting very still; not much else one can do on a bus ride), I could really feel it just sitting there as a ball of fire in my upper belly/lower chest. It no longer had meaning or context with any of the programs which had acted to create it, and I just let it burn there for a while. It wasn't pleasant, but it was just a thing, not a series of thoughts. It was almost like having eaten hot peppers; it was very odd being able to just observe it like that. -I'd performed this sort of technique with anxiety before, but I'd not really known what I was doing, more just feeling my way on instinct. I'd used different words to explain the process and I'd not gone on to the next step. . .

While I couldn't recall the above passage in its entirety, I made a conscious effort to alter the nature of the ball of energy through intent and will power, attempting to change its flavor into something else. I don't know if that was advisable, or even if it worked; I felt no real difference in the burn quality. But very shortly after, it dissipated and was gone. One thing I recall myself doing was muttering under my breath as I felt the burn, "This is MY energy. I'm not giving it up. I'm not going to lose it. I'm going to change it. This is MY food, not yours! (With vague thoughts of hungry 4D creatures nearby holding forks and knives.)"

I don't know what actually happened, but I certainly felt much better by the time the bus deposited me at my destination. About a half hour bus ride. I was actually quite bright and happy and bounced through the rest of the afternoon, (possibly spending the excess energy foolishly through the moving centers). I was also able to contemplate the subject of money and taxes without the accompanying feeling of anxiety.

When I got home, I re-read the above technique to familiarize myself better with it, and since then have been looking forward to the next ball of dread to sprout in my gut so I can try again and watch more closely what happens. Oddly enough, I've not felt much anxiety about anything at all. I'm sure that won't last, but now I'm looking forward to it!


I've been experimenting with this technique too. I didn't have any experiences as dramatic as you, Woodsman, but when I was walking around the streets yesterday I had a general sense of anxiety/dread that was hanging around in my chest and I was consciously working to not allow any thoughts to begin spinning off of this energy. I agree that it's kind of strange just allowing this emotional energy to sit there and really be able to feel it. It almost has a physical feeling to it; as if the emotion is a tangible material, although finer than the matter of the physical world I'm used to. I didn't notice any change in my mood or physical energy as a result, but the emotion did dissipate on it's own after a while.
M.A.O. said:
"Thanks" anart for the perspective and direction to this question. I believe that it might have some value to express that when caution was ignored that the snakes come a knocking. As this is there arena when the ego manifest as thoughts as one thinking of being tricked to think that one being smarter than them on negative venues. This idea makes for trouble as to say the letting go of the horse's bridal and letting them run amuck not knowing the consequence's until it's to late and the feeding is over. And the collateral damage can be catastrophic if one has no knowledge of the possible self deception and deception. :curse:

It seems to me that until you viscerally realize that you are not in control of your own mind, that you will be food for 'snakes'. You are not 'smarter than them' (sic) - I can only say that with certainty because anyone who is 'smarter than them' (sic) would never conceive of even suggesting that they were.

Overestimation of the self is maneuver #1 of the predator's mind. Until one truly, viscerally, realizes that they are nothing - that the part of them that 'Is' is so small to be barely visible after a life of programming - one is food and nothing more, no matter what grand designs they create in their own mind about their wisdom and travels.

This is not a game. We are prey - until we begin to grasp that on all levels, we will always be prey. I cannot stress enough the value of the following essay. If you can apply every line to yourself, then, you have a chance.

Mme de Salzmann said:
You will see that in life you receive exactly what you give. Your life is the mirror of what you are. It is in your image. You are passive, blind, demanding. You take all, you accept all, without feeling any obligation. Your attitude toward the world and toward life is the attitude of one who has the right to make demands and to take, who has no need to pay or to earn. You believe that all things are your due, simply because it is you! All your blindness is there! None of this strikes your attention. And yet this is what keeps one world separate from another world.

You have no measure with which to measure yourselves. You live exclusively according to “I like” or “I don’t like,” you have no appreciation except for yourself. You recognize nothing above you—theoretically, logically, perhaps, but actually no. That is why you are demanding and continue to believe that everything is cheap and that you have enough in your pocket to buy everything you like. You recognize nothing above you, either outside yourself or inside. That is why, I repeat, you have no measure and live passively according to your likes and dislikes.

