The Living Force
Reconnaissance renouvelée à Laura, les Cassiopéens, les membres du Château et ceux du forum pour le partage des connaissances nouvelles et aussi répétées, tellement utiles... Que serions nous sans Vous tous, perdus dans les ténèbres... Merci pour la LUMIERE qui nous accompagne chaque jour davantage... Que le Divin Esprit Cosmique étende sa main sur nous tous... Soyez BENIS... Mille MERCIS...
Renewed gratitude to Laura, the Cassiopaeans, the members of the Castle and those of the forum for the sharing of new and also repeated knowledge, so useful... What would we be without you all, lost in the darkness... Thank you for the LIGHT that accompanies us every day more and more... May the Divine Cosmic Spirit extend its hand on all of us... Be BLESSED... A thousand THANKS...
Renewed gratitude to Laura, the Cassiopaeans, the members of the Castle and those of the forum for the sharing of new and also repeated knowledge, so useful... What would we be without you all, lost in the darkness... Thank you for the LIGHT that accompanies us every day more and more... May the Divine Cosmic Spirit extend its hand on all of us... Be BLESSED... A thousand THANKS...