Casiopians are here.

I think a good example is the case of CME.

Walk with me - Hello!
May I post my session transcripts here?

CME wanted feedback on some of channeling stuff, he suspected he was channeling the C's. Unfortunately, there were some red flags in the material he posted which I think indicate that he was (at least in part) channeling 4D STS.

(There are many possibilities, maybe he wasn't channeling, but instead just writing down his own material based on his impressions of various things. Another possibility is that it was a US army psyops operation.)

Whatever the "source" of the information, this was delicate situation, right? CME might be attached to the idea that he's channeling STO, and so telling him that his material has red flags in it, in such a way that he absorbs the information, could be a bit of a challenge.

I think the first few responses in the May I post my session transcripts here? thread were good, they focused on his material and what was concerning about it. This is good for the entire network because everyone can learn from it. But *I think* the level of hostility towards CME built up as the thread got longer, with small little pieces of hostility here and there, it slowly became about CME personally.

I think what happened then was that CME felt he had to defend himself.

The trick I think 4D STS are pulling off is that they sandwich the hostility in between good advice. Once someone starts defending themselves, system 1 kicks in, and the good advice is associated with the hostility. This means that in the mind of the defender any legitimately good advice needs to be defended against, and so it gets deflected, not absorbed.

If CME really was channeling 4D STS, then the motive for 4D STS pulling this trick is clear I think. He might've gone away to continue channeling without the benefit of this network. In general I think the motive of 4D STS might be to isolate people with certain aura profiles.

I know you don't owe me anything, but please don't ban Jasophoria.

I think it's good if Jasophoria expresses (him/her)self, even if he/she starts "pushing buttons."

It can be really frustrating for people if they can't say what they want to say.

I agree with the others on this one.

I don't see any offensive stuff being sad in that tread.
I see one person read something wrong, that's it.
And everybody's concerns are really valid.
That entity he\she was channeling was so obvious bad news.
I only have to say a few thinks and i would be done.

1 Being terrified and chaneling does not go well, your going to be eaten alive.
2 That entity was talking nonsense, if you dont see that yourself, (i dont want to say it, and i dont want to offense someone, but sorry) then you are stupid.

3 The losing of the self, outch.
I agree with the others on this one.

I don't see any offensive stuff being sad in that tread.
I see one person read something wrong, that's it.
And everybody's concerns are really valid.
That entity he\she was channeling was so obvious bad news.
I only have to say a few thinks and i would be done.

1 Being terrified and chaneling does not go well, your going to be eaten alive.
2 That entity was talking nonsense, if you dont see that yourself, (i dont want to say it, and i dont want to offense someone, but sorry) then you are stupid.

3 The losing of the self, outch.

I agree that what he was channeling was (at least partly) bad news, and the concerns were valid.

Is it clear that CME was triggered?

And what would've been the best possible outcome of that thread?
Where do you see him get triggered?

Good question.

Perhaps I'm projecting but I think Lainey's post here was too harsh.

I think in CME's post here he was defending his idea of himself.

I think Michael Barker-Caven's post here was again too harsh.

If at this point CME is defending his ideas of himself, I think he's not going to see the good advice, instead he's going to pick up on the harshness and continue to defend his idea of himself (i.e. system 1's operating.)

In this post Mike say's this,

Besides the question Michael just asked, it is probably best, most productive and most considerate of you to answer what I can find as the only two direct questions asked of you in this thread (besides the questions asked in direct relation to the transcript) before posting anything else. From my time here that is how i see that we network and relate to each other.

which I think is absolutely true and attests to the idea that CME is deflecting, not absorbing.

This post clearly shows that CME is defending (to me at least.)

In this post CME say's this,

In the mean time, I will go back to lurking on The Work threads, and being my mouthy opinionated self on the current events and other threads! Some studying, reading, and foundation laying are in order for me.

I think he is attempting to withdraw (with the last word.) The reason I think for this is that the feedback he is receiving doesn't match the feedback he was expecting. (This doesn't mean the feedback isn't true, just that it isn't helping CME.)

Later karo says this,

I wanted to edit my post, but time expired: I quoted you CME in this way, because in your later posts you seems like you do not see all the feedback everybody gave you, that you were asking for. Little contradictory it seems because you replied to everybody very convinced to what you are doing and proving to us that it is all good, even if on the beginning you sound more like you don't know what it is all about.

I 100% agree with this post, and I 100% believe that CME is not ready to pierce this shell.

Mike says this,

People change and change perspectives etc, but when I was in the Navy, and still even now, I never would have imagined a 'former tactical team chief' in the US Army involved in PSYOPS ever saying such a thing, especially if that was a senior enlisted position. Must have been quite the change...

I like Mike, but this is personal. The discussion has (long since) shifted from CME's material to CME himself.

Post #41 and post #42, more pushing and more defending.

Oxajil say's this,

Why the emphasis on my? I dunno CME, but I hope you also look into topics/threads about self-importance. It's something we all deal with, and I hope you consider the possibility that your work has been feeding your ego and self-importance.

Again I agree, but self-importance is tricky... How do you tell someone they're self-important in such a way that they absorb it?

post #44,

There's an awful lot of "I" in your posts CME... just saying.

Personal. Posts #46, #47, #50, #51 are all personal. (This is my perception.)

The thread is then closed and the conversation moves here.

In post #30 of the Walk with me thread, I think CME "admits defeat" in an effort to decrease the offensive his ideas of himself are undergoing, and then, once that's done, in the same post, he goes back to defending himself. But now his defense of himself is very overt, and is followed by another attempt to withdraw (again with the last word.)

