Websites to order vitamins

Laura said:
Heimdallr said:
Well, that's an over-the-top response to a simple request to read the guidelines. And you're gonna teach? :umm:

Well, her reaction was pretty normal for a person loaded with emotional triggers and programs and full of self-importance - nothing out of the ordinary there. It is also clear that she came with intentions of dazzling and gathering an audience and feeding on attention. Finally, what is also clear is that she did not come here because she thought she needed to learn anything. And for somebody so obviously in need of learning external considering that means she isn't ready/can't do it. Without learning that, she'll never teach anybody anything.

I came here anonymously lol. A lot of projection and pouncing on someone with new info on this forum. Again, as eager to learn as teach, and I've learned a lot here so far. ;)
Heimdallr said:
Well, that's an over-the-top response to a simple request to read the guidelines. And you're gonna teach? :umm:

Actually, I have already read the guidelines. There is nothing over the top about my response, what's over the top is the scrutiny and personal attacks in light of wonderful info presented by someone who couldn't be less self important and anonymous about it.

YUP, I'm already teaching. :halo:
Sheebah said:
Heimdallr said:
Well, that's an over-the-top response to a simple request to read the guidelines. And you're gonna teach? :umm:

Actually, I have already read the guidelines. There is nothing over the top about my response, what's over the top is the scrutiny and personal attacks in light of wonderful info presented by someone who couldn't be less self important and anonymous about it.

YUP, I'm already teaching. :halo:
You say you enjoy learning. Do you feel you have anything to learn here?
Sheebah, please go back and re-read my response to you before your almost-departure. There is no attack, there is no pouncing, but yes, there IS scrutiny. Anybody who doesn't understand the need for scrutiny in the cyber-environment is either a predator or prey.

What you really need to learn are the most basic good manners. If you have read the Forum Guidelines, then you know that this is a working forum where certain principles are taught and practiced. If you are familiar with the work of Gurdjieff, Castaneda, and even my own work, then you will be familiar with the terms "External Considering" and Sincerity in the Gurdjieffian sense. And, if you were familiar with those terms, you would have instantly understood the context from which I was addressing you. What you are writing, the way you are behaving, indicates that you know none of those things so it is clear that even if you read the Forum Guidelines, they meant nothing to you because you simply didn't understand them because you had no context.

That brings me back, again, to: your reactions are pretty normal for a person loaded with emotional triggers and programs and full of self-importance - nothing out of the ordinary there. It is also clear that you came with intentions of dazzling and gathering an audience and feeding on attention. (This is usually done anonymously, by the way). Finally, what is also clear is that you did not come here because you thought you needed to learn anything. And for somebody so obviously in need of learning external considering that means you aren't ready/can't do it. Additionally, if you only came to teach and have no clue about the work that this forum is based on, (evidence by your behavior), then let me suggest that you spend your time as you mentioned above: building your own website and teaching there.
You say you enjoy learning. Do you feel you have anything to learn here?

I'm being totaly sincere here: Why would you even ask me this question after I've said countless times that not only I need to learn many things here (which is why I'm here in the first place) but I've even been brutally honest about many of my shortcoming and what I need to learn. Yet you ask me this as if I've somehow acted like I have nothing to learn and I know everything. I just don't get it. I just said I've learned. I said earlier in this thread yeah, I am aware I can COME OFF as Miss know it all when I'm laying out facts. I know that, which is why I made a POINT to point that out. I feel like no matter what I say you're going to harp on this and that's why I am not sure posting here is a good idea.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes
Laura said:
Sheebah, please go back and re-read my response to you before your almost-departure. There is no attack, there is no pouncing, but yes, there IS scrutiny. Anybody who doesn't understand the need for scrutiny in the cyber-environment is either a predator or prey.

Please, reread mine. I'm not a threat and not attacking either. I expected scrutiny and responded to it with facts even when posters asked me about the INFO. And I have had men in white vans stalk me in person because of forum activity 5 years ago. I know about being prey online and protect myself as best I can. I am not in the least acting like a preditor here.

Yet the scrutiny seems a bit much.

What you really need to learn are the most basic good manners. If you have read the Forum Guidelines, then you know that this is a working forum where certain principles are taught and practiced. If you are familiar with the work of Gurdjieff, Castaneda, and even my own work, then you will be familiar with the terms "External Considering" and Sincerity in the Gurdjieffian sense. And, if you were familiar with those terms, you would have instantly understood the context from which I was addressing you. What you are writing, the way you are behaving, indicates that you know none of those things so it is clear that even if you read the Forum Guidelines, they meant nothing to you because you simply didn't understand them because you had no context.

Good manners? After being projected upon multiple times I am sorry if I am feeling like maybe you guys need a bit of rehash on your external consideration. My initial posts, even on the mud, were very cautious and at no point did I say "you have to believe me". I've read the guidelines and felt a bit patronized by you telling me to read them again without even pointing out what it is I'm actually doing wrong. They way I'm writing is to respond to criticisms as clearly as possible. Yet you don't seem to read what I am saying, you keep treating me like some threat. If I'm the most evil cointelpro, there is still the info I posted to consider.

Instead of focusing on ME, I'd rather you focus on the info I posted to be honest. That's my main problem with all of this inquiry that has gone on too long if you ask me.

the INFO holds up to scrutiny, sorry if my personal style does not.

That brings me back, again, to: your reactions are pretty normal for a person loaded with emotional triggers and programs and full of self-importance - nothing out of the ordinary there.

Funny, that's my impression of you guys having your belief system challenged. You've been nothing but defensive. When the mods disabled my links I thought it was kinda strange...and the same vibe has just continued. Again, I'd rather not post it seems to be too distracting for you guys. It's the knowledge I'm passing along with no need for credit. I don't work for that company, I get nothing from this. You know why I posted this stuff here? Cause my gut told me someone out there needed some piece of my knowledge. And I stand by that. Someone is going to get something out of what I posted, and I hope it's you cause I have gotten a lot out of your work.

