I'm having fun gaming this out.

Obviously they're trying to provoke scenarios in which they're met with guns blazing.

I'm torn between dressing up in a visibly religious fashion with a giant rosary and greeting them, or putting on a "Rich Guy Covid Helmet" and greeting them with an electrostatic fogger. Clown makeup and wig? Sheep costume?

Need the electrostatic fogger to stay safe, certainly don't want to catch a vaccine resistant strain of COVID from one of the Biden regime's flunkies!

I’m going for 4 masks and a face shield and gown. You can then call headquarters to report the door knockers as having a cold. Another option would be answering the door while nebulizing.
I'm still reeling from the shock that XNA was used in the vaxxines, and what it means.
So there's a youtube vid in this article that is so horrifying I can hardly watch it to the end - the mad scientists playing god enmeshed in their Darwinian evolutionary beliefs - and belief is the key word here! My gut reaction is holy sh*t!

Alien Vaccines with Mutant Spikes

And in there is the thing that, when you have xna replacing your genes, you have to eat special xna building blocks containing lab food to keep your genes working.. Oh we did not tell you - you cannot go back.

On ninefor news, they say the Pfizer vaxx is Rna and nano graphene. we knew about the rumours from this vid:
Then, they back up the story with info on the toxicity of it:

One can only hope this is only true for some of the cococtions.
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The Latin Lambda Variant of COVID-19: What Do We Know So Far? - Sputnik International

I feel we are not taking this especially sneaky and potentially dangerous Lambada variant seriously. As you can see the infected are starting to dance provocatively via rotating dynamically with their unmentionables becoming visible. This mutation also causes women to prefer yellow skirts. Couples also dance way closer than Safety Dance Rules allow! This is completely unsafe! Can't believe this strain started in 1989 and we only hear about it now?!

Thank God, governments are beginning to catch up and start saving us all!

Someone was even able to photograph this dangerous viral strain, at the moment it looks like this. As you can see its also quite big, so its easy to spot!

View attachment 46906

Who would have thought? There are large stocks of these jabs in refrigerators of many countries, so throwing them into the trash is a big No-No!
@lilies Genial Post!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Resigning one's job in healthcare to go work at an hospice turned out to be an excellent idea for one nurse:

Last week, my mother (in the Netherlands) went to spend the day with her dying friend for the last time while he was in the hospice. This hospice is a pleasant place, run by volunteers. No tests or what have you necessary to visit a patient there. She got to talking to a professional nurse there of about 40 years old, who had just resigned from her nursing job in the public health system because she was 'sick and tired of all the lies and killings that have been going on for the past year plus'! She still wanted to do something useful for her fellow man and chose a nursing job for a Home Healthcare outfit who provide such nurses to hospices etc. to do day- as well as night shifts. She was very happy to be working there. On that same day, a lady from a professional classical orchestra came to play for patients on the harp in their rooms. She couldn't play with her orchestra much and she wanted to share her music in a meaningful way. My mother's friend thought he heard angels play! The next day he passed away peacefully.

some more information on how magnetised proteins and how they can give direct and indirect control over humans, citation:

In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also control complex behaviours.

The implications of what can be achieved by using this tech on humans is diabolical.

"Several earlier studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles."

Source: Artificial ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour | Principia Scientific Intl.

Here information on how the nano-bots which are probably contained in the Astrazeneca "Vaccine", possible also in other "Covid Vaccines": (Johnson & Johnson is cooperating with the Wyss Institute)

For a extensive explanation about what, possibly, "is really in the 'covid" vaccines please see second video on this site named "


I'm still reeling from the shock that XNA was used in the vaxxines, and what it means.

And in there is the thing that, when you have xna replacing your genes, you have to eat special xna building blocks containing lab food to keep your genes working.. Oh we did not tell you - you cannot go back.

On ninefor news, they say the Pfizer vaxx is Rna and nano graphene. we knew about the rumours from this vid:
Then, they back up the story with info on the toxicity of it:

One can only hope this is only true for some of the cococtions.

