The Vegetarian Myth

Megan said:
Car engines don't experience glycation when it oxidizes, and they couldn't care less about the omega-6/3 balance. And they may actually LIKE the hexane used to extract it.



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Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

I am a 54 year old male from the UK. As a former christian, buddhist, soldier, patriot, I have existed under many of the programmed illusions before, thankfully, they fell away. I think perhaps the final illusion with me is my personal identity. I've no doubt that little chestnut will fall away also, at the right 'time.'

I have read the first four books in The Wave series, and am just about to start the 5th/6th. I am also reading Life is Religion by The Quantum Future Group, and have been practicing Eiriu Eloas for the last two weeks. For many years I had studied the work of David Icke and other similar explorers, but found that they only go so far. They stop long before the whole picture materialises. I learned a lot from them, but the work of Linda and Ark has taken me, and is taking me, to another level. In studying their work I know I am following the right path. But I am now in a quandary.

I stopped eating animal products a very long time ago for one reason - I feel a great love for animals - the same love I have for children and all innocent and vulnerable beings - and do not want to contribute to the incredible suffering they go through in order for humans to consume them. I have researched vast reams of the 'knowledge' available in terms of the consumption of animals and its effect on human health. I came to the conclusion that by not eating them I was not only playing a small part in the alleviation of their suffering, but was actually improving my own health - a win-win situation.

Now, I find myself in a difficult position.

"If you want to use the full potentials of your body and mind, you need to give it the fuel it was designed to burn: animal fats." Life is Religion, page 19

A: ...The Earth is the Great Mother who gives her body, literally, in the form of creatures with a certain level of consciousness for the sustenance of her children of the cosmos.

Q: (L) ... So, eating flesh also means eating consciousness which accumulates ... or what feeds our consciousness so that it grows in step with our bodies? Is that close enough?

A: Close enough.

Q: (Ailen) And when you eat veggies you're basically eating a much lower level of consciousness. (L) Not only that, but in a sense you're rejecting the gift and you're not feeding consciousness.

A: Yes

Life is Religion, page 21

How can I argue with the Cassiopaeans?

How can I not do everything to prepare myself as a candidate for 4th density STO?

How can I knowingly consume animal products, and endorse the suffering animals experience during their abuse and murder on the way to my plate?

Hearing the sounds that a cow or pig makes as it watches its kin killed and butchered, waiting for its own turn, I have no doubt that they experience extreme fear. Is that fear not present in the consciousness we eat?

I would be grateful for your help on this as I am between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

Thank you.

Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Hello and welcome Vic.

Your thoughts are totally understandable, I went through the same issues with this at various times. The biggest thing you have to remember is that we are STS, and to pretend anything otherwise is to delude ourselves. Instead of focusing so much on 4D, channeled material, and your subjective viewpoint, you could try instead to look at the facts on the ground.

The facts (very simplied) are that a plant based diet is missing essential nutrients, is full of antinutrients, and will cause your body to deteriorate over time. A diet based on well-raised animal fats is the exact opposite, and provides our bodies with the fuel that we need, in order to think clearly and strive towards doing something positive with our lives. [See the Diet and Health section]

When the facts disagree with your subjective beliefs (eating animals = bad), it is the very essence of STS to choose your beliefs. And on the other hand, it is in seeing reality objectively that we can move towards STO, and see the universe as it sees itself, if you know what I mean? This is gaining knowledge, and acting upon it.

So yes, from a subjective viewpoint we are monsters who feed on the death of other living things, as we chew and grind their flesh in our mouths. But that's because we have to. These are the lessons we have chosen to learn, and we tend to learn them faster when we are not brain-fogged and in chronic physical pain.

I hope this helps.
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Welcome to the forum Vic,

Tricky conundrum but it is a concern others have raised. I'd recommend reading the thread The Vegetarian Myth and Lierre Keith's book that is discussed there. She raises some valid research questioning the ethics of vegetarianism which I think you'll find useful to consider. Reading it with an open mind will help too. Enjoy your stay :)
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Pob said:
Welcome to the forum Vic,

Tricky conundrum but it is a concern others have raised. I'd recommend reading the thread The Vegetarian Myth and Lierre Keith's book that is discussed there. She raises some valid research questioning the ethics of vegetarianism which I think you'll find useful to consider. Reading it with an open mind will help too. Enjoy your stay :)

Ditto! And also Primal Body, Primal Mind, and this thread (Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?) might give you a better idea of the pros and cons.

Since you've read The Wave, you must have a pretty good idea of how much programming we all get, and diet is not an exception to the rule, unfortunately. Neither are the health and planetary dangers associated with vegetarianism and modern agriculture, although propaganda tends to claim the contrary. It's good that you are asking yourself these questions. I think that if you read this material with an open mind, you'll find the answer as to what is best for you to consume. It would be nice if we didn't have to consume any living being, but here we are, unfortunately.
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Hello Vic,

You're not the only who struggled with these moral dilemma.
I was also a vegetarian for a long long time before realizing that it wasn't the optimal diet and my mood improved drastically after switching to meat (and giving up gluten for example.)
Maybe after reading the links provided you'll see things differently but at your own pace.