It is also clear that you came with intentions of dazzling and gathering an audience and feeding on attention. (This is usually done anonymously, by the way).

So that's why I'm up and leaving and telling you forget me and focus on the info. Cause if that's what you really think I'm not posting here. And really, you are in dangerous shadow territory telling ME I'm here for attention and cult of personality.

Finally, what is also clear is that you did not come here because you thought you needed to learn anything.

I covered this in the last post.

And for somebody so obviously in need of learning external considering that means you aren't ready/can't do it. Additionally, if you only came to teach and have no clue about the work that this forum is based on, (evidence by your behavior), then let me suggest that you spend your time as you mentioned above: building your own website and teaching there.

No problem. I'm not "invested" in your forum, I came here to drop some corrective info for those who are receptive to it. :cool:
Sheebah said:
You say you enjoy learning. Do you feel you have anything to learn here?

I'm being totaly sincere here: Why would you even ask me this question after I've said countless times that not only I need to learn many things here (which is why I'm here in the first place) but I've even been brutally honest about many of my shortcoming and what I need to learn. Yet you ask me this as if I've somehow acted like I have nothing to learn and I know everything. I just don't get it. I just said I've learned. I said earlier in this thread yeah, I am aware I can COME OFF as Miss know it all when I'm laying out facts. I know that, which is why I made a POINT to point that out. I feel like no matter what I say you're going to harp on this and that's why I am not sure posting here is a good idea.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes

I asked you that because although you say that you need to learn many things, when given the opportunity to (such as in the previous posts in this thread) you didn't choose to view them in that manner but rather became defensive and assumed you were being attacked. This indicates to me an unwillingness to learn. In order to learn, one must be willing to listen to what others have to say as opposed to becoming offended when questioned. If what you're posting can't stand up to questioning, perhaps it's not worth posting.

You were asked about the forum guidelines because from what you've posted, it seems as if you either didn't read them or didn't fully understand what was written. If you did understand what was written and what this forum was truly about, you would have understood the questions posed to you and perhaps posted a few of your own for clarification instead of making the assumption that you were being attacked. You would have also understood more clearly that we question each other on the forum all the time.

We consider this forum very much like a home. Do you enter into someone's home and attempt to start telling others how to run it before you find out for yourself how things are done? Would you let someone in your home who attempted to do the same?

You said that we should research the information you posted. How can you ask us to research the information you provide when it seems as if you haven't taken the time to get up to speed with what is discussed here?

There is still an opportunity for you if you choose it. I can only assume that since you keep returning to answer posts that there is some part of you that really doesn't want to leave. Either that or you're attempting to feed off the energy of this thread. No one is attacking you or singling you out. We are asking you to do what we have all at some point been asked, to get up to speed so that you can contribute in a way that truly feeds people.

So if you are sincerely willing to learn, take the time to find out who we are and what we do and then decide for yourself whether or not you want to be a part of this group.

edit: clarity
I am sure I am not the only person with devastating health problems trying to learn what to do here. Once the complete lack of trust in the medical establishment is established, one has no choice but to use what is left of the brain power to learn a different way to heal. This is the most informative forum I have found with the most intelligent discourse. Please lessen the confusion. It is distressing. The issue of supplements that may not be any better than doing nothing, or worse, may cause further damage is a grave concern. I value reading the ideas here because they are matching my own including concerns about dosages, synergistic effects, cost, sources, etc. Who is testing the contents of these supplements? Why are NOW supplements so much cheaper than the others? The fillers concern me.
Hi janeinthemtns,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
Sheebah said:
No problem. I'm not "invested" in your forum, I came here to drop some corrective info for those who are receptive to it. :cool:

Yes? Let's take a look at the "corrective info" that was to be "dropped off."

Sheebah said:
Ok, I think this thread is a good place for me to add my knowledge a bit and correct some of the mistakes.

What I'm seeing is a mixed bag of really good info and some links I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Instead of nitpick over all the details I'll give out my guidelines and you will see from there what is viable and what should be avoided all comes down to one factor:

Right away, Sheebah assumes that he/she will be accepted as an expert on the matter.

Sheebah said:

Fritz Popp, whom you should all be familiar with since Laura was kind enough to post that awesome excerpt from Lynne Mctaggarts book about him, has proven through his science that synthetic vitamins and supplements damage DNA over time.

The excerpt in question doesn't say anything about vitamins, though it does quote an excerpt from McTaggart's book "The Field." Popp's work is interesting, and we discussed some of the ideas it leads to, but that says nothing about synthesized vitamins vs "natural." Here is an article on the topic that adds some clarification:

Note that the "bottom line" is:

most synthetically made vitamins and many other nutrients are either identical to their natural counterparts or easily convert to the natural form in the human body. Also, most synthetic vitamins and nutrients are both cheaper and purer, with less potential for contamination.

Since detoxing is an expensive proposition, and since we advocate experimenting and also getting MOST of your nutrients from what you eat, this is really an unnecessarily confusing post for people who are just struggling to get into a reasonable state of health. Most of those individuals I've read promoting only "natural" or not synthesized supplements are people with something to sell.

Let me quote a bit from one such proponent of non-synthetic vitamins:

Vitamins can legally be called “Natural” even if made in a laboratory. You would not think so, but it is true. Vitamin C, for example, is factory-made from starch. Starch is certainly natural, so the product can be termed “Natural.” Is this starch-based vitamin C identical to orange-juice vitamin C? Most biochemists say yes, because:

1) they appear to have identical molecular structure

2) vitamin C in animal bodies is made from carbohydrates anyway, and
3) the product is clinically effective.

But the actual molecular construction process is not identical. Factories do not use L-gulonolactone oxidase from animal liver to make vitamin C. Nor do they copy the orange tree’s plant metabolism. Can one get an identical product from a different process? Probably; there is more than one way to skin an enzyme. But the real test must be, does the vitamin in front of you prevent and cure disease.

Now, let me share our experience with synthetic ascorbic acid: yes, it does the same thing that so-called natural Vitamin C does. And it has done it in very dramatic situations.

You can read proponents of both sides of this situation, but the real test is your own experience.

