Session 30 January 2010

jubazo said:
Seems to me, we have lot of diverse isolate haplot. pockets all around the world (Taino-Arawak, Ainu, Guanche, Numidians, Bask, Mandan, Ojibwa, ......) and I don't understand why scientist focused their researches mainly on haplot. mainstream, when these isolates could, possibly indirectly show some interesting data about human history.

To a certain extent, I think this is because population genetics is a relatively new science, and there is a very large amount of data to wade through by a proportionately small group of people (although I do have to gripe, the people studying prehistory using a genetic approach far outnumber those who are using a linguistic approach at present). Otherwise, I think that the research paradigm is also constrained by the Out of Africa framework mentioned above -- if there was broad acceptance of a cataclysm model of prehistory, mainstream researchers might be looking at some of these groups a bit more closely.
Thank you for the session. After reading the session I have been reading through the thread, although not in its entirety yet, but when the C's stated that 5D is watching closely, like others on the forum I assumed because there would be more death coming up in the days ahead. After reading Laura's response:

Laura said:
tractmec said:
A: More people is good! 5D is watching closely.

I found that to be curious as well - '5D is watching closely'. More so this evening than other times, and, if so, then why? Or do they mean more so in general? I suppose the context of 'more people is good' might help clarify, it might relate to whatever the people present were talking about when the planchette started to move.

Laura said:
I'll have to go back to listen to the tape to see what we were talking about. My general impression was that there was intense interest in our activities in 5 D for a variety of reasons even including just "dead relatives" of all those attending being present to cheer us on. But, after reading some of these comments and questions I started to mull the thing over and went to bed last night thinking about it. During the night, the answer came - I woke up in the darkness with "the voice of SEEing" explaining to me that the fate of humanity is very important to 5 D because that will determine whether or not the Earth continues to be useful as a place for souled individuals to incarnate to work out their issues. In other words, if STS takes over completely, they will actually spoil their own plans because souled individuals will no longer find Earth to be a congenial "school" and will have to find a more suitable place for soul development activities. And, apparently, there are not so many places where all the conditions are just right and it could put a serious crimp in soul evolution.

So, yeah, they are really interested and feeling hopeful that somehow things will get sorted out by our activities.

This cleared that up for me. Wow! Realizing that Haiti was induced by a weapon is frightening. Currently I am reading Political Ponerology and I am chapter five as we speak. Reading through this thread in particular has helped me understand many of the side notes I have taken on the reading for further clarification.

Thank you all who have contributed!
Yossarian said:
(Burma Jones) Yeah, you only see him under controlled circumstances when his handlers are around. This is kind of a silly question we were wondering about the other day, about the machine elves of Terrance McKenna and his DMT experiences?

(Ark) What what?

(L) The machine elves that Terrance McKenna saw during his hallucinogenic excursions, and I've seen something similar but not under the influence of hallucinogens. I was just extremely exhausted. My theory was that they were metaphors for energy.

(Burma Jones) And my thought was that they were metaphors for aspects of the mind.

A: Energy is closer, but that energy is also connected to a consciousness, i.e. "cryptogeographic" being.

Q: (L) We know about those cryptogeographic beings!

A: Remember "Operators and Things".

Q: (L) Did you read Operators and Things?

(Burma Jones) Yeah.

(L) That was CREEPY!

(Burma Jones) Very creepy.

(L) So what's the difference between the critters I saw and the living light that I have seen on occasion?

A: Living light is exactly that: light of life.

My understanding, since reading Operators and Things, and after this session, is that the Operators, or "cryptogeographic beings" are 4d sts, the 4d marauders, our "controllers," especially if we are of the psychopathic or organic portal persuasion. Is this interpretation correct, or are the C's and Laura talking about something else?

Also, assuming the 23% psychopath number is correct for the US, that sure explains a lot of things. Like why the workplace is living hell for the most place and why life here, if one is awake, is living hell. A friend told me that as a child she looked around herself and said, "This is Hell." I thought that was one of the most profound and aware statements any person could make and this information confirms it.

I think it's significant, because it means we're in deeper than I realized before.

It also ads depth to the term "frequency fence" We're locked into a cage filled with creatures of the lowest possible frequency!

I too, have just happened to got this book through the library system, and I agree that it definitely is "creepy". It sure appears that this hypothesis is pretty solid when I read on Page 49:

His voice rose. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have with me one of the queerest Things you've ever seen. It knows about Operators."

