The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

loreta said:
Meager1 said:
Peonys and Irises bloomed a month early. It's hard to believe summer is just beginning. My internal sensors feel like it is mid summer.

Funny you said that, I have been feeling the same internal sensation that "time" is somehow off.

Amd yes, it seems, or actually feels, like it`s later in the season than it actually is.

When you look externally, you can see that the Iris`s are in full bloom and the lilacs have already gone by.. it`s a jungle out there, everything is ahead of where it should be.

Funny to, because we are suppose to be just starting to plant, yet it "feels" like summer is half over already!

It also seems that some peoples perceptions are off even more then the seasons.
For instance, I was stopped for "speeding" just yesterday in a school zone.

This is so bizarre! The officer was parked in a parking lot, before the school zone, and actually followed me through it, with flashing lights.

He was extremely belligerent and seemed genuinely upset that I was going 13 miles over the limit.. and they were loading the buses!
Say what!
My passenger and I looked at each other and I looked back down the street and there was not only NO bus, the school zone lights indicating 20 mile an hour through the zone were NOT even on! The officer then went back to his car to write my ticket and when he returned and handed it to me, it was for not wearing my seat belt..and nothing was nothing mentioned about the school zone or the supposed speeding!
He then warned me to "watch myself" and left.

Another example, was the day before that, I had taken my elderly neighbor to one of his doctors, and the doctor all but ignored him, instead chatting with me and giving me his private cell phone number, telling me to call him anytime! What!!!

People are just acting so strange, between that and feeling like "time" is wrong it`s getting really really scary, out there.
I`m almost afraid to even go downtown again, you just don`t know what to expect next!.

Your story is so interesting. Looks like a dream. Maybe we are dreaming all this?

Concerning the weather, YES, the impression is that we are, suddenly in plain summer. But for how many days? And a season without the smell of anything: the flowers are there but without their smell. Strange, he? Yesterday the sun at 7 PM was so strong!

Yes, daily life does seem to have a dream-like quality recently. Like the vale, we call daily life, is thinner somehow. The daily tasks that can seem so important, have the feel of "arranging deck chairs on the Titantic."

Very subjective impressions, of course. Still, a kind of excitement at watching it all unfold.

Polonel said:
Pashalis said:
did any of you notice strange behaviours of birds recently?
Could you be more specific, please ?

well in the last couple of weeks and months I had dozens of close entcounters with birds while I was driving with my car.
and often I had to jump into the brake hard to not kill them. one time I was not fast enough and a merl had to die.

what I noticed (or think I noticed) is that they seem to react differently now when I approach them with my car as though something has changened in their perception of danger that makes them react not properly or fast enough. enother thing that happens quite often is that they fly right into my car as though they are on some kind of "suicide mission".

It happened now so often that I'm wondering if this is normal?
Yes, it turned out to be Nancy, not Nantes.... that's what you get for conveying info you only HEAR and try to convert to English!

Apparently, the next day, they interviewed a climate/weather person who just blew it all off as a normal fluctuation in weather.
Pashalis said:
well in the last couple of weeks and months I had dozens of close entcounters with birds while I was driving with my car.
and often I had to jump into the brake hard to not kill them. one time I was not fast enough and a merl had to die.

what I noticed (or think I noticed) is that they seem to react differently now when I approach them with my car as though something has changened in their perception of danger that makes them react not properly or fast enough. enother thing that happens quite often is that they fly right into my car as though they are on some kind of "suicide mission".

It happened now so often that I'm wondering if this is normal?

I do a fair amount of driving every week (usually 6-8 hours) and I've also had many close encounters with birds recently. Since I am on the expressway, I cannot brake for them and so far, I have not killed any of them. But since you mention it, it does seem that the behavior of the birds is somehow different.

Since I have been driving this same route for several years, this is the first year that I have had so many close calls with birds. Just yesterday, I had three near misses! Maybe changes in the atmosphere are affecting them somehow? It is a bit peculiar.

As an aside, I see a red-tail hawk several times a week. He sits most every morning on the same fence post. I never realized before just how huge these birds are - he's about a foot tall with a 4-5 foot wing span!
Mac said:
Yes, daily life does seem to have a dream-like quality recently. Like the vale, we call daily life, is thinner somehow. The daily tasks that can seem so important, have the feel of "arranging deck chairs on the Titantic."

Very subjective impressions, of course. Still, a kind of excitement at watching it all unfold.


I have been having the same feeling - like I am in some constantly repeating after day. Strange - and yes quite subjective. And my perception of time seems "off" as well - often forgetting or confusing what day of the week it is. I am getting older, but not THAT old! :lol:

Quote from: Meager1 on Today at 02:17:34 AM


Peonys and Irises bloomed a month early. It's hard to believe summer is just beginning. My internal sensors feel like it is mid summer.

I saw orange day lilies in full bloom this week - if memory serves me correctly, they usually bloom here in mid-summer. It has not been as hot here yet, fortunately, but the temperature is climbing. We have been really lucky to have a cool spring - after last summers endless 100+ F days - it was very welcome.

Have not noticed any strange bird behavior, but yesterday a squirrel ran out in front of my car. I stopped and he stopped in the middle of the road, sat up straight and then stared at me for awhile before finally deciding to cross the street. It felt like he was questioning me (like, what are you going to do now??) was just odd!
aleana said:
Have not noticed any strange bird behavior, but yesterday a squirrel ran out in front of my car. I stopped and he stopped in the middle of the road, sat up straight and then stared at me for awhile before finally deciding to cross the street. It felt like he was questioning me (like, what are you going to do now??) was just odd!

