DMSA for heavy metal detox - how long available?

nicklebleu said:
I've ordered Baker's book and will order DMSO when I have done the reading.

A question:
Has anyone done a urine test for heavy metals, such as sold on dmsachelation (

From what I read, one of the problem is that the reference range for the urine generally involves a comparison to people who are not taking a detoxification agent, so that even a normal person would tend to have a high result. But the biggest problem that I saw with those tests, is that low doses of the detoxification agents (DMSA) may fail to increase excretion significantly at the beginning. They say that perhaps this is because the first part of the dose may be neutralized by the body, so higher doses may be needed for provocation testing vs. long-term treatment, but even then it is not guaranteed that it will show your body's true levels of mercury. In addition to that, with provocation tests, the detoxification agent (DMSA) may preferentially bind to one metal first, so excretion of that metal may hide the presence of other metals. Mercury can be tightly bound to body tissue, and it may not be removed until significant amounts of other toxic metals have been removed.

Sidney Baker explains all of this with more detail in Detoxification and Healing. It seems that in the end, the best way to go is to do a trial of mercury detox.

FWIW, from

It is suggested that a baseline urine sample be collected, followed by the provoked sample the next day at the same time of day. This allows one to directly compare the effects of the provocation with the unprovoked urine. Comparing with the unprovoked urine also helps if the person has abnormal creatinine levels, as the test is usually reported as a ratio of toxics to creatinine. Creatinine is often found to be marginal in the urine of autistics, and low creatinine can skew urine analyte results to high levels. So, also take note of creatinine levels if the laboratory results include ratioing to creatinine.

nicklebleu said:
Is it necessary to do that prior to start a heavy metal detox - or can one safely assume that everyone is subject to heavy metal detox?

I think that if the personal history is strong, then the more reason... Although all the data points an ugly picture of mercury pollution. :(

nicklebleu said:
Or maybe one should do a few cycles and then do the urine test to see if there are still heavy metals excreted - but then again one would want to have a comparison "before/ after".

It might be useful as a guide of when to stop DMSA.
Here is a quote from the book "Detoxification and Healing" by Sidney Baker regarding mercury toxicity.

Sidney Baker said:
Mercury at very low doses may be harmful to one person but not to another. As I mentioned before, there is at least a thousandfold difference in individual thresh­olds for mercury poisoning; one researcher has measured differences of one millionfold. Knowing how much mercury it takes to poison the average person is of very little help when the average is somewhere within a range that starts at one and goes to one million. No one knows where to (ADM' the line between what we call mercury poisoning and mercury sensitivity. This situation is quite unlike any other toxin or allergen. Emily's exposure [previous case history presented in the book], illness, and treatment are difficult to trans­late into yours because your sensitivity to mercury may be many times higher or lower. If your sensitivity is higher, then you must at least be conscious of mercury as a possibility. Your specific symptoms are not a very good trigger for thinking about mercury because a list of symp­toms for low-level mercury toxicity covers just about any complaint you could name. The rule to remember from Emily's story is that you have to think about mercury before doing something about it. The les­son I learned from treating Emily to remove the large amounts of mer­cury that remained in her body more than forty years after her exposure was that it was not too late to relieve many of her symptoms: fatigue, eczema, irritable bowel, acid reflux, and intermittent urinary urgency and pain.

No one knows exactly how variability in mercury sensitivity works, considering that its range exceeds other differences between people. Surely, one factor is a basic quirk in the biochemistry of sulfur, an ele­ment that accounts for much of the stickiness needed to put things together as well as to detoxify, which, you will remember, involves putting good molecules together with toxic molecules for the sake of ushering toxic ones safely from the body. You may recall a news story about a professor at Dartmouth College who died months after touch­ing a particularly toxic form of mercury. She touched only a tiny drop and did so wearing a rubber glove. Her long illness and death must have come about because of a quirk in her ability to detoxify mercury and a domino effect within her chemistry, in which the toxicity was mag­nified rather than minimized over time as would usually be the case.

Not knowing how sensitive any given person may be is just one of many factors that complicates the question of mercury:

There is no completely decisive test to find out how much mercury is stored in your body. Mercury levels in hair are a somewhat reliable indicator. A urine sample after taking dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), a chelating drug, is another test that will be discussed below. (Chelating medicines—named from the Greek word for a "claw"—grab, or bind. heavy metals to neutralize and remove them.)