Remember also, that there is a chance that the body will repair it's genuine DNA... How much and under which exact conditions this ability is triggered, I do not know. But I know that this ability exists when DNA is tampered with and/or damaged.
This should be 'interesting'. Figure if you are in the US, then it might be wise to prepare mentally for such visits and if there is ever a time to have your emotions under control and think and act clearly and strategically it is if they knock on your door to try to convince you to take the jab. Maybe we should talk here about strategies for such visits with one being to just not answer the door to strangers. Another is having a 'non-extremists' or 'non-conspiracy theorists' response ready that effectively gets them to leave, you not identified as an 'extremist', and you not having to take the jab. Many good ideas and responses have been shared by people in this thread and other threads.

This door to door campaign might also be a push to instigate and push Americans not interested in the jab and also that know the election was stolen, etc. toward actions which 'prove' the 'extremists' and 'domestic terrorist' rhetoric TPTB have been pushing since after Biden took office and the supposed insurrection on 6 Jan. It could also be a push to identify and collect information on such 'extremists'.

'We'll Go Door-To-Door': Biden Launching Campaign To Compel Unvaccinated Americans To Get Jab

I started gaming this out as soon as I heard the news. First instinct was to just flip a bird and slam the door. Second instinct was to make a scene, engage in a loud argument while subjecting them to a torrent of vitriolic verbal abuse.

Then it occurred to me that there's a high probability the door-knockers will be black women - the American government's favored demographic for low-level bureaucratic work. If that's the case, verbal abuse carries a high risk of being accused of racism (quite convenient for the totalitarians that they've established a racial ideology that makes certain minion classes above reproach).

Another possible strategy is to engage in a deliberately absurd conversation designed to waste their time and maximize their frustration, along the lines of the ones modeled by @Natus Videre . I've done that to Jehovah's Witnesses and was greatly amused by the effect (even if it did backfire, as it only encouraged them to return....)

Still not sure how I'll respond, but I do feel that this is an excellent opportunity to get the minions bogged down in an emotional quagmire. The best possible outcome to this is that they are forced to endure such a psychologically nasty environment that they wake up every day dreading their job, while having essentially no success in prodding refuseniks into compliance. Over time that will take its toll on their mental health, and they'll start dragging their feet, slowing down the entire process. The idea is to generate as much friction as possible, such that the parasite class is forced to drop the tactic and resort to something even more heavy-handed, thereby resulting in even stiffer resistance.
Another possible strategy is to engage in a deliberately absurd conversation designed to waste their time and maximize their frustration, along the lines of the ones modeled by @Natus Videre . I've done that to Jehovah's Witnesses and was greatly amused by the effect (even if it did backfire, as it only encouraged them to return....)
What's worse than a Jehovah's Witness?
Nothing. :rotfl:
I think I would answer the door in a bathrobe and a towel on my head, looking stressed, as if rushing to an appointment. I don’t even really have time for a chat. At the same time being careful to look regretful that I can’t take advantage of this fabulous opportunity to get the vaxx. Do I have time next week? I‘m visiting a very old relative, and don’t know when I‘ll be back, but, yes, I‘m all for the vaxx and I‘ll be sure to tell them they’re doing a wonderful job, which must be very challenging. I’ll get it at my doctor’s very soon. You have to try for the moment to believe in what you are saying, otherwise you could overdo it.

Also, I could be a bit deaf, and definitely not at all bright, but very smiley and polite, vague and very slow and dizzy, so I drive them a bit nuts. That act has usually got me out of a few interesting situations. If you are positive, polite and stupid, they usually find it hard to get mean and intimidating. It frustrates them and they often lose concentration and energy, and frequently can’t wait to be shot of you. Anyhow, I have found the dizzy act ( though sometimes I can be a bit dizzy naturally, so it comes easily to me)) very useful, and people will underestimate you to their cost. 🤷‍♀️
This should be 'interesting'. Figure if you are in the US, then it might be wise to prepare mentally for such visits and if there is ever a time to have your emotions under control and think and act clearly and strategically it is if they knock on your door to try to convince you to take the jab. Maybe we should talk here about strategies for such visits with one being to just not answer the door to strangers. Another is having a 'non-extremists' or 'non-conspiracy theorists' response ready that effectively gets them to leave, you not identified as an 'extremist', and you not having to take the jab. Many good ideas and responses have been shared by people in this thread and other threads.