Considering that very few 3rd density beings "know about" 4d STS, it sure seems to fit.
Pardon me for dumb questions.....

If this world had remained STO as it was before the take over, it would still have roughly 50% of the population as organic portals, would it not?

Please correct if this is not the right thinking.

OP's seem to be like a blank slate waiting for programming. They seem to mirror what influences them?
More on the possible reasons for unbalanced distribution of psychopaths.

While puzzling over the apparent uneven spread of psychopath distribution across the globe, with the U.S. and Israel in mind specifically, something came up in my thinking. . .

I’ve been reading an account of European colonial activities and the effects on the native populations in North America beginning in the late 1400's.

Slavery and brutality of an astonishing level began *immediately* upon contact, and did nothing but escalate throughout the age.

"Columbus, thinking he was in the Indies, did not waste time paying lip service to the pretence that he was importing "shining" European ideals to the people he mistakenly labeled Indians. Instead he wrote in his journal: "We can send from here, in the name of the Holy Trinity, all the slaves and Brazil wood which could be sold." True to the intent of these words, he initiated the Amerindian slave harvest on his first voyage. When he embarked from the Americas for Spain, it was with a cargo of five hundred Native Americans to be sold on the continental slave markets. Upon landing at Seville, only about three hundred of these unfortunate souls were still alive. These and booty were turned over to Queen Isabella.

The news of the riches offered by Hispaniola and surrounding Islands soon spread across Europe. The notion of fabulous wealth for the picking was like a magnet for other European Nations. Within a few years, harvesters from Spain and other European countries were traveling from island to island seeking artifacts, precious metals, spices, and human beings for enslavement. The cruel assault mounted by these people against the defenseless and non-aggressive Taino, who had numbered in the millions in 1492, was so effective that forty years later they were virtually extinct."

Page 62 -- "We Were Not The Savages" -- Daniel N. Paul

Such were the beginnings of American society as we know it today. The first Europeans on the scene were plunderers who had no moral qualms in visiting absolute destruction upon other humans.

Later on when the Americas were being settled, a variety of new horrors arose, some of which really struck me in terms of the intent behind them. . .

Among the many factors involved in causing the population decline, alcohol contributed significantly. It was first introduced into Mi'kmaq communities by traders in the form of brandy in the early part of the sixteenth century, probably as early as 1520. Because the Mi'kmaq had no prior contact with it, and thus no tolerance for its effects, the substance caused the People to react in a very uncharacteristic manner, doing severe damage to themselves and their loved ones. There are reports that some traders actually sold brandy with the hope of witnessing the spectacle that might ensue. Le Clercq, in outrage, describes the situation:

"Injuries, quarrels, homicides, murders, parricides, to this day the sad consequences of the trade in brnady. . . . One sees with grief Indians dying in their drunkenness, strangling themselves, the brother cutting the throat of the sister, the husband breaking the head of his wife, a mother throwing her child into the fire or the river, and fathers cruelly choking little innocent children whom they cherish and love as much as and more than themselves when they are not deprived of their reason.

They consider it sport to break and shatter everything in the wigwams, and to bawl for hours together, repeating always the same word. They beat themselves and tear themselves to pieces, something which never happens ... or at least very rarely ... when they are sober. The French themselves are not exempt from the drunken fury of these barbarians ... who, through a manifestation of the anger of God, justly irritated against a conduct so little Christian, sometimes rob, ravage, and burn the French houses and stores, and very often descend to the saddest extremes."
Page 46 -- "We Were Not The Savages" -- Daniel N. Paul

But the following is where things clicked into a pattern I found recognizable with regard to the founding of Israel...

When Governor Edward Cornwallis and his entourage founded Halifax in 1749, it was during a lull in the war with the Mi'kmaq. In fact, the Mi'kmaq greeted them with hospitality. One settler wrote home: "When we first came here, the Indians, in a friendly manner, brought us lobsters and other fish in plenty, being satisfied for them by a bit of bread and some meat."

However, at British instigation, this would soon change. At an early September 1749 meeting with the Mi'kmaq Chiefs, a British emissary restated the dictum given to their predecessors in 1715. He also confirmed their fears about the Colonial Council's new settlement plans for the province. This gravely alarmed the Chiefs and they reacted as could be expected. On September 23, 1749, the Mi'kmaq renewed their declaration of war against the British and began attacking military, shipping and trade targets.