There is no decisive test to determine your individual toler­ance to mercury or what problems any particular dose may cause after exposure at any given moment in your develop­ment or in combination with other toxins. There are, however, no tests of mercury toxicity that give us an idea of the dangers of low-level exposure. Richard Deth, Ph.D., has shown paralysis of one of chemistry's most important steps" by levels of Thimerosal that are one hundred times lower than what can be measured in babies a couple of weeks following a single Thimerosal-containing immunization.'

The chelating medicines that pull mercury from your body or support your body's chemistry for detoxifying mercury may produce beneficial effects independent of any role they may have in removing mercury.

One of the most puzzling factors is a rinsing paradox. When I wash my socks, most of the soap and dirt comes out with the first rinse. Each subsequent rinse produces less dirt until the socks come out clean. Never in washing my socks has the dirt stayed in them until the fourth rinse and then suddenly come pouring out. But something like this appears to happen in some people when they take repeated pulses of DMSA after failing to release much mercury into their urine after the first, second, or third three-day course of treatment.

Symptoms of mercury toxicity fall within the realm of every medical specialty (pediatrics, internal medicine, family prac­tice, dermatology, neurology, gynecology, etc.). But most regular specialists visited by patients for possible mercury-related symptoms are not usually aware of mercury as a potential factor.

Many practicing physicians remember giving mercury-containing medications with the understanding that the tox­icity of such medication was tolerable. This indifference to The re-methylation of homocysteine (sec page 143). the possible negative effects of mercury goes to some amazing extremes, including the use of mercury-containing thermometers, which if spilled could contaminate a household with what nowadays are considered dangerous amounts of mercury vapor.

Drug companies and the FDA have permitted the use of mercury-containing preservatives in eyedrops as well as in immunizations injected into babies. The American Dental Association advocates the use of mercury containing fillings, insisting on their safety and actively persecuting dentists who point out the dangers. These pro-mercury forces, combined with the medical profession's long history of using mercury as a medicine, slow down the spread of information that would lead most of us to avoid mercury until scientific methods are developed to determine individual tolerances for it.

Fish is a significant source of mercury exposure. Mercury in seawater is passed up the food chain to the big fish, such as tuna. The microorganisms that take mercury from the water and pass it on to the tiny fish that eat them are also the originators of the good oils that are so important to correcting the lack of omega-3 fatty acids in our diets. Eat less fish and you get less good oil, but you are spared the burden of mercury. I resolve this dilemma by limiting my intake of fish, avoiding tuna and other large fish, and by taking my fish oil as a supplement, after making sure that the supplement is free of mercury, dioxins, and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls).

Mercury's toxicity varies considerably among its different forms, with metallic mercury (quicksilver) causing little absorption when touched or swallowed, while mercury vapor and organic forms of mercury (methylmercury found in fish; ethylmercury found in Thimerosal, used as a preservative in vaccines and eyedrops) are nearly completely absorbed.

Mercury raises some tough questions, especially for those involved in the formation of public policy. It is one thing to protect the public from some new danger by requiring extensive studies of safety and effectiveness. It is another thing altogether to abolish practices that have been assumed, without carefully conducted studies, to be safe, but for which there is mounting evidence of danger. The difficulty of changing public policy is magnified when it involves the utterance of that forbidden medical word: "oops.- Even when health professionals may be prepared to base new public policy on changing assessments
of the risks of, say, dental amalgam, their lawyers may point to expo­sure to liability suits based on questions about what they knew and when they knew it, and further delay action.

Still, you don't have to make public policy; you have only to decide what is right for yourself and your family. Here are some steps I think you should consider. These steps are subject to revision! My own think­ing about mercury has changed slowly over the last twenty years as I became more attentive to the work of colleagues, the experience of my patients, and the evolving scientific literature.'

1.Get your silver-mercury amalgam dental fillings replaced. Using the word amalgam for a Web search will bring you a list of sites providing both sides of this highly polarized debate on the dangers of mercury-containing fillings. At you will find information provided by DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome) Inc., along with Consumers for Dental Choice, A Project of the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy, 1424 16th Street, NW, Suite 105, Washington, DC 20036. Included are protocols for dentists for safe amalgam removal provided by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT).

