The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

GAIA said:
Well folks yesterday we in northern Italy were struck with another 2 earthquakes. This time 5,8 and then a 5,2 a few days after the 6,0 earthquake. They say the 6,0 one was the strongest since the 1300's. And sadly yesterday there were workers turning back to work after their factory had been closed following the first quake and the roof collapsed and 3 of them died. Another woman just went into her house after the May 20 earthquake to get some clothes and her apartment crumbled but she was lucky and was saved by a piece of furniture that toppled over her! The death toll is now at 15. Some cities got hit pretty hard and it looks like bombs went off and buildings crumbled. We were lucky and nothing crumbled in our town although the quake was felt.

Very sorry to hear about fatalities and the destruction as shown. Glad you and yours were ok GAIA.
Windmill knight said:
(...) For me it is a psychological state that is becoming more often in which personal issues matter much less than they used to. As a result, my life feels more like watching a movie, taking part in a play or playing a game. Only ideals matter, but because they are abstract and only provide a sense of direction, my life does feel like a dream sometimes. (...)

I can relate very much to that, although this is going on to a lesser extend with me - kind of "not quite there yet". I still have the "struggle between yes and no" going on in my life that sometimes stands in the way of these peaceful moments you describe, but I know I need to keep on struggling, and win the struggles that present themselves on a daily basis. And when these peaceful moments of "dreamlike" states come, it just feels right - and interestingly, it doesn't make me less capable in dealing with daily life (job etc.) - quite on the contrary!
Is that the Iceman knocking :huh:

If he's really at the door -playing polite for now - at the beginning of the summer, how torrential he would be when decide to step in when his time comes. Talking about cyrogenic possibilities :bye:
The Cs did say that Europe will cool first, the nNorth America.

I find it amazing that almost ALL here in usa thinks life is great. I try to discuss t he weather y'all are experiencing across the big pond. But people just don't seem to give a damn here. All life is sweet and chocolates to most here and I get stared at whenever I bring up your weather. People can be perplexing and all I can say is it figures...
Just wait til Joe and Josephine SixPack cannot get beer and pizza and their television sports is disrupted. The maybe they'll start to "see"? Somehow I even doubt that...
So true Al Today. I'm amazed at the lack of interest my fellow Americans have with what's happening in the rest of the world. They turn a blind eye to the true hardships of their fellow humanity while sporting a "life is good" t shirt of a grinning stick figure roasting a marshmallow. Little do they know who that roasting marshmallow at the end of the stick is.
Chrissy said:
So true Al Today. I'm amazed at the lack of interest my fellow Americans have with what's happening in the rest of the world. They turn a blind eye to the true hardships of their fellow humanity while sporting a "life is good" t shirt of a grinning stick figure roasting a marshmallow. Little do they know who that roasting marshmallow at the end of the stick is.
:lol:, little do they know indeed.

Ignorance endangers as the C's have said. I am mostly quiet nowadays, I just watch and interact on an as needed basis. Whatever is coming will affect us all, if one chooses to prepare, well that is their choice, if one chooses not to prepare, that is an equally valid choice. Just don't come to me begging and pleading when it's finally here, I will say, I sounded the call numerous times, but you did not have the eyes to see, mind to know, heart to feel, and ears to hear. You must find your own way now, you can no longer remain as children.
bngenoh said:
I am mostly quiet nowadays, I just watch and interact on an as needed basis.

I was like that for a while. Now I just come out with little snippet tidbits of interest going on this BBM. No preaching, mostly one liners about what we talk about here. Sometimes I get a head to turn and maybe, just perhaps someone actually thinks for a second, then that glimmer seems to disappear. What cracks me up is people at work are starting to say "Hey Al, what's the weather today?". Like the Cs say, gotta keep the humor... People seem more agreeable and less threatened with a short comment and a smile...
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Here's a nice video of the frigid conditions in Stockholm recently: _

What's interesting is the parallels with 1928, the year before the great depression. A curiosity considering this.

Also considering that WW2 followed shortly afterwards and the C's saying that the whole Hitler thing was basically a trial run & a testing of the will for events in our future, makes me go hmmm.....
With the moon going full on the 4th/5th and Venus transiting the sun, our weather here changed fast to "Rain Warnings in Effect" as a big system moved in and dumped for two days. The wind blew in this afternoon and the clouds started moving off the mountains. Just before dark, could see lots of fresh snow down to the 1700 meter +/- mark (valley bottom is @ 668 meters).
Now nearing the end of June, rain warnings have remained in effect, off and on (driving up from the SW U.S. coast > NE), with a couple of days of sun to mow the tall grass and pull a few weeds. Can't remember the last time we had to stoke a fire at this time of year, yet night temps are dropping to 6 degrees Celsius +/-. Flooding has begun as the still present snow pack is being beaten down by the rains and the streams, creeks, rivers and now wetlands are swollen. Our only reprieve from all out flooding is living in mountain terrains; gaining elevation.
Piers Corbyn's WetherAction forecast site issued free summary long range forecast for USA and Europe:
"Terrible weather is coming the world over this July so we've decided to isue free summary long range forecasts for USA and for Europe. We also expect very serious near simultaneous solar-activity driven deluges and stormy conditions around the world during our top Red Warning R5 and R4 periods. Any communication of the forecasts must acknowledge WeatherAction"

From: _
Regulattor said:
Piers Corbyn's WetherAction forecast site issued free summary long range forecast for USA and Europe:
"Terrible weather is coming the world over this July so we've decided to isue free summary long range forecasts for USA and for Europe. We also expect very serious near simultaneous solar-activity driven deluges and stormy conditions around the world during our top Red Warning R5 and R4 periods. Any communication of the forecasts must acknowledge WeatherAction"

From: _

Rock 'n Roll!!!!
Well Mr bngenoh and Mrs Laura certainly seem to enjoy in this particular 'peace of time/space' so I am not the only one :halo:- today especially I feel so positive despite all that havoc that is emerging all around the BBM in every corner of our miss-civilisation...
I moved to Michigan last week, and the weather here is definitely not what is considered "the norm". Due to the early warming in March, followed by the return to cold weather, most of the fruit crop here is all but destroyed. It was 104 where I was today, and I ran into a traffic backup that was caused by firefighting tanker trucks parked on the highway- seemingly fighting a fire that had broken out on a ridge where there are no houses or buildings.

Since I started working up here a couple months ago, most of the local population speaks of the weather this year. Many are expecting a winter of a lifetime by the end of the year. If the data presented here and on SOTT is correct, they have no idea how right they are- only they do not know the reason why. I have met several people here who truly want to understand what is happening, so I have pointed them to here and SOTT, as the explanations provided at both sites are FAR better than I could even attempt on my own.
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