Session 9 June 2018

Thank you for the session and thank you very much Laura for asking about my hives. The C's underlined some primary things for me to focus on - clearing out the emotional and mental trash!

As someone who happens to experience skin issues too, I was wondering if it's OK to ask how specifically Renaissance has been taking care of his intestines?

I updated this thread last week that contains more of a description, but in short the main things that I've been doing are: time restricted eating (last meal around 3pm is best if skin isn't doing well, but even on good days it's best not to eat past 4-4:30), mega doses of glutamine (20-30 grams a day before bed - use the powder), bifidobacteria probiotics (after meals; most other probiotics actually produce histamine and the bifido counters histamine reactions) along with chicory root inulin as a pre-biotic for the bifido, and going to sleep when my body is tired. I also restricted my intake of sugar, which has been pretty easy since I'm not eating late and that is usually when I'd get a sweet tooth. I do okay with some carbs in the morning. This protocol was for a bad case of chronic hives. Doctors don't know what causes it, and there are many cases that are resistant to the usual treatment, which I have been.

I've also done some coffee cleansing here and there over the past months, but I'm going to do them more frequently now that the C's pinpointed the colon as the affected area.

That said, taking care of the physical body looks like only one piece of the puzzle, and emotional and mental cleanses are also really needed. I've been touching on these things the past couple of months with some journaling, but it looks like I need to step things up and really break through the surface and start some excavating!
Fascinating as always. Thank you!

Was thinking about the sun today; it was absent, new snow in the mountains and a cold bitter wind that caught me off guard. Northerners (or deep Southerners) who live a good half year without much sun will have to interact with it in slightly new 'veiled' ways as things continue to open up.

Although not discussed, the sun's rays could also have an impact on the retina - optics etc.
Thanks for posting another great session!

I've felt the sun giving a feeling of needles on the skin, on and off, the last few years. Weird that it's doesn't feel that way all that often, and when it does, it doesn't seem to relate to how long I've been under the sun.
Thanks for the session!

The sun has had an extra bite in it for several years now and the bite is getting harder.

Regarding super powers, there would likely be no work that could speed up the process. They will arrive when people are ready, not as much by what they do today but rather by their past lives with lessons learned long ago. It's the level your soul has reached. Be true to yourself!
then you have to buy vitamin D and not exposed to the sun so much ... the suffering intrigues me, it occurs to me to try to accelerate and lengthen the energizing meditation of Eiriú Eolas which is somewhat annoying or the CS may refer to more concrete things.

I think that suffering has to be the right kind; you can't just go after it with the intention of getting something for the self.
Thanks for another informative session! 😊 I, too felt the sun was more aggressive lately. It's nice to have the C's confirmation of that. Umbrellas and D3 supplements it is!!!

Pretty much. I think that being outside under a bit of shade is a good way to get indirect sunlight which we DO need.
It's an interesting idea, but as always it would be best to not anticipate.
It's an important question for some of us. One have to take dispositions. What if you have all your cost savings in your bank account, money that you hardly earned since your first teenage jobs, that you haven't yet had the opportunity to buy an appartment or house (you live in hire), no other patrimony, no house herited by parents, that you're now disabled or unemployed thus can't work anymore. What if all this money vanishes, or is stolen by banksters? It's important to know what you have to do in order to save this money. In such cases, you can't say "I sit down, watch and won't anticipate"

And, thank you very much for this session, as always interesting. I loved the last words of the C's :flowers:

A: Just remember that periods of apparent stasis are not necessarily bad. Sometimes Being needs to catch up with Doing. Patience and dedication are key. It is impossible for us to give predictions of exactly when dramatic changes will take place due to the many variables in an open universe. But be assured that things are definitely on the move in cosmic and psychic spheres. Keep your eyes open and be aware at all levels and don't be taken unawares.
Wowza! Thank for this session. There are so many interesting bits to ponder on.

(Joe) Is it true that people who gravitate toward that idea of relativism and that there's no truth, and then they effectively put themselves in the place of god, is it because they have no real inner connection or appreciation of anything higher than themselves?

