Shouldn't we be fighting this?

Thank you Gaby Joe, Abats and others for your thoughts on external consideration, i was thinking myself about it in the last couple of days. The conclusion i've arrived to as many of us here, is that this period is a great opportunity for us as well to learn some great lessons, one of the lessons being that the people who are following blindly the authorities aren't bad people as a default, they are our brothers and sisters, our parents, friends etc that aren't ready yet to see who's really hiding behind that 'benevolent' authoritative individual who they are following blindly even to their own detriment as has happened in the past. Almost 50% of the people need an authoritative figure in their lives to follow, a psychopathic one or a benevolent one it doesn't matter, which for them is like a parent figure in their lives, as Joe mentioned earlier, even if they don't realize it consciously.

In this case treating these people with hate, rage, seeing them as our enemies will be a huge failure from our part to learn an important lesson here, that is, accepting and respecting other people's choices thus respecting their free will since all there is is lessons and nothing more, be patient, respectful and understandable towards them as if they were children. With No disrespect towards them in this case.

You don't throw a child out of the house if he behaves childlike, no, you treat him with respect and care, with love and patience because you know that he's a small child that needs your love and support in order to be able to grow up and become a strong and healthy adult.

Of course among them there are those whose nature is of a sts orientation, in either case for your own sake you have to walk among them being wise as a serpent and gentle as doves, applying strategic enclosure to the max.

Understanding and accepting who they are and where they are thats the lesson for me to learn. If we are willing to learn it i think at least from our part there won't be diffused any further divisiveness between all of us thus rendering more easy the task for the sts beings to achieve their goal. United we stand, divided we fall that's the point i was trying to make I think...
Thank you Abats for your post. Please entertain my theorizing from it. For all the practical and sound advise, I believe Joe, Michael, Aragorn, and many others have pan out for us to contemplate on. Please do have a look.

I like Kari Baba and manitoban's comments, referring back to basic tenets. Just some words in the end, but can exemplify what we have learned over the years. I guess application comes to mind.

Abats, I read your post as a real-time reflection and a perfectly clear example of the programming being complete. Rather harsh, but a fact nonetheless. I picked out a few quotes by Color, psychegram, and Michael B-C. I think they are a good contrast of what normal regular humans were born with innately and what the "complete the programming" has attempted to install on to each mind. To incur the choice/split in humanity maybe? The behavior of your colleagues doesn't shock me, but those patients in suffering, in search of those topics does. An obvious easy outlet for 'attaching to b/c of deeply suppressed neglect issues' as cognitive dissonance kicks in. Just as we have seen history repleat with the same scenarios and thought viruses, we get another chance to re-examine them as well. "This" time though maybe be a lot more different, as the collegue of yours will have to actually confront and relate to these "conspiracies" of said patients. I have no direct knowledge, but the Big lie cannot hold much longer. In a strange karmic way, my higher self has shown me glimpses along the way, only to have the main body of my work and aim have direct correlation to this unveiling as we progress alongside it. I have had my fair share of inklings to "DO" something over the years, but that certain voice inside keeps bringing up "people will choose when they are ready". I m nearly certain that all will be unveiled, mainly due to the symptoms and remedy for the sts Big Lie. As we come out of this period, the even playing field should be very obvious to those suffering from the lie-effect. We will be in our most natural state, as it were, and more so for those of us that felt most uncomfortable surviving materialistic physicality, instead of variable physicality. A Key shift in Awareness for most I would assume. I lost my point in replying to your post, just that it very much touches a deep bone in my conscience. Thank you and please do share more on the ground info.

Hi Aragorn, I hear your frustrations and also your pendulum swinging and hitting hard to both opposites. It is difficult, dealing with it all and good to speak up about mixed emotions, perspectives.

When I was a kid I collected stray dogs and cats on regular basics. At least that's what my mom thought, the truth was they would find me and I couldn't leave them behind. It was driving my mom crazy, they all ended up right back on the street and I was heartbroken each time. Later in life I spent 4 years saving highly traumatized and sick animals on my own expense, I would rehabilitate them physically and socialize them with help of my pack of dogs and then found them a proper family. Over 100 dogs and a dozen of cats went through my home, only few I couldn't help, their lil bodies were just too week. It was extremely painful and yet somehow enormously healing experience for me, a way to 'correct' the wrong I experienced in my childhood, to make things right as an adult for the old injustice imposed on them (and on me) during my childhood.

During my first 6 years of primary school, while learning about the world around me on a larger scale, I was then 'picking up' kids, neglected by their parents, mistreated, shy, misunderstood ones. I would defend them from other kids if needed or just hang out with them. Later in life kids from the neighborhood would hang out in my back yard during summer or we took long walks with my dogs, all throughout the year. Kids whose parents were relieved to get rid of them for at least a while. I'm not saying they were all bad parents, some of them were just overtired. Wherever I moved - kids would appear. I also worked as animator on kids birthdays just for the fun of it and took care of other people's kids as a mean to earn money and be with my kid when she was little, not have to send her to the kindergarten.

Kids and animals are the only constant through my highly adventurous life. Those two. I love them unconditionally and would give up my life for them in an instant if needed. No brainer. When I was doubting everything and everyone during some really rough times of my life, I never doubted them. Their innocence which should be protected.

