Session 31 December 2020

I am proud of France and the "non-advanced" Balkan. I often wonder how it is possible that so many "ordinary" people in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia have remained normal ... despite wars, a weak economy and great pressure from globalists ?? There is such a great hunger for freedom and free information. Here in the Balkans, "conspiracy theories" have become mainstream on YouTube.

It is heartwarming to see so many of the Forum people stepping up the plate and answering the call with donations. ❤️ 👍
I've also increased my monthly donation and donated some extra. When we all contribute something, it can make a big difference in energy!

Thank you for sharing the session.😊
I do not know if I am the only one but I have tried for 3 consecutive day to make a donation trough paypal and it would Simply not process it. Am I the only one with this issue? I sent a cheque.

Thank you for the great support of this network. This needs to be kept alive
hmm so that's why the pm button is not showing for me, ok

i have contacted him because it seems SRT is being discouraged here, so is it an issue of the practice itself or just because of privacy really??

They are two separate things, PlatonicSkeptic. Or even three. Privacy is protected here, so we edit out personal data (email address, exact location, real full name in most cases, etc.) whenever we spot it in posts.

Private contacts had led to troubles so many times that it proved to be wiser to discourage it as a rule. It's just happened many times that those who avoided the network's eyes and communicated privately with a picked-up forum member did have something to hide and their motivations were not that noble. Lesson learned. It doesn't necessarily have to be the case for any communication, but as the saying goes, it's better to be safe than sorry.

SRT is another issue altogether, but that's another lesson learned from experience. As I understand it, it's not always and by default a bad thing, but because it needs a lot of knowledge on the part of the 'patient' to stay safe, and there is a jungle in the field on the other part, we consider it much safer to pursue other measures. It's just so easy to make things worse for yourself if you don't have enough knowledge and someone watching your back, that it's not worth the risk.

Sorry for any confusion. How are you people with more experience dealing with these things??
Which things exactly? In general, on a case to case basis, via the power of networking with as many members as possible. By sharing experiences, stories, failures and successes. By examining what works and what doesn't, applying discernment and having the best outcome possible at heart.

i mean, it's explicit that the PTB are using this pandemic as fog for all kinds of attack to people so there must be an active group in activity here somewhere..
Sorry, not sure what you mean by the above.
But they say, "we're you in the future" or something like that. What difference does it make to 'them', if from their perspective we're already there?

All this is, IMO, an opportunity to follow J. Krishnamurti's lead: "I don't mind what happens."

Honestly, isn't focusing on potential outcomes is a waste of energy that could be spent focusing on the opportunity this 'crisis' provides to serve and learn? I find this time to be really valuable, and I am cherishing it. Meditation is stronger. Intuition seems better. Mental clarity improving.

Chin up, folks!
Then why would C's say "Humanity has one last chance? Will they take it". A lot of unnecessary deaths of people does not seem like an 'opportunity' for me.
I am really interested in the odds right now.
Odds strongly favor remaining at odds ad infinitum, unless...
Whenever I feel overwhelmed by anger, fear, sadness
We discover The Balance
The great act of mercy
We are that great act. It's called Forgiveness.

We say, "forgive and forget." Could there be an ontological root to that saying? Maybe we can compare the (supposedly) disparate paths of the heart and mind to find out.

First, some dilettante mathematics of infinity. Well, maybe it's not quite that bad. I'll leave it for others (1, 2, 3) to decide.

Infinity, Zero and One have a fascinating relationship. They are capitalized here to imply their Divine origins. Each is Whole and they are sort of holons of each other. Only for convenience are these considered numerically here - the contention is that they are not numbers, but realities. Zero is not the natural number (non-negative integer) 0. One is not the natural number 1. Infinity is not a succession of natural (or real) number running forever to oo (used here as imperfect but suitable symbol for numerical infinity). However, those numerical concomitants - 1, 0, oo - are useful to describe the relationship of the Divine as a ratio of the capacities of Heart and Mind - forgive and forget.

Consider the ratios expressed simply but not precisely as fractions: 1/0 = oo, or 1/oo = 0. They are better described by saying: as the denominator gets larger, the real number expressed by the faction gets smaller, and visa-versa, with the limits on each end being 0 and oo. Notice also that the numerator doesn't really have to be 1; it can be any real number. After all, if we use 1 or 39.37008, what is the difference? In this case it's just an artifact of unit convention: 1 meter is the same distance as 39.37008 inches. The point is, the unit 1 can be anything at all relatively, but absolutely it is whole.

Now, let's look at the Heart-Mind ratio.

The path of the bhakta, the heart path supposes mastery as the state in which the heart is so full of devotion that there is no room for anything else. It's the realm of saints, and the object of devotion is always the same Whole, regardless of which units (i.e. religious preferences) are used to describe that Whole. It is said that the subject, the heart of the saint, is so full of devotion to the object, that subject is able to recognize itself and its object as One. Think of stories of the lives Christian saints bearing stigmata. These people were so devoted to their ideation of the One, that they embodied the particular features of that ideation. Whether those stories are true seems irrelevant, or at least metaphorical. They point to a higher reality, and that seems to be the point of bhakta stories. These so-called saints are mystically connected to the One through the Heart in such a way that it's all they experience.

The same can be said, but in the inverse, about the path of the jnani. The Buddhist example of no-mind is probably the most recognizable. Meditation is supposed to quiet the mind. There are other examples, like Sri Ramana Maharshi's teaching of atma-vichara, or self-enquiry, was aimed at dismissing limited identification to the point of dissolution of ego. Whether or not that is to believed as a viable goal, the idea is to sweep out the little things so that nothing remains but the unadorned Self. The jnani supposedly sees through the mind because it has been made clear and unobstructed. A good example is the quote by J. Krishnamurti, who said, "Do you want to know my secret? I don't mind what happens." The sage is mystically connected to the One though Mind and that experience is supposedly complete.

