Some further thoughts about "rebellion" vs. "strategic enclosure".
Personally, I tend to go with my feeling and intuition with regard to the specific situation. But after an initial phase of complete anger and "rebellious" urges, I now consider those a weakness. It's just not worth the trouble and there are many other things I want to spend my energy on. It is, after all, just a piece of cloth - at least in most situations. That is not to say that I don't use my wiggle-room to the max. Perhaps it's a subtle question of attitude: do I wear the mask because I'm too afraid of the authorities? Because I believe in the Covid scam? Or because I choose my battles and want to conserve energy?
For me, it's a matter of being strategic. What brings out the Nazis is often not so much the fact that you are not wearing a mask, but that you dare going against the authorities. So for example if someones "catches" me, I simply tell them "oops, I forgot". Or "Ah, I just had a coffee and forgot" or something. This immediately puts them at ease, because they think I'm with them, believe in Covid, and trust the authorities. Another trick is to strategically wear the mask at some occasions where people see you, and then don't wear it much of the time. Even if someone "catches" you (such as in the office, in the train etc.), they won't put you in the "Covid denier" category. Because
that's what freaks them out.
Speaking of which, from what I've heard here in Germany, exemptions are pretty worthless in many situations. The framing is "exemption=Covid denier" and "doctor who writes exemptions=evil Covid-denying doctor". And that's how people, including authorities, react. So in many situations "kicking and screaming" doesn't help much, even if the law is on your side. It depends of course.
Again, I think it's a balancing act and I decide intuitively in each situation. But since I stopped considering myself a coward for just wanting to be left alone and focus on more interesting and important things, my life has become a lot easier and I waste less energy on all of this nonsense. (Though I draw the line when I feel I don't get enough air. Then it's off. Or under the chin at least. I also find it fun to experiment a little with mask positions, put it on and off, and so on. This kind of sends a message of how ridiculous all of this is without making me a target.)
Keep in mind that this too shall pass, and I don't want to spoil my chances of witnessing the rest of this show and do and learn what I'm supposed to just because I'm offended. Keep in mind that this WILL be over. And then the next insanity will come. It's a good time to practice transcending the rage and hurt and focus on more positive endeavors. We will need that skill!!!
As others have said, I think humor is so important here. One way for example is to "act out" the ridiculousness instead of raging and rebelling and arguing. Recently we went to a fine restaurant with family, and I waited in line outside without the mask, close to people. It's allowed outside! Then I put on the mask while crossing the entrance. Hey, I complied! Then I walked 2 metres to the table where my elderly folks sat. While approaching, I put off the mask, then gave them a hug. There, virus beaten!! And all legal! Then got up to go to the restroom and "forgot" to put on the mask. Midway, I "remembered"! Put it on for the rest of the 2 meters, relieved I remembered to save my life just in time... There are many ways to have fun with this! Heck, somehow we found ourselves in this postmodern motto party, and truth be told, I would rather have not come, and our hosts seem to take it entirely too serious. But now that we are here, let's have some fun, no? What else there is to do!
Speaking of party pooping, another aspect in all this is external consideration and how we want to come across. For example, would you like it to go to a supermarket, and have someone making a huge scene because of the mask, citing laws and whatnot, causing turmoil, all the employees coming and trying to calm him? I don't want that, to be honest. I just want to get something done. And the employees sure don't want it either, no matter how they think about all that. Keep in mind that in many companies, middle management is put under enormous pressure from above to enforce the rules, even though many of them don't want it at all. Heard many stories like this.
But again, it's all subtle and depends I guess. Sometimes a little exercise in rebelliousness might be good too.
A last aspect: As Joe said earlier here, for many people out there, rebelling and whatnot means they are taking a stand for the first time, and they are learning what this system and reality is really like. And what they are learning is that there is a super-powerful force out there that they cannot resist, and that will crush dissenters. Many haven't realized this yet and still think that those in power will finally understand them, see reality, and so on. Even the many mainstream doctors who are speaking out reluctantly (in Germany a MASSIVE and very mainstream alliance of doctors has formed critizising the lockdown, representing the official bodies of the vast majority of medical practitioners!) begin to see that even THEY can't do nothing. The forces they are opposing are just too great. But WE already knew all that.
Just some thoughts - and Hail the Nose Bear!