I spent many hours fighting with God about it, crying cause of the injustice, yelling at the Universe for such cruelties against those most vulnerable! I couldn't grasp the reason for such affairs, I just couldn't! How could any of it be even remotely acceptable to some higher being?!? I was baffled by my perception of the ignorance of God!!!

It took 40 years of my life to make me fully understand. I had to see the worst of the worst, to dwell into the aspect of nature of self absorption in my own life as well in those of others to finaly surrender, to give up on ALL of my presumptuous conclusions, confronted with the Reality, with its core impulse and reasoning, for its right to exist. The duality.

Some say it came into being as an abbreviation in the algorithm of creation and how God decided, instead of erasing it in one sweep - to use it as a tool for accelerated learning. For the most brave and most stubborn souls. How God said "Hey, lets see if we can repair it from within instead! Lets insert some brave souls into this mess and let them fix it from the inside, to bring it through their inner struggle back into the balance!" I like that story...

I guess what I am saying is how things happening around us ARE wrong, but at the same time they ARE NOT. If you can help one or few human beings with their struggle to learn and to progress a bit easier and faster in their lessons then great, go for it! But if you plan to stop this world from further harming all the children and all oblivious people then I would have to say it's a foolish endeavor. You can try but you won't succeed. All is a lesson, on a personal and global scale but we can influence it, in a meaningful way, only through personal/individual lessons.

To put it in different words: you have to make a real personal sacrifice in your 3D existence in order to make a true impact! And that is just the start! You have to take many things into consideration and have the ability to see beyond the cosality of this world's events, to be able to access the clear imprint of higher realm's intentions and you better be sure how what you are sacrificing is going to make some, if any, positive change for others! Often what we believe to be right for others turns out to be just a painful lesson of our own ignorance.

Hope this helps! :-D

My feeling is that the C's advice was predicated on this. They also said that there was going to come a movement against all the lies - which we also see happening right now, with the big anti-lockdown protests, the open letters against lockdowns by medical professionals, the extra-parliamentary committee in Germany, and of course the 'meta-conspiracy theory' of the QAnon movement.

I saw the C's advice to be patient as 'wait until you see the whites of their eyes'. In any conflict, it is essential that the right time and place be chosen for engagement. This is especially true in asymmetrical guerrilla warfare, which is basically our situation. Rush in at the wrong time and you get mopped up by a numerically superior foe with access to much greater resources.

Over the last several months, STS has operated more or less unopposed. In the process, they've exposed themselves to a very considerable fraction of the population. They've been their own worst enemy, doing far more strategic damage to their cause than we could ever have done. While they've gained huge tactical advantages, their offensive has also changed the psychic landscape in such a fashion as to make their job much more difficult in the long term.

So, conditions on the ground have changed greatly compared to where we were even a month ago. They're going to change even more in a month, following the American election, which I suspect is going to lead to a considerable increase in the entropy in the global control.

Might be worth asking the C's if conditions are becoming ripe to become more active.

An additional comment on the above with perhaps a gentle warning about investing in the potential for large percentages of awakened/awakening people at this time. I think we should be careful of taking such thoughts and holding to them. I refer back to the following from the very first session.

I had a long talk about this with my son recently. Whilst there is the chance that this being the very first session there is a degree of corruption in the signal, there is still something resonant about that figure of 94%. For years I thought the missing 6% might be the psychopaths/Alien Reaction Machines that the STS overlords have downloaded - but obviously that is not the case. As my son pointed out it's humans that the C's were talking about. So that suggests that the total potential that will not be 'consumed' (probably hugely symbolic not literal ?) is 6% - the total awakened on our planet at that moment who somehow escape or resist this consumption (reintegration into base matter).

If we take our population today as being circa 7.8 billion (which may or may not be accurate) that 6% equates to no more than 468 million give or take - which is very close to the figure of 500 million slaves left over as being the remains of the population who are used to serve the overlords (as for example suggested by the Georgia Guidestones.)

Thinking about this, what would better please the STS master plan than, having eliminated the remaining 7.3 billion through sickness, vaccines, plague, you name it, that the ones who go the distance - the ones who prove themselves to be 'fit' to be their slaves, are in fact the awakened few? After all they don't want brain mushed, low grade sheep - but fit and able slaves. Or even worse, what better pleasure than to stop the universe' plan in its shoes by finally, at the very end, mastering and enslaving the very consciously alive and aware humans that the universe has so long invested in, nurtured, and prepared for escape. What a sick wet STS dream!

In those terms I wonder if when the next phases start to kick in and they begin to really target large parts of the 94% containers (which sadly may include large numbers of partially awake people... and please note the World Bank/PTB has talked about two stage plan with the first 5 years between now and 2025 and the second 2025-2030... though I suspect they will have to speed this up dramatically as the universe reveals its intervening hand more and more), that they will deliberately leave the likes of us well alone - for now and for a while. Allow us to continue as we are whilst they go about their lethal business of picking off all the rest, allow us to continue to strengthen and hold out, so that the 'survival of the fittest' may play out to the end of their deliciously grotesque fantasy.

Perhaps worth baring in mind; that we who are being fatted on knowledge and protection so that when we are isolated and alone (their thought process) and 'they' think they they are ready and all powerful, they can come for the 6% 'and with a final pin (brain washing say) bore through the castle wall - and farewell king!'

Of course they will fail. But I wonder if something like this is in the master program somewhere.

