Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Karmic debts are individual, not nation-state, genetics, race or sex.


You are entitled to your opinion of course.

Looking at it from the session resources perspective there are many examples within the sessions that talk about karmic debts or karmic understandings. They apply to civilizations, races/genetics, individuals, and even may accrue to nations. Your reference to sex is not mentioned as a karmic debt specifically but I would imagine if you needed to learn a lesson about gender you could be born as a specific gender or even gender persuasion as a learning experience.

One example of racial/genetic/national karma is expressed in the following session.

Session 18 February 1995:
Q: {Laughter} (T) Ask away, my dear. (L) I wanted to ask, now you guys are going to be mad at me because I am going off on a very serious tangent...

A: We know, just ask it, already!!!!

Q: (LM) Is that New Yorkese? (L) The question I wanted to ask...

A: No, LM, Miami Jewishese!

Q: {Laughter} (LM) I thought they were in Cornucopia, not Miami! (J) Just spit it out! (L) My question is... (T) She forgot! (L) No, I didn't forget, I just have to figure out how to word this. As you know, I am reading this book about Holocaust victims reincarnating and remembering their experiences at this time. The question is, on one occasion you told us that the Jewish people, as a racial group, were Atlantean descendants, is that correct?

A: Some.

Q: (L) There is some. Can you give us that some?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there some karmic element that was fulfilled by the Holocaust?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) Could you tell us what karma was being expunged in that activity, and what group the Jews represented?

A: This is not germane, but it was Atlantean overseers "expunging" guilt from that life experience.

The above reflects a past Atlantean civilization, a current racial/ethnic group in a karmic debt expungement situation.

The above does not mean it was only Jews who had karmic debt in the holocaust.

Session 22 February 1995:
Q: (L) Are you saying that the Jews were the only ones in the holocaust?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the Jews were not the only ones in the holocaust?

A: No special karmic significance to being "Jewish", special significance is experiencing holocaust for purpose of purging extraordinary karmic debt.

Q: (L) Okay. I got it. Now, is the Jewish religion similar to the Atlantean religion?

A: Not one religion only. Many "religions."

Karma is not really the only thing to consider. If we are not aware of what is happening in our environment to avoid attacks we may not be around long enough to benefit from karmic lessons.

The following session asks questions about a forum member who died prematurely:

Session 30, August 2009:
Q: (L) So you were saying something? (A***) Arky was saying, and I had the same question: Is this going to be happening to like everybody if they’re doing the breathing program and they have potential? Are they just going to be knocked off?

A: No. Special and extreme measures were taken in her case due to her special knowledge of others.

Q: (Joe) What measures were taken against her?

A: Did you not notice the strange turn in the weather in mid July?

Q: (L) Yes. What does the weather have to do with it? I just thought it was getting normal for summer – like oppressive and hot as Hades.

A: No not normal considering the overall trends. This was a result of 3D and 4D activity. Notice also how it affected others in less direct ways. Victoria still had gaps in her awareness. Ark, the remark about open eyes referred to her years observing those "others" and collecting information {Her eyes were “opened” regarding her former associates.} In other words, if her eyes were truly open at the time of the accident it would not have happened. It needed the cleansing of confession to erect that protective barrier. And that was her planned action. She was stopped in her "tracks" before that could occur.

Q: (Scottie) That was really bad... (Ark) Well, I'm not sure if I really understand what I want to ask. I understand that there were many factors that came together. But question is if such an end was somehow written in her karma? (Joe) Did she choose? You know, other sources always talk about people choosing to die - at some level there's a choice made. Is that the case here?

A: Too much credibility is given to the idea of "karma". Anybody can be "taken out" if their awareness is not sufficient to the situation. But as is the case, it follows the general rules of 3D reality. 4D STS can maneuver through agents mainly, environment, and that sort of thing.

Q: (L) So in other words, there are rules to the game, and her awareness just wasn't quite there yet. And there was also probably the block to her awareness due to the fact that she had not sincerely revealed things to everyone. I think that when a group of people are connected together that their mutual awareness is greater than the sum of its parts. (To Ark) Like you and I with our eyes open together and all of us here and the way we share and network. It increases the awareness, and she was still somewhat separated from that network because of this barrier that she hadn't come clean with everybody about everything. And I think it probably was working on her mind that she had information that she could have given everyone, and she probably struggled with it because everybody has a program about, "Well, I gave my word, have to keep a confidence, blah blah blah." And then she probably got to the point where she was willing to realize that she gave her word under manipulative conditions and it wasn't worth anything, and now was the time to take that final step of sincerity - in which case then she would have been completely connected into the network, and would have had the protection of networked awareness.