Geoffry Plank lays bare what Cornwallis had planned if such occurred:

"If the Micmac chose to resist the expropriation of land, the governor intended to conduct a war unlike any that had been fought in Nova Scotia before. He outlined his thinking in an unambiguous letter to the Board of Trade. If there was to be war, he did not want the war to end with a peace agreement. "It would be better to root the Micmac out of the peninsula decisively and forever." The war began soon after the governor made this statement."

[...] The next day, without a hint of conscience, the following proclamation was signed by Cornwallis and issued:

"Whereas, notwithstanding the gracious offers of friendship and protection made in His Majesty's Names by us to the Indians inhabiting this Province, the Micmacs have of late in the most treacherous manner taken 20 of His Majesty's Subjects prisoners at Canso, and carried off a sloop belonging to Boston, and a boat from this Settlement at the Chinecto basely under the pretense of friendship and commerce. Attempted to seize two English Sloops and murder the crews and actually killed several, and on Saturday the 30th of September, a body of these savages fell upon some men cutting wood and without arms near the saw mill and barbarously killed four and carried one away. (My note: These charges have been refuted and rejected by the author. It should also be noted, that by this point, the native populace of the region had been subject to horrific abuse for nearly a quarter of a millennium at the hands of the Europeans, had signed numerous treaties only to experience the Europeans act in bad faith at the first opportunity. After reviewing the full history of events over the two and a half centuries, it is no wonder that the "gracious offers of friendship and protection made in His Majesty's Names" failed to impress the Mi'kmaq nation in September of 1749. The proclamation continues. . .)

"For those cause, we, by and with the advice and consent of His Majesty's Council, do hereby authorize and command all Officers Civil and Military, and all His Majesty's Subjects or others to annoy, distress, take or destroy the Savage commonly called Micmac, wherever they are found, and all as such as aiding and assisting them, give further by and with the consent and advice of His Majesty's Council, do promise a reward of ten Guineas for every Indian Micmac taken or killed, to be paid upon producing such Savage taken or his scalp (as in the custom of America) if killed to the Officer Commanding at Halifax, Annapolis Royal, or Minas."

Thus, at a cost to his Majesty's colonial government's treasury of ten guineas per head, and at a cost to his servants of their immortal souls, an attempt to exterminate the Mi'kmaq was under way. [. . .] Such inhuman behavior was not new to Cornwallis. According to data enshrined in a book entitled, "Culloden" by John Prebble, Edward Cornwallis was the Lieutenant-Colonel of Bligh's and was stationed in Scotland during the 1740's. Prebble's book details how Cornwallis and his troops helped put down the Scottish rebellion and fully participated in the barbaric mistreatment of the Scots. [-A long description of cruelty and butchery-]

Cornwallis displayed a lack of human conscience while doing his part to help the English army subjugate the Scots. In view of this, it can be concluded that the man had an inborn taste for the crimes against humanity he committed in Nova Scotia. Such an affliction is well reflected in the warped rationale he used to try to justify his monstrous edict. [-Discussion of those particulars.-]

Pages 107 - 111 -- "We Were Not The Savages" -- Daniel N. Paul

In Nova Scotia, Edward Cornwallis is celebrated as a founding father, where a large brick castle was built by the same man upon lands granted to him by his sovereign. One would not assume upon hearing his name spoken today that such a figure was in reality a successful psychopath largely responsible for the destruction of an entire people.

Of course, this was not the first time Indian scalps (of men, women and children) obtained by both military and civilian settlers were rewarded with cash payment. In each case of this kind of warfare, a not unexpected phenomenon occurred; bounty hunters from Europe, flush with the promise of being able to murder and desecrate human life without penalty, and in fact with reward, descended upon the colonies. Chaos and darkness were the order of the day, and the stench of it drew those with a hunger for such across the ocean.

Yes, there were common settlers who simply wanted to escape all manner of persecution in Europe, who bore no internal desire to sow misery and chaos, merely to escape it, but the extent and endurance of darkness and chaos experienced in the New World cannot be understated; the Americas must have acted as a sort of psychopath magnet for nearly three hundred years. (I am reminded of the behavior of slave traders and sexual predators in the chaos of Haiti). Such was the seed bed and the seedlings from which the America we know today grew.

Where other societies, which evolved over thousands of years based on balanced communities, (as well noted by go2 on this page, have fewer psychopaths as indicated by the latest transcripts, perhaps the sudden and brutal mode of colonial settlement as observed with the Americas and Israel has something to do with the much higher instances of psychopath distribution in those places.

