The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

Regarding the bird accounts, I wonder if they're losing their sense of direction/navigation:

Crystals of magnetite have been found in some bacteria (e.g., Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum) and in the brains of bees, termites, fish, some birds (e.g., the pigeon) and humans.[8] These crystals are thought to be involved in magnetoreception, the ability to sense the polarity or the inclination of the Earth's magnetic field, and to be involved in navigation. Also, chitons have teeth made of magnetite on their radula, making them unique among animals. This means they have an exceptionally abrasive tongue with which to scrape food from rocks.

I had a dream Wednesday concerning a massive snowstorm. Dreams of this intensity are rare for me, but this was so real and I had not been contemplating or reading about the "ice age cometh" recently which made the experience that much more impactful like "Listen up!"
It seemed I was inside an apartment and went out to help a few people two of which were my parents. The snow was piled so high it was difficult to get out, by the time I attempted to go back in it was impossible and we did not make it back.. Bottom line the snow came fast and caught us unaware and we apparently were buried in it.
In Sweden, at any rate here, it is (and has now been for a time and in the short term remains) about the warmth usual for late June. Roasting sun, at present.
Psalehesost said:
In Sweden, at any rate here, it is (and has now been for a time and in the short term remains) about the warmth usual for late June. Roasting sun, at present.
Likewise in Norway.
This week while smoking outside during the day, a humming bird came so close to me I could touch it. I was like "oh joy, the wonder of nature" this has happened about 3 times so far. I have never seen a humming bird in this location and I've been living here for 5 years. I thought "so they do exist." :D Other birds have kind of lost their fear and come really close, another kind (don't know the species) also came to me at arms length. It is just so wonderful and fills me with joy.

Regarding time, it has lost all meaning for me, but when someone asks me the time I look at the clock and read the numbers, they are just numbers to me although I still get up in the morning to prepare my niece for school.

Reality really has taken on a fluid dream like form, it seems that at any moment I will just slip away to who knows where. A lot of times now when I close my eyes a cascade of really strong light ensues and just yesterday when I was waking up the same light was there, but encompassing all my minds eye with a mandala type figure pulsing green stuff out.

Btw meager1 your doctor story was hilarious, it seems that people just don't know where they are anymore.
truth seeker said:
Regarding the bird accounts, I wonder if they're losing their sense of direction/navigation:

Could be, but whatever it is, they keep trying to get in the same window. Back in the Denver area I had a robin that returned over several years to repeatedly (over weeks) attempt to fly in the same window. None of the other windows interested him/her.
Also regarding bird accounts, could it also be possible that they are related to Secret Team/4D STS-type experimentation? And somewhat localized?

I remember concern a few years back when the u s Navy was experimenting with a new type of sonar which had very adverse reactions on the instinctual navigation of whales, in particular.

Where we live, and there are lots of birds, I haven't noticed or heard of anything 'abnormal' in their behavior.

Well birds already use magnetite to navigate - and according to C's, magnetite we will get if manage to wave on 4th density and we will be able to sense a much wider EM spectrum and simple straight road will became curved (we will have to upgrade our driving techniques...)

What i am alluding to is: If 4th density is already pouring in and birds, due to their magnetite equipment, are influenced by wider EM spectrum, maybe they perceive their - till now - 'straight trajectories' more wobbling and they haven't still upgrade their flying skills :huh:
Even if Earth changes are connected to higher densities, in this case of birds loosing their sense of orientation can be related to disturbances (natural and artificial) in the Earth magnetic fields.
mkrnhr said:
Even if Earth changes are connected to higher densities, in this case of birds loosing their sense of orientation can be related to disturbances (natural and artificial) in the Earth magnetic fields.

Yup. And I'm wondering if these recent, strange (so the experts say) shallow earthquakes in places where earthquakes don't usually happen, indicates a bit of crust slippage due to slowing down of the earth???
That's a possibility. There have been many unusual earthquakes lately.

Also, if electric currents are changing inside (as they change above), they may change the physical characteristics (like viscosity) of the mantle and crust in some places. Any secular changes in those parameters may have noticeable changes on geophysical events as we experience them as well.
today I had another very close encounter with a singing bird. he would be dead if I wouldn't have breaked really hard.
and there were two other close encounters today too.

the lesson for today is to not to break for them anymore when I'm not sure if another car is behind me !
that encounter today could have easily ended in a major accident because I didn't knew if there was a car behind me !
Pashalis said:
today I had another very close encounter with a singing bird. he would be dead if I wouldn't have breaked really hard.
and there were two other close encounters today too.

the lesson for today is to not to break for them anymore when I'm not sure if another car is behind me !
that encounter today could have easily ended in a major accident because I didn't knew if there was a car behind me !

This is very important!To remember yourself that while driving the important thing is your life and the life of others! When driving in a road with no traffic, no problem.

Birds like to play and it is not the first time that one bird tragically ends his life on my car. I always feel very sorry but sometimes even on a road without traffic you don't have time to stop.
I always use the horn to warn off Birds when im driving. I get funny looks and laughs off whoever is in the car with me at the time.
I havent noticed much difference with their behaviour myself, and i do quite alot of wildlife/nature walking. Ill start worrying when i start seeing more dead birds. I think i see one a year maximum.

about 5 days ago I was at holiday - malta island - and there was a strength cloud and weather - 23-30C but very cold - you must go with your jacket outside after 17:00 that was strength
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