I think karma is important and necessary but at the same time, we need to network and strive to be vigilant and aware.

Although I expressed the possibility of karmic debts to be paid by the U.S. there are other factors in play with Trump and this next election. So far is "Trump is a real thorn in their flesh because he's kind of an isolationist and a nationalist."

Nationalism has become an evil concept to the NWO globalists.

Session 13 May 2017:
(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

A: Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.

Q: (Joe) That's been the goal for a long time.

(L) That means that Trump is a real thorn in their flesh because he's kind of an isolationist and a nationalist. He wants to go the opposite way, and that's why they wanted to get rid of Le Pen. And anybody else who's a nationalist is basically a "bad guy". The only good guys are the ones who do what the US says. Do they really realize how weak they are? I mean, their own country is falling apart. Their own infrastructure is going to the dogs. The education of their people is deplorable. The health of their people is deplorable. The death rate... They're not paying attention to ANY of those things, and yet they're trying to rule the world? That's not a very good example to set.

A: Psychopaths are "reality blind".

In a sense, I think the U.S. and other countries are schizophrenic nations divided in their choice between nationalism and globalism as proposed by the psychopaths.

I suppose most of us live in countries with memories of the cultures and histories we were taught to cherish. I suspect none of them are totally accurate in their documentation. Globalism without respect to accurate histories and values for each nation is I think a recipe for disaster. Certainly, there can be a unity of nations that respects and appreciates the history and culture of every nation within the confederation.
Found this yesterday while browsing and was a bit deflated- I didn't vote for Trump and have no party affiliation at this time- but certainly would not side with Democrats as they are today. I keep watching Trump hoping he will prove to be the resistance we need to help defeat all of the evil now running rampant all over the US but then I see him do something like this that leads me to question his motives:

Found this yesterday while browsing and was a bit deflated- I didn't vote for Trump and have no party affiliation at this time- but certainly would not side with Democrats as they are today. I keep watching Trump hoping he will prove to be the resistance we need to help defeat all of the evil now running rampant all over the US but then I see him do something like this that leads me to question his motives:

@Reiki_62, thanks for an excellent find. The man really lays it out logically I think. You would think he was a SOTT contributor in the way he uses critical thinking.

It kind of makes the Corona1984 step perfectly logical for the end goal of vaccinations. 4D chess may be for real but in favor of 4D STS.

Some Cs remarks about vaccines may give a better overview of their intended use.

Session 4 May 2002:
Q: (B) Now, there was a discussion about psychopaths and seemingly being born that way, and a reference was made to mercury content in vaccines and Laura said that there is a distinct possibility that inoculations mentioned may directly affect the brains of infants and turn them into psychopaths. Is that a third area that needs to be pursued in our quest of learning about psychopaths?

A: Such inoculations are designed to make the nervous system more "appropriately tuned" to 4D STS "downloads" and manipulation.

Q: (A) What inoculations? (L) Childhood vaccinations. (B) High mercury content in the 18 vaccinations that a kid gets now in infancy. Laura and I were talking earlier about thought packets and speech analysis. Is trying to analyze the speech pattern of psychopaths vs. non-psychopaths something that would prove fruitful?

A: It can be done. But there are easier ways.

Q: (L) What easier ways?

A: Observation coupled with instinct.

Session 28 November 2009:
Q: (P*****) I have a question concerning swine flu. A few days ago in Norway a virus was discovered and identified, and two days ago it was discovered in France. So I guess it wasn't a random mutation?

A: Yes

Q: (P*****) And how did they spread this mutation, through vaccine?

A: Partly. But you can easily figure these things by reading the history of other experiments.

Q: (L) They've got all kinds of stuff where they tell what the CIA used to do. They used to fly over with airplanes, send agents into subways, or... There is just no limit to the way that they can do these things. And they that they DO do these things!

(Ark) And when they have these vaccines, they always...

(L) It always produces the illness it's supposed to prevent.

(Ark) And it produces mutations. Always. And it's always engineered. But they don't want mutations right away, because first they have to sell enough drugs. Then there is some kind of saturation, so it's good if there is mutation because now the drug companies have to work on a universal vaccine! Now we will have universal vaccine!

(C**) There was a documentary that we were speculating a week ago where they were talking about some of the side effects of Tamiflu and possibly the vaccines. They were saying that they had run studies in Japan and other countries and the biggest problem was mental problems. Psychological problems.