A: Yes
I always thought that this had to be the case with die-hard athiests like Dawkins. Joe has emphasised it over the years on some of the SOTT radio shows, and it makes a lot of sense. In ordinary conditions, this subset of people might simply interact with reality in a different way. But today, many of these types are in positions where they have widespread influence, and make a point of insisting that this applies to everyone else aswell. So, perhaps many of the people who are endowed with the quality which allows them to "connect" with a higher force actually neglect that aspect of themselves because they have been convinced that it did not exist.

(L) So we should really try to avoid the sun right now because it's weird?

A: Yes

Ever since reading this bit, I have fallen into a mild bout of depression. It might sound silly, but 4-5 months out of every year in the summer here in the UK is spent sun-bathing in the garden. Anyone who regularly listens to the H&W show knows that I am a "sun-worshipper", and so my heart sank a little when I read this :cry:. Especially since my health becomes vibrant when I am exposed to sunlight, and I generally feel overall BETTER. I am kind of stumped with this... I have spent so many hours studying the benefits of sunlight, and have recommended it to everyone I know. However, while all of that information about the benefits probably applied 20-30 years ago, things have changed according to the Cs, and this is something that no one else is probably even aware of.

It would be interesting to know whether people who get much less throughout the year are more in-need in the summer months than those people who have great weather all-year-round. For instance, here in the UK we have practically zero UV for at least 6 months of every year, and only for 3-4 months do we have nice weather. I am therefore inclined to think that a little bit extra for those of us in this area of the world may not be so bad - though this is clearly tainted by extreme wishful thinking!

Thanks for another informative session! 😊 I, too felt the sun was more aggressive lately. It's nice to have the C's confirmation of that. Umbrellas and D3 supplements it is!!!
I am not sure it is as simple as that. It is debatable as to whether D3 (taken separate from UV exposure) is a good idea or not in the long-term. There are quite a few other events which take place when the skin is exposed to light, and D3 synthesis is just one of them. I would be more inclined to go with UV lamps or tanning beds more capable of mimicking real-life exposure, rather than simple D3 supplements.
However, I could be totally wrong and the C's might say D3 is good enough.
Glad the Sunshine was part of this session, I too felt it was a bit more than usual. Even with the occasional high UV ratings, there is a difference.
Interesting as always, thanks for sharing!

The past half year or so, I've sensed less activity by members on the forum (myself included). Indeed, it has felt like a 'stand still', and it has made me a bit worried. However, reading what the C's said, it might just be the calm before the storm!

Yup, seems so. I think it is partly information overload plus the craziness of the world. We've had the Cs view on things for awhile, but I don't think any of us - including me - was able to imagine how it would all play out. Now we see it right before our eyes and, I don't know about any of you, but it is still shocking to me to see how insane it all is. I could NEVER have imagined what is happening now. And it sure is overload even when you have some idea of what it is, what is going on, and where it is leading. Just imagine what it must be like for people who have very little clue in respect of hyperdimensional driving of our reality?

I read an article the other day about people becoming mentally exhausted by the news, the constant back and forth, and so on. Well, yeah! No kidding!

Everyone is being assaulted on all sides by a confusing and seducing mass of slogans and ideology. Everybody is talking about "freedom" and "equal opportunity" and "diversity" and "democracy". The truth seems to be that both sides are being used to enslave humanity in the worst way imaginable. What we are seeing is people reacting to this based on their spiritual needs, but they don't realize that it is all twisted and propagandized: liberals and conservatives both are being induced to choose the same form of slavery from totally different angles.

The problem with the whole mess is the materiality of it - even the "Christian Conservative" materialism. Most people focus on the material aspects of things: freedom to do this or that (pick a side and read Haidt's book). People want significance in their lives either to satisfy their own ambitions or to at least be no worse off than anyone else. The liberals want to achieve significance by forcing some sort of "equality" that they can then control (i.e. power). The Conservatives want to be left alone to claw their way to the top without hindrance (i.e. money and power). But in BOTH cases, it is materialism that they think will set them free, ensure democracy, however they define it.

