The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

If there is any underlying pattern discernable in all this flip flopping of late, it seems to be that all the possible extremes are being pushed to and sometimes even over their very limits, while the changes themselves are becoming more and more abrupt and sudden and are happening in ever shorter periods of time -- i.e. days in stead of weeks, sometimes only in a few hours or overnight, c.q. weeks in stead of months, and all of it seems to go seriously out of whack. Could be summarily described as an overall quickening of all relevant processes on their way to some serious tipping point. fwiw.
Palinurus said:
If there is any underlying pattern discernable in all this flip flopping of late, it seems to be that all the possible extremes are being pushed to and sometimes even over their very limits, while the changes themselves are becoming more and more abrupt and sudden and are happening in ever shorter periods of time -- i.e. days in stead of weeks, sometimes only in a few hours or overnight, c.q. weeks in stead of months, and all of it seems to go seriously out of whack. Could be summarily described as an overall quickening of all relevant processes on their way to some serious tipping point. fwiw.

It does seem like limits are being pushed. While many people in this thread are reporting colder than normal conditions here in the central US the very warm pattern that started last October continues. In early May the trees were thick with leaves like they usually are in early June. Peonys and Irises bloomed a month early. It's hard to believe summer is just beginning. My internal sensors feel like it is mid summer. If this continues here it could be one of the hottest summers on record.

And it seems odd how the media is reporting it. In April there were a number of articles that expressed relief that the weather was "now" nice enough to get outdoors. But it had been pleasantly warm since February. Like they were looking at the calender, not conditions in the real world.

Mother Earth is indeed changing. Extremes are becoming the norm. What happens from here? Interesting but ominous.

Here is a graph that shows the temperature trend is going down! - Source

well the recent cold that was here in germany in mid may isn't something unusual at all as Gawan pointed out.
this time of the year is called the "icemen" and it is and was always in that time frame of the year.
the "kalte sophie" (cold sophie) is always on the 15 of May here in germany and people know that this is roundabout the time when freeze comes again. after that you can stick your plants outside into the earth because the last freeze should be over after that time period.

I don't know if that's the case in other countries too in some way, but it could certainly be ....
I'm a bit afraid of the slugs because they love to eat the young tobacco plants :mad:
has anyone an idea what I can do about them ? (I don't want to use chemicals).

Meager1's suggestion of beer for slugs actually works quite well. Use shallow pie plates every meter or so and fill with cheap beer. Makes a bit of a nasty mess but the slugs appear to die happy much preferring the beer over the plants.
Pashalis said:
well the recent cold that was here in germany in mid may isn't something unusual at all as Gawan pointed out.
this time of the year is called the "icemen" and it is and was always in that time frame of the year.
the "kalte sophie" (cold sophie) is always on the 15 of May here in germany and people know that this is roundabout the time when freeze comes again. after that you can stick your plants outside into the earth because the last freeze should be over after that time period.

I don't know if that's the case in other countries too in some way, but it could certainly be ....

Yeah, I heard that wisdom too from family. While this may be an accurate, ancient knowledge about European weather patterns passed down from generation to generation, it's still unfortunate because it will make people think: "Oh, that cold weather is normal, nothing to worry about!" In fact, that's exactly what I heard from people around me.
Here in Spain today 22 celcius. Yesterday 9. The sun, by the way, is to hot, to strong his force. I like to take sun but even at 5 p.m it is impossible. We are in May, not in july. What is disturbing is that one day by another temperatures can change so drastically.
Today we had to drive to Toulouse and on the way home, we crossed the bridge over the Garonne in Toulouse and it was really high. It was remarked that the "experts" are saying that it is only now back to normal level. I commented that, yeah, all we need is one of those episodes where it rains a month's worth in an hour or two, and see what happens.

Well, on the news this evening, seems that actually happened today in Nantes and Strasbourg. Plus, it is snowing in northern Italy.

I don't see anything about these three events on the same day in the English news. Can anybody find anything anywhere? Supposedly, this storm in Nantes was "catastropic" and a "national disaster".

Oh, and when we were almost home, there was a horrible accident right before our exit... like about a half mile. As soon as we got off and started through town, three firetrucks came up behind us that, at first, we thought might be going to the accident... but nope, they turned down a road that leads to a bunch of big buildings where agricultural chemicals are stored/sold. Then, a third fire vehicle, pulling a giant generator, went by in the same direction.

Things really are weird right now. The dogs are acting very unsettled and anxious.
In turn in Poland, in some places 30 degrees in the shade. Very hot, especially since it is only May.
Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about Nantes and Strasbourg. Only that in Nordrhein Westphalia, Germany it rained tons of hail/ice (about 45), so it could be related since it is not too far away from Strasbourg also when weather patterns can change pretty easily over distances.


And then the bad and unexpected weather in Cannes:

Laura said:
Today we had to drive to Toulouse and on the way home, we crossed the bridge over the Garonne in Toulouse and it was really high. It was remarked that the "experts" are saying that it is only now back to normal level. I commented that, yeah, all we need is one of those episodes where it rains a month's worth in an hour or two, and see what happens.

