The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

About strange bird behavior.

[quote author=LQB]
We're also getting more birds trying to fly in through the windows - bizarre!

For a few week had a Robin sitting on the window sill near my home desk, constantly tapping on the glass trying to get in. The window is full of smudge beak marks with bird droppings all over the sill - it finally ended before the new moon. Would watch this bird in action and it seemed physically healthy yet was perhaps mentally disturbed; have never had this happen before.
Quote from: LQB
We're also getting more birds trying to fly in through the windows - bizarre!

There is really nothing strange here.

Many birds particularly Robins, are territorial and will defend their area from intruders.

When a Robin, especially a male Robin, see`s it`s reflection in the glass it can become obsessed with chasing the interloper out of his territory.

If after several attempts to remove the competition the "reflection" remains, the real Robin has no choice but to give up the territory and move on.

This is especially bad if there is a nesting mate, since she will be left with nothing but a "phantom robin" in the glass to help her feed the young.

Often she too, will abandon the nest and move on.

When you see birds in the window acting that way, the best thing to do is to hang a large piece of paper over the outside of the window,or do other things to block the reflection, until they are convinced that the interloper has moved on, and their territory is secure.
It also feels like mid-summer here and it's still supposed to be spring. We've already reached temperatures as high as 98-100F (37-38C). I keep feeling like summer is nearing the end when it hasn't even begun.

I've also noticed this kind of hazy dreamlike quality to things lately, but have to stay grounded and keep up with all my day to day tasks as I am raising my 17 month old daughter.

But things just feel "off". It's not the right "season" and the flowers only bloomed for a week and that was months ago now it feels like! I'm really wondering what the "real summer" has in store for us here. (I'm in Memphis, TN, US.) and in many other places in the world.
Meager1 said:
Quote from: LQB
We're also getting more birds trying to fly in through the windows - bizarre!

There is really nothing strange here.

Many birds particularly Robins, are territorial and will defend their area from intruders.

When a Robin, especially a male Robin, see`s it`s reflection in the glass it can become obsessed with chasing the interloper out of his territory.

If after several attempts to remove the competition the "reflection" remains, the real Robin has no choice but to give up the territory and move on.

This is especially bad if there is a nesting mate, since she will be left with nothing but a "phantom robin" in the glass to help her feed the young.

Often she too, will abandon the nest and move on.

When you see birds in the window acting that way, the best thing to do is to hang a large piece of paper over the outside of the window,or do other things to block the reflection, until they are convinced that the interloper has moved on, and their territory is secure.

Thanks for that explanation Meager1, in our case the window is very reflective and so this makes much sense and it is sad that this meddles with their mating habits. Usually in summer, hang ribbon to ward off window strikes and did not think about this close aspect.
:O You don't say, people.
But yeah.
Yesterday = cold night
Today = warm night
I can't call it midsummer, because midsummer's consistent.
This isn't.

I ran this thought simulation:
1. Earth gets hotter
2. The hotter it gets, the more "permeable" is the whatdoyoucallitsphere

And found that you get intermittent backlashes of deep-space-freezed air, which reduces "permeability", which then allows things to heat up again, and so on.

Then, the ice age will be reached as one huge macroscale backlash.

How? Maybe the rate of heating explodes exponentially. Then it would get extremely hot, before the system gives way to cold influx. Maybe comets and supervolcanoes provide the exponential push. The iceagenow site theorizes a mini ice age, followed by warmth, then the true glacial period (the End). If the true long glacial starts 2014, (year zero after the cosmic fireworks) I wouldn't be surprised.

"Permeability" is undoubtedly tied to the local EM field.

Equator stays the same because Earth is hot but the field, while weakening overall, is always firmest there. So, things cancel out.

{Disclaimer: The above was purely speculation of mine.}
Meager1 said:
Quote from: LQB
We're also getting more birds trying to fly in through the windows - bizarre!

There is really nothing strange here.

Many birds particularly Robins, are territorial and will defend their area from intruders.

When a Robin, especially a male Robin, see`s it`s reflection in the glass it can become obsessed with chasing the interloper out of his territory.

If after several attempts to remove the competition the "reflection" remains, the real Robin has no choice but to give up the territory and move on.

This is especially bad if there is a nesting mate, since she will be left with nothing but a "phantom robin" in the glass to help her feed the young.

Often she too, will abandon the nest and move on.