Just some notes which struck me and as nobody else had pointed them out yet, I thought I might offer.
WIN 52 said:
Pardon me for dumb questions.....

If this world had remained STO as it was before the take over, it would still have roughly 50% of the population as organic portals, would it not?

Please correct if this is not the right thinking.

OP's seem to be like a blank slate waiting for programming. They seem to mirror what influences them?

I don't think this is a dumb question -- the only point I am not sure if you are correct about is whether or not the world was ever STO -- my understanding is that we (as humans in the way that we usually think of that term) started out STS already 309,000 years ago, and that there may have been an intensification of our STS nature in the past 12,000 years or so, but we were never truly STO, as a result of how we got into this mess in the first place by "going for the gold". If I am mistaken in that, I hope someone will correct me.

But let's say that this was an STO world, and half of the population still happened to be OPs. In that situation, I believe your conclusion is correct -- there is nothing inherently bad about OPs, they are just at a different stage (and on a different track) of development than individually souled beings, and I imagine that OPs would generally follow the STO example set by those around them. It might even speed their spiritual evolution, in approximately the same way that it has been suggested that 2D animal companions may advance more quickly when living with 3D owners. That is my understanding at present.

Woodsman said:
Yes, there were common settlers who simply wanted to escape all manner of persecution in Europe, who bore no internal desire to sow misery and chaos, merely to escape it, but the extent and endurance of darkness and chaos experienced in the New World cannot be understated; the Americas must have acted as a sort of psychopath magnet for nearly three hundred years. (I am reminded of the behavior of slave traders and sexual predators in the chaos of Haiti). Such was the seed bed and the seedlings from which the America we know today grew.

Where other societies, which evolved over thousands of years based on balanced communities, (as well noted by go2 on this page, have fewer psychopaths as indicated by the latest transcripts, perhaps the sudden and brutal mode of colonial settlement as observed with the Americas and Israel has something to do with the much higher instances of psychopath distribution in those places.

I think that much of the last session involving questions about psychopathy suggests this, in fact. The psychopathy mutation which apparently resulted in an initially localized population in the NW European Lowlands seems to have discovered a way to distribute itself quite well across the globe via the European colonial expansion -- it may not be understating the case to say that this expansion was really a great psychopath diaspora. The South Africa statistics also indicate this, and I would guess that Australia and New Zealand might reflect an unusually high distribution of psychopathy based on this generalization. I think its also interesting that the parts of the world which were colonized by the Meditteranean European countries like Spain, Portugal, and Italy have experienced a different evolution than those colonized by the northern European countries like England, The Netherlands, and to a certain extent France, Germany, and Scandinavia. I don't think that the southern Europeans were anything less than cruel themselves, and their own colonial expeditions surely included a psychopathic component, but I think it may have been less than that of the northern countries.

I also wonder about the whole secret society angle. I have never really explored this topic in depth, but I know there is a lot of lore out there about secret societies having "insider" knowledge about the geographical outlay of the rest of the world, and using that to bolster the expansions in the middle of the last millenium. If there is any truth to this, then that suggests a connection between psychopathy and the so-called secret societies that may not be coincidental.
Quote by Woodsman:

Where other societies, which evolved over thousands of years based on balanced communities, (as well noted by go2 on this page, have fewer psychopaths as indicated by the latest transcripts, perhaps the sudden and brutal mode of colonial settlement as observed with the Americas and Israel has something to do with the much higher instances of psychopath distribution in those places

Hi Woodsman,

That could be significant part of the picture, in times of repressions, wars, violent colonizations and genocides, it seems psychopaths are in their natural element; they can dominate, violate and abuse, annihilate enemies and make financial profit in times of chaos, of course they are always among the forces who are producing this same chaos, directly or indirectly (depending if they are psychopats from lower or higher society).

On the other hand, most of countries with today's higher percentages of psychopats were pretty stabile societies for centuries (excluding global games of WWI and WWII), if sudden and brutal modes of colonial settlement (or if we modernize the phrase; genocidal war) are indeed crucial for procreation of psychopats it would be interesting to see if countries with recent brutal genocidal wars produced higher numbers of psychopathic entities or their higher concentration in certain areas among diffrent haplogroups (for example in: Bosnia, Kosovo or Rwanda, Congo, Liberia, Sudan, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan...wherever action is or recently was).

