Using the King James Bible as a reference, in Genesis and again in Matthew 19 3-9: God created man (Adam) in his likeness and then created a companion, woman (Eve) to go forth and populate the Earth. "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth" (Genesis 9:1).
So, how does that work out with two males (Gay) or two Females (Lesbian) in an intimate relationship - towards a pro-creation format - to go forth and populate the Earth? Sounds more like "an extinction event" and culling of the Species?
Depopulation has been mentioned as part of a larger agenda.
Interesting thing is that in Leviticus in KJV it seems to have different expectations of men and women in this regard:
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
I wonder what gives with that? As far as I know biblical warnings aren't given to women who sleep with women.
It's a false identity - fostered on a small minority of the population, to weaken and manipulate and has been used mainly for Political purposes. Who benefits? And in the United States and in most Countries around the globe, "inalienable rights" have already been implemented as part of their Countries Constitutions.
One influence may come down to 'united they stand, divided they fall' - pick up minor divisions in a population, push people to extreme positions and keep them fighting amongst themselves so they don't see what's really happening in the world and who the real enemies are.
There were also some interesting points raised in this thread
Are 50% of Alien Abductees Homosexual?
In this thread: - a discussion of the "Negative Introject" (programs and the predator's mind), I brought up a subject that is deserving of it's own discussion, in the appropriate forum. When you apply this knowledge to the human brain...