This door to door campaign might also be a push to instigate and push Americans not interested in the jab and also that know the election was stolen, etc. toward actions which 'prove' the 'extremists' and 'domestic terrorist' rhetoric TPTB have been pushing since after Biden took office and the supposed insurrection on 6 Jan. It could also be a push to identify and collect information on such 'extremists'.

'We'll Go Door-To-Door': Biden Launching Campaign To Compel Unvaccinated Americans To Get Jab

Should be interesting indeed! Certainly worth mentally preparing for and having a solid 'face of compliance' like you said.

Personally, I'm not too nervous about such interactions. I usually just play dumbish, ask lots of questions to determine their underlying goal, and send people off with the answers they want to hear with a smile.

My concern is how this plays out with the public at large. Clearly, this is meant to escalate the vaccine narrative. All it takes is 2-3 stories (real or fabricated) blasted by MSM of pesky Republicans being gruff, verbally aggressive and/or straight up violent towards the door-to-door people... who exactly is going to be going door-to-door anyway? Going door-to-door on a National scale is a massive logistical operation which makes me think that the only organization capable of doing so would be the military.

Q: (L) Can you tell us any particular way that this chaos is going to manifest?

A: Increased military intervention at all levels.

Pretty scary scenario really, but nothing anybody on this forum should be surprised about. Beyond the possibility of dealing with petty tyrants with the crazed authority of the mob to vaccinate me, I'd like to think there is a decent chance that whoever knocks on my door could be helpful. Or even more hopeful is the possibility that this just logistically falls apart as fast as the "defund the police" movement did.
Like already pointed out on this forum it looks like the vaccines contain nano-bots in the form of "Darpa Gel" and graphene. The swabs also seem to contain "Darpa Gel"/Nano-Bots. The nano bots seem to have different payloads which can be activated by certain 5G frequencies. Allegedly. One of the first functions is to deploy nano-antennas for further instructions.

The graphene oxid also seem to be the explanation for the blood clothing and magnetism. The end result could be a remote/AI controlled Human which can also give "4D food" on demand at any time.

Or maybe i am just really paranoid.
This claim about the jabs containing 99% graphene oxide is going semi viral on the Internet. Have some of you, maybe Spanish members (or fluent in Spanish) looked into this group that is supposedly behind the research - La Quinta Columna?

I noticed a couple of sites in English citing this research that had some erroneous claims, like e.g. that Rainer Füllmich is going to have a ‘Nurenberg 2.0’ trial 3th of July 2021.
Luke 12:12
For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.”
I was thinking about that saying in regard to the door-to-door visits myself. The authenticity and objectivity of the gospels are in doubt. But the sayings attributed to Jesus - the red words in many King James Bibles - seem, to me at least, to have a higher degree of truth in them vis-a-vis the narrative story of Jesus parts. I find that some of the sayings of supposed 'Jesus', even though many of them may have been added, edited, or otherwise distorted, still, somehow very profound.

Whoever decided it was a good idea to go door-to-door to try to presumptively convince people to get the jab has probably 'game theoried' the program extensively. What is their real objective? I doubt it is to 'help people'. They may just want to goad people into being hostile so they can have justification for whatever else...

Trying to think of what to say when they come is kind of like internal consideration, no?

How do they know who has, or has not had the vax?! Will that be their first question?

Asking if they have a warrant is probably not a good idea, being rude or nasty is probably not a good idea. Not being authentic is probably not a good idea.

The only thing I can think of currently is to say that I don't want to discuss it and ask them to leave.
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