I just read this thread. I had a book under my laptop (because of the ventilation). It is from Paulo Coelho's "Handbook of the Warrior of Light". I've had it for many years. I like Coelho and his writing style, but I never gave him much weight. Whatever. I read the topic in this thread and almost automatically take the book out from under my laptop, say with my inner voice what would be the answer in this case? Instinctively turn to a page and it was written there:

When he learns to use his sword, the Warrior of Light finds that he must be fully equipped - and that includes his armor.

He goes to get his armor and listens to the various suggestions from the sellers.

"Use the tank of solitude," says one.

"Use the shield of cynicism" replies another.

"The best armor is not to interfere," claims a third.

However, the warrior does not listen to them. He calmly sets out to the holy place and dresses himself in the indestructible cloak of faith.

Faith repels all blows. Faith turns poison into crystal clear water.

Very interesting thread with so many great comments! And this topic has for sure crossed my mind a lot lately. I think that there are many angles to look at this from, and of course, each individual situation will have to be judged, there can be no blanket rule for all situations.

Having said that, I tend to lean more towards the view that essentially we are observing the winding down and eventual ending of the current world. This cycle is ending, making way for a new beginning and I doubt that there is much that could be done to stop it, or even if that would be advisable. We cannot go on as it is, for we live in a world of lies and deceit, controlled by the elite cabal and their 4D overlords, and, as has been said, this has been ongoing for millennium. The layers of deception, programming and the degeneration of humanity is so very deep that the slate must be wiped clean in order to begin anew.

My impression of what the C's have been saying is that at this point, choices are pretty much made, and I'm sure most of us have already had plenty of experience seeing the absolute uselessness of convincing anyone of anything they don't' "want" to believe. Evidence is irrelevant to the majority, maintaining their belief system is all that matters. And some may simply not have the capacity to ever understand. So, there then becomes the all-important matter of respecting the free will of others. Sure, we can at least make information available on this forum, SOTT, and elsewhere, without expectations, but also being aware that it won't matter to most people, nor is it likely to change the trajectory that we are on.

Even though there is a part of me that wants to join protests, be loud and out there calling out the lies, I think the greater task at the moment is to maintain strategic enclosure, and accept that things might actually be happening exactly as they are supposed to. The end of things was never going to be easy to watch, it would be painful, and part of that pain is seeing the people we know, those we love, making the choice that they have. And allowing them to do so, respecting their free will, understanding that we cannot interfere with their lessons.

I don't know about anyone else, but I've found lately that reading the romantic fiction Laura suggested is putting me in a different frame of mind, feeling more of hopefully looking forward to a new reality and less at agonizing over the dying one we currently occupy. My focus is shifting towards working on giving up all my negative attitudes and faults and selfishness, trying to become more self-aware. Basically, working on my own lessons as the priority, and accepting that what will be, will be.

I've been looking at this subject opened by Aragorn for several days now and I would like to add something that I experience and that could be useful, especially with regard to the consideration of others.

For 6 months now I have been involved in multiple seminars with other academics and we meet quite regularly. We are all clinical psychologists at the grassroots level and we discuss the people we receive and what comes collectively from our observations. The first is that the suffering that is shared in interviews is greater than "usual" regardless of the care structure, whether in hospital or in private practice. The second thing is that these academics added that the conduct adopted by these suffering people is to turn to conspiracy theories and sectarian movements (qualified in their own words as such), therefore something bad according to these same academics. (they discussed the delirium of criminal paedophile networks, the Qanon movement, turning more to vitamins and natural herbs... obviously making a mockery of it).

When I heard such remarks, I was very uncomfortable inside and it made me want to answer them and to throw a lot of arguments and concrete elements to show them that they were wrong ! EXCEPT that all that I could have said would not have been heard, I would have been classified as a believer in conspiracy theories, and it came to my mind in a few fractions of seconds the consequences of the realization of such a scenario... it would have been nothing more and nothing less than my willingness to conform reality to my point of view (even if it could be verified by facts) thus an STS behavior ! Perhaps if these academics had been open to discussion, I could have engaged in an intelligent dialogue around these themes but in this case it would have been counterproductive.

There are many reasons for this:
1) These people were absolutely not open to receiving the arguments I could have offered them.
2) If I had opened the discussion, I would have become the target of the group.
3) I would surely have reinforced their conviction that they are nothing but conspiracy theories.
4) The consequences would likely have been a slowing down of their learning and lessons.

Emotionally it itched me and I fought a kind of internal battle, where I remained silent, masked like a fox and said to myself "don't make it harder for them by wanting to impose yourself and thinking that it's for their own good because you're not the one who can decide that" AND conversely, I focused on compassion, humility and respect. It was a difficult exercise but maybe it can resonate as a lesson to be learned and hopefully it can help you Aragorn in what we can do, must do ?

Just my experience here and its analysis
I had a lesson in external consideration myself with my in-laws. We were talking about the current situation,they are all Boris Johnson supporters. They were saying what a terrible situation he was in and it didn’t matter what he did,he wouldn’t get any credit. They fully backed the lockdown. I know I should’ve kept my opinion to myself but I let slip that there was no justification for lockdown. It was like someone had sucked all the air out of the room and it went silent for what felt like eternity. Then eventually my brother in law said something about knowing someone who knew somebody the died of COVID and how they’d disagree with me. I wanted to argue but knew it was pointless so I left it at that. Haven’t seen them since.

