Crash of German Wings Flight over French Alps

Is extrange that msm didn´t say things like "copilot went to a muslim restaurant last saturday", for example, or things like that.

this might still come up - they might find some documents on his PC which link him to some group - they are going to termine everything about this guy, up to the color of his underwear. this whole thing is developped like a script for a non stop action thriller - every two hours a new twist - what a reaping of negative emotions - somebody is having a major harvest time.
Gaby said:
The media coverage here in Spain is absolutely hysterical. People are reacting to this news item as "it must be the end of the world!!". There has been dramatic coverage of the pilot breathing until the last crashing moment and all that...

My condolences for the people who lost loved ones on that plane. I only would have wished to have seen a similar reaction to the following mainstream news:

A group of international physicians' organizations has published a study concluding US-led wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan have killed more than 1.3 million people.


Official report available at:

Spaniards seem to love this type of story. It helps them to forget how bad the country is, how bad their government is, and very soon with the elections, this scoop is perfect to make them forget how many thieves are putting this country in a dire situation...

And are they aware that NATO will train troops in Spain?

In a week everybody will remember this tragedy as history, other stories will take their little strength of attention.

Apparently it will be impossible to find the dentist. The guy was for three years in Arizona. To find the dentist there will be impossible.
ark said:
Apparently it will be impossible to find the dentist. The guy was for three years in Arizona. To find the dentist there will be impossible.
Since I live in Arizona, I am not quite sure what it is that makes you say this.
rs said:
ark said:
Apparently it will be impossible to find the dentist. The guy was for three years in Arizona. To find the dentist there will be impossible.
Since I live in Arizona, I am not quite sure what it is that makes you say this.

Maybe Ark is a little ironic? I don't know enough Ark to affirm this. But some articles I read by him have a lot or irony. :)
ark said:
My working hypothesis: the copilot had a chip implanted. It was a test whether one can make a man into a zombie that will do everything what is transmitted at a distance, with cold blood and without any questioning.

A chip works too. Hypnotic suggestions could also be a factor. I saw this some years ago on Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" Program, MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. Most particularly interesting is from 13:11 into the program.
Who was the youngest pilot to ever crash a commercial airliner in an apparent suicide?

The guy was 28 years old right? Co-pilot... I imagine this was a truly flash job with prospects up ahead of being a full blown pilot maybe at an even better airline...

Why would he kill himself and others like an apparent zombie who had nothing to live for? Had he been recently dumped by his long term girlfriend? Was the mob after him? Was he severely depressed and on anti-depressants or even anti-psychotics?

Plus, other than what they are saying on TV, do we actually have another way of telling that this is true?

If it's a suicide, co-pilot zombified, flown straight into a mountainside, no flinching, well then... this is strange.. :shock:

If it's a chip, why an airliner? surely there are other ways to test out a new state of the art mind control chip? plus they would have to rely on the actual captain to step off the cabin...

If it's highstrangeness I can't for the life of me figure out what happened... looks like this fellow must have somehow gone to some dream like state...

Or maybe, he didn't see the god forsaken mountain nor hear the banging on the door... maybe the cabin and the rest of the plane were in different realities that converged upon the collision with the mountain.

Speculations galore...
luke wilson said:
Who was the youngest pilot to ever crash a commercial airliner in an apparent suicide?

The guy was 28 years old right? Co-pilot... I imagine this was a truly flash job with prospects up ahead of being a full blown pilot maybe at an even better airline...

Why would he kill himself and others like an apparent zombie who had nothing to live for? Had he been recently dumped by his long term girlfriend? Was the mob after him? Was he severely depressed and on anti-depressants or even anti-psychotics?

Plus, other than what they are saying on TV, do we actually have another way of telling that this is true?

If it's a suicide, co-pilot zombified, flown straight into a mountainside, no flinching, well then... this is strange.. :shock:

If it's a chip, why an airliner? surely there are other ways to test out a new state of the art mind control chip? plus they would have to rely on the actual captain to step off the cabin...

If it's highstrangeness I can't for the life of me figure out what happened... looks like this fellow must have somehow gone to some dream like state...

Or maybe, he didn't see the god forsaken mountain nor hear the banging on the door... maybe the cabin and the rest of the plane were in different realities that converged upon the collision with the mountain.

Speculations galore...

Or maybe it is not true at all what they are telling us.

Now they are checking the apartment of this co-pilot. Poor father and mother of this guy. Not only they have lost a son but now they have, suddenly, a son that is responsible for the deaths of 155 beings (in the airplane were also 5 dogs that were going to Germany to a new home.)
Quote from: luke wilson on Today at 07:17:57 PM

...If it's a suicide, co-pilot zombified, flown straight into a mountainside, no flinching, well then... this is strange..

If it's a chip, why an airliner?