Perhaps winning formula for high concentration of psychopats in certain areas is a bit more complicated and we could only speculate via 3D factors trough history, like:

1-Isolation of most aggressive haplogroupations and destabilization of ancient peaceful societies, tribes, families in order to spread genetic of these anomalous haplogrupations....
2-Allowing same haplogroupations to produce relatively stabile, monopolistic, ideological, militant, hedonistic societies with centres of power (organized cities)
3-Additional Filtration and Concentration of anomalous genetic via blood lineages and their intermixes
4-Providing financial control & demographically control over the rest of humanity. via: wars, occupations, colonization, racism, genocide, slavery, imperialism, totalitarianism....
5-Providing spiritual control over the rest of humanity via: Religion, Sciences, Education, Medicine
6-Regular expansion to the new territories via wars, occupations....
7-Constant domination over regular populus via: installation of anomalous population in very top of human hierarchy (politics, sciences, religions, military, secret services, secret societies, education, mass media, economy,....)

We can assume the rest together with 4D STS agenda....
Shijing said:
I don't think this is a dumb question -- the only point I am not sure if you are correct about is whether or not the world was ever STO -- my understanding is that we (as humans in the way that we usually think of that term) started out STS already 309,000 years ago, and that there may have been an intensification of our STS nature in the past 12,000 years or so, but we were never truly STO, as a result of how we got into this mess in the first place by "going for the gold". If I am mistaken in that, I hope someone will correct me.

My understanding and i might be way out is that 309 000 years ago we were 3D STO. And since we went for the gold as the C's have said, we became more and more 3D STS.
Gandalf said:
Shijing said:
I don't think this is a dumb question -- the only point I am not sure if you are correct about is whether or not the world was ever STO -- my understanding is that we (as humans in the way that we usually think of that term) started out STS already 309,000 years ago, and that there may have been an intensification of our STS nature in the past 12,000 years or so, but we were never truly STO, as a result of how we got into this mess in the first place by "going for the gold". If I am mistaken in that, I hope someone will correct me.

My understanding and i might be way out is that 309 000 years ago we were 3D STO. And since we went for the gold as the C's have said, we became more and more 3D STS.

OK, thanks Gandalf -- I may have misunderstood that, and if so, it would make sense of a couple of puzzle pieces that I've never been able to fit together before.
Shijing said:
Gandalf said:
Shijing said:
I don't think this is a dumb question -- the only point I am not sure if you are correct about is whether or not the world was ever STO -- my understanding is that we (as humans in the way that we usually think of that term) started out STS already 309,000 years ago, and that there may have been an intensification of our STS nature in the past 12,000 years or so, but we were never truly STO, as a result of how we got into this mess in the first place by "going for the gold". If I am mistaken in that, I hope someone will correct me.

My understanding and i might be way out is that 309 000 years ago we were 3D STO. And since we went for the gold as the C's have said, we became more and more 3D STS.

OK, thanks Gandalf -- I may have misunderstood that, and if so, it would make sense of a couple of puzzle pieces that I've never been able to fit together before.

Here's some info:


The Cassiopaean take on the fall is that there first was a group soul in 'union with the One,' which collectively decided to experience physicality for faster learning. Then there was a sort of human form living in contact with 4th density service to others beings. This latter group was tempted to experiencing 3rd density service to self by 4th density service to self entities. We probably speak of two distinct events here. The fall to 3D STS took place at the previous passage of the Wave, some 309000 years ago and was accompanied by cataclysmic cometary impacts. This had several consequences, including deactivation and scrambling of the greatest part of DNA, radical loss of psychic faculties, acquiring a basically predatorial and control-oriented mindset, experience of more intense physical sensations. Sexuality is also related to this, probably in the sense of becoming more central to life with greater differentiation of genders.
Gandalf said:
Shijing said:
I don't think this is a dumb question -- the only point I am not sure if you are correct about is whether or not the world was ever STO -- my understanding is that we (as humans in the way that we usually think of that term) started out STS already 309,000 years ago, and that there may have been an intensification of our STS nature in the past 12,000 years or so, but we were never truly STO, as a result of how we got into this mess in the first place by "going for the gold". If I am mistaken in that, I hope someone will correct me.

My understanding and i might be way out is that 309 000 years ago we were 3D STO. And since we went for the gold as the C's have said, we became more and more 3D STS.