Albeit in-laws, these lessons come to bear in height while working out these things with family - oh so personal, so much deeper goes the history and programs for some; more often emotionally hyperkenetic and in opposition. More than others, these situations can bring the full force of ones ability to cope and exercise civility and consideration. More than any others, one in these family circumstances may well have grown up with observed and spoken knowledge of vulnerabilities, of deeper programs within each in a family. If aware of all that, they may begin to see the ephemeral nature of how it works and interacts, each in their own family way. More complicated still is the family group dynamic, as each family member adapts, and either hides their fears, elevates their believes because they may feel more comfortable, or expands to create the illusion of their life and understandings.

A million lessons come from dealing with family; failures and successes among them, and I've had many of each, and now it is only heightened to the max with material, ideological, political, religious - divisions of medical and food to add to the surface, with plenty of pins and needles to navigate (as is known from The Narcissistic Family (Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman) and others).

When this cov-program erupted there was a lot of sharing of information with family, and right off the bat the divisions of awareness started rising (subtle at first). As someone pointed out above, without seeking the quote, the comment was often a response that follows the line 'I know someone who died of covid', and this is what my sisters kept saying 'oh, but you don't understand, we have a friend who died of covid, moreover I was sick with covid I think in February', she said. No attempt when ask was ever made to elaborate, and yet where do you go from there as it stops the process cold. It was also at this point that medical information started to get more refined, more objective in a sea of subjectivity, and nothing could change what was otherwise a fairly collinear relationship. Thus, she would hear none of it; masks were courteous and effective, social distancing the right choice, lock-downs have their value; look at the Spanish flu et al. (the flu of flu's people cite in arguments). In other ways she has such a good handle, yet this program got the better of her, for now.

Since (and this extends to most all family members - down to the extended), have had to learn my lessons and reconsider much, reconsider each of their understandings, their pain, fears and past - understand their partners and their influences, and understand that indeed it is a time for external considering to the max. It also hurts one to see the divisions, the utter confusion, yet there is nothing to be done other than make each feel more comfortable and listen to them without adding to their personal dilemmas. If they ask, by all means a discussion can be had, yet none seems to be truly asking, currently.

Near lastly, as noted from above, is when things get uncomfortable with family there is a tenancy to want to retract and avoid (kind of what you said at the end above @Matty F - avoidance). This seems to only strengthen divides, and it is at times like these, with family, new approaches can be made to lessen divides in the spirit of family with more self-work to make it so.

Lastly, came across this very short quote reviewing sessions (this from 12/21/96 - Solstice):

Q: (A) When you speak of an upcoming wave, it is a wave of what?

A: Think of it as a wave of reflection from the beginning and end point.

'Upcoming' may be of past, and this point seems to drive home so much, or so it seems.
Albeit in-laws, these lessons come to bear in height while working out these things with family - oh so personal, so much deeper goes the history and programs for some; more often emotionally hyperkenetic and in opposition. More than others, these situations can bring the full force of ones ability to cope and exercise civility and consideration. More than any others, one in these family circumstances may well have grown up with observed and spoken knowledge of vulnerabilities, of deeper programs within each in a family. If aware of all that, they may begin to see the ephemeral nature of how it works and interacts, each in their own family way. More complicated still is the family group dynamic, as each family member adapts, and either hides their fears, elevates their believes because they may feel more comfortable, or expands to create the illusion of their life and understandings.

A million lessons come from dealing with family; failures and successes among them, and I've had many of each, and now it is only heightened to the max with material, ideological, political, religious - divisions of medical and food to add to the surface, with plenty of pins and needles to navigate (as is known from The Narcissistic Family (Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman) and others).

When this cov-program erupted there was a lot of sharing of information with family, and right off the bat the divisions of awareness started rising (subtle at first). As someone pointed out above, without seeking the quote, the comment was often a response that follows the line 'I know someone who died of covid', and this is what my sisters kept saying 'oh, but you don't understand, we have a friend who died of covid, moreover I was sick with covid I think in February', she said. No attempt when ask was ever made to elaborate, and yet where do you go from there as it stops the process cold. It was also at this point that medical information started to get more refined, more objective in a sea of subjectivity, and nothing could change what was otherwise a fairly collinear relationship. Thus, she would hear none of it; masks were courteous and effective, social distancing the right choice, lock-downs have their value; look at the Spanish flu et al. (the flu of flu's people cite in arguments). In other ways she has such a good handle, yet this program got the better of her, for now.

Since (and this extends to most all family members - down to the extended), have had to learn my lessons and reconsider much, reconsider each of their understandings, their pain, fears and past - understand their partners and their influences, and understand that indeed it is a time for external considering to the max. It also hurts one to see the divisions, the utter confusion, yet there is nothing to be done other than make each feel more comfortable and listen to them without adding to their personal dilemmas. If they ask, by all means a discussion can be had, yet none seems to be truly asking, currently.

Near lastly, as noted from above, is when things get uncomfortable with family there is a tenancy to want to retract and avoid (kind of what you said at the end above @Matty F - avoidance). This seems to only strengthen divides, and it is at times like these, with family, new approaches can be made to lessen divides in the spirit of family with more self-work to make it so.