2. Stop eating fish that contain high levels of mercury. Seafood contains more mercury than any other food. There is naturally occurring mercury in the oceans, but this is a tiny fraction compared to what has been added by human contamination. When people dispose of mercury, it finds its way to the sea. One study of dietary mercury intake gave a daily average of 1.3 mcg for the general population of the United States and 3.1 mcg for people living in New jersey who ate fish. The range of intake was up to about seven times the average in people who ate more fish. Mercury levels in various seafood products may vary considerably depending on their source location. Dr. Jon Pangborn conducted an informal study and found oysters, clams, and mussels were highest. Scallops and shrimp were high but ,irk: quite variable depending on the location. Shark and tuna were high (hut tuna packed in water had little compared with tuna packed in oil). Seaweed can be the worst depending on location. Seaweed foods in a Japanese restaurant call he OK, but seaweed from Tampa Bay was ten to twenty times higher in mercury content than were the oysters off Sanibel Island. As a general rule, fish large enough to provide steaks come from predators at the top of the food chain where mercury becomes concentrated in the flesh of fish that have eaten the medium-size fish that have eaten the little fish that have eaten the tiny fish and vegetation. The smaller the fish, the lower the mercury content.

3.Once your teeth are mercury-free, have a urine test to see how much mercury comes out in your urine on the third day of taking a substance (DMSA, also called succimer; a phar­maceutical brand is Chemet) that draws mercury from your tissues into your urine. Such a test can be obtained from Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory (63 Zillicoa Street, Asheville, NC 28801-1074; Phone 800-522-4762) or Doctor's Data Laboratory (170 W. Roosevelt Road, West Chicago, IL 60185; Phone 800-323-2784; 708-231-3649). Both labs can provide you and your health-care provider with the details needed to carry out and interpret the test.

4.Depending on how you feel during and after your three-day dose of DMSA, and on the results of your urine test, consider taking DMSA along with a variety of supplements until either your urine levels fall to a minimum or you have a substantial improvement in symptoms. Here is a regimen you and your physician can follow for taking DMSA and the supplements. It is adapted from the regimen for mercury detoxification or oxidative therapy from the DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) Mercury Detoxification Consensus Group Position Paper (May 2001, James Laidler,
Thank you laura and team. when I read about DMSA in detox book, I wondered why DMSA was not recommended here. Now it is. I will buy to day and try after my next round of anti-candida routine. :cool2:
Hi Psyche, do you take ALA while you do the DMSA cycle? I think is good because even if the DMSA don't cross the brain barrier ALA can do it, and can work as a mercury transfery agent being binded later on by DMSA.
Galaxia2002 said:
Hi Psyche, do you take ALA while you do the DMSA cycle? I think is good because even if the DMSA don't cross the brain barrier ALA can do it, and can work as a mercury transfery agent being binded later on by DMSA.

Yes, we do. It is part of the protocol that Baker gives in his book.

Also, ya'll don't confuse DMSA with DMSO!!!
Baker's protocol is the same one for mercury detox in autistic children:

Vitamin C
Alpha lipoic acid
Vitamin B6
Vitamin E
Reduced glutathione (Even if it doesn't get absorbed, apparently it helps to heal the gut, but we use NAC)

It is a two-week rotation with three days on DMSA and eleven days off. All of the supplements are taken every day, but the DMSA is taken only on days one through three of each cycle (200mg x 3, just for the first 3 days of each 14 days cycle). It is at least six cycles. More info on Baker's book: Detoxification and Healing.
Bobo08 said:
I don't have any filling, but have a dental bridge, which was done more than 10 years ago. Can someone tell me if there is mercury involved with the bridge? I did a search and it seems that dental bridge doesn't contain mercury, but I'd like to make sure.

