Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

1 December 2018. A "lambda" peacekeeper is confronted with the ultraviolence of the Parisian demonstrations.

To live the life of Juliette Alpha, as she proposes in her shocking book, is to find oneself at the heart of a permanent whirlwind, in the eye of the storm.
It is first of all to face, alone, material and psychological difficulties. It is then, very quickly, going through hell: Charlie-Hebdo and the Bataclan. It means seeing what you believe in crumble ("With the Bataclan, I took 10 years in the face. I'll remember all my life the screams on the radio that night and seeing my colleagues come home at 4am with bits of flesh on them. From then on, our mission was no longer to protect our fellow man, which we had been trained to do, but to protect our country. And it's not the same at all").
To live the life of Juliette Alpha is to capture that special feeling that drives a brigade ("Even if I don't like a colleague, I'll go to death for him.") It is to assume that, as a captain, the lives of your colleagues depend on the decisions you make in a split second, when you don't have a year of home.
Living the life of Juliette Alpha means having to give up the social missions that are those of the police because the demonstrations take up all available resources. It means learning that in Paris, in 2019, distress and misery are everywhere, but that calls to Police Secours are no longer dispatched on Saturdays because of a lack of resources.
To live the life of Juliette Alpha, finally, is to accept to put your existence in danger, almost every day, because deep down you remain convinced of the greatness of your mission.
Toujours intéressant de voir ce qui sort avec les théories complotistes. #HAARP était la première réaction sur Twitter, il fallait l'explorer. On n'a pas de mode de fonctionnement assez documenté pour le prouver, mais les technologies sont assez intéressantes pour avoir été financées par la DARPA. L'envoi d'ondes électromagnétiques dans l'ionosphère est un sujet, mais question puissance, mieux vaut explorer la résonance dans le sol directement.
Quelques techniques pour provoquer des tremblements de terres artificiels et totalement mainstream:
#Japon: pour étudier le volcan du Mont Zao. Les scientifiques ont creusé un puits de 40m, versé de l'eau puis fait exploser de la dynamite. Ils ont mesuré ensuite les ondes sismiques, qui voyagent plus lentement à travers l'eau. Ils expliquent pouvoir suivre les poches et chemins de l'eau en sous-sol jusque 2 kilomètres de profondeur, le lieu de cette eau était la clé pour deviner où la prochaine explosion pouvait avoir lieu. Japan: Scientists trigger artificial earthquake at Mount Zao with 200kg of dynamite
#USA: Ce professeur de l'université du Texas explique que leurs camions peuvent envoyer des ondes à basse fréquence horizontales ou verticales dans la terre. Ils placent ensuite des senseurs pour étudier le résultat. Ils expliquent qu'ils ont parfois des gens en panique qui sortent des buildings voisins à cause des vibrations.
High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Wikipedia
Là ce sont des tremblements plus gentils. Lisez la suite on a mieux.
International Business Times UK (Japan: Scientists trigger artificial earthquake at Mount Zao with 200kg of dynamite)
Japan: Scientists trigger artificial earthquake at Mount Zao with 200kg of dynamite
Tokyo researchers trigger quake to search for signs of future volcanic eruptions.

Always interesting to see what comes out with the conspiracy theories. #HAARP was the first reaction on Twitter, it had to be explored. We don't have a documented enough mode of operation to prove it, but the technologies are interesting enough to have been funded by DARPA. Sending electromagnetic waves into the ionosphere is a topic, but in terms of power, it is better to explore resonance in the ground directly.
Some techniques to induce artificial and totally mainstream earthquakes:
#Japan: to study the Mount Zao volcano. Scientists dug a 40m shaft, poured water down and then detonated dynamite. They then measured the seismic waves, which travel more slowly through water. They explain that they could follow the pockets and paths of the water underground up to 2 kilometres deep, the location of this water was the key to guessing where the next explosion might take place. Japan: Scientists trigger artificial earthquake at Mount Zao with 200kg of dynamite
#USA: This University of Texas professor explains that their trucks can send low frequency waves horizontally or vertically into the earth. They then place sensors to study the result. They explain that they sometimes have people panicking out of nearby buildings because of the vibrations.
High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Wikipedia
These are nicer tremors. Read on, we have more.
International Business Times UK (Japan: Scientists trigger artificial earthquake at Mount Zao with 200kg of dynamite)
Japan: Scientists trigger artificial earthquake at Mount Zao with 200kg of dynamite
Tokyo researchers trigger quake to search for signs of future volcanic eruptions.
"Comment les humains causent des #tremblements de terre mortels"
#NationalGeographic explique comment de grands tremblements de terre ont été causés par l'activité humaine:
-#Chine 2008, magnitude 7.9 au Wenchuan. Supposé causé par la construction et le remplissage d'un barrage. Presque 90.000 morts ou disparus Sichuan earthquake of 2008 | Overview, Damage, & Facts
-#Nepal, 2015, magnitude 7.8, cause probable: fracking/ fracturation hydraulique (scission précise entre des blocs géologiques grâce à une injection d'eau) 8900 morts. Nepal earthquake of 2015 | Magnitude, Death Toll, Aftermath, & Facts
-USA #Oklahoma 2016, 3 tremblements de magnitude max 5.8 causé par fracking How Humans Are Causing Deadly Earthquakes
Les tremblements de terre causés par les humains peuvent avoir les mêmes dommages potentiels que les tremblements naturels, selon cette étude Manmade and natural earthquakes not so different after all

