I received my crystals on December 26th, so I have 15 days with reading and singing. As I mentioned first I had the need to translate the texts into Spanish in order to better assimilate the message. That was in the first week, in the second week I started reading the original text. In fact three times: the first time in English to "open" the communication or put me in tune, the second time in Spanish and a third time in English to reaffirm my commitment to the project.
And it feel good, like my Personal experience with the Cassiopaea energy. I also remembered something about Beelzebub's Tales:
ACCORDING TO the numerous deductions and conclusions made by me during experimental elucidations concerning the productivity of the perception by contemporary people of new impressions from what is heard and read, and also according to the thought of one of the sayings of popular wisdom I have just remembered, handed down to our days from very ancient times, which declares: “Any prayer may be heard by the Higher Powers and a corresponding answer obtained only if it is uttered thrice:
Firstly—for the welfare or the peace of the souls.
Secondly—for the welfare of one’s neighbor.(I´m in Mexico, this is why I read the second time in Spanish: family and neighbor and Earth since we are trying to anchor a frequency)
And only thirdly—for oneself personally.”
Now, since I received my crystals I feel deeply united to my family, which is you. We are Family of Light, are not we? :D
Barbara Marciniak wrote in her books:
"Families of consciousness come together as clusters, based on their level of evolution, their own desire and according to a specific plan. The Family of Light is vast. Its members meet whenever information has to be disseminated; They are like a special body of the apostate forces that are summoned in cases of emergency. As members of the Family of Light, they were born with the capacity to transform reality through information, faith, practice and constant search. Its members are carriers of frequencies that are used to wake up many...."
I am infinitely grateful to TFOCM, Laura, and C's for giving me this opportunity to participate in such a wonderful project.