Spirit Release Therapy - A Retrospective

I tried some of the techniques described in the SRT book, on me, and I know now it's not a thing to do, but one of them really worked, I felt a warming in the zone from where it left.

"Knowledge protects", so I think that is the most important thing. As long as you continue to work on yourself by gaining self-knowledge too, I think something that at least "seemed" to work might not be so bad as long as you make progress or get past a blockage.

Session 23 July 1995:
A: And not concentrating on the problem, but rather the solution by opening the flow. The answers come to you when you open the flow.

The NO sessions are big help too I think if you can manage to afford them of course.
Thank you Goyacobol,
It is the non-linear progress that get me into trouble, "I want things in order". I tried SRT mainly because the price of NO, and hoping things to go faster in order to move past the block, but it seems to be une double contrainte (double restrictions, from one and the other). I will manage to have money for 100 NO sessions.
And I'm really sorry to transform the thread in a personal therapy kind of things, this program is quite disabling and in my pain I can be quite invasive if I felt something will bring me release, but I do not want to foster too much sympathy and pollute the thread.
Thank you Goyacobol,
It is the non-linear progress that get me into trouble, "I want things in order". I tried SRT mainly because the price of NO, and hoping things to go faster in order to move past the block, but it seems to be une double contrainte (double restrictions, from one and the other). I will manage to have money for 100 NO sessions.
And I'm really sorry to transform the thread in a personal therapy kind of things, this program is quite disabling and in my pain I can be quite invasive if I felt something will bring me release, but I do not want to foster too much sympathy and pollute the thread.

I think that doing NO will be a lot more therapeutic for "emotional pain". And taking some GABA once in awhile can help too.
Have you studied his lineage? It’s important to be attuned by someone with a proper lineage.
Thanks for asking, the guy is ok, I have this feeling for people which helps me distinguish.
I usually overreact when something is wrong and I can't tell what, so I automatically connect it with something traumatic from my past. See, now I'm ok:halo:
Thanks for asking, the guy is ok, I have this feeling for people which helps me distinguish.
I usually overreact when something is wrong and I can't tell what, so I automatically connect it with something traumatic from my past. See, now I'm ok:halo:

Having a 'feeling for people' is not necessarily the best way to choose a reiki master. You didn't answer nickelblue's question. Did you actually check the teacher's lineage? If they're a legitimate reiki master, they will have no issue showing it to you. Some even have it listed on their certification or in their promotional material. As a side note from Laura on the Recommended Reiki Master thread:

It's also useful to check out their "lineage." Avoid anyone whose lineage comes through Diane Stein.

Lineage really does matter. It's worth the extra effort to find someone who has a 'clean' one. I recommend reading that whole thread. It's an eye-opener and not that long.
Tenía dudas con respecto a la conveniencia de recordar vidas pasadas... Aquí donde vivo es popular que las personas quieran abrir sus registros akashicos. El impulso que los motiva parece ser la curiosidad o el deseo de haber estado vinculado a un personaje trascendente de la historia. De manera intuitiva veo peligroso este asunto. Sólo buscaría en vidas pasadas en última instancia. Recordar vidas pasadas de manera espontánea tiene una razón de ser para el alma del que está recordando. Pero decidir recordar merece preguntarse Porque? Cuál es el propósito? Siento que tengo suficiente con esta personalidad actual, con mis cargas psicológicas y emocionales como para sumarle la carga de vidas anteriores. Con el Reiki nunca tuve experiencia y lo poco que conozco es por Laura y casi no sale de "La sopa de arvejas" y no tengo el conocimiento como para saber detectar si me están engañando. Los Cs hablaron sobre Reiki y dijeron que fue distorsionado invirtiendo los símbolos de poder... Hay mucho mercado Reiki en mi ciudad tipo fiebre del oro. Siento que EE ayuda a liberar traumas y esto de alguna manera ayuda con los "archivos adjuntos" porque si se vieron atraídos por alguna vulnerabilidad, el hecho de sanar hace que no seamos cómodos para ellos. Tremendo hilo!! Como siempre "fermento" para el intelecto...🤔
Tenía dudas con respecto a la conveniencia de recordar vidas pasadas... Aquí donde vivo es popular que las personas quieran abrir sus registros akashicos. El impulso que los motiva parece ser la curiosidad o el deseo de haber estado vinculado a un personaje trascendente de la historia. De manera intuitiva veo peligroso este asunto. Sólo buscaría en vidas pasadas en última instancia. Recordar vidas pasadas de manera espontánea tiene una razón de ser para el alma del que está recordando. Pero decidir recordar merece preguntarse Porque? Cuál es el propósito? Siento que tengo suficiente con esta personalidad actual, con mis cargas psicológicas y emocionales como para sumarle la carga de vidas anteriores. Con el Reiki nunca tuve experiencia y lo poco que conozco es por Laura y casi no sale de "La sopa de arvejas" y no tengo el conocimiento como para saber detectar si me están engañando. Los Cs hablaron sobre Reiki y dijeron que fue distorsionado invirtiendo los símbolos de poder... Hay mucho mercado Reiki en mi ciudad tipo fiebre del oro. Siento que EE ayuda a liberar traumas y esto de alguna manera ayuda con los "archivos adjuntos" porque si se vieron atraídos por alguna vulnerabilidad, el hecho de sanar hace que no seamos cómodos para ellos. Tremendo hilo!! Como siempre "fermento" para el intelecto...🤔