Sheebah said:
The wisdom of his science also lead my favorite nutritional mentor Dr. Bob Marshall to determine that FILLERS also interfere with healing and can damage DNA (stuff like magnesium stearate is to be avoided).

We agree that fillers are not good and it is possible that some particularly evil fillers could damage DNA depending on what they are, but it is a pretty sweeping statement to say that fillers, in general "damage DNA." Most often, fillers are just counter-productive, like gluten or dairy or msg or aspartame. You should definitely check your vitamin labels to make sure they don't have those things or a few other evil substances that Psyche can (and has) mentioned before.

Sheebah said:
So when it comes down to it, a lot of the products out there are garbage. Sure, many of these supplements give a boost at first but later they cause all kinds of issues like liver stagnation and whatnot.

As noted, if you need an immediate boost and correction and the synthetic vitamin or supplement is good enough, and it is AFFORDABLE, then it works. You make the correction and, at the same time, work on your diet so that you can get most of your needed nutrients via your food and excluding those foods that are inflammatory.

Sheebah said:
I also personally avoid 5-HTP. IMO, it turns to quinolinic acid in too many people, plus I have yet to see a truly good product. Also, there are easier more natural ways to boost the seratonin (camu camu for one). It's something I say use with caution if you really want to try it. I think Laura posted some good guidelines about it the seratonin thread.

This is a completely ridiculous remark to make in this way. "IMO, it turns to quinolinic acide in too many people." We know nothing about this person, who she is, what experiments she has done, how many other people have experimented that she knows about, produces no cited research or anecdotal evidence other than "IMO."

We have pointed out that 5-htp does not work for some people, but for those it helps, it is a LIFE SAVER. To attempt to discourage this valuable adjunct to getting the sleep cycle straightened out for people who are so stressed - usually due to lack of funds - and suggest less effective products (selling again?) is irresponsible. She does acknowledge that we have posted the guidelines for using 5-htp.

And here comes the sell.

Sheebah said:
So with that in mind here are my favorite links which include the products from one of the few manufacturers I use:

_ (best link for Canada)

PRLabs are so far ahead of the game it puts most of the other companies in the dust. If only I'd found them sooner. 10 years ago I was worth a quarter of a million and lost most of it over my health. Yup. Spent over $60,000 on supplements and remedies alone.

No doubt. Perhaps if she had visited this forum first and had some guidance, she wouldn't have spent so much money. We try to balance things so that even those who have financial problems can find ways to detox, and mainly through diet.

Sheebah said:
I was DESPERATE and the truth is my problem would never have been resolved had Dr. Marshall not come along and revealed the insideous mycoplasm infection that I had. These people are so far ahead of the parasites I cannot recommend them enough. Nothing but morgellons eludes them, really.

We spend a lot of time discussing the parasite issues. Like I said, she would have found that information here, too (except that this forum and our focus on this topic didn't exist ten years ago!)

Sheebah said:
They also use a very advanced system of utilizing the knowledge of the meridians to figure out what's wrong and what needs to be dealt with (Quantum Reflex Analysis). It's too complicated to go into here but the mud pack therapy helps get the surface meridians in the ground substance of the flesh to get MOVING. When the meridians are flowing the nutrients you ingest actually get to the tissues that need them. When there is stagnation sometimes the nutrients don't even make it to these tissues.

I would suggest that the real benefit of mud packs is the absorption of the nutrients. While I have a lot of positive and amazing experiences with acupuncture, I find that some of the New Agey type variations on this ancient knowledge to be way over in quack land. This sounds like one of them.

Sheebah said:
Plus, lower astrals HATE THE MUD. I find it be an incredible psychic relief actually.

This is where Sheebah really goes off the track, but that's just my opinion based on experience and observation. I've already mentioned what I think of mud vis a vis so-called "lower astrals." If this woman thinks you can do spirit release by soaking in mud - well, it's actually just jaw dropping.

Sheebah said:
In fact, my secret to beauty and health is MUD and CLAY. French green clay and magnetic clays are out there too. Bathe in them and put them on your skin!!!!

Indeed, clays are very helpful! I think they are discussed a few places on the forum here.

Sheebah said:
Really at this point all my health problems are due to my own will power issues I have no excuses (ok maybe money plays a role sometimes this stuff gets expensive and can't always keep up on it).

We've already been witness to Sheebah's "will power issues."

Sheebah said:
For when I'm poor, it's always about the seaweed. I can always afford that and no one should NOT be eating seaweed the iodine is beyond needed, even if it's taken in capsules it's one of the most necessary superfoods.

Yes, seaweed is very good for you and we do advocate detoxing and healing with diet.

Sheebah said:
Oh and one more thing, for the poor esp, non synthetic vitamins D3!!!!!!
If you live in a cloudy cold climate this is the one supplement that can do wonders and it's cheap and safe (most D3 is garbage!):

Another sell, eh? Most interesting.

Sheebah said:
The other company I feel is viable is New Chapter. Their products are on store shelves in much of the states and Canada and tho expensive are definitely high quality comparatively.

And finally, my other new secret:

So I hope my gift of knowledge here helps, you guys deserve the best info you're clearly looking for it! ;D

Seems to me that this was all about selling.

Anyway, just thought I'd mention it here in case anybody missed it: the Natural News website promotes MMS and Jim Humble.
We encourage research, experimenting, and networking. We have benefited enormously from the diet. We sell no specific line of supplements of our own, but we network about supplements that had benefited us as well.

We do give a heavy emphasis on diet because we have yet to see someone who has not benefited from cutting out gluten, dairy, processed foods, and so forth. Those of you who had sent me their quiz results (from Mark Hyman) might have noticed that I specify that this or that supplement will be unnecessary with the diet. In the same lines, the thought has also crossed my mind that people can save a lot of the supplementation that Dr. Mercola sells if they would come off from the dairy that he advocates. Natural News website promotes MMS and monoatomic gold supplements, and that is highly discouraging.