But what is true freedom? Not being controlled by any of this, to live each day fully aware of what is inside you and outside you (as much as possible) and thereby having the ability to choose wisely that which is good for your spiritual nature, your soul. And those choices come every day, every hour, every minute. True freedom is to CHOOSE to follow the path of soul enrichment and growth.
Thank you very much for the session.
I feel that the previous session and this one are very complementary when we talk about the Tower of Babel. Can one consider that the Bacchanalia of Dionysus is a path to the dehumanization of the human being making him believe that he is a God, with the divine right of pleasure and absolute truth?
Is uncontrolled pleasure a FRV way to manipulate us used by 4D STD beings?

See what I just posted a bit ago.

It's interesting that Jung thought of his "god" as something like Bacchus if not explicitly, at least implicitly. His last words were, reportedly, about wine.
Thanks everyone for another amazing session!! :thup:

As far as worker bees go does that just pertain to the people your surrounded by or does it also include the people that keep all of you in our thoughts?

I think it is everyone who chooses!

Funny that the Cs brought up this bee business because I recently read "The Social Conquest of Earth" by evolutionary biologist, E. O. Wilson. He talked quite a bit about "social critters".
That said, taking care of the physical body looks like only one piece of the puzzle, and emotional and mental cleanses are also really needed. I've been touching on these things the past couple of months with some journaling, but it looks like I need to step things up and really break through the surface and start some excavating!

Ark has recently been quite taken with the Anastasia books and asked me to read one of them that deals with history. So, I started yesterday. And, as it happens, very early on there is a description of a process that might be very helpful for you and everyone else who is dealing with "cleaning house" in physical and spiritual terms. It's a meditation and I think it is a good one so I'll just quote the passage here though I'm going to edit it down to the essential process and leave out most of the back and forth dialogue:

Eugene nodded seriously. “I’m, for example, with all my hands and other extremities “pro” good doings, and thoughts, and help. But what can I do if I can’t manage my thoughts? Frankly speaking, I’m fed up with them! I can’t bear all of that. ... I don’t understand what is the matter? However hard I tried with this meditation it doesn’t work and that’s all. Everything stays at the level of bare imagination.”

“It’s really a complicated meditation,” Sensei replied to him. “And in order to achieve much success in it, you should be persistent, hard-working and have a special state of will. Then your “resistance” will disappear and you will see a completely different reality.”

Eugene: “But I seem to have a growth problem. All my attempts don’t let me achieve another level, I have only after-effects caused by excessive pressure. Maybe there is some complementary additional “device” for such dummies like me?... Sensei, throw me a straw to save me from drowning in the turbulent elements of my Animal nature!"

“Well, I feel pity about the animal. Alright, let’s help it. We will throw it a straw, maybe it will become a Human with the time.” And having considered for a while, he uttered slowly, “You say, a staw… There is one.” And he added more seriously, “this meditation ... is very helpful and effective in such cases. And the main thing, it’s easy for every “drowning” man in the ocean of the Animal nature. It’s like this. First, as usual, you concentrate ... you start imagining ... your as many little cells.... It’s very important to see the structure of your body, to visualize each cell. Having seen all this conglomeration of cells you take each ... cell... and visually write on it, as if writing carefully each letter, a very strong spiritual formula which consists of two simple words, “Love and Gratitude”. The language, you are writing these words on, does not matter, because that’s the essence which is important. ... Since Love and Gratitude are the only two things that a human being is able to give God.

Thus during this meditation, you gradually fill billions of your cells with these inscriptions, and as a result your thoughts are concentrated on this powerful formula and improve both your physical and spiritual health. The cell, on which you leave such an inscription, will forever stay under the protection of this effective and strong formula, like under protection of a talisman ... When you fill yourself with this formula, you don’t only cleanse yourself from the dirt of negative thoughts, but you also reveal the inner light coming from these cells. It’s as if you light up a lot of tiny light bulbs, and it becomes so bright inside of you that even shadows disappear… It’s important also that you concentrate during this meditation only on these words and switch off all the other, irrelevant thoughts.
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