The problem is, those wild animals can't process the appearance of a car and therefore identify it as a threat. Especially at night with headlights on they are just confused. From experience I can say that specifically deer will just freeze in the middle of the street and even honking or turning off the lights will not cause them to leave.
Data said:
aleana said:
Have not noticed any strange bird behavior, but yesterday a squirrel ran out in front of my car. I stopped and he stopped in the middle of the road, sat up straight and then stared at me for awhile before finally deciding to cross the street. It felt like he was questioning me (like, what are you going to do now??) was just odd!

The problem is, those wild animals can't process the appearance of a car and therefore identify it as a threat. Especially at night with headlights on they are just confused. From experience I can say that specifically deer will just freeze in the middle of the street and even honking or turning off the lights will not cause them to leave.

yes that's true but my close encounters with birds were all in bright day light
Usually, May is the hottest month of the year in this side of the planet (Mexico), I had noticed that in this month in Mexico City (along with the other past months) the sun burns, how the objects, plants are imprinted? in/with a winter sunlight, too pristine, incandescent hot?, you can't stand be under it for too much time, and it isn't advisable either since as had been with too many days in this year, the UV light levels had been high enough to harm, another thing I had noticed is the cold air, a differentiation from warm air from other years.

I do not fair well in this kind of weather, I take several minutes, more like it, tens of minutes to recover and a lots of water. I need to go outside job issues- several times a week. I avoid going out at 3-5 pm that is when is the worst sun light though. In short I ended dazed.

10 ° C minimun and 27° C maximun had been the weather common conditions, in April we reached 29°C, of curse, depends where you are used to, when I was living in Guadalajara (Mex), we reached 37°C or more, horror of horrors when you do not have artificial weather/air conditioner at home/job/car.

It is also in May when the rain season begins, but it had been raining pretty much all the months of this year, it was known that in February is a crazy month regarding weather, and March a little bit, but February behaved quite normal and March and later April behaved quite eclectic. As if the seasons were out of phase.

Bud is getting near:, we are going to have rain in the next few days, in this city when it rains, the weather drops a little bit.
Meager1 said:
People are just acting so strange, between that and feeling like "time" is wrong it`s getting really really scary, out there.
I`m almost afraid to even go downtown again, you just don`t know what to expect next!.

Yeah, I'm feeling the same nowadays. I've also noticed a number of people at my jobs and at various places tend to get confused more easily and on a regular basis.

Yesterday, it was hottest for me but the temperature was at 89 degree F at the end of the day, and then on my way home, it dropped down to 63 degree F and there was snow on the ground. I was shocked. They said that there were hails and rain storms when I only had just a light rain on the road and it was fine driving. That was just bizarre.

Other thing that I've noticed...I usually leave the house at 5:00am to go to work everyday, and then I've noticed that around 5am, there is light coming up and feels like 6am. Sure, I figured that it would be a summer thing. But, then, the next day, when 5am came, it was still dark, and the light didn't come up until 6am, then the next day, it's 5am light again. Okay, I figured that I was getting my sense of time crossed...weird.

Pashalis said:
what I noticed (or think I noticed) is that they seem to react differently now when I approach them with my car as though something has changened in their perception of danger that makes them react not properly or fast enough. enother thing that happens quite often is that they fly right into my car as though they are on some kind of "suicide mission".

Just two days ago, I had a bird flew at my car during the day drive - my first time ever in all of my 15 years of driving never did I hit a bird and now... I actually felt sad about hitting that bird. :cry:
An example in our locale of the summer season coming really early, besides the heat(spot-on mabar), is the hurricane heading for landfall just south of us.

We rarely see hurricanes until Sept-Oct.! Sure can use the rain though. :/
A hurricane in May is almost unheard of. In fact, I've never heard of one though there WAS an "unheard of" tropical storm in the Gulf in Feb/March the year I was born.
Pashalis said:
did any of you notice strange behaviours of birds recently?
Yes it's kind of weird. Witnessing the same experience, of having to brake ( really fast, and sudden ) often to avoid hitting them, sometimes just barley missing them. If i did not know better it almost seemed to be they are trying to end there life.

i would also see on the roads, the one's that did not make it from encounters with vehicles (driven by people). Sometimes i was able to collect, and bury a few. Others were to desecrated, and there was nothing to collect of anything.

i wounder if there is something interfering with there natural defense mechanism of being aware of danger?

Were in a warm trend since a day ago, lasting till possibly Monday. The change in the weather is to move into another possible cold, windy, and rainy condition next week.
Never a dull moment, just row with flow.
c.a. said:
Pashalis said:
did any of you notice strange behaviours of birds recently?
Yes it's kind of weird. Witnessing the same experience, of having to brake ( really fast, and sudden ) often to avoid hitting them, sometimes just barley missing them. If i did not know better it almost seemed to be they are trying to end there life.

i would also see on the roads, the one's that did not make it from encounters with vehicles (driven by people). Sometimes i was able to collect, and bury a few. Others were to desecrated, and there was nothing to collect of anything.

i wounder if there is something interfering with there natural defense mechanism of being aware of danger?

Were in a warm trend since a day ago, lasting till possibly Monday. The change in the weather is to move into another possible cold, windy, and rainy condition next week.
Never a dull moment, just row with flow.

We're also getting more birds trying to fly in through the windows - bizarre!
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