There are quite a few dedicated moderators who have to keep in an eye to spammers/robots whose only purpose is to sell something, health products is usually the popular one. We receive spammers almost every single day.

There are lots of health product sellers and this forum is a potential market for them as a lot of people here in this forum are interesting in buying supplements and detoxing. So bottom line, beware of those who come across with little research and lots of unfounded opinions about a specific product. Again, caveat lector, do your own homework, network, share your experiences.

Some forum members have experience in the supplement's business and it has been a pleasure to network with them. It can be indeed an enriching experience on both parts as long as the forum guidelines of external consideration and networking applies as it is with all exchanges and subjects in this forum. That is what makes this home unique. Networking works and learning is fun! :)
Laura said:
Sheebah said:
The other company I feel is viable is New Chapter. Their products are on store shelves in much of the states and Canada and tho expensive are definitely high quality comparatively.

And finally, my other new secret:

So I hope my gift of knowledge here helps, you guys deserve the best info you're clearly looking for it! ;D

Seems to me that this was all about selling.

Anyway, just thought I'd mention it here in case anybody missed it: the Natural News website promotes MMS and Jim Humble.

Woah! Totally missed that one. I guess Sheebah hasn't read the forum/SoTT articles on how dangerous MMS is! :shock:
Natural News supporting it is even worse.

Sheebah said:
So with that in mind here are my favorite links which include the products from one of the few manufacturers I use:

_ (best link for Canada)

PRLabs are so far ahead of the game it puts most of the other companies in the dust. If only I'd found them sooner. 10 years ago I was worth a quarter of a million and lost most of it over my health. Yup. Spent over $60,000 on supplements and remedies alone.

Ok I'll pull this thread...all those places supply supplements from PRLabs
PRLabs....Premier Research Labs/Quantum Nutrition Labs

Company founder, Dr. Marshall is a certified, internationally trained clinical nutritionist, past president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the host of HealthLine, a daily health talk radio show aired continuously since 1986, currently networked on over 50 radio stations nationwide, and the author of many research papers and articles. He has operated one of the largest chronic illness practices in Southern California for many years. Currently his main activities include overseeing Quantum Nutrition Labs' manufacturing process, as well as writing and teaching professional seminars.

Dr. Marshall maintains clinical facilities in Santa Monica, California and Austin, Texas, where he continues to test and refine new and existing formulations.

Founder of Premier Research Labs and Premier Research Labs, Dr. Robert Marshall is a certified, internationally trained clinical nutritionist, past president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He is the host of HealthLine, a radio broadcast aired continuously since 1986, currently in over 15 states, and the author of many research papers and articles. Dr. Marshall has operated one of the largest chronic illness practices in Southern California for many years. Currently his main activities include overseeing Premier Research Labs' manufacturing, as well as writing and teaching professional seminars.

Dr. Bob Marshall maintains clinical facilities in Torrance, California and Round Rock, Texas, where he continues to test and refine new and existing formulations. His companies, Premier Research Labs and Premier Research Labs, provide consumers and health professionals with full lines of nutritional, body care, and lifestyle products that work synergistically to achieve and keep great health. Premier Research Labs and Premier Research Labs have clinically developed products by working together with medical doctors, chiropractors, nutritionists and other health professionals to produce functional food/herb phytonutrient products that embody "Nutrition That Really Works." Dr. Marshall delivers uncompromising quality using unwavering standards of excellence to ensure extraordinary product purity. He has developed, clinically tested and proven the effectiveness of each of its cutting edge nutritional formulas. Dr. Marshall's mission is: "to empower every person to access their own limitless healing potential through the use of resonance nutraceutical formulations, spectacular detoxification techniques and premier therapeutic strategies."

I've found bunch of websites selling vitamins that are licensed to sell PRLabs products.......quite a lot with a new age spin.


We are health professionals and licensed distributors of the Quantum Nutrition products manufactured by Premier Research Labs, also known as Quantum Nutrition Labs, founded by Dr. Bob Marshall. We are dedicated to helping you achieve radiant, vibrant health through the use of these pure, living nutraceauticals, detoxification techniques and nutritional protocols. Dr. Bob marshall
Our Mission as health professionals and educators is to is to empower every person to access their own healing capabilities through the use of these spectacular formulations. Premier Research Labs and Quantum Nutrition Labs products perfectly meet a growing worldwide need for uniting time honored wisdom with cutting-edge technologies

The Five Steps to Great Health and cell-resonant, Excipient Free, Quantum Quality nutraceuticals, developed and formulated by Dr. Bob Marshall are clinically proven by MD's, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, RN's and Nutritionists for pain, weight management, bone loss, stress management and more. Premier Research Labs is known internationally as the pre-eminent manufacturer of excipient-free, premier quality nutraceutical formulations, super food concentrates and the world's first producer of quantum cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring quantum coherence to the body's inherent biofield.

More on PRLabs and what Bob offers


Premier Research Labs is known internationally as the pre-eminent manufacturer of excipient-free, premier quality nutraceutical formulations, super food concentrates and the world's first producer of quantum cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring quantum coherence to the body's inherent biofield.

Fully functional coherence of the biofield is the new and most comprehensive definition of anti-aging therapy, born out of quantum physics. When coherence is restored to the biofield, the healing power of the body is now known to be literally limitless, dwarfing the benefits of any mere biochemical manipulation. At last, we are at the real frontier of spectacular anti-aging solutions and healing answers.

The Quantum Nutrient Effect

Using Quantum-State Nutrients
To Make a Quantum Leap to Great Health

The Cellular Resonance Effect

Exciting research over the last 15 years has shown that the outer membrane structure of every cell in your body is a unique,semi-crystalline matrix.

This means that every one of the trillion plus cells in your body has an ideal resonant frequency, much like a crystal glass that rings its own special note when struck.

The Harmonic Resonance Effect

The consequences of this stunning discovery of resonant frequencies is enormous. It is a secret key that unlocks the hidden door to why some ill people can quickly regain their health- and others can't. This discovery reveals why the ideal resonant frequency of each cell can regained by consuming nutrients that are also at their ideal resonant frequencies.