According to the transcripts, it seems to be so. We were 3D STO and then quickly fell to STS by going for the "gold".

It's in session 950311.

Q: (L) There is an issue here. (T) Okay, no trick, a trap?
A: No! Traps don't exist either. Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged.
Q: (T) Now wait a minute. I am losing the whole train here. What were we before the "Fall?"
A: 3rd density STO.
Q: (T) Didn't you tell us that 3rd density beings could not be STO? (L) No. They said there are 3rd density STO beings. (T) We are STS at this point because
of what happened then?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Okay, now, we were STO at that time. The Lizards opened the door, we are using this as an allegory, I guess, the Lizards opened the door and showed
us a pot of gold hoping that we would reach in for the pot, or walk through the door, when they were waiting for us on the other side in order to take us over in
some way. Am I on the right track?
A: Hoping is incorrect idea.
Q: (T) Okay, what was it they were trying to do by enticing us?
A: Trying is incorrect idea; continue to probe for learning opportunity.
Q: (T) We were 3rd density STO at this time. Was this after the battle that had transpired? In other words, were we, as a 3rd density race, literally on our own
at that point, as opposed to before?
A: Was battle.
Q: (L) The battle was in us?
A: Through you.
Q: (T) The battle was through us as to whether we would walk through this doorway... (L) The battle was fought through us, we were literally the battleground.
(T) I got that, but I want to get back to this analogy to make sure where we are in the overall picture. The battle was going on when the door was opened.
Was the battle over whether or not we walked through that door?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Okay, we were STO at that point. You have said before that on this density we have the choice of being STS or STO.
A: Oh TR, the battle is always there, it's "when" you choose that counts!

As for the question about the OP's - it's a good one...
This is just a guess, of course, but I suppose there would probably be a similar percentage of them today if we remained in the STO state - since that seems to be the natural state of things (new souls constantly cycling from 2nd to the 3rd density and so on).
OK, thanks again Gandalf and Freelancer. I guess I had it right about the transition to STS 309,000 years ago, but was missing the part about being 3D STO previous to that point (I had conflated the two events). I had never completely grokked that part of the transcript that Freelancer just quoted, but Cassiopedia is a good thing!
Freelancer said:
This is just a guess, of course, but I suppose there would probably be a similar percentage of them today if we remained in the STO state - since that seems to be the natural state of things (new souls constantly cycling from 2nd to the 3rd density and so on).

I am not sure about this. The transition from STO to STS accompanied by changing the evolution process aka transition from long wave cycle to the short wave cycle. In other words humanity has chosen physicality.

[quote author= session 10-22-94]

Q: (L) Are human beings entrapped in physical matter?
A: By choice.
Q: (L) Why did they make this choice?
A: To experience physical sensations. It was a group mind decision.
Q: (L) Who was in charge of the group?
A: The group.
Q: (L) Does the interaction between the spirit/soul and the body physical produce some by-product that is desirable to other beings?
A: Well, all things have desirable consequences as well as undesirable consequences, but it must also be mentioned here that everything that exists in all realms of the universe can experience existence in one of only two ways. That would be defined as a long wave cycle and a short wave cycle. Going back to your previous question about why humans are "entrapped" in physical existence, which, of course, is voluntary and chosen, this was due to the desire to change from the long wave cycle experience of completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence, to the short wave cycle of what you call physical existence. The difference is that a long wave cycle involves only very gradual change in evolution in a cyclical manner. Whereas a short wave cycle involves a duality. And this is the case with souls in physical bodies as is experienced on this earth plane because the soul experiences an ethereal state for half the cycle and a physical state for the other half of the cycle. While these halves are not measured in time the way you measure time, the totality of experience is equal in each half. The necessity to form the short wave cycle was brought about through nature through the natural bounds of the universe when the group mind of souls chose to experience physicality as opposed to a completely ethereal existence.
Q: (L) Does this interaction produce a by-product?
A: It produces equal by-products of a positive and negative nature.
Q: (L) And what are these by-products?
A: Which one first?
Q: (L) Positive.
A: Positive by-product is an increase in relative energy which speeds up the learning process of the soul and all of it's one-dimensional and two-dimensional interactive partners. In other words, flora and fauna, minerals, etc. All experience growth and movement towards reunion at a faster rate on the cycle through this short wave cycle physical/ethereal transfer. Of a negative nature, it also produces many negative experiences for these very same entities which otherwise would not exist because being of a first level and second level nature, flora and fauna would ordinarily experience a long term or long wave cycle on the physical plane as opposed to a short wave cycle physical and ethereal, as they do now because of their interaction with the human species in its short wave ethereal/physical cycle.


