What's the weather where you are?

I live in the Andes mountains , Cuenca Ecuador, 2890 meters above sea level, at home; rainy weather, may be seasonal, but do not have a strong season anyway , an average of 14 Cent. Very cold nights and days in weather can change dramatically in two hours.
There is a landslide persistent throughout the area and a real migration of American retirees who have made their home Cuenca!!!!!!
6°C here in Liverpool, UK.

It's the first bit of sun we have seen for quite a while so it's lovely to read in the natural light for a change. We did have a bit of snow last night and other parts of the country are covered in it. It makes a change from the grey overcast sky :)
Southeastern Turkey. Snow depth of 3 meters province of Bitlis.


Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Tunceli province, more than 3 meters of snow.

A few days ago as the first signs of a promising verdant spring showed signs of emerging, a snowstorm ensued. A slushy 3 or 4 inches, making dangerous traffic conditions. Happening very fast and continuous, disappearing 2 days later. I am in a borough 20 outside of NYC. Hurricane Sandy territory.

Now it is a luxurious spring, mild, blueskies, nary a chemtrail to be viewed. Cumulo-nimbus clouds, I believe this afternoon.

This small island 13miles by 7 miles, has a building boom that has forced animals to act erratically looking for food. My neighbor fended off a large raccoon that set off an alarm while attacking a cat in his yard. I also came across a large whitetail buck heading into traffic in late afternoon. Not on an expressway, but a local thoroughfare. I got out of the car in the middle of traffic and shooed it away. It didn't look real at first. This could of been major horror for deer and others.

There are close to 500,000 people on this small island and the weather conditions plus the influx of geese, wild turkeys wandering all over in groups, and deer coming out of the woodwork are out of control. Not to mention a poor tortoise that was trying to cross the road. All I could do was try to turn him around and head back into the woods. It was heartbraking and all weather realted and population disproportion. Deer do not show themselves in broad daylight or any light. Until now.

I barely feel like I'm in the same dimension, although I sure know I am still here, as the traffic and drivers in these and other conditions still can annoy me when I'm trying to get to work on time and warn the animals at the same time. A delicate balance, you can say.
According the weather forecast here in northern Belgium, there would be a "little bit" of snow, but I went to walk with my dog this morning and.. Wow, it was about 8 cm snow and there also was a very strong wind, the temperature was about -5°C, really cold!
I've been following the worldwide infrared weather map. After pounding Kiev in the Ukraine, the Moscow region apparently is next for severe weather. Also observable is another severe weather front in your neck of the woods...southern France. Hope all is safe and well.

These big storms are simply popping up all over the place...as the American mid-west got slammed again. As they are heavily influenced by electrical phenomena, maybe these storms are the direct result of more and more comets entering our solar system. Just a thought.

NASA's "Year of the Comets" may mean a heck of a lot more than just bright objects in the sky...like maybe "all hell breaks loose on Earth".

In this moment in Croatia (central Europe, Balkan region) is snowing again. Temperature is 0 C degrees. We had yesterday and day before very strong North wind.
Few days ago we had temperatures betwean 10 and 15 C degrees.
Plants start with opening buds, but now they again stop with spring blossom.

There is one very interesting information from region Gorski Kotar, mountain part from Croatia, with see latitude (elevation) about 700 to 1000 meters. Residents from this region measured quantity of fallen snow in wintter and few days ago there was 7,5 meters of fallen snow. Now again snow is falling ... surely they will have more than 8 meters of snow in this winter.

Last summer we had very big drought, but in these moment soil have too much water and agriculture will wait, because it is too wett for tillage.

Have a nice day!
light worker
In Ga USA it's very cloudy today. The weather fluctuates alot from winter chills to spring like heat. It has been a strange winter!
We are in Malaysia, 50km from Kuala Lumpur. The past two weeks had been blazing hot with temp around 39degrees and full sunshine all day long. As of the last two days, it's been gloomier with overcast and scattered showers. As of January this year, we've been seeing more cars breaking down on the roads..wonder if it's a sign of worsening economy (people put off fixing cars till it's too late) or a function of EMF for the majority of the cars that broke down weren't old technology.
I am in Central Florida and is not even 80 outside and the nights have been cool. Very unlike last year
I'm in Portugal close to sea, here as been between 13ºC - 18ºC during the day for the past weeks, raining almost every day.
Here in Spain in my region is rainy, windy, cold, warm, cold, warm, not at all Spring time, no flowers, nothing. No sun since days and days. Just a grey sky and almost no birds around. It is a sad weather that is hard to live with. :(

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