This dynamic interaction between the cell and the nutrient creates a highly beneficial, harmonic resonant effect in which the cell is able to ingest not only the nutritional factors but can also absorb the higher resonant frequencies embedded in the nutrient.

Falling Out of Cellular Harmony

In contrast, consuming nutrients that are synthetic or that have degraded resonant frequencies (from nutrients that have been poorly grown, pesticided, contaminated with chemical additives, etc.) will necessarily dampen your own cell’s resonant frequency and if consumed repeatedly, will result in a lowered frequency (meaning poorer vitality) of the cell.

The "Seems Good But Isn't" Hypothesis

The irony of this situation is what we call the "Seems good but isn't" hypothesis. German research shows that consuming a synthetic or degraded nutrient may initially stimulate the cell's DNA and initially, produce an enhanced effect - so it "seems good."

However, their research showed that after initial stimulation, the DNA of the cell then deteriorated faster. So the initial effects of poor degraded nutrients (translated to feeling better, more vitality, etc.) were actually short-lived and encouraged more rapid aging of the DNA and consequently, of the cell. This is why we call it the "Seems Good But Isn't" hypothesis.

A Shocking Study . . .

As reported in The Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association Winter, 1999

After testing 196 vitamin supplement products taken from "health food" stores, only 5 were found to be non-toxic and effective. That means 97.5% were toxic, ineffective, or both!

Your Job: Find the 2.5%!


The only nutrients on earth truly capable of allowing the body to regain and sustain its ideal cellular resonance are those that were once living and were grown under ideal conditions, then harvested at peak potency and lastly, stored and packaged in a toxic-free, protective environment - in short, what we call "quantum state."

Unfortunately, with today's widespread pollution of the air, water and soil in the U.S., nutrients that have been grown at their ideal resonant frequencies are rare. In fact, in our independent research of over 5,000 sources of various nutrients, less than 1% of all nutrients (including plants, herbs, microflora, etc.) grown in the U.S. meet our criteria for achieving their ideal resonant frequencies.

Are You Eating Toxic Excipients?

We recommend avoiding nutritional products that have toxic excipients (substances other than active nutritional ingredients), such as magnesium stearate, stearic acid, sodium benzoate, MSG (monosodium glutamate) called "natural flavors", FD & C dyes, silicon dioxide, etc. Get the best: vegetable capsules, not tablets made with glues, binders, heat and pressure, or gelatin capsules made from animal hooves and bones!

The "Body of Light"

Ground-breaking experiments by German bio-physicist Dr. Fritz-Alpert Popp of the University of Kaiserlautern and others have demonstrated a release of "light" emanates from healthy cells, which is not normally visible to the naked eye (except for intuitive individuals) but easily quantified by highly sophisticated German optical equipment. This radiant field or "body of light" around a molecule distinguishes living from non-living substances.

Natural vs. Synthetic

After struggling to define natural vs. synthetic, we can now understand the difference between these two sources of nutrition. If natural-source nutrients are of quantum quality(i.e. exquisitely well grown and without toxic tagalongs), then the cell is able to absorb both physical nutrients as well as the nutrient’s resonant frequencies.

The cell can function at its optimal frequency and thus, live longer. In fact, the ONLY source that can allow the cell to achieve its ideal resonant frequency are natural-source, quantum quality nutrients.

Today's Avalanche of Toxic, Ineffective "Junk"

A landmark study published in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA, winter, 1999) showed only 5 of 196 nutritional products randomly tested from health food stores proved to be both nontoxic and effective. The study found the other 191 products or about 97 1/2% to be either toxic, ineffective or both.

Using this random study, this translates to a shocking, estimated 2 1/2% of nutritional products available in the marketplace that are worth buying are able to meet a somewhat relaxed criteria of being both nontoxic and effective).

The Hopes and the Hypes

Many practitioners who use nutritional products may have experienced some initial benefits for themselves or their patients with certain products, only to find later, that these same products simply do not live up to the magnificent results so often quoted in the scientific literature.

So many become resigned to the "at least it’s better than nothing" attitude regarding nutritional products, never realizing that true, quantum-state nutrients are available in product form which have been proven to achieve the Quantum Nutrient Effect.

Many nutritional products manufactured today do NOT incorporate the discoveries regarding cellular resonance and the Quantum Nutrient Effect. Although the initial effect of taking these products might appear somewhat beneficial, over time as they continue to be used, they may actually impede the body’s overall health due to their ineffective nature and/or toxic tagalongs, unbeknownst to practitioner or patient.

Open Invitation

We invite you all to experience the benefits of truly synergistic "Quantum-State" nutrients which have been combined synergistically to sustain or rapidly restore ideal cellular resonance and initiate a quantum leap to great health.

The Quantum Nutrient Effect.

Experience the difference for yourself!

Quantum Reflex Analysis™ (QRA™) Seminars

(Practitioners Only)

QRA™ has been called "the medicine of the 21 st century" by Ron Ivger, the president of the American Preventative Medicine Association. We have received a phenomenal response from practitioners to these seminars over the years. After attending only one or two QRA™ seminars, many practitioners have gone on to develop their own "waiting list practices" - a practice where their QRA™-targeted nutritional protocols and nutritional support products produce such outstanding clinical results that their patients automatically refer them an avalanche of other patients!

QRA™ Seminars are offered throughout the year in various states and locations. Currently QRA™ is only taught to licensed healthcare practitioners. In order to better understand the power of QRA™, attend at least one QRA™ - Level I Seminar and join a QRA™ Mastery Group in your city. To build confidence and proficiency in your technique we recommend attending QRA™ Level II.

QRA™ - Level I is a three day workshop designed to introduce the science of quantum nutrition and cell resonance and explain the fundamentals of QRA™. This workshop will also deliver a better understanding of our portfolio of cell-resonant nutraceutical products and how they enhance the quality of your practice. This course is taught by senior PRL staff instructors and regional referral practitioners.