Yes, your “appreciation of yourself” blinds you. It is the biggest obstacle to a new life. You must be able to get over this obstacle, this threshold, before going further. This test divides men into two kinds: the “wheat” and the “chaff.” No matter how intelligent, how gifted, how brilliant a man may be, if he does not change his appreciation of himself, there will be no hope for an inner development, for a work toward self-knowledge, for a true becoming. He will remain such as he is all his life. The first requirement, the first condition, the first test for one who wishes to work on himself is to change his appreciation of himself. He must not imagine, not simply believe or think, but see things in himself which he has never seen before, see them actually. His appreciation will never be able to change as long as he sees nothing in himself. And in order to see, he must learn to see; this is the first initiation of man into self-knowledge.

First of all, he has to know what he must look at. When he knows, he must make efforts, keep his attention, look constantly with persistence. Only through maintaining his attention, and not forgetting to look, one day, perhaps, he will be able to see. If he sees one time he can see a second time, and if that continues he will no longer be able not to see. This is the state to be looked for, it is the aim of our observation; it is from there that the true wish will be born, the irresistible wish to become: from cold we shall become warm, vibrant; we shall be touched by our reality.

Today we have nothing but the illusion of what we are. We think too highly of ourselves. We do not respect ourselves. In order to respect myself, I have to recognize a part in myself which is above the other parts, and my attitude toward this part should bear witness to the respect that I have for it. In this way I shall respect myself. And my relations with others will be governed by the same respect.

You must understand that all the other measures—talent, education, culture, genius—are changing measures, measures of detail. The only exact measure, the only unchanging, objective real measure is the measure of inner vision. I see—I see myself—by this, you have measured. With one higher real part, you have measured another lower part, also real. And this measure, defining by itself the role of each part, will lead you to respect for yourself.

But you will see that it is not easy. And it is not cheap. You must pay dearly. For bad payers, lazy people, parasites, no hope. You must pay, pay a lot, and pay immediately, pay in advance. Pay with yourself. By sincere, conscientious, disinterested efforts. The more you are prepared to pay without economizing, without cheating, without any falsification, the more you will receive. And from that time on you will become acquainted with your nature. And you will see all the tricks, all the dishonesties that your nature resorts to in order to avoid paying hard cash. Because you have to pay with your ready-made theories, with your rooted convictions, with your prejudices, your conventions, your “I like” and “I don’t like.” Without bargaining, honestly, without pretending. Trying “sincerely” to see as you offer your counterfeit money.

Try for a moment to accept the idea that you are not what you believe yourself to be, that you overestimate yourself, in fact that you lie to yourself. That you always lie to yourself every moment, all day, all your life. That this lying rules you to such an extent that you cannot control it any more. You are the prey of lying. You lie, everywhere. Your relations with others—lies. The upbringing you give, the conventions—lies. Your teaching—lies. Your theories, your art—lies. Your social life, your family life—lies. And what you think of yourself—lies also.

But you never stop yourself in what you are doing or in what you are saying because you believe in yourself. You must stop inwardly and observe. Observe without preconceptions, accepting for a time this idea of lying. And if you observe in this way, paying with yourself, without self-pity, giving up all your supposed riches for a moment of reality, perhaps you will suddenly see something you have never before seen in yourself until this day. You will see that you are different from what you think you are. You will see that you are two. One who is not, but takes the place and plays the role of the other. And one who is, yet so weak, so insubstantial, that he no sooner appears than he immediately disappears. He cannot endure lies. The least lie makes him faint away. He does not struggle, he does not resist, he is defeated in advance. Learn to look until you have seen the difference between your two natures, until you have seen the lies, the deception in yourself. When you have seen your two natures, that day, in yourself, the truth will be born.
Nanotechnology is a powerful new technology for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic and molecular level. Nanotechnology embodies the dream that scientists can remake the world from the atom up, using atomic level manipulation to transform and construct a wide range of new materials, devices, living organisms and technological systems.

Not only are we assaulted with GM foods but now we have Nanotechnology. This stuff is finding its way into processed foods, cosmetics etc. all with little regulation or oversight.

More at

wicked sesh as always, big thanks guys!

i have recently been having some weird dreams, and feeling a tad low, but put it down to cutting caffeine from my diet. but, after reading about HAARP interference i feel it may be a little more than the lack of caffeine in my system causing them. damn good reason to get my diet sorted me thinks! :D
Really interesting session - thanks team & thanks C's!

While browsing the pages of replies, I noticed that a few people acknowledged that the gay "movement" as a CIA/4D STS operation "explains a lot" and "made a lot of sense." I'm having trouble understanding why people believe this makes a lot of sense. It came as a complete shock to me! I guess that is the one line in the session that is still soaking in. I don't doubt the C's are correct about a 4D STS presence in the gay "movement" - that's not too hard to imagine as they'd prefer to have their hands in every cookie jar. The CIA connection raises a lot of questions in my mind, though, and I suppose I will have to read Col. Prouty to get some insight.
Bluebird said:
Nanotechnology is a powerful new technology for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic and molecular level. Nanotechnology embodies the dream that scientists can remake the world from the atom up, using atomic level manipulation to transform and construct a wide range of new materials, devices, living organisms and technological systems.

