The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

Here in Istanbul we have snowy weather for the 3rd time this winter, each lasting 3-4 days :shock:. This is unusual for the last 7-8 years.

I took this photo a couple of minutes ago

Yikes. Apparently, the same weather system is coming our way, too!
The temperature is supposed to reach -20°C on Friday. 20 years or so ago, these temperatures in winter were fairly common
in southern Germany, an hours' drive from the Alps - we even used to get the odd day off school. Snow in winter was a sure thing then. They say this winter will continue to be very cold (It won't be much fun waiting for my daughter's school bus at 7.20 AM every morning.) On the plus side, I can take her to the bus stop on the sledge :D
Laura said:
Yikes. Apparently, the same weather system is coming our way, too!

Yeah, an' "sunny" Dalmatia is en route on Wednesday Night Freezer (not fewer :cry:) - meteoz forecast snow, and this morning temperature was as low as - 10° C in mainland and expectations for wednesday and after is - 24° C ... :curse:
Istanbul is under heavy snow. Yesterday was -8 C during daytime, the coldest in over 32 years. As I look out of my window, the snow is at least 30 cm. high with places 50 cm high where snow is drifted by the wind. Snow is forecast to continue until Wednesday noon. Has glacial rebound started ?
I forgot to add that most of Turkey is under snow except the shores at the Eagean and Mediterranean Seas. Over 300 village roads are closed to traffic, there were a couple of snow avalanches, and flooding at Antakya airport since Syria opened the dam gates on the river Asi (means rebellious - since it flows upstream) and also a great amount of land where greenhouse vegetables are grown is flooded. And in spite of all this winter, the almond trees are in bloom in Datça - on the southwestern town where Aegean Sea meets with Mediteranean Sea.
In Norway, the winter has been mild, with below average amounts of snow so far in my part of the country.
Well here in northern Italy it is beginning to snow, the news said that this week is going to be freezing with tempertures around -15 and lots of snow coming our way. ....anyone for a hot cup of tea? ;)
At last it's snowing in the south of the Alps !
The mildest winter ever seen so far since a very long time, after one of the coolest summers.
Global warmers are still on top of the medias' waves, stating for instance that 2011 has been the warmest year in a hundred years or so.
Wonder sometimes where they got their data from?
Ups and downs, where is the balance? Not easy to tell where it's going.
Anyway, here we are ready with skis and snowshoes ! :)
Huh, and we are having a pretty mild winter so far. Right now it's a balmy 58 deg C, at the end of January, in Western Pennsylvania yet. I work for an energy (coal and natural gas) company, and this "warm" weather is killing us. We were told yesterday there will be no raises this year, and budgets are being slashed right and left. I even have to be careful ordering office supplies! :scared:
A mild summer in Sydney, only one day above 30 degrees Celsius for summer so far. Lots of rain too, I've only had a couple of days for drying my laundry outside.
Here in Northern BC it's also been a very mild winter. Right now it's 0 deg. Celsius/32 deg. Farhenheit which is REALLY warm compared to the usual winter. Some folks around here are especially confused because it was a cool and rainy summer so they expected a harsh winter but so far it's been the exact opposite. No complaints from me, but certainly not normal...
Here, in Belarus, according to the locals, winter also had a very slow start. Even first snow that fell and stayed for more than a day happened only after 1 of January. But now the situation has changed, and there have been many days of up to -20C during a day, and more to come. It may not be that unusual for the Northern region of the country, but apparently it affects other, warmer areas as well.

I read on a weather site that this colder trend comes from Siberia where they have up to 10-15 degrees offset from the "normal" minus temperatures (-40-45C at night) . This cold weather has affected Balkans, Poland, Germany, and is going to hit Britain and France soon (if not already).
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