This is how systems are kept locked and intact, and how they are prevented from being raided and taken over. There are portals on the South American continent, the North American continent, Asia, China, and all over the globe. The huge portal that we are presently discussing is the portal in the Middle East. It is gigantic.
Many holographic inserts or dramas have been inserted through that portal to upset the minds and beliefs of the population. Since this portal is in the midst of crisis, it is a prime candidate for holographic inserts and also prime for a belief system to alter this chaotic world and get everyone to move in a different direction. Be aware of your feeling centers when these kinds of events begin to occur on this planet.
The Middle East is a portal where many dimensions meet and where entities from other dimensions can come onto this planet. It is a hot spot. In recent times, in the last forty or fifty thousand years, many civilizations have surfaced and many religious dramas have started in the Middle East. Because of the vortex, holographic inserts are easier to produce in that area, just like movies are easier to produce in California.
A potential holographic insert in this portal is the arrival of extraterrestrials from space. Or Christ returning. Or some god returning, or some savior, or some reason for everyone to begin to follow one way of thinking. At this time, as we see it, it is not of light. An example of a holographic insert that was put on the planet in the past to change the course of history is the crucifixion of Christ.
The drama that was played out and passed on historically to you is not the reality that the Christed One came in to play. A version of this entity's life was molded and designed in a holographic entertainment movie, which was then inserted and played out as if it were real.
Christ came in as a committee of beings over a period of time. The story that you have been told is a dramatized, marketed version - a very controlled version of who this entity was and is. Part of the Christ drama you have been taught was a holographic insert. And part of what you will discover in the future about the Christed One has the potential of being another holographic insert.
So be aware. Most people would say that we are sacrilegious and of the devil to say this. How can we question what the Bible says? How can we question all of these things? Because they were all said and done by patriarchal organizations that promoted themselves. That was all they were. They were utilized to bring back control of the energy on the planet.
In reality, the Christed One was sent as a systems buster, a member of the Family of Light, to bring light through the portal in the Middle East. This created a way for many to enter and seed a reality that would prepare the consciousness of humanity for the cycle that will terminate in approximately the next twenty years, depending upon how events proceed.
The Christed One came not as one entity but as a number of entities, influencing people in humanity's dark hour, an hour when human beings were ready to understand their mysteries. One of the things that was not promoted to you in a very truthful way was that the Christed One was very well accepted. The kind of energy that the Christed beings brought to the planet was received very well.
There are a number of dramas going on with the Christ entity. There is the original blueprint: the plan of the Christed committee to come in, to spread light or information, and to show humans what the human body is capable of doing.
Then there are the beings who said,
"What are we going to do about this? This one is coming in our portal, and we want control over this portal. How are we going to be able to use this energy? It is a free-will universe, and we can do what we want."
So they created a holographic insert of the drama of Christ being crucified to create fear and emotion out of someone else's intentions and to move consciousness in a way that was not originally intended at all.
This means that in a free-will universe it is possible, particularly in portal areas, for one group of gods to raid another's story and insert their own version of it. At the time, perhaps, this does not affect many, although over time the impact of the holographic insert is eventually known.