(Ark) Now they say, "Oh, we found 70 cases of this, it's not enough to..."

A: Massive inflammation on top of already epidemic autoimmune conditions.

Q: (L) If you're inflamed, your brain is inflamed.

(C**) So, my question is more...

A: Most mental conditions today are a result of autoimmune disorders.

Session 22 February 2020:
Q: (L) Okay, next topic? Is the new coronavirus:
A) an American or Chinese-engineered virus, like an ethnic-specific weapon
B) from outer space
C) just a natural progression of viral evolution and/or mutation

(Andromeda) Or:
D) a combination because of this vaccine that got out of control and it mutated on its own

A: D

Q: (L) So they were messing around making vaccines, and something got loose...

(Artemis) IT GOT OUT! [laughter]

(Gaby) It's like the start of a bad movie.

(Andromeda) And then once it got out, it mutated.

(L) And there ya go.

(Niall) Does that then explain the Chinese response to it?

A: Yes

Session 9 May 2020:
(Joe) I was wondering if people like the overt leaders of major countries - like Trump, Boris Johnson, Putin, and Macron - were lied to about this virus and just told it was a horrible strain that really could kill lots of people...

A: Of course.

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.

So now U.S. taxpayers are unknowingly funding GAVI The Vaccine Alliance and a Greenbaumed Bill Gates to the tune of 1.16 billion dollars which is even more than what the U.S. would have given WHO by staying in it.
Found this yesterday while browsing and was a bit deflated- I didn't vote for Trump and have no party affiliation at this time- but certainly would not side with Democrats as they are today. I keep watching Trump hoping he will prove to be the resistance we need to help defeat all of the evil now running rampant all over the US but then I see him do something like this that leads me to question his motives:

Thanks so much, Reiki, for introducing (at least to me) "The Last American Vagabond" website. I'm just starting to dig into Ryan Cristian's videos. Very compelling.

Right now we're faced with this culture war/radical incursion right on our doorstep, which seems to demand that we look to what obstructive measures Trump has to offer. But then there's the deeper research that websites like these offer, which show how corrupt all government officials are, Trump being no exception in this.

I would still like to see the Democrats defeated in the fall. But taking Trump to task over issues raised in these videos, for example, would be a top priority as well.

Trump is doing surveys right now online that are asking people what issues concern them, what they want to see happen, etc. There's also Twitter where he's very active, and so one's tweets could have some impact. I'm not talking here about abrasive, confrontational tweets, or survey answers, etc. I'm talking about making reasonable demands based on good research/data. In doing so, it lets him know about the sophistication of at least some of his potential base. Also, there is a "wild card" element about Trump, which seems to be tied to his desire to please. For that reason especially, I think his base -- or even those on the fence -- need to do their homework and demand more of him. It's a far more empowering choice than just writing him off as just another corrupt politician, and doing nothing.
The panel on this news report are kind of joking that the virus seems to be voting Democrat. It's good to see that some Australian politicians are aware of the potential damage that Trump losing this election might cause.

"Victorian Liberal MP Bernie Finn says “if Donald Trump fails in November, then the Western world is in a great deal of peril because the alternate bloke is just frightening". Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has increased his lead in the polls against current United States President Donald Trump. Mr Finn said the presidential election in November “is possibly the most important one since 1980" and Donald Trump must win because the people behind Biden “want to drag America down”. “If America is dragged down then Australia will be dragged and indeed the Western world will be dragged down”.


Looks like Trump is doing a little (White) House cleaning?

In a break with tradition, the White House of President Donald Trump has removed the portraits of two recent presidents, Bill Clinton and George W Bush, from the building's entrance hall, CNN reported Friday.

Trump's White House moves Bush, Clinton portraits to disused room
Trump's White House moves Bush, Clinton portraits to disused room

July 18, 2020 - The two paintings were moved from the Grand Foyer, where the portraits of recent presidents usually hang, to the Old Family Dining Room, which CNN described as “a small, rarely used room that is not seen by most visitors.” It said the room was mainly used to store tablecloths and furniture.

In place of pictures of Trump’s recent predecessors, there now hang pictures of William McKinley, who was assassinated in 1901, and of Theodore Roosevelt, his vice president who succeeded him upon his death,
sources told CNN.

Foreign ministers of China, Russia oppose "U.S. unilateralism" in phone call: Xinhua
July 17, 2020 - The Foreign Ministers of China and Russia held a telephone conversation on Friday, in which they opposed “U.S. unilateralism”, China’s state news agency Xinhua reported.