Lastly, came across this very short quote reviewing sessions (this from 12/21/96 - Solstice):

'Upcoming' may be of past, and this point seems to drive home so much, or so it seems.
Hi Voyageur, thanks for your thoughtful reply. There are deeper issues with my in-laws that I could probably write a book about. I’m seen as the “conspiracy theorist “ so my opinions just get dismissed. I’ve certainly made things harder for myself and my wife by not keeping my opinions to myself and wanting to be proved right. Need to keep my ego in check! But even voicing my thoughts a lot less than I used to I’m still different to them as my diet is different. This seemed to really bother them and still does (anytime I go round they can’t seem to shove bread down my throat quick enough!) Yet they all have health issues that could be resolved through diet. Anyway,I don’t avoid them completely,just limit it as much as possible. I’m m sure everyone here has similar problems,so sorry for the noise.
Hi Voyageur, thanks for your thoughtful reply. There are deeper issues with my in-laws that I could probably write a book about. I’m seen as the “conspiracy theorist “ so my opinions just get dismissed. I’ve certainly made things harder for myself and my wife by not keeping my opinions to myself and wanting to be proved right. Need to keep my ego in check! But even voicing my thoughts a lot less than I used to I’m still different to them as my diet is different. This seemed to really bother them and still does (anytime I go round they can’t seem to shove bread down my throat quick enough!) Yet they all have health issues that could be resolved through diet. Anyway,I don’t avoid them completely,just limit it as much as possible. I’m m sure everyone here has similar problems,so sorry for the noise.
I think that everyone who has family or friends to whom they want to help. The time which we are in world affairs, the best attitude would be to wait for their questions because the dynamic and dramatic situation in the world can bring unexpected and sudden changes and the suffering that can open their minds.

And it could be the most efficient attitude because the struggles we can make to wake these people up, even successfully in the ends, can be faster overtaken by world events. And this, in turn, can influence people naturally, and they can be react quicker and become more open to the truth than we would do with our struggles to open their minds.

Also, what is important, I think, soon people may realize, in the majority, that governments are against them. In such a moment, the possibility of cooperation may come naturally, and in such a situation, important will be a good relationship. It can be bad if such a relationship will be "burnt" because of our previous acts of waking up somebody by force. Of course, I do not say that you are doing something like this. I am writing this to make myself remember it, and I suggest it to others because I think this could be a good hint.
I think that everyone who has family or friends to whom they want to help. The time which we are in world affairs, the best attitude would be to wait for their questions because the dynamic and dramatic situation in the world can bring unexpected and sudden changes and the suffering that can open their minds.

And it could be the most efficient attitude because the struggles we can make to wake these people up, even successfully in the ends, can be faster overtaken by world events. And this, in turn, can influence people naturally, and they can be react quicker and become more open to the truth than we would do with our struggles to open their minds.

Also, what is important, I think, soon people may realize, in the majority, that governments are against them. In such a moment, the possibility of cooperation may come naturally, and in such a situation, important will be a good relationship. It can be bad if such a relationship will be "burnt" because of our previous acts of waking up somebody by force. Of course, I do not say that you are doing something like this. I am writing this to make myself remember it, and I suggest it to others because I think this could be a good hint.
I agree Luks thanks. Wise as serpents,gentle as doves as they say. I’ll do my best to sit back and wait to be asked if my help is needed.
I agree Luks thanks. Wise as serpents,gentle as doves as they say. I’ll do my best to sit back and wait to be asked if my help is needed.
Yeah. I think that this is a rational attitude.

As you have encountered this Forum, I think, better is to act here.

Every post we make on this Forum (well, not only here, however, but this is a good place to do this) that reflects Truth and is the creative work we put our energy into can make a difference worldwide.

Cassiopaeans often gave various suggestions that by the work we do on the self, by the networking, etc. we generate energy that enters into interactions with everything around us. They also said that a sufficient amount of energy of the STO nature requires that harvest be possible, and all those around do not go into the dark.

Everyone can do something with the situation worldwide, it is to write on Forum like this, placing here information publicly that reflects Truth. The energy is coming from the people who write and publish, and if this what they write reflects Truth, then this is an expression of the energy in the STO manner.

The Universe that sees this will react according to this. When he has noticed that on Earth, a sufficient amount of the STO energy is collected, then he will, at the same time, have a green light to balance things on the other STS side. Of course, it could be unpleasant to observe from the perspective of the material 3 Density being, like we are, but this is necessary anyway. This is required for the, in a sense, shell out or to assemble a sufficient amount of the energy at both sides (STS and STO).

Well, this is logic. We do not, surely not Universe wants that this or any other realm of existence will exist infinity. It exists just for the growth of consciousness. The Universe is not interested in beings, like people who are nor hot nor cold. Determination is required.
We can make some conclusion then, upon what has been established :
Everyone who is not happy with the current state of the world, one thing he/she can do is to share the Truth on the Forum and at the same time allow grow the energy necessary for making the changes on the world, and accelerate the changes and at the same time break the present unpleasant situation.

Of course, utilizing knowledge in our posts is also important. This is also something that generates Light and positive energy of the STO kind. However, this is a matter of Free Will, and we can't influence those people in a way that may violate their Free Will. Our part is to share information in a simple, clear way and caring that is the closest to the Truth.

