Session 8 April 2023

One of the benefits is the ability to maintain or increase muscle mass. That is a very important especially for older people.

I am doing this type of training for around 15 years. I tried many other training programs but HIT is the best. You need a very short time to complete the training. In a half an hour you can warm up, do the training and cool down. So you will have about 15-20 minutes active training. If performed until muscle failure, it is more than enough. Now , I am 45 and I do it about 3-4 time per week. In my 30-thies I was doing more frequently. One muscle group per day. For example:

Monday - Back
Wednesday - Rest day or sometimes Arms.
Thursday - Shoulders.
Friday - Legs.
Saturday and Sunday, - Rest.

This works perfectly for me. I do 3 to 4 exercises in one session.
The trick is to warm up well, and do each set until muscle failure in a positive movement, and later when more experienced also in negative movements. Sometimes it needs one set, sometimes 2 or 3 sets. It depends on the day.

You can adjust exercises that suit you and that you can perform without any pain. For example, I can't do a flat bench press because I always hurt my shoulder with that exercise, while it is much better if I do a decline bench press. It is less stressful to the shoulder joint and puts much more pressure on the pectoral muscles. That works for me.
I think that Dorian Yates, an ex-Mr. Olimpia has some good videos on YT.
Just ignore the part about chemistry that he talks about and diet.
The tips about proper HIT training with weights are actually very good.
Thank you for your tips on HIT training, I tried and hurted myself, it took me a week to recover! I will try again.
A: Morebuntk of Cassiopaea here.

How about More Bunked. (Vs debunked)

IOW when is the last time the C’s said “poorly formed question” (paraphrase) so many times?

A: Not exactly as the question is composed
A: Bad question. Rethink and separate
A: Not well thought out question
A: Ask better questions. A lot depends on the aim, goal, and intent of the question.

That, and saying, more or less, not to over-anticipate and get carried away on various potential economic catastrophes and breakdowns; societal, political and geopolitical. That’s the takeaway I got on the initial reading. I am thinking, while watching the show, is fine and amusing, it can get in the way of continuing lessons when the fixation is on the world soap opera.
(Adobe) Well, one is that in August of this year, there is a change of the ozone that will cause the sun to be more intense. I believe the next one is in, I forget the month, of 2024 where there's electromagnetic changes. And then he says in 2025, and I believe it's March, April and May of 2025 - he uses the solar system and he shows it opened up to bolide bombardment. So we've got sun change, electromagnetic change, and bolide bombardment. And he pretty much has dates to them and works it through in one of the videos. And I did post it on the forum.

(L) Hmm. What's his track record like?

(Adobe) So far pretty good, I think. I think you've spoken with him before, haven't you? From Adapt 2030.
Great session again on display by the Chateau crew back up by F.O.T.C.M.
Love watching David Dubyne podcast. He not afraid of sharing some quality information on whats coming down. I have been following this guy for a few years just to keep up with movement of planetary bodies and their impact of earth.

I have seen a recent video with a short insert of Samuel Benner Cycle showing periods of financial growth and turmoil from 1870's to 2050. Here is an article which gives a quick overview of the Benner cycle. It appear CLOSE as the Cs would say.

More GRAVITY is the trademark for all seeking to grow and expand...... So then its non-stop KAI-ZEN.
Thank you so much Cassiopaeans, Laura, Crew, and all who participated. I could feel the positive energy during this reading. You guys are the best!! I am so grateful and thankful to be part of this group. May we all continue to learn, grow, and protect each other during these turbulent times.
A very belated welcome to our forum, trhouston!:welcome: Could you please write a short introduction in our newbies section and tell us a bit about yourself, so we can get to know you better? How did you find us, are you reading SOTT, are you familiar with Laura's work besides the sessions and so on. Have a look at other newbies' posts if you need some guidance. Thank you!
Can you point me to a quick and easy video of this maneuver

So this seems to be solid and concise instructional. Main thing to focus on, which he mentions in the video, is to have your arms just outside of shoulder width. You essentialy want your elbows to be at right angles at the bottom of the lift. Also start very light, and make sure someone is around to grab the barbell (unless using dumbells) incase you cannot finish the lift.
Q: (T.C.) [..] did it have anything to do with the fact that they all sang together every week?

A: Limbic resonance and yes.
The nuns praying in the chapel the C's mentioned created permanent healing energies there, remember?
I wonder is there a similar effect when we sing to our crystals, when we pray, during meditation?
For our Crystal Network it became normal to pre-sense Sessions by now. As many others here, no doubt, I had pings / soft "alarm-clock signals" all this week that there is a session incoming. I was way too shaken by a stunning "RP3"-class pageturner from the Approved Book List in the Romance Book Reading Project to check in yesterday.
(Adobe) Yeah, but at least it would be using our harder data. So it'd be taking the 10% and trying to match it with the 90% and using David DuByne's work.
(Joe) I salute your effort because we have tried often in the past to do that as well, but... We get "no dice".
I tried to elaborate couple times already: reality is fluid. We can decide to change our Being - as Vadim Zeland tried to explain - and Trans-Surf to better or worse timelines. Only this group is Conscious, so Zeland's willy-nilly "pendulum" here for our assertive willpower is really a solid Ladder of Being, I think: with serious effort we can travel. We can directly influence into which timeline we arrive. We can take control. Remember the Alchemists? How the C's mentioned they were control freaks? So we, especially after having collected many G's pictures [failures] of joyrides into worse timelines, we can decide to go to a better timeline, I think.