QRA™ - Level II is a two day intensive of hands-on testing, protocols and clinical applications designed to hone your testing skills and build confidence in the procedures. This course is taught by Dr. Bob Marshall with the assistance of senior PRL staff.

In order to attend QRA™ - Level II , attending QRA-Level I is a prerequisite.

QRA™ - Level III (Advanced) is an introduction to the science of Vastu and its role in enhancing the quantum energy field along with advanced QRA™ techniques for the most challenging clinical cases. Level III is hosted at the PRL Headquarters, a world-class Vastu-designed building in Austin, TX.


Q.R.A. Is Quantum Reflex Analysis - Presented By The Ways of Quantum Reflex

Quantum Reflex Analysis, proven tens of thousands of times. The more educated you are, the more stunned you will be.

When used in tandem with Bodyscan2010 or SpectraVision, Quantum Reflex Analysis proves to be the most comprehensive clinical tool encountered or developed thus far. Dr. Cohen has exponentially advanced the work of Dr. Omura and Dr. Marshall. A hundred medical doctors with billions in equipment combined could not measure up to Q.R.A., because quantum reflex analysis is non-invasive and instantaneous. Proof is instantly obtained, sustained.

Of all the tools and resources shared within the Ways of Quantum Reflex , Q.R.A. is at the top of the list for correcting approximately all human disorders outside of death itself. Only three basics cause human health challenges: physical damage, chemical insult, both of which include foods and non-foods that are ingested, and electrical interference. When you injure the body in any way, the electrical field in that area is disturbed by congregating toxins. ALL healing, all scars, leave toxins behind. The only method shown and proven - let alone for thousands of years in a row - are mudpacks.

Now that you can use Q.R.A. to test which substances will best augment the work of the mudpack, targeted nutrition becomes infinitely more valuable than all the medical doctors of the world - even combined together. This is the first health-related technology to prove beneficial approximately one thousand of every one thousand tries.

Combining the world's oldest technologies with the newest, no less than eighty to ninety percent of all humans who encounter Q.R.A. are simply and undeniably astounded, because it works approximately 100% of the time.

Often mistaken for kinesiology or muscle testing (both of which can be more accurate than heavy-duty testing machines often rife with side effects), Q.R.A. moves beyond guessing and subjectivity in testing, particularly when used in conjuction with biofeedback therapy such as Bodyscan2010 or SpectraVision.

"Biofield" is the word you want to get comfortable with here. Your biofield, the electrical plasma that covers every millimeter of your body, determines even more than nutrition whether your glands, organs and tissue all and each work.

All human glands and organs and tissue harmonize by frequencies unique from one another yet delightfully synchronized. Each has an identifiable frequency, making it easy to distinguish from other glands and organs and tissue.

Quantum Reflex Analysis is a comprehensive clinical tool, only available through trained Q.R.A. practitioners. The most advanced Q.R.A. practitioners utilize techniques and technologies that systematically "peel the onion" as the client works through the "Steps to Great Health," focusing not only on the physical body but also on the innate healing abilities of the body. These steps are foundational in order to recover from chronic illness. And they are vital if you want to reach a higher level of health.

What Is Q.R.A.?

Q.R.A. (Quantum Reflex Analysis), is a simple, safe, yet profound way of allowing the body to tell us what it needs to heal. It is the union of science-based kinesiological testing, time-proven ancient therapies, systematic analysis of the body's quantum biofield, and outstanding nutrition and detoxification breakthroughs of the 21st century. Q.R.A. provides a comprehensive system to initiate the most rapid resolution of even the most deep-seated, chronic conditions - simply not possible by any other methodology.

Q.R.A. is one of the main components of our practice because of its ability to access and analyze the body's Biofield. Developed by Dr. Bob Marshall, this form of assessment tests the energy levels within key organs, tissues and glands as well as the "communication" between the brain and the various body parts. It also can uncover a suppressed immune system, dental and nerve issues, and so much more. This method of kinesiology testing utilizes the body's meridians to quickly identify key imbalances and then pinpoints specific supplements needed to restore balance.

When you are in full health, all of the electrical frequencies of your tissues, organs and glands, though distinct and unique, blend beautifully when combined. When an area of your body gets weakened through disease (or a number of other ways), the energetic frequency of that area changes, and the strength and integrity of these areas can be measured.

Q.R.A. is based on empirical observations in quantum energy and the emerging field of quantum physics. Dr. Bob Marshall has had great success with seemingly serious conditions and he teaches this technique across the country to health practitioners. Dr. Cohen has completed the advanced criteria required to be one of the practitioners referred by Dr. Marshall's office. In addition to this training,

Q.R.A. is not a treatment. It is a portable, absolute tool. It proves right basically every time, and in just a few seconds or minutes. That's it. There are three catches to Q.R.A.

1) You cannot test yourself, because you cannot pull your own B.D.O.R.T., the mega-billion-dollar value that Dr. Omura so munificently gave freely to the world, including you

2) The person doing the testing must have electrical coherence themselves. Thankfully, a simple vial of the rare earth minerals held for half a minute temporarily strengthens anyone, strengthening every organ, gland, and tissue for a good 20 minutes.

3) You can learn it as you experience it, your first time. That's bad because you get to use it for life, at no charge. What M.D. is going to want to teach you such useful and powerful freebies? Money is why only a few thousand M.D.'s speak well of Q.R.A.

These three catches are just that: Issues that interfere with their promulgation.

Your job is to learn more, so you can live more, by making better decisions. You cannot learn less about a subject, and Q.R.A. is something you get to use for the rest of your life. You get to share Q.R.A. with any individual or group of people that you like.

Q.R.A. is simple, it is learned rapidly, and it is infinitely more accurate than all the dozens of physicians who have attended my own dozen life-threatening transports to emergency rooms.

No less than ninety-eight or ninety-nine percent of all humans who experience Q.R.A. with anyone who is well-trained are not one percent less than astonished. It's one of the ten great eye-openers of a lifetime. Q.R.A. successfully reaches higher than any other health technology man has conceived. The oldest and the newest combine to make the best.

How does Quantum Reflex Analysis work?