And welcome to the forum !
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Hi Vic, and welcome to the forum, when you get a minute maybe you could post an intro over in the newbies section.

In case you hadn’t read it before here’s a little more context from the session you quoted. I think there’s an important element here that may help to reconcile the emotions that this subject naturally brings up. And as you see from the tone of Laura’s question, you’re not along in struggling with this question.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Okay. Now, you made a remark about the diet that is normal for the human being. And I know {name redacted} and a lot of people - not just {name redacted}, but a lot of people - have a problem with a diet that requires you to consume the flesh of other creatures. And I know that we've read what Lierre Keith has written about it, and it's a very moving statement about life and earth and so on and so forth. But I'd like to know if there's something a little more esoteric that we could understand about this? I mean, I don't understand why and how a person can achieve spiritual growth, which is what you seem to be implying throughout all of this stuff that we've been learning, from eating meat. How many other groups have taken a vegetarian pathway and said that this is... I mean, aside from the fact that we now know that agriculture and vegetables and the owning of the land is pure STS destruction... What about fruit? Well of course they didn't have fruit then. Like everybody, I'm having a little problem with this. So can you help me out here?

A: You know the saying: Only through the shedding of blood is there remission of sins?

Q: (L) Yes.

A: And what about: Take eat, this is my body?

Q: (L) Yes.

A: And: Take, drink, this is my blood?

Q: (L) Yes. (Burma) So it sounds like they're saying that there's a hidden thing in the whole resurrection or salvation by the blood thing. That agriculture is evil and we could return by going on an animal-based diet?

A: No not exactly. When humankind "fell" into gross matter, a way was needed to return. This way simply is a manifestation of the natural laws. Consciousness must "eat" also. This is a natural function of the life giving nature of the environment in balance. The Earth is the Great Mother who gives her body, literally, in the form of creatures with a certain level of consciousness for the sustenance of her children of the cosmos. This is the original meaning of those sayings.

Q: (L) So, eating flesh also means eating consciousness which accumulates, I'm assuming is what is being implied here, or what feeds our consciousness so that it grows in step with our bodies? Is that close?

A: Close enough.

Q: (Ailen) And when you eat veggies you're basically eating a much lower level of consciousness. (L) Not only that, but in a sense you're rejecting the gift and you're not feeding consciousness. And that means that all eating of meat should be a sacrament.

A: Yes

Q: (Burma) With agriculture, you're not only rejecting the gift, you're turning around and beating up the Mother. (L) Well that sure puts a whole different light on the whole Cain and Abel thing! {Interesting that the original “vegetarian” was the first murderer, too.}

A: Yes.

So I think it’s partly up to us to acknowledge and honor what is on the plate before us, what that symbolises, and to not just take and consume in the usual way. We can perhaps give thanks for these gifts of life ‘that we might live’, take the emotions that arise and consciously channel them in a positive way.

As others have said, it’s a learning process and one that you should take at your own pace. Actions should come from Knowledge not fear or programming. It takes time to grow, so best to be patient and not worry too much I think.
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Hi Vic and welcome to the forum! :)

Vic said:
How can I argue with the Cassiopaeans?

I think it's important to note that people aren't choosing to eat meat just because the Cs said what they said in the session you quoted, but because of the rest of the research that went into making such a decision. The Cs sessions are the 10% inspiration for the 90% perspiration as research and learning that have resulted in this knowledge.

Vic said:
How can I not do everything to prepare myself as a candidate for 4th density STO?

The propaganda surrounding vegetarianism is very thorough and insidious. I was a vegan for a few years ("The China Study" was the propaganda piece that hooked me in, but it's complete and utter nonsense) and it took me accepting the reality that, regardless of whatever I might or might not become in the future, I was (am) an STS being at this moment and have certain requirements for my proper functioning. In the same fashion, a lion has certain requirements for its functioning and I could hardly call it evil for doing what it evolved to do. Plus, vegetarianism isn't without killing or suffering--plants are directly killed, animals and insects are "indirectly" killed in agriculture, humans are enslaved as disposable cogs to the agriculture machine and all the destruction that it's created for the last ~12,000 years, and natural environments all over the earth are destroyed (cutting down rain forests to plant palm oil plantations in economically terrorized countries is a direct example, though it extends beyond that as well) to the point that we don't even know what's been lost. I think being the most efficient STS being, reducing suffering as much as possible and destroying as little as possible, is as close to STO as we can get while still having the requirement to kill things to eat in order to survive.

Vic said:
How can I knowingly consume animal products, and endorse the suffering animals experience during their abuse and murder on the way to my plate?

I think another important thing to note here is that no one is endorsing factory farming. It's brutal torture that destroys animals, humans, and the planet. Healthy animals from healthy farms, however, are treated well, happy, improve the soil, and buying their meat takes money out of the hands of Monsanto and other mega corporations that are destroying the earth and putting it into the hands of generally honest local farmers and local economies, among other things.