Lets take the 'The Ladder of Being' a vertical positional change, similarly how you control a large hot air balloon to rise or sink, I think, we can depart from this timeline where the current specific geopolitical news are discussed.

Go to better or worse timelines, where other / different geopolitical news are discussed.
This group, I think, exist on any possible timelines. Maybe somewhat similar to how Jesus-Caesar's soul is being said is replicated ad-infinitum to give people individual attention as needed.

Imagine the different timeline-versions of this group as on above pic, see how the stacked light rays delineate, lets say, they represent better and worse timelines: I think this group resides on each of those timelines, from worse to best, where the discussed geopolitical / world-news topics are different.

When the C's predict something, they may be "required" to predict the future for the 'whole bunch of these different groups' at once: see the White Light on above picture. That's the C's task to say "soon". Yeah.. not exactly easy, huh?

Especially, when considering:
1. 'One version of this group (F-)' exists on, inhabits the worst timeline: where the US starts WW3.
2. Another version of this group may be living on the best timeline (A+): where Trump Wins and Putin's Alliance achieves World-Peace.

We are In-Between. According to my hypothesis. Neither on the worst nor on the best timeline. So this timeline-reality, I think, may only be a "Way-Station".

Its possible that many members of this group have their real home on better timelines, and their "presence" here, on this timeline is a mere 'reflection'.
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'Then at specific key junctions, - as the C's mentioned multiple times how the "Window of opportunity is closing to make choices" - , the above bunch of differently colored timelines may somehow get forced / bundled tighter together, to "become one" - via the unifying power of cosmic cataclysms - and then effectively represent The White Light on above picture: during these events all the different versions of our group dwelling on differently colored timelines somehow go through a "Common Juncture", like a really big event: think about the explosion of Kantek. How their different timelines must have collapsed then into a singularity. Maybe the C's concentrate on such key junctures. As all the other outcomes are too fluid - are on a too chaotic / wide area of changes (see how big Area of Choice Per Free Will the colored bands occupy) - to predict accurately.

So, I estimate, because of the above, the C's predictive accuracy is really at around 95%. Only they predicted multiple-timeline-outcomes. What did not happen on our timeline-here, I think, could have happened on other timelines. C's see all future bundled together, I think, just like the White Light on the above picture. Individual timelines are too "chaotic" to predict, especially because the real home presence (where the soul really presides) this group's specific member's may be dispersed on different timelines. And the only thing keeping us together - as a group with all the Souls accounted for - is the "Critical Juncture Points", which squeeze all timeline-junctures together, and make them the "unified White Light timeline" on the above picture.
Monday - Back
Wednesday - Rest day or sometimes Arms.
Thursday - Shoulders.
Friday - Legs.
Saturday and Sunday, - Rest.

This works perfectly for me. I do 3 to 4 exercises in one session.
The trick is to warm up well, and do each set until muscle failure in a positive movement, and later when more experienced also in negative movements. Sometimes it needs one set, sometimes 2 or 3 sets. It depends on the day.
I like the workout split PUSH (chest, triceps, anterior and middle deltoids) - PULL (back, biceps, back deltoids) - LEGS (legs and abs). Incorporating super sets.
To to reduce days in gym (due to work schedule) I move the legs to PULL (squats, deadlifts) and abs to PUSH.
With a diet heavy on meat I feel much better than before (also using then whey protein, casein, pre-workouts).
Appreciate the session; it definitely wasn’t as ominous as the last one! ;-)

So there is a difference between high intesity training (h.i.t) and high intesity interval training (h.i.i.t).

The former espoused by Arthur Jones an Mike Mentzer centers around taking 1 exercise/movement to mechanical failure. Whereas h.i.i.t, where you have several exercises with minimal rest periods and do several sets of said exercises. There is significant overlap between h.i.i.t and crossfit, but h.i.i.t is a broader generalization.

Personally i would not recommend h.i.i.t, crossfit or any training regime that sacrifices correct form for reps.

Weighlifting, in general, has many benefits if used in a correct way. Since i began teaing on a regular basis i have noticed many health benefits but mainly the feeling of being more robust.

One main aspect i have noticed that for me contributes heavily is the abdominal bracing during lifting. The deep abdominal breathing combined with muscular exertion does give me an increased feeling of awakeness, which i personally attribute to increasing oxygen uptake. But that is just my experience. I do not recommend this to everyone.

For more info on H.I.T look up any of mike mentzers videos on youtube.

I definitely agree with this as well.

Being active within the fitness industry has taught me many things, one of the more if not most important lessons being to train and condition your breathing with the diaphragm. (Especially in highly exerting exercises like heavy squats and deadlifts.)

Weightlifting has also been a staple in keeping my mental discipline just as sharp as my physical. To say that it is therapeutic when done wisely is an understatement!
I like the workout split PUSH (chest, triceps, anterior and middle deltoids) - PULL (back, biceps, back deltoids) - LEGS (legs and abs). Incorporating super sets.
To to reduce days in gym (due to work schedule) I move the legs to PULL (squats, deadlifts) and abs to PUSH.
With a diet heavy on meat I feel much better than before (also using then whey protein, casein, pre-workouts).

This has been my most preferred regiment for years now. Especially with how much I have to work!

When I was also experimenting with powerlifting, this combined with a lot of Louie Simmons’ Conjugate System became a must. Now mind you, this is more for advanced/conditioned lifters, so this isn’t recommended for everyone.

But the principles can be applied regardless of how much weight you lift. It’s all about growing and strengthening efficiently and safely. If interested in this method, I recommend checking out this video:

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