A few days ago as the first signs of a promising verdant spring showed signs of emerging, a snowstorm ensued. A slushy 3 or 4 inches, making dangerous traffic conditions. Happening very fast and continuous, disappearing 2 days later. I am in a borough 20 outside of NYC. Hurricane Sandy territory.
Now it is a luxurious spring, mild, blueskies, nary a chemtrail to be viewed. Cumulo-nimbus clouds, I believe this afternoon.
This small island 13miles by 7 miles, has a building boom that has forced animals to act erratically looking for food. My neighbor fended off a large raccoon that set off an alarm while attacking a cat in his yard. I also came across a large whitetail buck heading into traffic in late afternoon. Not on an expressway, but a local thoroughfare. I got out of the car in the middle of traffic and shooed it away. It didn't look real at first. This could of been major horror for deer and others.
There are close to 500,000 people on this small island and the weather conditions plus the influx of geese, wild turkeys wandering all over in groups, and deer coming out of the woodwork are out of control. Not to mention a poor tortoise that was trying to cross the road. All I could do was try to turn him around and head back into the woods. It was heartbraking and all weather realted and population disproportion. Deer do not show themselves in broad daylight or any light. Until now.
I barely feel like I'm in the same dimension, although I sure know I am still here, as the traffic and drivers in these and other conditions still can annoy me when I'm trying to get to work on time and warn the animals at the same time. A delicate balance, you can say.