Anyone well-trained in Q.R.A. uses your own body's feedback mechanism to identify the precise location of toxins clogging up the site of previous or current injury or trauma. These toxins impede the body's own powerful healing systems. The body never forgets an injury or trauma, just as wrinkled aluminum foil does not have a habit of going back to perfect.

Healing any injury or trauma leaves metabolites (waste products) behind. There are no known exceptions. Those leftover waste products are indisputably toxic. With each week, month, and year, their effect, subclinical until the day you notice a problem, continues to grow until it becomes clinical, becomes observable, becomes something you are ready to fix.

It is good and it is helpful that nearly all human health challenges you are likely to complain of are instantly or near-instantly locatable as an interference. You can nail the exact spot, and which organ or gland is being affected, and you see instant proof.

You can identify specific organs and systems within any human or even animal body that are functioning at less than optimal frequencies. Feedback mechanism is efficient.

Once we determine where your body is stressed and energy-compromised, we can offer solutions that can detoxify, nourish and support your body on many levels. First and foremost is using a mudpack. The ancients used them thousands of years ago, and most people, even in severe distress, tend to report large or absolute improvements in as little as five or thirty or a couple of hundred minutes. Mudpacking still works, even after thousands of years, rapidly, safely, even pleasurably sucking out metabolite toxins.

The Quantum Reflex Analysis Method And Range

This method often uncovers underlying components in serious conditions and, once these are addressed, allows the body to return to health. Across the country, Q.R.A. practitioners have amazing testimonies and we are grateful that we can offer this technique to you.

Now more than ever, it is possible to release your body's own internal, powerful, God-given ability to speed up healing, renewal and regeneration. Practitioners trained in Q.R.A. use this technique to define and eliminate stressors that have depressed your body's healing systems that were created to bring you endurance, vitality and longevity.

How can Q.R.A. help me?

Q.R.A. stands alone in providing an accurate assessment of your Biofield. It locates areas within your body that may be weak or dysfunctional, determines the relationship between your Biofield, your brain, and your organs and glands, and pinpoints steps to permanently clear disruptive, stagnate places within your Biofield.

What Does Quantum Reflex Analysis Offer?

Q.R.A. offers:

1. A comprehensive health-care approach

2. Immediate response assessments

3. Integration of practices including Oriental Medicine, Herbology, Applied Kinesiology, Biochemical Clinical Nutrition, and Homeopathy, and ancient detoxification therapies

4. A technique to locate the body's weaknesses

5. A way to determine nutritional formulas that support your body

6. Understanding of techniques that can systematically clear and rebuild your body's integrity

Note: Q.R.A. does not reveal disease and an appointment doesn't lead to a diagnosis. While the technique can reveal some current conditions and stress affecting body systems, it is most useful for prevention and long-term health.

What can I learn from it?

What if there was a way your body could quickly repair a damaged organ or rejuvenate itself at an accelerated rate? What if you could regain peak mental and physical performance in spite of having been chronically ill and fatigued for years? Today, many scientists believe the secrets of regeneration and healing lie not within costly medical drugs or expensive medical treatments, but within the body's own Biofield.

Q.R.A. can be used to clearly identify:

" areas of weakness within the body

" how your body responds to supplements

" how your body responds to foods

" what your body is weakened by (allergies, toxins, etc)

Outside The Envelope

"A thimble full of nutrients can do the work that previously, a wheelbarrow full could not." -- Dr. Robert Marshall

Note: With Q.R.A., we don't need to know a medical term to determine which areas of the body are weak. We can identify these areas through medically accepted points on the body and use these same points to determine which nutrients would restore balance. The word "analysis" accurately describes a Q.R.A. session.

Why would an organ or gland test weak?

A body's organ or gland could test weak for a variety of reasons:

Interference fields caused by previous physical trauma (including scars, previous accidents, falls, puncture wounds)

If your vagus nerve is malfunctioning.

If you have any dental infections that often reflexes to a particular gland or organ

If there is a burden of stress in your body caused by or exacerbated by: unfriendly bacteria, environmental toxins, heavy metals, nutritional deficiencies, parasites, or viruses, for example. Each of these, let alone more than one in concert, can create a toxicity caused by the burden of stress that your body is not successfully overcoming.

When you consider what our minds and bodies are persistently exposed to with respect to stress and toxins, it is easier to grasp why superior nutrition becomes a critical choice in promoting longevity. Any consideration of longevity must include quality of time lived with as much priority as the quantity of time lived.

How Does Quantum Reflex Analysis Differ From Other Muscle Testing?

Q.R.A. is to muscle testing what a Rolls Royce is to a lawn mower.

Q.R.A. is based on the Omura Bi-digital O-Ring Muscle Reflex Test, a university-proven muscle testing technique of medically accepted reflex points. This form of muscle testing is simple to demonstrate and even to teach, yet it's been proven in dozens of research studies to be both reliably accurate and accurately reliable, two features not commonly found in other protocols.

How Long Has Quantum Reflex Analysis Been In Use?

Q.R.A. is the result of more than 30 years of intense research and development by Dr. Bob Marshall. The founder of Premier Research Labs, Dr. Marshall is a certified and internationally trained clinical nutritionist and he has a PhD in biochemistry. He is past president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and the host of HealthLine, a radio infomercial program running since 1986. Dr. Marshall is also the author of research papers and articles.

Marshall also spends time writing, and teaching seminars to professionals and also to real people (bit of teasing there).

Along with Dr. Marshall, a growing number of pioneering scientists, some of them Nobel Laureates, have been diligently mapping the body's Biofield patterns associated with healing and regeneration. From the early 1990's, this work has progressed to a point where effective solutions are now even more commonly and conveniently available.

Q.R.A. - How do you use Quantum Reflex Analysis in your practice?

First, Dr. Cohen does a bodyscan analysis, where the Bodyscan asks your body how it responds to approximately 16,000 substances, including toxins, foods, and more. So far, the Bodyscan has proven to be correct several thousands of times in a row. To date, no exceptions. The Bodyscan tells the practitioner which organs and glands are responding the most, and the least.