Not only are we assaulted with GM foods but now we have Nanotechnology. This stuff is finding its way into processed foods, cosmetics etc. all with little regulation or oversight.

More at


Interesting article, thanks Bluebird.
CEdicon said:
While browsing the pages of replies, I noticed that a few people acknowledged that the gay "movement" as a CIA/4D STS operation "explains a lot" and "made a lot of sense." I'm having trouble understanding why people believe this makes a lot of sense. It came as a complete shock to me! I guess that is the one line in the session that is still soaking in. I don't doubt the C's are correct about a 4D STS presence in the gay "movement" - that's not too hard to imagine as they'd prefer to have their hands in every cookie jar. The CIA connection raises a lot of questions in my mind, though, and I suppose I will have to read Col. Prouty to get some insight.

Hi CEdicon,

What may also provide some clarity is the Laurel Canyon series that was done. This really killed one of my sacred cows! It's long, but insightful.
truth seeker said:
CEdicon said:
While browsing the pages of replies, I noticed that a few people acknowledged that the gay "movement" as a CIA/4D STS operation "explains a lot" and "made a lot of sense." I'm having trouble understanding why people believe this makes a lot of sense. It came as a complete shock to me! I guess that is the one line in the session that is still soaking in. I don't doubt the C's are correct about a 4D STS presence in the gay "movement" - that's not too hard to imagine as they'd prefer to have their hands in every cookie jar. The CIA connection raises a lot of questions in my mind, though, and I suppose I will have to read Col. Prouty to get some insight.

Hi CEdicon,

What may also provide some clarity is the Laurel Canyon series that was done. This really killed one of my sacred cows! It's long, but insightful.

And that's what happens in every movement, in fact. The women, the gay people, the oppressed and those who suddenly wake up, look around and say: "Hey! what's going on here?! We need to do something about the situation!", gather into small groups and try earnestly to fight for human rights and freedom. But immediately the PTB radar picks the signal and sends their own wolves dressed as women, gay, freedom fighters, etc. to divert the good willing group from their aim. So we see that instead of being about protecting the rights of gay people and be their representative, gay movement nowadays is advertising an US vs THEM agenda. Instead of working towards the assimilation and blending of gay people within the community at large, it created a subculture within it, that keeps people separated based on sexual orientation, for goodness sake! Yet again, the Secret Team's signature is apparent: Divide and Rule :mad:
Alana said:
And that's what happens in every movement, in fact. The women, the gay people, the oppressed and those who suddenly wake up, look around and say: "Hey! what's going on here?! We need to do something about the situation!", gather into small groups and try earnestly to fight for human rights and freedom. But immediately the PTB radar picks the signal and sends their own wolves dressed as women, gay, freedom fighters, etc. to divert the good willing group from their aim. So we see that instead of being about protecting the rights of gay people and be their representative, gay movement nowadays is advertising an US vs THEM agenda. Instead of working towards the assimilation and blending of gay people within the community at large, it created a subculture within it, that keeps people separated based on sexual orientation, for goodness sake! Yet again, the Secret Team's signature is apparent: Divide and Rule :mad:

Absolutely! I would even take it a step further and say that it's probably happening in things that don't seem like movements such as vegetarianism vs the general public, child rearing and smoking. Basically any issue where there are at two major opposing viewpoints, just to add to the confusion.
truth seeker said:
Absolutely! I would even take it a step further and say that it's probably happening in things that don't seem like movements such as vegetarianism vs the general public, child rearing and smoking. Basically any issue where there are at two major opposing viewpoints, just to add to the confusion.

Vegetarianism... now that makes a lot of sense. I never thought about this before, but I have often wondered why the vegetarian "movement" seemed to derail from promoting natural healthy foods to taking on processed soy foods, fake meats and sugary processed snacks. Many vegetarians are so strongly identified with soy they honestly believe vegetarianism can't exist without it. I've written pieces detailing the dangers of processed soy foods in the past and got flooded with hundreds of comments from angry vegetarians accusing me of working for the meat industry (as if the meat industry is actually threatened by the soy industry :rolleyes: - without soy what would they feed their factory farmed animals?). I had thought it was just extremely effective marketing from the soy board that so thoroughly convinced vegetarians they need soy foods that it has become part of their identity, but the idea that they have actually been infiltrated seems likely. It's sick and twisted, but it makes sense.

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