I had to use DeepL translator:

I had doubts about the desirability of remembering past lives... Here where I live it is popular that people want to open their akashic records. The impulse that motivates them seems to be curiosity or the desire to have been linked to a transcendent character in history. Intuitively, I see this matter as dangerous. I would only look into past lives ultimately. Spontaneously remembering past lives has a raison d'être for the soul of the one you are remembering. But deciding to remember is worth asking yourself Why? What is the purpose? I feel that I have enough with this current personality, with my psychological and emotional burdens to add to the burden of previous lives. With Reiki I never had any experience and the little I know is because of Laura and it doesn't come out of "The pea soup" and I don't have the knowledge to detect if I'm being deceived. The Cs talked about Reiki and said that it was distorted by inverting the symbols of power... There is a lot of Reiki market in my gold rush city. I feel that EE helps to release traumas and this somehow helps with the "attachments" because if they were attracted by some vulnerability, the fact of healing makes us uncomfortable for them. What a thread! As always "ferment" for the intellect.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :-)

I think you may be right about most of us "having enough psychological and emotional burdens" without maybe adding more by wanting to force a recall of a previous life. I do think it may help in some situations though.
The C's have recommended SRT many times in the transcripts. Were those all extreme cases where maybe it was necessary?

I get what Laura is saying but a little confused since the C's recommended SRT several times.

Just saw this.

Yes, Cs have recommended it a time or two, and I'm not saying it is a complete waste or a "no-go", but I think the circumstances should be carefully evaluated. Perhaps only people who are serious about work on the self and have demonstrated some ability in that direction (self-discipline, etc) would be good candidates. Then, one might be assured that they would take the "aftercare" instructions seriously.
Having a 'feeling for people' is not necessarily the best way to choose a reiki master. You didn't answer nickelblue's question. Did you actually check the teacher's lineage? If they're a legitimate reiki master, they will have no issue showing it to you. Some even have it listed on their certification or in their promotional material. As a side note from Laura on the Recommended Reiki Master thread:

Lineage really does matter. It's worth the extra effort to find someone who has a 'clean' one. I recommend reading that whole thread. It's an eye-opener and not that long.
Thank you for your concerns. I've checked it.
Thank you for your concerns. I've checked it.
The dude teaches both, first he has normal Reiki and he has something advanced which is sort of corrupted, but I'm not going for that option. I've looked the link of that topic before on forum. Yes there is a possibility that I might get something wrong, that's why I was pissed because mostly I screw up stuff, but there is not anyone else available and this first group lineage is ok.
The dude teaches both, first he has normal Reiki and he has something advanced which is sort of corrupted, but I'm not going for that option. I've looked the link of that topic before on forum. Yes there is a possibility that I might get something wrong, that's why I was pissed because mostly I screw up stuff, but there is not anyone else available and this first group lineage is ok.

They say "the devil's in the details". How can you be sure of the initiation of a man who also teaches "something advanced which is sort of corrupted but". Maybe it's just me but I would not trust such a person to do Reiki on me.
They say "the devil's in the details". How can you be sure of the initiation of a man who also teaches "something advanced which is sort of corrupted but". Maybe it's just me but I would not trust such a person to do Reiki on me.
I haven't done anything yet, I'm going on a meeting this weekend. But there is one thing this guy accomplished, over a decade ago, my mom's friends went on reiki in his school and after that, when they were cleaned of negative energy, they stopped hanging around with my mom, who was using them. If that can be accomplished...
You think I'm joking, but all the bad decisions I made in my life were just to spite my mom. Because she was so dominant and controlling. I quit 1st college, was going out drinking just to get away from her, turned into vegetarian because she's from village, where people eat healthy, my older sister got pregnant as teenager(19 but still early), younger sister dated horrible guys of which one stalked her untill I had to gave her money to stay at friends at see, and than when guy cooled off he started dating a girl that murdered him. This is just a small part of crazy stuff that happened because of this dynamics in our relationships. Also people were afraid of us because we were the daughters of a witch, (she knows how to read tarot cards, and we're from traditional country where that's odd, we don't live in Romania) my mother in law took it as an excuse to pretend she doesn't have a grandson for 5 years until we moved back to a hometown. Not to go deeply into this I know the dynamics of narcissistic parent- children can't be solved so easily, I've read books and forums and internet and meet people who go to therapy for years, and it's better then is not, is like you have some illness you can't get rid of. If I can do something that might convince me I changed something, there might be some improvement. I know she can't help herself and that she is a small sad child, but I was also, and my sisters. I hope this kind of a explains my wrongness and immaturity which I'm trying to get rid of.
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