@PopHistorian: Thanks for posting that. If one simply posts the tweet link, it should unfurl to look like the PNG that you posted, and it should be clickable — taking one directly to the tweet.
Interesting. And then, as per what I posted earlier, they’ll test these people and they’ll be positive since their body is full of RNA genes that the PCR test is looking for which were injected with the vaccine. What a perfect setup.I occasionally visit /r/CovidVaccinated/ subreddit to sort of monitor the current situation on people's various reactions to mRNA vaccines, and there's a number of cases where patients actually seem to have gotten COVID following the jab. They don't outright say it was COVID, obviously, but they notice the symptoms are virtually identical. One example:
To me it clearly points to a possibility that COVID symptoms come from an immune response to virus proteins and not the virus itself. What the vaccine may be doing is in fact inducing COVID - perhaps in milder form - in those who are susceptible, while others wouldn't get sick with the "natural" version of the disease anyway. Which kind of fits into the narrative that if you're a survivor, your reaction to the jab will be harsher. In this light what we may witness in near future is an increase of COVID cases and deaths, resulting from vaccination. If they don't cut the supply even more, that is.
It's astonishing that after almost a year people continue to buy into the BS. It seems most people are happy enough to be locked down again, and this time with the added mask mandate! Oh well, I guess we can only wait it out and see what happens.well, western australia is going into hard lockdown. from one positive case. our incredible furor mcgowen made the call today. just from one case. so the usual. 4 reasons to leave home etc etc. we were pretty lucky thus far but it finally happened. people have gone nuts too. lines out the wazoo in grocery stores. i guess we were remote... just not remote enough
It's astonishing that after almost a year people continue to buy into the BS. It seems most people are happy enough to be locked down again, and this time with the added mask mandate! Oh well, I guess we can only wait it out and see what happens.
He has a channel on youtube called minivan jack. Some of his videos have been posted on the forum. He has a website called jerryday.com. Here's a link to one of my posts: Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?I don't know who this guy is
There is a new interview with an angry Judy Mikovitz, about the genetherapy vaccine, still reading it now:Interesting. And then, as per what I posted earlier, they’ll test these people and they’ll be positive since their body is full of RNA genes that the PCR test is looking for which were injected with the vaccine. What a perfect setup.
I sometimes get the feeling that whatever these pricks do, however not thought through and stupid it is, things always end up working out in their favor somehow.
I can't see it! Where is this mysterious symbol hiding?It was recently brought to my attention that the warp speed vaccine symbol has the reiki symbol called the Antahkarana pictured behind the virus. I've tried to find out more information as to why they used that symbol but I was not able to find out anything. All I can come up with on my own is that they are putting it in our face that they are using the vaccine to stop humanity from reaching the levels the Antahkarana symbol represents. I may be way off base and it might be meaningless but I still wonder what they might be trying to say. The programming is complete? The vaccine is the final step? I'm enclosing a picture of the vaccine symbol and the antahkarana.
Coronavirus: DOD Response
The Defense Department is working closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services and the State Department to provide support in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.www.defense.gov
Antahkarana - Why More People Should Pay Attention To This Symbol
Antahkarana is the symbol that has the power to transform negative energies into positive ones and helps you connect to your higher self through meditation.reikiscoop.com
Click on the warp speed vaccine symbol page and scroll down a bit. The image is in the center with a picture of the virus overlayed on top of it. The symbol is in its cube shape with the lines drawn the same as the antahkarana symbol (or whatever it is) with some embellishments. There is a lot of speculation in the comment section of the podcast where I originally saw this. I still think the PTB are trying to say something by using this in their warp speed vaccine symbol. I've always been curious about symbology and I think they must of had a reason for designing it like that. I've heard that they will disclose certain truth to the masses in one way or the other, but I don't need a symbol to know that the vaccines are bad. Just curious.I can't see it! Where is this mysterious symbol hiding?
I can't see it! Where is this mysterious symbol hiding?
Ok, that was weird, it won't show. How about just this one:View attachment 42252View attachment 42253
For the record, and posterity, in case one or all of the pages "disappear" or change.
Here is a side by side comparison, @Ruth.
That doesn't look like the antahkarana symbol on the Warp Speed page. Both symbols do resemble 3D projections of a cube, so there's a similarity.Click on the warp speed vaccine symbol page and scroll down a bit. The image is in the center with a picture of the virus overlayed on top of it. The symbol is in its cube shape with the lines drawn the same as the antahkarana symbol (or whatever it is) with some embellishments. There is a lot of speculation in the comment section of the podcast where I originally saw this. I still think the PTB are trying to say something by using this in their warp speed vaccine symbol. I've always been curious about symbology and I think they must of had a reason for designing it like that. I've heard that they will disclose certain truth to the masses in one way or the other, but I don't need a symbol to know that the vaccines are bad. Just curious.