Q.R.A. is a major component of Dr. Cohen's practice. Using the results of the high-speed, thoroughly safe and non-invasive Bodyscan2010 or SpectraVision, we uncover the underlying reason for an issue and then use it determine which body-balancing recommendations to make with respect to mudpacks. At Refuah Vechaim, we couple Q.R.A. with superior nutritional formulas and advanced detoxification techniques.

Get to the Real Root of the Problem With Quantum Reflex Analysis

Q.R.A. stands head and shoulders above other therapies in its ability to identify and eliminate the "root of the root" cause of illness - whether acute or chronic.

Interference Fields

Interference Fields (IFs) are a direct result of trauma or even mild injuries. Any and every site of healing has metabolites left over from the healing process. These metabolites identifiably and indisputably interfere with the proper flow of electrical energy through the site. Like aluminum foil that, once wrinkled, does not return to "new" just because you roll out the major wrinkles, every injury site, even from the force of a deployed air-bag, is materially affected.

Because this relentlessly disrupts the energetic field of the body, even in silence, getting worse at the subclinical level with every passing day right up to the day when it becomes clinical (observable and/or measurable), the advanced Q.R.A. practitioner teaches you how to eliminate them as quickly as possible, using simple, relatively inexpensive resources.

If these IFs are overlooked, clinical results can be severely limited, and that's putting it very politely. To erase these IFs, timeless therapeutic techniques are used to restore normal nerve and energy flow. It is as simple as using mudpacks to pull out the toxins that accumulate at the site of every interference field. This also helps to restore quantum coherence to the body's biofield, enhancing recovery and literally multiplying the bioavaibility and/or end result, end effect, of every nutritive substance you swallow. Dr. Marshall meant it very literally in stating that a thimbleful of nutrition has more profound benefit than a wheelbarrow filled with nutrients can provide without remediating the interference field.

Quantum Reflex Analysis and Emotional Repolarization

Using the technology of the Emotional Re-polarization Technique (ERT), the Q.R.A. practitioner can identify and reset negative thought patterns that are impeding the client's healing and recovery. This easy-to-use technique can be key in reaching recovery.

EMF Stress

Another critical healing component offered with advanced trained Q.R.A. practitioners is remediating Electromagnetic Fields or EMFs. The effects of EMF pollution may be more destructive than even the chemical pollution of our air, water and food. This form of stress, often found both inside and outside the home, can be a critically overlooked factor in keeping the chronically ill patient from recovery. Examples of EMF stress that can block healing include: Electrical currents, cell phones, cell phone towers, wi-fi, computer and laptop use, and more.

Energetics of the Home and Office In Relation To Quantum Reflex Analysis

The advanced Q.R.A. practitioner has been trained in using advanced technologies to build quantum-state energetics. In this way, a healthier environment can be created inside and outside any home or office - even those that are badly depolarized. These techniques have been used through the centuries to improve the energetics of your living space -- key foundations in creating continued prosperity, success, and premier health.

There is more than enough evidence for the Ways of Quantum Reflex to specifically state that the Quantum Reflex Analysis system is more fully proven than any medical device or approach in existence today. Again, no need to believe the Ways of Quantum Reflex or accept the assurances of the Ways of Quantum Reflex : EVERY WORD IS RAPIDLY PROVABLE. Q.R.A. is safe, time-tested, and comprehensively proven, helping even the most resistant cases where other techniques, treatments, and practitioners have failed to provide adequate help or relief. Q.R.A. is hovering right up near the one-hundred-percent mark, and that in itself makes it a staggering rarity.

Quantum Reflex Analysis has been an asset to Dr. Cohen, one of the country's most highly-trained and experienced naturopathic doctors. Through this technique, you are able to see and feel your responses, and as a result, you know areas within your body that are weaker or stronger. You are also able to see how your body responds to superior nutrition and other life-strengthening supplements and determine if these might help you with situation.

What do other practitioners and patients say about Q.R.A.?

Across the United States, thousands of people are finding relief from their symptoms with the Q.R.A. process and Dr. Marshall's premier products. Here are some quotes by other Q.R.A. practitioners:

"Q.R.A. delivers a whole new health paradigm which dramatically raised my own level of health as well as made it possible for me to successfully treat cases I could never help before." -- Beth Shirley, Registered Pharmacist and Certified Clinical Nutritionist

"These techniques have profoundly amplified the scope of clinical response, accelerating results, deepening effects, and have worked consistently well. It would be called magic if it were not explained by quantum physics." -- Stuart White, Chiropractor and Certified Clinical Nutritionist

"I am writing to tell you how happy I am using Premier products. I get results with my patients two to three times faster than before." -- Janice M. Piro, Chiropractor

"Dr. Marshall has put together the most comprehensive and helpful paradigm for clearing chronic and acute illness." -- Laura Marshall, CA

"Dr. Cohen has saved virtually everyone in my family from fates worse than death: unnecessary suffering from things that responded naturally." - Fagie Mendolsohn, NY

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There is also something about Meridian Stress Assessment

Whois doesn't turn up much......

Premier Research Labs
2000 N. Mays
Austin, Texas 78664
United States

Domain Name: PRLABS.NET
Created on: 19-Sep-07
Expires on: 19-Sep-13
Last Updated on: 11-Aug-10

Administrative Contact:
Marshall, Robert
Premier Research Labs
2000 N. Mays
Austin, Texas 78664
United States
(512) 238-0610 Fax -- (512) 238-0218

Technical Contact:
Marshall, Robert
Premier Research Labs
2000 N. Mays
Austin, Texas 78664
United States
(512) 238-0610 Fax -- (512) 238-0218

Domain servers in listed order:

The company seems to have been running 10 years according to what I could find online.....

sheebah said:
10 years ago I was worth a quarter of a million and lost most of it over my health. Yup. Spent over $60,000 on supplements and remedies alone.

I don't know if this adds up to anything...but their it is.
Very interesting. And what studies does this guy provide to back up his claims?
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