May be I am interpreting this incorrectly but would the humanity in a nonphysical or semi-physical (?) STO state directly interact with OP's etc. ?
Shijing, this "3D STO before that" that you mention was described by the C's, but seems to have been on this side of the last realm border crossing (not before it), at the very beginning only, and is characterized as "not very long" in duration. Basically, humans were created and immediately started "falling." Session 941023:
Q: (L) Did, at any time, the human race live for a long time in an Edenic state, where they were able to use bodies and still have a spiritual connection?
A: Yes. But not long. No addiction takes long to close the circle.
Q: (L) So, mankind was addicted to pleasuring the self?
A: Became quickly.
Q: (L) How long from the time of the moving of souls into bodies did the "Fall" in Eden occur?
A: Not measurable. Remember Laura, there is no time when this event occurred. Time passage illusion did not exist at that point as well as many other
Q: (L) So you are saying that the Fall in Eden was also the beginning of time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) These many other falsehoods that you mention, could you tell us about a couple. We know that the first one is time...
A: You must learn on your own.

The transcripts also say on the other side of the last realm border crossing (before 309,000 years ago) it was really completely different. There was no human form as we know it now, and no time. Session 990828:
Q: Okay. The 'Fall' occurred. It seems like, and some of the archaeological studies indicate, that for many thousands of years, there was a peaceful existence
and a nice agrarian society where the goddess or female creative forces were worshipped. At least, this is what a lot of present-day books are proposing...
A: No. These events took place 309000 years ago, as you measure it. This is when the first prototype of what you call "modern man" was created. The
controllers had the bodies ready, they just needed the right soul matrix to agree to "jump in."
Q: So, prior to this time, this prior Edenic state...
A: Was more like 4th density.
Q: But that implies that there was some level of physicality. Was there physicality in the sense of bodies that look like present-day humans?
A: Not quite.
Q: What did these pre-fall...
A: Cannot answer because it is too complex for you to understand.
Q: Does this mean that the are experienced... that the bodies we possibly would move into as 4th density beings, assuming that one does, would also be too
complex for us to understand? You are saying that this 'sort of 4th density' pre-Fall state, in terms of the physical bodies, is too complex to understand. If going
back to 4th density is anything like coming from 4th density, does that mean that what we would go back to is something that is too complex to understand?
This variability of physicality that you have described?
A: Yes.
Q: So, was there any kind of worship of God, or religious activity in this pre-Fall state; this Edenic, 4th density state?
A: No need when one has a clue.
PopHistorian said:
Shijing, this "3D STO before that" that you mention was described by the C's, but seems to have been on this side of the last realm border crossing (not before it), at the very beginning only, and is characterized as "not very long" in duration. Basically, humans were created and immediately started "falling."

The transcripts also say on the other side of the last realm border crossing (before 309,000 years ago) it was really completely different. There was no human form as we know it now, and no time.

OK, thanks PopHistorian, and I guess that's kind of what I had originally thought, with the exception of the brief stint humanity had at the beginning as 3D STO.

So let me see if I have this straight -- previous to the last passage of the Wave, a humanoid form already existed on Earth and those of us who are not OPs existed as a separate, collective soul. At the point of the Wave crossing, this collective soul chose to use that juncture to enter physical experience, and after they did so, they existed briefly as a form of 3D STO, but were soon lured into STS by 4D STS. Does that sound accurate?

un chien anadolu said:
May be I am interpreting this incorrectly but would the humanity in a nonphysical or semi-physical (?) STO state directly interact with OP's etc. ?

My understanding of what you quoted (and as you can see, I am still trying to figure this out completely!) is that the dual nature of the short-wave cycle means that humans have an ethereal component and a physical component, and the latter of those two would make it possible to interact with OPs, in a hypothetical world where they existed together with 3D STO. As a matter of fact, that may be key to understanding how the attraction of sexual gratification was key in the seduction of originally 3D STO to STS:

Q: (L) Did, at any time, the human race live for a long time in an Edenic state, where they were able to use bodies and still have a spiritual connection?
A: Yes. But not long. No addiction takes long to close the circle.
Q: (L) So, mankind was addicted to pleasuring the self?
A: Became quickly.
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