"How humans cause deadly #earthquakes"
#NationalGeographic explains how major earthquakes have been caused by human activity:
-#China 2008, magnitude 7.9 in Wenchuan. Supposedly caused by the construction and filling of a dam. Almost 90,000 dead or missing Sichuan earthquake of 2008 | Overview, Damage, & Facts
-#Nepal, 2015, magnitude 7.8, probable cause: fracking/hydraulic fracturing (precise splitting between geological blocks through water injection) 8900 dead. Nepal earthquake of 2015 | Magnitude, Death Toll, Aftermath, & Facts
USA #Oklahoma 2016, 3 quakes of max magnitude 5.8 caused by fracking How Humans Are Causing Deadly Earthquakes
Human-caused earthquakes can have the same potential damage as natural earthquakes, according to this study Manmade and natural earthquakes not so different after all
Provoquer des tremblements de terre à travers les ondes ELF. Attention, cette fois cette information ne provient pas des médias indépendants. Il provient directement des médias grand public, en particulier de l'émission Voyager diffusée sur Rai2. Donc oui. La technologie qui vous permet de créer des tremblements de terre artificiels n'est pas théorique, elle est extrêmement réelle, elle existe et il y a des gens qui l'ont comme arme depuis un certain temps.
Telegram 👈

Causing earthquakes through ELF waves. Mind you, this time this information does not come from the independent media. It comes directly from the mainstream media, in particular from the Voyager programme broadcast on Rai2. So yes. The technology that allows you to create artificial earthquakes is not theoretical, it is extremely real, it exists and there are people who have had it as a weapon for some time.
Telegram 👈
Volaille française: les AOC, le label rouge et le bio sacrifiés par la Commission européenne au profit de la malbouffe Vers la disparition des productions fermières élevées en plein air ou en liberté.


Français Volaille : AOC, Label Rouge et aliments biologiques sacrifiés par la Commission européenne à la malbouffe Vers la disparition de la production en plein air et en plein air. Volaille française: les AOC, le label rouge et le bio sacrifiés par la Commission européenne au profit de la malbouffe...
Russian thermobaric weapons in action. Clean war? No, a massacre.
I don't know if you're familiar with it, but there have been great advances made in the art of killing each other and thermobaric weapons are extraordinary for achieving increased mortality on the battlefield. These are weapons that heat up, burn, suck out the oxygen and empty your lungs, and then after the under pressure generates a shock wave causing an over pressure that ends up exploding your lungs if you had the bad idea of still not dying. Modern warfare is really cool.
It's just like the old and ancient war, only worse. Much worse.
So before you come and explain to me that I have to die for Ukraine, or better, that I have to send my sons to die for Kiev, I would like those who are currently in charge to send theirs under the Russian thermobaric weapons first.
Let everyone measure the firepower.
Let everyone understand the violence of the war.
No, it is not beautiful. It is not romantic.
It is a massacre of hundreds of thousands of young boys, sons of Russian or Ukrainian mothers, and it is a sickening drama.
Finally, one last remark, what do you think will happen to the large gatherings of Nato's Leopard tanks?
A few bombs of this type are enough to wipe out entire armoured brigades.
MEPs want details on aid to Ukraine: finally!
1.7 billion euros. This is the amount circulating in the corridors of the ministries and the National Assembly. This amount would be the amount of aid we have already given to Ukraine, all without asking the people the slightest question, even though the constitution would oblige the president to do so, since "we are at war".

Finally, the members of parliament seem to be taking up the issue. According to Europe 1, the bureau of the National Assembly's defence committee is going to launch a "flash" information mission, which will deliver its conclusions in the summer, to determine exactly what the aid to Ukraine represents. Some people already seem to be saying that the figures do not provide the exact measure of the support given, since the provision of intelligence or the support of the gendarmerie to investigate war crimes would not be taken into account in the calculations. Nevertheless, the public suspects that if we put all the "transfers" sent to Kiev together, we should come up with a tidy sum, taken directly from the pockets of the French, since this generously donated material was bought with their taxes.

Moreover, the subject of donations to Ukraine raises another question, as the MPs are well aware: what will be the long-term impact on our army? Here and there, on LinkedIn in particular, general officers communicate on the operational contracts of the army, notably: an operational force of 77,000 men (less than a concert at the Stade de France); the capacity to project 12,000 men: we are becoming less good than Japan, but also less good than all the "James Bond villains", who seem, seen from Washington, to have coalesced their darkness with that of the Russians: South Korea, to name but one, is already doing better with less. Colonel Michel Goya, who is not very suspicious of defeatism, also reminds us that our numbers correspond to 10% of the Ukrainian forces engaged, whereas the budget of the Ukrainian army at the time of the invasion corresponded to 20% of ours.

Under such conditions, can we make such largesse, taking resources from an already bloodless army? I look forward to the conclusions of this fact-finding mission.
"Lack of vision and strategy", "lack of culture", "pretentiousness"... It is in these incisive terms that Paul-Antoine Martin depicts the French senior civil servants in his book "Le clan des seigneurs: Immersion dans la caste d'État", published on 11 January 2023 by Max Milo. Trained as an engineer and executive, he reveals in this "essential interview" the "mafia-like functioning" and reasoning of these members of the senior administration who "are a caricature of themselves". Drawing up a "rather terrible" report on these people who "can fail without their career coming to an end", Paul-Antoine Martin explains this state of affairs by "their impunity", according to him, a sign that the "system is reaching its total end: its accomplishment in disarray".
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