The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

hesperides said:
No change at all regarding temperature in the Canary Islands: mild winter and mild summer temperatures as usual. But I noted the sea was unusually hot when swimming last summer, which could be related to the recent sea volcanic erosion near El Hierro, one of the Canarian islands. It´s also less windy though the sea is more brave since last Autumn and also the wind is blowing now from a slightly modified direction. So the weather is shifting rather inadvertently in this area and people do protest when they feel like freezing at around 18ºC.!

Hola Hesperides,

you guys are lucky, I was last weekend in Las Palmas for work and spend a very pleasant weekend in Las Canteras Beach, terrible shock coming back to Barcelona and going from 20 degrees to almost 0! :-(
It's been a coming down off, and on with light snow fall over the last seventy two hour's with 11 inches or 27.94 cm, coming down so far ( like a dry ice with very little moisture, which is a good thing for navigating our doors) at this elevation of 1200ft. (365 meters). But the cold seems to have much more of sharper bite to it than last year.

This would be typical seasonal temps, and expected condition's for this area but, it started a mouth later than it did last year.

There were spring condition's up to the twenty first of December, which was unusual but not out of the ordinary as this was similar for other parts of planet as well. Some people reported plants blossoming leaves when they would have been dormant.

Checking the States they are predicting temperature's of 68f (20c) degrees in the San Fransisco bay area, and 72f (21c) degrees in San Diego as well, for this Saturday Feb. 4 2012.

Big freeze grips Europe


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All aroun' Dalmatia there is snow but in Split not jet :rolleyes: instead we had some sunny hours aroun' noon ...
Here in New Jersey which is is the Northeast of the US we have been having a very mild winter with only 2 fairly light snow events.
It seems the Jet Stream has been keeping most of the cold air bottled up in the Northern areas of the continent. The last few days have been unusually warm with sunny days and temperatures in the low 60s. It is cooler today and the forecast is for us to return to somewhat more seasonable temperatures during the next week.

I hope that those of you who are having severe conditions will be able to weather (pun intended) things successfully!
Hungary: -15 .. -20 Celsius. Schools have closed in 4 cities. 11 heated public shelters were set up. Next week expected be colder: -25 C in some areas, 20 inch snow expected.
100+ people froze in East Europe already, 12 in Poland.
Thinking about the possibility of winter not stopping even in April, how long will it take, before equipment damage in stations of electric- and district heating companies because strain of cold.

Strangely coming with the cold snap two gas related accidents happened:
- a central gas-pipe of a big block-house broke, 300 people were evacuated in this cold
- a man drove his car into a gas-pipe on a construction site, resulting in a big gas leak. People were blocked from reaching their homes in a 300 meter radius. Authorities parked buses at the nearby station for people to warm up in this cold.

An icy wind today made people not use bicycles that much. Our little city is famous for it's chaotic torrent of bicyclers. :)
North Western Ohio
Last couple days I thought to have smelled springtime in the air. Record breaking high temperatures. Although I am from the snow belts of North Eastern Ohio, I cannot remember when the ground was not frozen in February. Even my pond is not frozen. No ice fishing here this year.!.!.!

Yet, the temperatures could drop by as much as 30-40 degrees within hours if the wind comes from the north...
:huh: :huh: :huh:

edit: In the past I have seen temperature drops of nearly 50 degrees within hours. So I will let the salt, & snow shovels sit in the corner until needed.
Breaking news from Split, Dalmatia ... it's snowing!!! Well we will practice some winter sports outdoors like 1999. I guess.... And Punxsutawney Phil said today that this will be a loooooong winter (6 weeks to go).... So snow maybe won't melt in a day?

On the other side of the globe (the down under) there are some major floods happening... :scared:
Yesterday a few snowflakes fell, but in the afternoon a strong wind arose and took away all the clouds. We are about 0 Celsius, wind and no clouds. Maybe we get rid of the snow!
This week has been incredibly cold, from -6 c° to -20 c° in certain parts of Belgium.
It's going to snow today..urgh...
Lots of emergency shelters had to be opened and some people were offering a place to stay for the homeless in their own home while the cold lasts.
I have to confess I am a bit dissapointed :-). Sun is shinning again, there is no trace whatsoever of yesterday's mini snow and you can forget your polar clothes. Temp is about 8 degress now, not bad!
David Topi said:
hesperides said:
No change at all regarding temperature in the Canary Islands: mild winter and mild summer temperatures as usual. But I noted the sea was unusually hot when swimming last summer, which could be related to the recent sea volcanic erosion near El Hierro, one of the Canarian islands. It´s also less windy though the sea is more brave since last Autumn and also the wind is blowing now from a slightly modified direction. So the weather is shifting rather inadvertently in this area and people do protest when they feel like freezing at around 18ºC.!

Hola Hesperides,

you guys are lucky, I was last weekend in Las Palmas for work and spend a very pleasant weekend in Las Canteras Beach, terrible shock coming back to Barcelona and going from 20 degrees to almost 0! :-(

If you ever come here around again, I´ll be happy to meet you as I´m leaving near Las Canteras Beach. I´ve noticed in your site (did´nt find your phone number or personal e-mail so as to avoid interrupting this thread and still have´nt 50 posts that would allow me contacting you by e-mail) you´ll come over here again in June and if you wish so and find some free time, then let me know. Hope you have adjusted yourself again to the low temperature!
It's -3 C in my part of the UK during the day at the moment. Clear skies and no snow (yet). It's quite a contrast from the very mild winter we had had so far, with temperatures of about 10 C! Contrasts in the globe from one place to another and from one week to the next are quite remarkable!

I keep thinking about something that was mentioned on this thread, that according to the Cs the ice-age would begin in Eurasia and then move to North America. Just taking note of that since this cold spell seems to be coming from Siberia.
Frrrrrrreeezing here in Denmark - 8 C snow arrived yesterday . Got to get moved into the house ASAP.
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