Well, on the news this evening, seems that actually happened today in Nantes and Strasbourg. Plus, it is snowing in northern Italy.

Well that exactly happened in Croatian eastern region of Slavonia in town of Osijek: 42 liters of rain in 24 hours (normally in whole month). More particular: two major showers in the afternoon together delivered 27 liters per square meter - talking about sheets of rain ...and i remember forecasts from TV news that 'very strong cyclone with "like infinite energy :huh:" is being constantly forming over Europe, so they cannot tell for sure when rain could stop?????
Gawan said:
Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about Nantes and Strasbourg. Only that in Nordrhein Westphalia, Germany it rained tons of hail/ice (about 45), so it could be related since it is not too far away from Strasbourg also when weather patterns can change pretty easily over distances.


And then the bad and unexpected weather in Cannes:


yep I heared about that hail monster in germany too. just look at it !
I can't remember that there were ever such hail masses in the recent past.
not to mention that it happened recently on several other places on planet too !

what I can tell is that here were I life it hailed and sleeted very often this year. much more then in recent years
What I have found is this article (in French) that talks about a natural catastrophe at NANCY, the capital of the Meurthe-et-Moselle! (I was born there!). There is a small video in the article.

And in English this small news:

More information about Nancy with some videos:

I am sorry, I did not read this article by :-[

But about Nantes, nothing in the news, for now.
Peonys and Irises bloomed a month early. It's hard to believe summer is just beginning. My internal sensors feel like it is mid summer.

Funny you said that, I have been feeling the same internal sensation that "time" is somehow off.

Amd yes, it seems, or actually feels, like it`s later in the season than it actually is.

When you look externally, you can see that the Iris`s are in full bloom and the lilacs have already gone by.. it`s a jungle out there, everything is ahead of where it should be.

Funny to, because we are suppose to be just starting to plant, yet it "feels" like summer is half over already!

It also seems that some peoples perceptions are off even more then the seasons.
For instance, I was stopped for "speeding" just yesterday in a school zone.

This is so bizarre! The officer was parked in a parking lot, before the school zone, and actually followed me through it, with flashing lights.

He was extremely belligerent and seemed genuinely upset that I was going 13 miles over the limit.. and they were loading the buses!
Say what!
My passenger and I looked at each other and I looked back down the street and there was not only NO bus, the school zone lights indicating 20 mile an hour through the zone were NOT even on! The officer then went back to his car to write my ticket and when he returned and handed it to me, it was for not wearing my seat belt..and nothing was nothing mentioned about the school zone or the supposed speeding!
He then warned me to "watch myself" and left.

Another example, was the day before that, I had taken my elderly neighbor to one of his doctors, and the doctor all but ignored him, instead chatting with me and giving me his private cell phone number, telling me to call him anytime! What!!!

People are just acting so strange, between that and feeling like "time" is wrong it`s getting really really scary, out there.
I`m almost afraid to even go downtown again, you just don`t know what to expect next!.
Meager1 said:
Peonys and Irises bloomed a month early. It's hard to believe summer is just beginning. My internal sensors feel like it is mid summer.

Funny you said that, I have been feeling the same internal sensation that "time" is somehow off.

Amd yes, it seems, or actually feels, like it`s later in the season than it actually is.

When you look externally, you can see that the Iris`s are in full bloom and the lilacs have already gone by.. it`s a jungle out there, everything is ahead of where it should be.

Funny to, because we are suppose to be just starting to plant, yet it "feels" like summer is half over already!

It also seems that some peoples perceptions are off even more then the seasons.
For instance, I was stopped for "speeding" just yesterday in a school zone.

This is so bizarre! The officer was parked in a parking lot, before the school zone, and actually followed me through it, with flashing lights.

He was extremely belligerent and seemed genuinely upset that I was going 13 miles over the limit.. and they were loading the buses!
Say what!
My passenger and I looked at each other and I looked back down the street and there was not only NO bus, the school zone lights indicating 20 mile an hour through the zone were NOT even on! The officer then went back to his car to write my ticket and when he returned and handed it to me, it was for not wearing my seat belt..and nothing was nothing mentioned about the school zone or the supposed speeding!
He then warned me to "watch myself" and left.

Another example, was the day before that, I had taken my elderly neighbor to one of his doctors, and the doctor all but ignored him, instead chatting with me and giving me his private cell phone number, telling me to call him anytime! What!!!

People are just acting so strange, between that and feeling like "time" is wrong it`s getting really really scary, out there.
I`m almost afraid to even go downtown again, you just don`t know what to expect next!.

Your story is so interesting. Looks like a dream. Maybe we are dreaming all this?

Concerning the weather, YES, the impression is that we are, suddenly in plain summer. But for how many days? And a season without the smell of anything: the flowers are there but without their smell. Strange, he? Yesterday the sun at 7 PM was so strong!
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