For the bhakta, the Heart dismisses partiality. For the jnani, the Mind does it. Either way, there's nothing left to worry about. The two paths are supposed to be equal because they both reveal that there is no difference between emptiness of mind and fullness of heart. Zero, or emptiness is not void, but unbounded potential. Infinity, or fullness is not bloated, but unbounded realization. They are inversions of one-another - two sides of the same One coin. Flip it. Forgive or forget. Either by way of the bhakta or the jnani, We win!
Then why would C's say "Humanity has one last chance? Will they take it". A lot of unnecessary deaths of people does not seem like an 'opportunity' for me.
What dies and what get's recycled? What will happen to humanity when the Sun goes red giant? What lessons are to be learned to realize 6D as the Cs? How does one define mercy?
In the meantime, as I expect there may be some turbulence here in the USA after tomorrow which may interfere with my studies, I will share here that one thing I am sure of is that the smallpox vaccine never did eliminate smallpox from the world. Better sanitation and nutrition did...and it was becoming more and more evident that the only cases of smallpox showing up were from those who were vaccinated for smallpox, and those who came in contact with them. This was being reported and shared widely by many doctors.
I think the fact that vaccines seem to keep the strains alive and well to mutate and infect rather than promoting immunity is so obviously dismissed. I am thinking of the round of Whooping cough that went around a few years ago that definitely followed this trend. The people who got sick were the vaccinated and also the contagious element.
I think people will have to go through mass suffering, "in spades", and only when suffering (because of believing all the lies from authorities, from ignorance and fear) builds enough through all the economic, plague and starvation reasons, the treshold of truly rejecting what authorities are saying and doing could be reached through the "oil" reason (i.e., catastrophic Earth changes). Only then it might finally be enough for most people to start a revolution against the elite (bloody one concentrated in US mostly). It wouldn't be seeing through all the lies, far from that, but people will be enraged and will quickly find who "needs" to be punished.

But, the most important thing for our group and all those who will join us in SEEing through the lies is: "If the center holds, so will the spokes and satellites. The PTB are trying to make it difficult or impossible. But the center must hold for all.". True, our numbers are small , but we need to remember that "some consciousnesses "weigh" more than others", it's about anchoring the frequency.

Session Date: July 22nd 2010
That’s given me a way of looking at end of Lies. The soulless have positioned themselves everywhere for all to see. The destruction from here on out will rest solely on the shoulders of the psychopathic technocrats that want to run the show. Well let the show begin! The only ones to blame will be the controlling bastards who live for power and greed. Their obvious acts against humanity will bring the Reckoning.
My FOTCM holiday greeting from NC was postmarked 12/18, but didn't arrive till three days after Christmas. A Christmas card from PA was postmarked the 19th and also arrived after Christmas - it took ten days to get to Ohio!
We have experienced the same- sent Christmas gift cards by US mail from Georgia to Ohio and it took weeks to get there. It went south to Stockbridge GA first from Atlanta and sat there for days. 😞
The only ones to blame will be the controlling bastards who live for power and greed. Their obvious acts against humanity will bring the Reckoning.
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34 NIV

Further to that, without the extreme evidence of malfeasance, what would the the impetus for us to reflect on these signs of the times?

Then there is this whole business of Adam and Eve.

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, 'You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.'" Genesis 2:15-17 NIV

The idea that we know who to blame seems to be precisely what those quotes are all about. The story of Jesus on the cross is set against the admonition given to Adam and Even as an example that we are not to judge. How many of us have suffered, only to come out on the other side having grown through the process? Sometimes, learning the easy way is not so easy, as in effective, as learning the hard way. Who are we to say?

Disclaimer: I don't endorse any particular religion, Christian or any other. I simply happen to enjoy the symbolism of these quotes, and find that they are a fitting reference here.
Thank you for another great session! And thank you all who shared your impressions and your desire to contribute and participate in this network, keeping the center strong and the lights bright!

I've just donated what we can today and made it a monthly payment, along with the other monthly donation already active.

Echoing what others wrote, it's sometimes frustrating to live in a country with a weak currency because in the end it's not much, but it's sent with love and gratitude.

Because this network and the encompassing values and hard work around it are one of the most essential activities for me. And so, it's not a sacrifice but an act of faith and gratitude for the perspectives and lessons we get here. Thanks.
If I have additional funds from the stock exchange, as I promised, I have sent another money.

"As we have said before, money equals energy. That energy helps all of you to carry on and strengthen the center. If the center holds, so will the spokes and satellites."

"Let it be what it is."
I think the fact that vaccines seem to keep the strains alive and well to mutate and infect rather than promoting immunity is so obviously dismissed. I am thinking of the round of Whooping cough that went around a few years ago that definitely followed this trend. The people who got sick were the vaccinated and also the contagious element.
If you are interested in digging a bit deeper, there is a very comprehensive book written a few years ago, and the chapters on Whooping cough(Pertussis) cover the tragic and twisted logic behind this practice of "vaccination".

It is the best I have read in all of the research to date.

The title of the book is "Dissolving Illusions" written by Suzanne Humphreys, M.D. and Roman Bystrianyk.
From the books description:
Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?” Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated.

Thanks for the new session! Took me quite a while to read through so many pages of discussions. What a crazy time we're living in. Hang in there everyone, I think we need to ride through all this turmoil with as much calm and composure as possible - I know it's really hard.

Glad to hear more confirmation that Ark is doing great - all things considered.
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