Hello Bobo,
Your dental bridge contains no mercury. Bridges are made of different alloys. The best are classified as High Noble which means that they have a high percentage of Noble metals which are gold,silver and a small amount of platinum. The next step down would be Semi-precious which have less Noble metals but are still good. The lower priced alloys are classified as NP or non-precious alloys which are known as base alloys and have no noble metal at all. Most of these NP alloys contain Nickel which is not good, they also contain beryllium which is also not good. Beryllium is very toxic and is a very light metal. They put it in the alloy by volume so 2-3% can be a lot. More women than men have reactions to Nickel. Cheap jewelry which is gold plated is usually a nickel alloy underneath which can cause rashes etc.. Nickel is a known carcinogen.
When one gets their mercury amalgams removed they put in a composite material which has a micro glass fill added to acrylic. It is then cured with a UV light. The better composites have a higher percentage of micro glass fill in them, which makes them stronger and more abrasive resistant. When getting a "white composite" filling one should make sure that the dentist seals the dentin before filling them. This is the tooth structure under the enamel, which have micro-tubuals ( thin tubes) which need to be closed off as it were. This cuts down on tooth sensitivity.
The word amalgam is the term for the silver/mercury blend which the dentist uses and should not be used when using composites such as ( white amalgam). By the way the ADA (American Dental Assoc.) holds the patent for dental mercury amalgams. Most dentists are brainwashed to think they are safe along with fluoride.... Go figure!
Unfortunately, much of the dental work in the USA is being outsourced to China. There have been cases where the alloy used contained high levels of lead, another case there were high lead levels in the ceramic material which was leaching into the patient causing lead poisoning. This was on a metal ceramic bridge in Ohio I believe.
Everyone should be using a soft toothbrush and use it with light hand pressure to cut down on wear and abrasion and do very little back and forth motion.
I was wondering while talking to friends, is it better to get a real silver filling instead of those white fillings?

I have 3 fillings to replace, maybe 5 if you count the side ones next to the base fillings. I am looking forward to getting rid of them ASAP as soon as I deal with this other issue.
Yes, the normal white ceramics are what you want but be careful: I had a filling recently and the dentist wanted to give me a new white ceramic-type filling that releases flouride indefinitely! I think it was called Fuji, or something like that.

Psyche said:
Laurentien said:
I asked my dentist a few weeks ago if white amalgams contain mercury an she said no, only the silver filling.

Sherry Rogers mentioned also the white ceramics in Detoxify or Die, but mercury is really far more toxic and white amalgams are definitely safer and a better option.
My wife and I have just undergone a thorough change of diet designed to reduce toxin intake and I am becoming increasingly interested in detoxing mercury in my system after my wife pointed out certain info in "Detoxify or Die", having read detox threads here on the forum (namely this one:, and especially due to having an amalgam filling (only 1, but still I am concerned). I am in the process of deciding on a chelation agent and DMSA was high on my list. Now seeing that it is potentially being removed from the market, that may certainly be a hint at its efficacy. I definitely am interested in checking out "Detoxification and Healing." Thanks for the "heads up," Laura!
I finally had the last of my mercury fillings removed about 8 months ago. Since I am doing detox by myself (w/out a physician), I just began eating as much cilantro / chlorella as I could ingest. When this thread started, as I needed some other supplements, I decided to visit a local compounding pharmacy. One of the pharmacists recommended "ChelaClear" by NuMedica. It contains DMSA, EDTA, Cilantro, Chlorella, garlic extract, NAC and ALA. So it sounds fairly robust. The pharmacist also recommended taking some minerals (a product by Standard Process) to help replenish in between courses of the chelation - I was not sure if this was the correct thing to use, so have not bought them yet.

I have not used the ChelaClear yet - have not wanted to try too much detox right now, as I am really busy and cannot afford any downtime. Also have not finished reading "Detoxification and Healing", so wanted to make sure I had all the info first. i am hoping that since I have been fairly good about my diet and have been using the FIR blanket for awhile that this detox won't be too bad. I also drank the Bentonite clay for about three weeks - did not notice anything spectacular - but assume it must have helped. As soon as I am able, I will try out the ChelaClear and will report my results. BTW, the pharmacist did not mention anything about this product not being available in the future.
I am not going to be able to afford to get my mercury fillings removed for a while. But if I understand the consensus here, we should go ahead and start with DMSA cycles anyway. What I read about DMSA pulling mercury out of fillings and getting in the way of detoxifying or actually doing more toxifying didn't seem that plausible, but I could be wrong.
Mr. Premise said:
What I read about DMSA pulling mercury out of fillings and getting in the way of detoxifying or actually doing more toxifying didn't seem that plausible, but I could be wrong.

Didn't seem plausible to me either.
But be aware that your fillings are constantly outgassing every time you chew. (Avoid gum) The detox process is a bit trying so you might want to do a few cycles to offload the burden, and then regular repeats at intervals since you aren't "clean." Why don't you just do the fillings one at a time?
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