Thank you Gaby Joe, Abats and others for your thoughts on external consideration, i was thinking myself about it in the last couple of days. The conclusion i've arrived to as many of us here, is that this period is a great opportunity for us as well to learn some great lessons, one of the lessons being that the people who are following blindly the authorities aren't bad people as a default, they are our brothers and sisters, our parents, friends etc that aren't ready yet to see who's really hiding behind that 'benevolent' authoritative individual who they are following blindly even to their own detriment as has happened in the past. Almost 50% of the people need an authoritative figure in their lives to follow, a psychopathic one or a benevolent one it doesn't matter, which for them is like a parent figure in their lives, as Joe mentioned earlier, even if they don't realize it consciously.
In this case treating these people with hate, rage, seeing them as our enemies will be a huge failure from our part to learn an important lesson here, that is, accepting and respecting other people's choices thus respecting their free will since all there is is lessons and nothing more, be patient, respectful and understandable towards them as if they were children. With No disrespect towards them in this case.
You don't throw a child out of the house if he behaves childlike, no, you treat him with respect and care, with love and patience because you know that he's a small child that needs your love and support in order to be able to grow up and become a strong and healthy adult.
Of course among them there are those whose nature is of a sts orientation, in either case for your own sake you have to walk among them being wise as a serpent and gentle as doves, applying strategic enclosure to the max.
Understanding and accepting who they are and where they are thats the lesson for me to learn. If we are willing to learn it i think at least from our part there won't be diffused any further divisiveness between all of us thus rendering more easy the task for the sts beings to achieve their goal. United we stand, divided we fall that's the point i was trying to make I think...
In this case treating these people with hate, rage, seeing them as our enemies will be a huge failure from our part to learn an important lesson here, that is, accepting and respecting other people's choices thus respecting their free will since all there is is lessons and nothing more, be patient, respectful and understandable towards them as if they were children. With No disrespect towards them in this case.
You don't throw a child out of the house if he behaves childlike, no, you treat him with respect and care, with love and patience because you know that he's a small child that needs your love and support in order to be able to grow up and become a strong and healthy adult.
Of course among them there are those whose nature is of a sts orientation, in either case for your own sake you have to walk among them being wise as a serpent and gentle as doves, applying strategic enclosure to the max.
Understanding and accepting who they are and where they are thats the lesson for me to learn. If we are willing to learn it i think at least from our part there won't be diffused any further divisiveness between all of us thus rendering more easy the task for the sts beings to achieve their goal. United we stand, divided we fall that's the point i was trying to make I think...