When you see birds in the window acting that way, the best thing to do is to hang a large piece of paper over the outside of the window,or do other things to block the reflection, until they are convinced that the interloper has moved on, and their territory is secure.

That explains why the smaller birds keep hitting the small window of the garden shed like a woodpecker.
Some of you have been talking about feeling that life is dreamlike lately. I'm not sure what everyone means by that, being so subjective, but I want to tell about something I've felt which might be related (or not). For me it is a psychological state that is becoming more often in which personal issues matter much less than they used to. As a result, my life feels more like watching a movie, taking part in a play or playing a game. Only ideals matter, but because they are abstract and only provide a sense of direction, my life does feel like a dream sometimes. I cannot say I'm happy, but I am not unhappy either - more like content and generally at peace. When I am deeper into this state, it feels like contemplating infinity in all its different variations coming and going in front of me. Sometimes it makes me feel alone and a little melancholic as Don Juan would say, but not lonely nor depressed nor really sad. Also the occasional sensation that 'things are over' somehow - either for the world or my world. Sometimes it's just about appreciating beauty in front of me, like a song or a scene.

Yesterday I went for a walk on the countryside and I was feeling like this. I looked at my watch and noticed it was around 3:15 pm. So I had a chance to walk some more. After a while I looked at the watch again and it was still 3:15-ish. I sat under a tree and laid on the grass for a while. Looked again and it was still 3:15! And that's when I realized that my watch was not working. :P It was in fact 5:00 pm by then according to my mobile phone. But what I find interesting is that it took me so long to realize this and I simply accepted the 'fact' that my watch had moved only a minute or two after all that time. Basically my sense of time seems to be affected by this state of mind.

I should add that this is not a permanent state. Often I 'fall back' to getting distracted by daily life and petty stuff. But it seems to be happening more often.
That seems like a good description of detachment Windmill Knight, and similar to my own feelings at times, thank you for sharing.

And that's when I realized that my watch was not working.

Laura said:
A hurricane in May is almost unheard of. In fact, I've never heard of one though there WAS an "unheard of" tropical storm in the Gulf in Feb/March the year I was born.

The weather is definitely off here in the SE USA and I am pretty much as far south as one can go. We have had two named tropical storms so far this month and the hurricane season has not "officially" begun yet, the official date is June 1st. Also last week we had a hail storm, another abnormality here. The hail was the size and shape of a US quarter. Covered the entire yard and was gone in a few minutes from a heavy downpour of rain that followed. Thank goodness it was not a tornado.

Keeping a close watch on the weather and any things that might be a clue that needs more attention.

It is amazing to see the diversity of weather patterns that are happening at the present moment. Very extreme.

Hithere said:
That seems like a good description of detachment Windmill Knight, and similar to my own feelings at times, thank you for sharing.

And that's when I realized that my watch was not working.


The feeling lately that I have been experiencing regarding time and life is that I am gently treading water waiting for a wave to ride onto shore. Not sure where it will land me, and not really thinking about it much, except to avoid any dangers. Focusing on reading and creating my work and time seems to be moving slowly until I glance at a clock and see that many hours have passed by. This is a huge contrast from the months of February, March and April for me where my focus was strictly work related.
Windmill knight said:
Some of you have been talking about feeling that life is dreamlike lately. I'm not sure what everyone means by that, being so subjective, but I want to tell about something I've felt which might be related (or not). For me it is a psychological state that is becoming more often in which personal issues matter much less than they used to. As a result, my life feels more like watching a movie, taking part in a play or playing a game. Only ideals matter, but because they are abstract and only provide a sense of direction, my life does feel like a dream sometimes. I cannot say I'm happy, but I am not unhappy either - more like content and generally at peace. When I am deeper into this state, it feels like contemplating infinity in all its different variations coming and going in front of me. Sometimes it makes me feel alone and a little melancholic as Don Juan would say, but not lonely nor depressed nor really sad. Also the occasional sensation that 'things are over' somehow - either for the world or my world. Sometimes it's just about appreciating beauty in front of me, like a song or a scene.


I should add that this is not a permanent state. Often I 'fall back' to getting distracted by daily life and petty stuff. But it seems to be happening more often.

That is exactly what I am experiencing Windmill, and I described it to my brother when we were driving the other day. I said it felt a lot like the movie independence day, people just going about their little lives and then this huge event happens, and the insignificance of what they have spent their whole lives becomes apparent.