I think the next few posts follow this general theme, with a bit of confusion about whether or not CME is a "bipolar schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur."

In post #34, CME finally withdraws (he might be back though,)

I only wanted to respond, which I've done, so it seems like that's that... I am happy to answer questions and discuss if anyone would like to, but I'll leave this poor beaten horse to heal if you all wish it to be so.

My concern is that he maintained his ideas of himself throughout the exchange. if he really was channeling 4D STS, then I think there's a good chance he might still be doing it. (Hence the interest 4D STS would have in CME being defensive, and why they wouldn't want the material being discussed in detail.)

If I'm right, (and I'm open to other perspectives,) I think the solution is the admins and mods being aware of what's happening.
I did not read the "Walk with me" post yet before now.

Ye they are not reading very well.
I think that they've glued their eyes to the screen for far too long, and can't see what's written anymore.
that is what I want to avoid, and therefore not sitting infront of the PC. 24\7

Calling someone a schizophrenic is also a serious accusation.
And indeed, say he lied, even though they hadn't read properly.
I think CMC showed some real patience there actually.
Calling someone a schizophrenic is also a serious accusation.
And indeed, say he lied, even though they hadn't read properly.
I think CMC showed some real patience there actually.

No one said that CMC is schizophrenic. Only mentioned that what CMC described were similar symptoms of what a schizophrenic patience would present as well. And by the end of the thread we weren't very far off anyways. Whats the deal of keep bringing CMC thread to here quite honestly? What is the point?

The C's are here just like how your shadow is their...

Hi Assessin, could you elaborate what you mean?
Also i have autism, and I am super sensitive.
I can pick out the phrases here that offend me in every post, and many you probably don't even see.

Right there I see a problem. As Gurdjieff pointed out, the only people who can do The Work are people who are basically healthy with strong nervous systems, good obyvatels, and with no psychological issues.

I don't think this forum is the right place for you.
Sometimes you don't notice your shadow or pay attention to it all the time and just because you see it sometimes doesn't mean it's gone... I remember Peter pan fighting his shadow and how true it rings when Tinkerbell is there also...
Laura is right people with Autism shouldnt have their minds blown wide open. Everything takes steps i know I have a brother with Autism and I wouldn't even dream of placing stress on a weak mind.
Laura is right people with Autism shouldnt have their minds blown wide open. Everything takes steps i know I have a brother with Autism and I wouldn't even dream of placing stress on a weak mind.

We've had several autistic members in the past. They can't take the heat. We've also had a good number of schizophrenics. We've often had to ban the latter simply because they go off the rails when discussing the paranormal or esoteric topics. In SOME cases, the individuals have gotten professional help, take medication, and do alright. But we monitor for this sort of thing because it is not a good thing to assume that someone is mentally healthy and to put them through the rigors of The Work only to have them crack up, so to say. I'm even wondering if we ought not to put some kind of statement in our Forum Guidelines about this.
How about limiting and putting things into basic steps. So for example something who logs in with a disorder should be allowed to see some material rather than nine and to show the good parts of what the C's say. I'm no K-Paxxian even though we need one right now, it's difficult for us all... :)
We've had several autistic members in the past. They can't take the heat. We've also had a good number of schizophrenics. We've often had to ban the latter simply because they go off the rails when discussing the paranormal or esoteric topics. In SOME cases, the individuals have gotten professional help, take medication, and do alright. But we monitor for this sort of thing because it is not a good thing to assume that someone is mentally healthy and to put them through the rigors of The Work only to have them crack up, so to say. I'm even wondering if we ought not to put some kind of statement in our Forum Guidelines about this.
I would second that.
We've had several autistic members in the past. They can't take the heat. We've also had a good number of schizophrenics. We've often had to ban the latter simply because they go off the rails when discussing the paranormal or esoteric topics. In SOME cases, the individuals have gotten professional help, take medication, and do alright. But we monitor for this sort of thing because it is not a good thing to assume that someone is mentally healthy and to put them through the rigors of The Work only to have them crack up, so to say. I'm even wondering if we ought not to put some kind of statement in our Forum Guidelines about this.

As a schizophrenic member of the forum, I can only echo what has been said by Laura here. There's no point going round the houses on esoteric concepts, you'll only do yourself more damage in the long term. Focus on the real world, on real issues, and centre yourself on day to day life challenges. Believe me, it's the very best you can do given this situation. I focus on what's "karmic and simple", it's safer for me, and also I don't cause problems for others too.

Think of it this way; you're having trouble dealing with day to day life; why then would you try and deal with increasingly complex problems of an esoteric nature? It's a form of evasion in my view, you run away from the trouble into subjects which are even more complex. Take things slowly, deal with issues which can be dealt with, and proceed from there. And begone with magical thinking, a big sign that 4d STS are getting their claws into you.
No one said that CMC is schizophrenic. Only mentioned that what CMC described were similar symptoms of what a schizophrenic patience would present as well. And by the end of the thread we weren't very far off anyways. Whats the deal of keep bringing CMC thread to here quite honestly? What is the point?

Then take a look at the last post of this tread.

By saying he lied, Framing that thick sentence.
You are assuming that it is true.

Then check this tread, page 2 comment 15

CMC explicitly explains, you should read everything and thorough.
Not only pick out what is convenient to you.

And why bring this up, i am just responding tooArchaea
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