We have to eat to live as we are, so I think the question becomes "how to do so while contributing as little as possible to the suffering and destruction of the planet?", which the evidence quite solidly points to being best done through buying meat from small and local farms.

Here's an article that I often refer to when talking about vegetarianism:

And here's a video by Lierre Keith talking about her book The Vegetarian Myth that is also illustrative and fairly brief (~30 minutes):

Vic said:
Hearing the sounds that a cow or pig makes as it watches its kin killed and butchered, waiting for its own turn, I have no doubt that they experience extreme fear. Is that fear not present in the consciousness we eat?

Why wouldn't plants have those same, or similar, feelings? And what about the bugs, animals, and suffering humans who died during the various processes of agriculture? I think vegetarianism often practices selective empathy.

Vic said:
I would be grateful for your help on this as I am between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

Are you familiar with the concept of cognitive dissonance? It can be tough when you're in that place, holding a belief as a sacred cow, but being presented with evidence that contradicts that belief--it's not an enjoyable psychological position to be in. Especially in this world, filled to the brim with lies upon lies, it's hard to determine what is true. It took me quite some time reading material presenting evidence in support of eating meat to even try it again, and even then it was a difficult hurdle because being vegan had become part of who I was (I was identified with it) and, at the time, I was worried about what others might say about it, even if I only wanted to try eating meat and then return to being vegan again (which I didn't). With the reading materials that others have posted, you'll be able to see the details and the larger picture of why eating meat is positive overall in all ways, if done properly.

The other thing I often bring up whenever someone brings up vegetarianism who is at least a little aware of how corrupt, self-serving, and evil TPTB are, is Transmarginal Inhibition and the question of "Why, when so much of the information of what's good and bad to eat is known, is vegetarianism or the Standard American Diet (SAD) advocated? Who benefits?" Here's an article on Transmarginal Inhibition:
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Hello and welcome to the forum Vic

Vic said:
How can I knowingly consume animal products, and endorse the suffering animals experience during their abuse and murder on the way to my plate?
Suffering seems essential to our stay here, a way for us to lessen the animals suffering and increase our own quality of nutrients is to buy grass fed animals, there are conscientious farms out there who care for the animals and abhor factory farming. I too was a vegetarian and discovered how bad it was for my health. Although I had started eating proper food, reading 'The vegetarian Myth' helped me get over much of my programming, not only vegetarian but also some common human simplistic notions. 'All living things rely on the death of other living things'.
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Vic said:
A: ...The Earth is the Great Mother who gives her body, literally, in the form of creatures with a certain level of consciousness for the sustenance of her children of the cosmos.

So what about eating human flesh in terms of eating creatures with a certain (higher) level of consciousnes? Isn't eating animals rejecting the Mother's Nature sacrifice? What about animals? If we feed our dog human flesh will it accelerate his consciousness? Don't worry, it's a hypothetical question :D

By the way, hello everyone!
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Nobody said:
By the way, hello everyone!

Hello Nobody!

Seeing this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Vic, my wife and I feel the same way, and as a result have for years purchased from a local farm where we know the animals are treated humanely, and when the time comes to slaughter, it is done in a way to cause the least amount of stress for the individual and herd as possible.

Not easy, and not everyone has access (physically or financially) to that type of source, but it does mean that I get to look at myself in the mirror in the morning and not cringe. Well, except for the face itself actually :)
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Such an interesting discussion! I eat mostly chicken, but hardly because I hate eating meat. I just don't have enough money to buy red meat and by now, I've gotten used to not eating it. I went vegetarian for a while, but then a nice doctor informed me that eating meat was essential to good health. I hear even the Dalai Lama eats meat because his doctors said the same thing to him. I heard that Bill Clinton was recently advocating vegetarianism and my first thought was, "gee, now they want all the meat to themselves, too!"

I guess the whole "take, this is my body" thing is really interesting because I've always wondered why human sacrifice started. Now, I get a bit of the reasoning. They probably assumed the purest meat, highest consciousness, was going to be healthier for them. No doubt these were cultures where agriculture wasn't necessarily as stable as we have now and a ritual sacrifice would have meant cannibalism, too, probably. I can also see why they worshipped cattle as a form of higher consciousness food. Kind of sick, but I suppose I can see why they thought that would be a religious experience. That just never occurred to me and I always wondered why JC would advocate a similar human sacrifice, even if only as a substitute, considering that most of us find it abhorrent.
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Probably you know the ancient yin-yang symbol that expresses a universal truth about the existence of two opposing forces/ideas.

Maintenance the balance at our level in the case of nourishment, is eating animals.

If we do not eat animals, it wouldn't give them the possibilities of evolve at the level of the soul/collective soul, suffering of the physical body is part of this process.

So eating animals is an expression of the equilibrium, and an expression of respect for the Divine Cosmic Mind's plan for concerning how life has to be organized.

It's like the existence of the 4D STS and a negative impact on us in the 3D. It's not a perfect analogy for that what is happens between us and the animals. But this corresponds to the fact that there is no positivity without negativity, which is necessary for the development of the consciousness.

No eating animals and animal torture is a disorder of the balance between "good" and "evil".
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