Well, if it comes to other people. The changing of another could also be the trap because who does not have a real inner need to change themselves or know new things may play with us games that aren't beneficial for that person and not for us. It can come into the habit, and we can even hypnotically come again or engage in conversation; time goes, the energy goes, and it really can end with nothing... It is often a dead end. Better is to prepare the substantive post on the Forum and share...

Yet one thing comes to my mind. C's once said that when comeths will arrive, it can give a kick to some people, probably not all, but always some. Look at the people. What the "pandemic" situation does with them, they are afraid of their positions. They are afraid of money, they are afraid of careers and wear these sh**** muzzles on the face.

But when they see that things going to end or not only social but planetary reset, they may become human again, leave the masks literally and metaphorically, because some are the psychopaths, but some still are humans somewhere in deep of their beings (who aren't happy with what come to do or become part of). There is always hope for unity, cooperation, and love. What to do to see those changes fast? This what I wrote above. :-)
I think that everyone who has family or friends to whom they want to help. The time which we are in world affairs, the best attitude would be to wait for their questions because the dynamic and dramatic situation in the world can bring unexpected and sudden changes and the suffering that can open their minds.

And it could be the most efficient attitude because the struggles we can make to wake these people up, even successfully in the ends, can be faster overtaken by world events. And this, in turn, can influence people naturally, and they can be react quicker and become more open to the truth than we would do with our struggles to open their minds.

Also, what is important, I think, soon people may realize, in the majority, that governments are against them. In such a moment, the possibility of cooperation may come naturally, and in such a situation, important will be a good relationship. It can be bad if such a relationship will be "burnt" because of our previous acts of waking up somebody by force. Of course, I do not say that you are doing something like this. I am writing this to make myself remember it, and I suggest it to others because I think this could be a good hint.
Well said, Luks! I have wrestled with, and still wrestle with the urge to wake up those close to me, who really do not want to hear it. The urgency pops up especially knowing what may be ahead. In fact, each time I recite the daily reading 2 that came in the crystal booklet and get to the part: "A thousand may fall at your side. ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the fate of the ignorant and unaware." I get a feeling of extreme sadness, wanting to prevent that pain for others. I have to work at this constantly and mindfully and remind myself that it is not STO to try to control others even with so called best intentions. Furthermore, upon some reflection, I am realizing that my own search for the truth is a result of an inner drive from within that began as a result of suffering which then catapulted me into a passionate and unrelenting quest of just wanting to "know". No one came along to show me the way and if they had...I would not have recognized it anyway. I had to first have the question, the drive and a mindset open enough to contemplate what is offered.

My children think of me as kinda "out there", or so I was told recently. However, added to that comment was also much appreciation for my example of tolerance and compassion for others and their differences, as well as, a capacity to expand one's perception of the world. I cannot know or judge what each soul's lesson profile may be. For all I know, with all my learning this lifetime, another, who may seem to be difficult and unaware, may actually be in disguise and far ahead on the ladder...this one may be present only as a catalyst for my growth!

I have come to the conclusion that perhaps some will want to know more in the future as things go to a place where lies and oppression come to the surface and can no longer be ignored or justified. This makes me sad as many will most likely suffer. Ultimately, it is about the higher soul purpose...and even if in the last instant there is an awakening, all is good. And if not, well, that is why I use the serenity prayer used in the "Recovery" community as it fits for all of us: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference"
I can totally understand the frustration of not being able to effect much change in the way others think or act. I felt the same about 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, swine flu, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and so on, but during that time I also learned to accept it. I´m glad that I don´t have to start with it just now. What gave me a little comfort in 2020 was, that I didn´t feel affected by the level of craziness, since I don´t really watch TV or read much in the way of MSM-News. And that´s really all I have (at least some level of) control over - myself. And I sure won´t be of any help to family and friends, if I´m running around scared, angry or confused.

But even if people have information, most don´t act on it. Just last weekend the county I live in decided to mandate mask wearing in more spots than just stores and public transportation, because of "rising case numbers". So the company I work at made it mandatory to wear a mask as soon as you leave your desk. And even though most of my colleagues are convinced that it´s useless or maybe even harmful...I am still the only one who doesn´t wear one when walking through the building.

But the last few months were also quite valuable, because right now it´s a lot easier to "spot the loonies" (to quote Monty Python) in our environment. You can literally see and feel how so many people around us are living in some alternate reality dominated by hourly updates of case numbers, infection rates and the like. And that´s ultimately what any fight would have to be fought against...not some far away billionaires acting like villains out of a James Bond movie, but our neighbours, colleagues and family members.
Well said, Luks! I have wrestled with, and still wrestle with the urge to wake up those close to me, who really do not want to hear it. The urgency pops up especially knowing what may be ahead. In fact, each time I recite the daily reading 2 that came in the crystal booklet and get to the part: "A thousand may fall at your side. ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the fate of the ignorant and unaware." I get a feeling of extreme sadness, wanting to prevent that pain for others. I have to work at this constantly and mindfully and remind myself that it is not STO to try to control others even with so called best intentions. Furthermore, upon some reflection, I am realizing that my own search for the truth is a result of an inner drive from within that began as a result of suffering which then catapulted me into a passionate and unrelenting quest of just wanting to "know". No one came along to show me the way and if they had...I would not have recognized it anyway. I had to first have the question, the drive and a mindset open enough to contemplate what is offered.