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi told Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that Beijing felt the United States was reviving a “Cold War mentality” in its policy toward China, according to the report. It quoted Lavrov as saying that Russia opposed unilateralism in international affairs.

The remarks come as tensions between the United States and China have increased over China’s imposition of its national security law in Hong Kong, an ongoing trade war between the two economies and their handling of the coronavirus outbreak, among other diplomatic rifts.

U.S. aircraft carriers return to South China Sea amid rising tensions

July 17, 2020 - For the second time in two weeks, the United States has deployed two aircraft carriers to the South China Sea,
the U.S. Navy said on Friday, as China and the United States accuse each other of stoking tensions in the region.

The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan carried out operations and military exercises in the contested waterway between July 4 and July 6, and returned to the region on Friday, according to a U.S. Navy statement.

“Nimitz and Reagan Carrier Strike Groups are operating in the South China Sea, wherever international law allows, to reinforce our commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific, a rules based international order, and to our allies and partners in the region,” Rear Admiral Jim Kirk, commander of the Nimitz, said in the statement.

The presence of the carriers was not in response to political or world events, the statement added, but relations between Washington and Beijing are currently strained over everything from the new coronavirus to trade to Hong Kong.

Pompeo 'deeply disappointed' in EU court decision to ditch trans-Atlantic data transfer deal

July 17, 2020 - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday the United States was “deeply disappointed” in a ruling on Thursday by Europe’s highest court that a trans-Atlantic data transfer deal is invalid because of concerns about U.S. surveillance.

Pompeo said in a statement that the United States would review the consequences and implications of the decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union that could disrupt thousands of companies that rely on the agreement.

The ruling effectively ends the privileged access companies in the United States had to personal data from Europe and puts the country on a similar footing to other nations outside the bloc, meaning data transfers are likely to face closer scrutiny.

The so-called Privacy Shield was set up in 2016 by Washington and Brussels to protect personal data when it is sent to the United States for commercial use after a previous agreement known as Safe Harbour was ruled invalid in 2015.

More than 5,000 companies have signed up to it but the Privacy Shield was challenged in a long-running dispute between Facebook and Austrian privacy activist Max Schrems, who has campaigned about the risk of U.S. intelligence agencies accessing data on Europeans.
That is a powerful message. Thanks for sharing the link. One thing I'm questioning though, is with all the music choices out there, why would they use Linkin Park's In The End? Basically the lyrics are about fighting hard, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. Is it just me, or does that seem odd for a campaign ad?

It starts with one thing
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but you didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go
I kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me
Will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To remind myself of a time when
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me in the end
You kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
That is a powerful message. Thanks for sharing the link. One thing I'm questioning though, is with all the music choices out there, why would they use Linkin Park's In The End? Basically the lyrics are about fighting hard, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. Is it just me, or does that seem odd for a campaign ad?

The song seems to have a hard-driving, "inspiring" and urgent sense about it that appeals to the emotions. The producers of the video are probably counting on people not following the lyrics too closely, and given its hip hop-ness, they're probably thinking, it will appeal to the black demographic. At the same time, you're right - it is interesting to note that the lyrics do betray a certain feeling of futility about the whole MAGA effort. Maybe everyone on team Trump is aware of this on some level and this feeling is reflected in the choice of the song.
That is a powerful message. Thanks for sharing the link. One thing I'm questioning though, is with all the music choices out there, why would they use Linkin Park's In The End? Basically the lyrics are about fighting hard, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. Is it just me, or does that seem odd for a campaign ad?

It starts with one thing
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but you didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go
I kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me
Will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To remind myself of a time when
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me in the end
You kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

It seems to me that there isn’t really anything random to what Trump does or the choices he makes. (Could be pattern recognition run amok on my part however). If you are asking the question “why this song?”, others are asking the same thing. I saw a side by side of Chad(?) something or other from Linkin Park with John Podesta. The resemblance is uncanny. I know this doesn’t constitute any kind of proof of anything, but perhaps it is a subtle “look into this” flag/dolmen? $.02
It seems to me that there isn’t really anything random to what Trump does or the choices he makes. (Could be pattern recognition run amok on my part however). If you are asking the question “why this song?”, others are asking the same thing. I saw a side by side of Chad(?) something or other from Linkin Park with John Podesta. The resemblance is uncanny. I know this doesn’t constitute any kind of proof of anything, but perhaps it is a subtle “look into this” flag/dolmen? $.02
Chester Bennington!!! Not Chad...
President Donald Trump threatened on Tuesday to veto this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, objecting to plans to strip Confederate names from military bases, limit spending on Afghanistan and other provisions he sees as curbing his authority.