Could it be 9/11 all over again? On a smaller scale, but still with dramatic shock value - there you have the high "building" and the plane goes right into it, with speculations being put out that it was a suicide pilot, and all the passengers killed, like the people who were in the towers.
Mr.Cyan said:
Perceval said:
With the new "locked door" narrative, it looks like they're replaying the MH370 story that the pilot deliberately crashed the plane. This is according to "a senior source within the investigation team. " I suppose they reckon it worked for MH370 so why not this one. They could also go with a heart attack or something of that nature, with the other pilot outside the cabin, the first became ill and died while locked in the cabin. It's better than the truth, whatever that may be, which I'm tending now to think might have "high strangeness" aspect to it.

Agreed Perceval, i think there is really a "high strangeness" aspect to this, and the PTB are now trying to create a divergent narrative similar to MH 370. Until the actual cockpit voice recordings are released to the public, we can't really say what happened. Its really strange & freaky the facts surrounding the crash :shock:....

What guaranteed you that what would be released is the original record? Do you thing they can't fake it? :halo:

It's look like as the US give the scenario through the NY Times.
Ellipse said:
Mr.Cyan said:
Perceval said:
With the new "locked door" narrative, it looks like they're replaying the MH370 story that the pilot deliberately crashed the plane. This is according to "a senior source within the investigation team. " I suppose they reckon it worked for MH370 so why not this one. They could also go with a heart attack or something of that nature, with the other pilot outside the cabin, the first became ill and died while locked in the cabin. It's better than the truth, whatever that may be, which I'm tending now to think might have "high strangeness" aspect to it.

Agreed Perceval, i think there is really a "high strangeness" aspect to this, and the PTB are now trying to create a divergent narrative similar to MH 370. Until the actual cockpit voice recordings are released to the public, we can't really say what happened. Its really strange & freaky the facts surrounding the crash :shock:....

What guaranteed you that what would be released is the original record? Do you thing they can't fake it? :halo:

It's look like as the US give the scenario through the NY Times.

Not only the NY Times, also Lufthansa itself is now confirming this story:
Ynna said:
Quote from: luke wilson on Today at 07:17:57 PM

...If it's a suicide, co-pilot zombified, flown straight into a mountainside, no flinching, well then... this is strange..

If it's a chip, why an airliner?

Could it be 9/11 all over again? On a smaller scale, but still with dramatic shock value - there you have the high "building" and the plane goes right into it, with speculations being put out that it was a suicide pilot, and all the passengers killed, like the people who were in the towers.

The Session's indicated passengers and crew were gassed (incapacitated) and the planes were remotely controlled to there intended targets.

With the exception of United flight 93 where the system in place failed to neutralize the planes occupants. Thus was shoot down to prevent any witnesses of revealing the truth.
Intrigued by Ark's working theory of an implanted chip, I watched this short clip about neuro science and mind control. It's perhaps a bit over the top, but if even 50% of what they say it's true, then the messing-with-peoples-brains technology is way more advanced than it was in the MKULTRA-days. Perhaps they saw an opportunity to test their newest toy?
luke wilson said:
Who was the youngest pilot to ever crash a commercial airliner in an apparent suicide?

The guy was 28 years old right? Co-pilot... I imagine this was a truly flash job with prospects up ahead of being a full blown pilot maybe at an even better airline...

Why would he kill himself and others like an apparent zombie who had nothing to live for? Had he been recently dumped by his long term girlfriend? Was the mob after him? Was he severely depressed and on anti-depressants or even anti-psychotics?

Plus, other than what they are saying on TV, do we actually have another way of telling that this is true?

If it's a suicide, co-pilot zombified, flown straight into a mountainside, no flinching, well then... this is strange.. :shock:


While searching for answers, I found that there was a precedent in November 2013 with reversed roles:

In November of last year, a Mozambique Airlines E-190 jet carrying 33 passengers went down in Namibia. No one survived the crash, which became the subject of great mystery because the plane was only one year old, flown by an experienced pilot, in good weather.

According to cockpit voice recordings reported by the International Business Times, the co-pilot left to use the bathroom, and when he returned, he found the door shut. Inside, the pilot had switched the plane’s altitude reading from 38,000 feet to ground level, IBT reports. Recordings show someone pounded on the door to the cockpit as the plane plummeted. Investigators later concluded the plane had crashed because of “intentional actions by the pilot.”

Source: _

Similar story here: _

EDIT: added second link
Gawan said:
Ellipse said:
Mr.Cyan said:
Perceval said:
With the new "locked door" narrative, it looks like they're replaying the MH370 story that the pilot deliberately crashed the plane. This is according to "a senior source within the investigation team. " I suppose they reckon it worked for MH370 so why not this one. They could also go with a heart attack or something of that nature, with the other pilot outside the cabin, the first became ill and died while locked in the cabin. It's better than the truth, whatever that may be, which I'm tending now to think might have "high strangeness" aspect to it.

Agreed Perceval, i think there is really a "high strangeness" aspect to this, and the PTB are now trying to create a divergent narrative similar to MH 370. Until the actual cockpit voice recordings are released to the public, we can't really say what happened. Its really strange & freaky the facts surrounding the crash :shock:....

What guaranteed you that what would be released is the original record? Do you thing they can't fake it? :halo:

It's look like as the US give the scenario through the NY Times.

Not only the NY Times, also Lufthansa itself is now confirming this story:


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