My children think of me as kinda "out there", or so I was told recently. However, added to that comment was also much appreciation for my example of tolerance and compassion for others and their differences, as well as, a capacity to expand one's perception of the world. I cannot know or judge what each soul's lesson profile may be. For all I know, with all my learning this lifetime, another, who may seem to be difficult and unaware, may actually be in disguise and far ahead on the ladder...this one may be present only as a catalyst for my growth!

I have come to the conclusion that perhaps some will want to know more in the future as things go to a place where lies and oppression come to the surface and can no longer be ignored or justified. This makes me sad as many will most likely suffer. Ultimately, it is about the higher soul purpose...and even if in the last instant there is an awakening, all is good. And if not, well, that is why I use the serenity prayer used in the "Recovery" community as it fits for all of us: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference"
To all of that, there is one thing yet, I think.

Some people may think that they should find the "proper source", "authority", that they should do or behave in the correct, "spiritual", or "higher" way, that they should "work on the self". Often behind such an attitude is immaturity. Those people seek external sources in the various social structures or communities that will replace their parents.

It doesn't work in the STO attitude. We are not to be "babysitter" for anyone or be "babysitting" by anyone. When I was very young, mommy told me that I shouldn't touch the cookers after cooking. It was very hot, and I touched it. I was burned and start to cry.

Mom suggested that I shouldn't touch it, BUT do not close the kitchen from me or tie my hands, but ALSO didn't allow for serious harm. I put my hand in the cold water, and after 20 minutes, all were okay. And what was good in this situation were... hmm all.

First, mom suggested something but do not violate my free will.
- (point for free will)

I choose to do not to listen to her suggestion, but at the same time, she didn't take advantage of my naivety and expect more suffering because she knew that it would not come.
- (point for do not be angry on me that I rejected her suggestion and point for her responsibility as in this context as a child I was on her be at her mercy).

Finally, nothing terrible happened to me. There were a lot of cries! But, I do not know how others were in their childhood, but I think that we cried rather because of the shock or something like that than real harm we got. And what is the final thing here??? AT THE END I'VE LEARNED THE LESSON THAT I REMEMBER TO TODAY! It means that I really learned the lesson, and it was possible because of the present prerequisites.

I think this was an example of a learning experience that was compatible with STO.

I am coming back to what I wrote at the beginning of this post. We are the 3 Density STS, and we can perceive that be "good" is to be like some kind of "teachers", "authorities", "preachers". Of course, sometimes it is okay, but often the real dynamic is STS.

If we really want to help somebody, we should not "babysitting" them but treat like real adults and allow them to make choices by themselves. When somebody comes to you and wants help, instead of switching into "oh yeah, I am a knowledgeable guy, and I tell you the truth,". I do not tell that you do something like that, just say about the theoretical situation.

Do not say them; God knows what. Better say: "Well, okay, how you would act in such a situation?" Give them to work independently, let the BEGINNING of their changes, choice, everything, come from them, from their insides. This is the real respect for the people and pushing them to the real development of their real selves.

And after that, you are assisting them. I think it is about giving simple and clear suggestions, like the "complements" to enhance him/her in the right direction or "pinches" to influence the change of the behavior. Generally, individuals have to go thanks to their own power, thanks to their own choices and creativity. Our responsibilities are to give these little "kicks" and always be ready to answer if an individual is really asking, but not demanding, or something like that.
A few quotes from Dabrowski on external consideration, which I think fit into this discussion:

Knowledge of others and the attitude of empathy involve limiting our demands on the reality around us, to an extent indicated by our diagnosis of the kind and level of this reality, arrived at with an unperturbed mind and emotions, when viewing reality’s actual state, its kind, and possibilities of development.
By looking at a man, not as someone who is our personal enemy, but as someone who acts erroneously because of inherited inclinations, environmental influences, and low level of self-educating consciousness, we assume an impersonal attitude toward that man.

I take these as a call to be more objective in our thinking and relations with others, something that is sorely lacking in this day and age of petty grievances and divisions.
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Some great responses on here.

I'm seeing this COVID thing as a movie, it aint my movie, I'm not part of it, just passing through. I have my own movie to star in, direct and edit. The battle Is in me, in my responses, my reactions to what's happening out there.

I haven't encountered much negative reactions at all from people for not following the rules but, I've always been that way, a bit of a rule breaker. People, I'm finding are friendly in shops etc and I think if people are not wakeing up at least a bit on there own by seeing the craziness of it all, well, they never will, no matter how many facts are thrown at them.

It's a great time to be alive, its a challenge for all, the ultimate challenge. I ask myself Do I accept the challenge or not?? For a while now, I sit in silence mostly in nature and say to DCM, this challenge I accept, Im ready for whatever my journey involves. Guide me to do the things I should be doing.

I'm drawn to nature more these days than ever before, when out there I'm consciously wanting to connect. For me at least, it's necessary to get through this current madness and prepare mentally for what's coming. Also I think its a time to face our fears, face ourselves head on and come to terms with the fact the world is crumbling and there is nothing we can do to stop it. This we know was going to happen, now it's here. So what matters most, is our response to it.

Just some thoughts, hope I'm not rambling on here.
Thanks guys for all the insightful comments.
Some great responses on here.

I'm seeing this COVID thing as a movie, it aint my movie, I'm not part of it, just passing through. I have my own movie to star in, direct and edit. The battle Is in me, in my responses, my reactions to what's happening out there.