Trump threatens defense bill veto over Confederate names, Afghan policy


July 21, 2020 - The sweeping $740 billion NDAA sets policy for the Department of Defense. It has passed for 59 straight years, one of the few major pieces of legislation seen as “must-pass” because it governs everything from pay raises for the troops to how many aircraft should be purchased or how best to compete with rivals like Russia and China.

The Republican-led Senate and Democratic-led House of Representatives are debating amendments to the NDAA this week. The two chambers will each pass a version of the bill and then come up with a compromise version, which - if it passes - would be sent to Trump to sign or veto later this year.

A spokesman for the Pentagon said he expected Congress and the White House would work out their differences. “They understand the importance of the NDAA, and we’re confident... the NDAA will be signed and implemented on time so that we can have a budget for our forces,” he said.

Trump had already vowed to veto the NDAA over a provision requiring the military to rename bases named for Confederate military leaders, who fought against U.S. forces during the Civil War.

The names of those bases, and statues honoring men who owned slaves or fought on the pro-slavery side, have been targeted in anti-racism protests across the United States - and the world - since George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis in May.

The Senate on Tuesday defeated an NDAA amendment that would have blocked the Pentagon from transferring to local police military-grade equipment that has been used against demonstrators.

Pompeo arrives in Downing Street for meeting with PM Johnson

* Pompeo and Johnson discussed China's actions in Hong Kong and Xinjiang

* Pompeo says hopes for quick free trade deal with UK

* Pompeo congratulates Britain on decision to drop Huawei

* U.S. wants to build coalition to counter China's 'disgraceful' menace, Pompeo says (Video)

U.S. holds naval exercises with allies in Asia amid China tension

July 21, 2020 - The United States is conducting two military exercises in Asian waters this week involving allies Japan, Australia and India,
the U.S. navy said on Tuesday.

The exercises come as military rivalry between the United States and China is intensifying and days after the United States said China’s claims of sovereignty in the disputed South China Sea were illegal.

The United States has long opposed China’s expansive territorial claims on the South China Sea, sending warships regularly through the strategic waterway to demonstrate freedom of navigation.

China opposes such exercises and said the U.S. rejection of its claims in the South China Sea raised tension and undermined stability in the region.

The USS Nimitz and the USS Ronald Reagan were deployed to the South China Sea twice this month but this week, the Nimitz was in the Indian Ocean for exercises with the Indian navy, the U.S. navy said, in the latest sign of growing cooperation between the forces.

Rear Admiral Jim Kirk, commander of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, said in a statement that Monday’s drills with the Indian navy helped improve the interoperability of their forces.

“While operating together, the U.S. and Indian naval forces conducted high-end exercises designed to maximize training and interoperability, including air defense,” the U.S. navy said.

India’s relations with China have also been strained after a deadly clash on their disputed border in the Himalayas last month, prompting calls in India for closer security ties with the United States and its allies including Japan.

The drills were carried out near India’s Andaman and Nicobar islands, off the north end of the Malacca Straits, one of the world’s busiest shipping routes for trade and fuel, an Indian source said. India has a military base on the islands.

The U.S. navy said the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was in the Indian Ocean in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

Separately, the U.S. strike group led by the Ronald Reagan was carrying out drills with naval forces from Japan and Australia in the Philippine Sea, U.S. and Australian officials said on Tuesday.

The exercises are due to end on July 23, Australia’s defence department said. Later this year, the United States will hold naval exercises with India and Japan in the Bay of Bengal and Australia might join.

Coronavirus complicates South Korea, U.S. military exercises

July 20, 2020 - South Korea and the United States are trying to agree on the scale, scope and timing of annual military exercises with the novel coronavirus threatening to disrupt the travel of U.S. troops, South Korean officials said on Tuesday.

South Korean Defence Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo and U.S. Defence Secretary Mark Esper had a telephone call on Tuesday but could not decide on details of the exercises, which usually begin in early August, officials said.

U.S. President Donald Trump has questioned the value of the drills and in 2018 even suggested to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that he would end them.

There are about 28,000 U.S. troops in South Korea.

Jeong and Esper did not discuss any withdrawal of U.S. soldiers, the South Korean official said, dismissing as “groundless” a recent Wall Street Journal report that the Pentagon had offered the White House options to reduce the U.S. military presence in South Korea.
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