Bluestar said:
The feeling lately that I have been experiencing regarding time and life is that I am gently treading water waiting for a wave to ride onto shore. Not sure where it will land me, and not really thinking about it much, except to avoid any dangers. Focusing on reading and creating my work and time seems to be moving slowly until I glance at a clock and see that many hours have passed by. This is a huge contrast from the months of February, March and April for me where my focus was strictly work related.

A perfect description Bluestar. I don't know what's gonna happen, so I take it moment by moment, day by day, and see what this whole show is about.
Windmill knight said:
Some of you have been talking about feeling that life is dreamlike lately. I'm not sure what everyone means by that, being so subjective, but I want to tell about something I've felt which might be related (or not). For me it is a psychological state that is becoming more often in which personal issues matter much less than they used to. As a result, my life feels more like watching a movie, taking part in a play or playing a game. Only ideals matter, but because they are abstract and only provide a sense of direction, my life does feel like a dream sometimes. I cannot say I'm happy, but I am not unhappy either - more like content and generally at peace. When I am deeper into this state, it feels like contemplating infinity in all its different variations coming and going in front of me. Sometimes it makes me feel alone and a little melancholic as Don Juan would say, but not lonely nor depressed nor really sad. Also the occasional sensation that 'things are over' somehow - either for the world or my world. Sometimes it's just about appreciating beauty in front of me, like a song or a scene.

sometimes I catch myself with similar "movie - watching perspective" but after 1-2 minute I see "more" and woke-up as a "shock" then I thing "be carte-full - don't go with illusion"

Windmill knight said:
Yesterday I went for a walk on the countryside and I was feeling like this. I looked at my watch and noticed it was around 3:15 pm. So I had a chance to walk some more. After a while I looked at the watch again and it was still 3:15-ish. I sat under a tree and laid on the grass for a while. Looked again and it was still 3:15! And that's when I realized that my watch was not working. :P It was in fact 5:00 pm by then according to my mobile phone. But what I find interesting is that it took me so long to realize this and I simply accepted the 'fact' that my watch had moved only a minute or two after all that time. Basically my sense of time seems to be affected by this state of mind.

with this time "sign" ? ;)

after reading this post:

Bluestar said:
The feeling lately that I have been experiencing regarding time and life is that I am gently treading water waiting for a wave to ride onto shore. Not sure where it will land me, and not really thinking about it much, except to avoid any dangers. Focusing on reading and creating my work and time seems to be moving slowly until I glance at a clock and see that many hours have passed by. This is a huge contrast from the months of February, March and April for me where my focus was strictly work related.

similar sometimes you see people with their life and huge ignorance to others and to what is going on - then first thing on your mind is "that remind me as a movie" - when something will happen - then usually i start to think what people will do in that situation ...

As for me from some years by now I accepted that I will die no matcher if that will be in 1 day or 2 years or 50 years by now and for this moment I'm taking life as it is and learning what I can . Then with my perspective watching people and thinking - if they are prepared for detach and change ? what they will miss by going this routine "work - buy - shop - work - buy - tv - shop" , what lesson they will not learn.
Yeps! Im not going to quote Windmill knight here , but the feeling content for want of a better description is how it has been for me for quite some time now. Im working on the house daily , and looking after our son while the Hammer goes to work.The running of the world and its politics are somewhere in the background , and i have an awareness and have had this for a year or more now that the world is about to change drastically for many and myself and family included.

We have no escape plan , nor do we care for one.We are where we are and what ever will happen will happen.The future may be open , but first if man is not wiped out by one thing or another , things will have to change mega style.Its inevitable.

My FB postings are about work on the house , work on opening our business and not much more. Im still reading posts here , sott and books when i can and so on , though i have nothing to say about anything.

Im enjoying the good weather whilst we have it , watching swallows fly in and out of our out house , feeling and seeing the trees move with the gentle breezes of late and im enjoying its beauty while it is here.

Yes the last week its been summer in Northern europe.The weather will change soon.
Away With The Fairys said:
Yeps! Im not going to quote Windmill knight here , but the feeling content for want of a better description is how it has been for me for quite some time now. Im working on the house daily , and looking after our son while the Hammer goes to work.The running of the world and its politics are somewhere in the background , and i have an awareness and have had this for a year or more now that the world is about to change drastically for many and myself and family included.