I haven't encountered much negative reactions at all from people for not following the rules but, I've always been that way, a bit of a rule breaker. People, I'm finding are friendly in shops etc and I think if people are not wakeing up at least a bit on there own by seeing the craziness of it all, well, they never will, no matter how many facts are thrown at them.

It's a great time to be alive, its a challenge for all, the ultimate challenge. I ask myself Do I accept the challenge or not?? For a while now, I sit in silence mostly in nature and say to DCM, this challenge I accept, Im ready for whatever my journey involves. Guide me to do the things I should be doing.

I'm drawn to nature more these days than ever before, when out there I'm consciously wanting to connect. For me at least, it's necessary to get through this current madness and prepare mentally for what's coming. Also I think its a time to face our fears, face ourselves head on and come to terms with the fact the world is crumbling and there is nothing we can do to stop it. This we know was going to happen, now it's here. So what matters most, is our response to it.

Just some thoughts, hope I'm not rambling on here.
Thanks guys for all the insightful comments.
You’re not rambling Liam, just making sense IMO. I find myself asking for guidance as well.
Some further thoughts about "rebellion" vs. "strategic enclosure".

Personally, I tend to go with my feeling and intuition with regard to the specific situation. But after an initial phase of complete anger and "rebellious" urges, I now consider those a weakness. It's just not worth the trouble and there are many other things I want to spend my energy on. It is, after all, just a piece of cloth - at least in most situations. That is not to say that I don't use my wiggle-room to the max. Perhaps it's a subtle question of attitude: do I wear the mask because I'm too afraid of the authorities? Because I believe in the Covid scam? Or because I choose my battles and want to conserve energy?

For me, it's a matter of being strategic. What brings out the Nazis is often not so much the fact that you are not wearing a mask, but that you dare going against the authorities. So for example if someones "catches" me, I simply tell them "oops, I forgot". Or "Ah, I just had a coffee and forgot" or something. This immediately puts them at ease, because they think I'm with them, believe in Covid, and trust the authorities. Another trick is to strategically wear the mask at some occasions where people see you, and then don't wear it much of the time. Even if someone "catches" you (such as in the office, in the train etc.), they won't put you in the "Covid denier" category. Because that's what freaks them out.

Speaking of which, from what I've heard here in Germany, exemptions are pretty worthless in many situations. The framing is "exemption=Covid denier" and "doctor who writes exemptions=evil Covid-denying doctor". And that's how people, including authorities, react. So in many situations "kicking and screaming" doesn't help much, even if the law is on your side. It depends of course.

Again, I think it's a balancing act and I decide intuitively in each situation. But since I stopped considering myself a coward for just wanting to be left alone and focus on more interesting and important things, my life has become a lot easier and I waste less energy on all of this nonsense. (Though I draw the line when I feel I don't get enough air. Then it's off. Or under the chin at least. I also find it fun to experiment a little with mask positions, put it on and off, and so on. This kind of sends a message of how ridiculous all of this is without making me a target.)

Keep in mind that this too shall pass, and I don't want to spoil my chances of witnessing the rest of this show and do and learn what I'm supposed to just because I'm offended. Keep in mind that this WILL be over. And then the next insanity will come. It's a good time to practice transcending the rage and hurt and focus on more positive endeavors. We will need that skill!!!

As others have said, I think humor is so important here. One way for example is to "act out" the ridiculousness instead of raging and rebelling and arguing. Recently we went to a fine restaurant with family, and I waited in line outside without the mask, close to people. It's allowed outside! Then I put on the mask while crossing the entrance. Hey, I complied! Then I walked 2 metres to the table where my elderly folks sat. While approaching, I put off the mask, then gave them a hug. There, virus beaten!! And all legal! Then got up to go to the restroom and "forgot" to put on the mask. Midway, I "remembered"! Put it on for the rest of the 2 meters, relieved I remembered to save my life just in time... There are many ways to have fun with this! Heck, somehow we found ourselves in this postmodern motto party, and truth be told, I would rather have not come, and our hosts seem to take it entirely too serious. But now that we are here, let's have some fun, no? What else there is to do!

Speaking of party pooping, another aspect in all this is external consideration and how we want to come across. For example, would you like it to go to a supermarket, and have someone making a huge scene because of the mask, citing laws and whatnot, causing turmoil, all the employees coming and trying to calm him? I don't want that, to be honest. I just want to get something done. And the employees sure don't want it either, no matter how they think about all that. Keep in mind that in many companies, middle management is put under enormous pressure from above to enforce the rules, even though many of them don't want it at all. Heard many stories like this.

But again, it's all subtle and depends I guess. Sometimes a little exercise in rebelliousness might be good too.

A last aspect: As Joe said earlier here, for many people out there, rebelling and whatnot means they are taking a stand for the first time, and they are learning what this system and reality is really like. And what they are learning is that there is a super-powerful force out there that they cannot resist, and that will crush dissenters. Many haven't realized this yet and still think that those in power will finally understand them, see reality, and so on. Even the many mainstream doctors who are speaking out reluctantly (in Germany a MASSIVE and very mainstream alliance of doctors has formed critizising the lockdown, representing the official bodies of the vast majority of medical practitioners!) begin to see that even THEY can't do nothing. The forces they are opposing are just too great. But WE already knew all that.

Just some thoughts - and Hail the Nose Bear! :lol:
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