We have no escape plan , nor do we care for one.We are where we are and what ever will happen will happen.The future may be open , but first if man is not wiped out by one thing or another , things will have to change mega style.Its inevitable.

My FB postings are about work on the house , work on opening our business and not much more. Im still reading posts here , sott and books when i can and so on , though i have nothing to say about anything.

Im enjoying the good weather whilst we have it , watching swallows fly in and out of our out house , feeling and seeing the trees move with the gentle breezes of late and im enjoying its beauty while it is here.

Yes the last week its been summer in Northern europe.The weather will change soon.

It's a lot like this with me. I do all my normal things during the day - take care of the house, prepare meals, take care of my daughter. I help my partner with getting things set up with his new business when I can. We know it probably won't last with how the world is so we'll make the best of our improving finances for now but see where things go.

I spend my evenings after my daughter goes to sleep reading stuff here and have been reading the Wave series again, as well as being about half through Myth of Sanity as well.

My life is so normal right now it really feels like a calm before the storm. I'm just working on increasing my knowledge and accepting things for what they are. I'm not really afraid of what's coming, but I feel my illusion about the future of the world has slowly been stripped down over the last few years and that's been hard at times to swallow, but I am not the only person who has gone through those feelings I know.
Brenda86 said:
Away With The Fairys said:
Yeps! Im not going to quote Windmill knight here , but the feeling content for want of a better description is how it has been for me for quite some time now. Im working on the house daily , and looking after our son while the Hammer goes to work.The running of the world and its politics are somewhere in the background , and i have an awareness and have had this for a year or more now that the world is about to change drastically for many and myself and family included.

We have no escape plan , nor do we care for one.We are where we are and what ever will happen will happen.The future may be open , but first if man is not wiped out by one thing or another , things will have to change mega style.Its inevitable.

My FB postings are about work on the house , work on opening our business and not much more. Im still reading posts here , sott and books when i can and so on , though i have nothing to say about anything.

Im enjoying the good weather whilst we have it , watching swallows fly in and out of our out house , feeling and seeing the trees move with the gentle breezes of late and im enjoying its beauty while it is here.

Yes the last week its been summer in Northern europe.The weather will change soon.

It's a lot like this with me. I do all my normal things during the day - take care of the house, prepare meals, take care of my daughter. I help my partner with getting things set up with his new business when I can. We know it probably won't last with how the world is so we'll make the best of our improving finances for now but see where things go.

I spend my evenings after my daughter goes to sleep reading stuff here and have been reading the Wave series again, as well as being about half through Myth of Sanity as well.

My life is so normal right now it really feels like a calm before the storm. I'm just working on increasing my knowledge and accepting things for what they are. I'm not really afraid of what's coming, but I feel my illusion about the future of the world has slowly been stripped down over the last few years and that's been hard at times to swallow, but I am not the only person who has gone through those feelings I know.

Same here. Feeling we are on the brink of something. When I go to the Capital I like to see all the people going and walking as nothing, their routine, their lives... How many are feeling that something is approaching? That very soon all will change?

Do I hope something will happen? No. But something will happen. So I try to be here, me too. Reading, learning, playing with my dogs and cats, taking care of my husband, of myself, talking with my seniors friends that will be the first victims of this next slaughter. No, I am not pessimistic, or maybe yes? :shock: I am like a dog, smelling the air. And what I smell is not very nice.

But is summer, even if we are in spring. And when I look at the mountains surrounding me I ask them to give me strength and courage. Everything will pass, like my life, the life of my dear dogs and cats, the life of my husband. We are nothing and we are everything. Without me those mountains don't exist. But this is not true.
Well folks yesterday we in northern Italy were struck with another 2 earthquakes. This time 5,8 and then a 5,2 a few days after the 6,0 earthquake. They say the 6,0 one was the strongest since the 1300's. And sadly yesterday there were workers turning back to work after their factory had been closed following the first quake and the roof collapsed and 3 of them died. Another woman just went into her house after the May 20 earthquake to get some clothes and her apartment crumbled but she was lucky and was saved by a piece of furniture that toppled over her! The death toll is now at 15. Some cities got hit pretty hard and it looks like bombs went off and buildings crumbled. We were lucky and nothing crumbled in our town although the quake was felt.
Here's are some pictures





There's an article about it here:
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