Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Laura said:
It might help if somebody could post some extracts from Mouravieff about the emotional center so ya'll can review how it works (or is supposed to).

Laura said:
There's a whole lot of people now who are moving slowly and inexorably toward fusion of the emotional center which will then connect to the higher emotional center and give access to the "eyes of the soul." This really is exciting!

Indeed , I started looking for this info and then came the inspiration and added some more...

From: GNOSIS BOOK THREE (The Esoteric Cycle)

Quite a few years ago, in his book Lost Christianity, Jacob Needleman hinted

that there exists or had existed a different Christianity, a form of Christianity that

was more demanding and more difficult to understand, but also more functional,

a 'working Christianity' in the sense that it taught something that could actually

be achieved
. But at the time the book was written, this question appeared to him

almost unanswerable, 1 say 'almost', because even then the old books existed,

books once built as 'bridges' by servants of higher powers to help people cross

again from one river of Christianity to the other, to the living river: the mystical

Christianity which Christ called the livingwaier— but man's thinking had in the

meantime changed so much that few people at that time could understand such


30 May 2009 said:
Q: (L) What's next?
A: How about "Paleochristianity"?
Q: (laughter) (L) Well since you brought it up... (J) You should respond with, "Now that's an interesting question!" (laughter) (L) What do you mean by Paleochristianity? (laughter) (L) Would you define Paleochristianity for us?
A: The knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall".
Q: (L) Why is it called Christianity? Isn't Christianity strictly related to Christianity as we know it?
A: Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted. For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman.
Q: (L) Okay. Were the Bogomils and the Cathars - as I have surmised - close to understanding this original reality?
A: They had some very close approximations, but they were still influenced by many of the distorted religious ideas of the time.
Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?
A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.
Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?
A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.
Q: (L) So in other words, some of the thoughts and discussions that we've had over the past week or two {about the global situation} are pretty much on the money?
A: Yes. More or less. There has also been some nudging from this side. Time is getting "short" even though there really is no time. Remember what we said about being wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

The human tares, the anthropoid race, are the descendants of pre-adamic

humanity. The principal difference between contemporary pre-adamic man

and adamic man — a difference which is not perceived by the senses —is that

the former does not possess the developed higher centres that exist in the latter

which, although they have been cut off from his waking consciousness since the

, offer him a real possibility of esoteric evolution. Apart from this, the two

races are similar: they have the same lower centres, the same structure of the

Personality and the same physical body, although more often than not this is

stronger in pre-adamic

020713 said:
Quite closely. In an individual of the organic
variety, the so-called higher chakras are "produced in
effect" by stealing that energy from souled beings.
This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled
beings. The souled being is, in effect, perceiving a
mirror of their own soul when they ascribe "soul
qualities" to such beings.

We do not live among things and

phenomena as they are in themselves. Instead we live with representations of

them that we make for ourselves using the limited means available to our

psyches. Thus the phenomenal world accessible to us is only part of the whole.

The remainder is hidden from us because of our total incapacity to imagine it.

Yet we seek solutions to great questions that touch each of us most deeply,

such as: are there any permanent values in this Life, and if they exist, how can

we discern them? When devotion to an ideal is taken right up to the supreme

sacrifice, is this a mark of heroism or of absurdity? What is the real meaning of

death? Etc.

Answers to these questions can be found only in the ideas and circumstances

of the invisible world, and they are not perceived by the waking consciousness

of the exterior man, however gifted or cultured he may be. Theophan the

Recluse says that 'Here, neither erudition, nor ecclesiastical dignity are of any


It is only after the Second Threshold that the awe-struck Faithful begin to

progressively discover this world through the medium of their higher centres.

About the working of these centres we have already quoted the following words

of St Isaac the Syrian: 'The soul, like the body,has two eyes: but while the eyes of the

body both see things in the same way, those of the soul see them differently; one

contemplates the Truth in symbols and images; the other contemplates it face to face.'

Readers of 'Gnosis' will understand that he was referring to the higher

emotional Centre and the higher intellectual Centre respectively

950909 said:
When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on
assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited
possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density

In the esoteric sense, Symbols are always revealed, and their deeper meaning

is precise and cannot be subject to free interpretation, since, whether expressed

in human words, diagrams, or works of Art, they express objective truths that

have been reached in a higher state of consciousness.

In esoteric teaching, the practical value of symbols goes even further: they

allow the seeker who by conscious efforts develops new faculties in himself to

control his progress in the wider understanding of facts which each symbol

interprets, and which belong to the noumenal world. This is the case of the

Apocalypse that was revealed'to St John on the Isle of Patmos, when he was 'in

the Spirit.' Though the apostle translated it into human language, this symbol

can only be completely grasped by those who have access to the consciousness

of the higher emotional centre
, which was the state in which St John himself

received the revelation. Even the most refined human intellect — available to

the Personality in its normal state — is unable to understand the Book of

Revelation, because human intelligence, left to its own resources and without

the help of a methodical esoteric formation, comes to a halt before the

uncrossable wall of the Unknown: Virchow's Jgnorabimus.

It follows that the disciple who wishes to connect his higher centres with his

waking consciousness must possess a vigorous and healthy organism, and

must be in conditions where he can obtain the best food and air to breathe, and

will be nourished with abundant impressions of good quality

Further on, this situation, with its practical consequences and problems, will

be the object of a deeper study. This is necessary because the Era of the Holy

Spirit is approaching, at the end of which the question of the separation of the

tares from good seed arise
. For the moment we will restrict ourselves to

repeating that contemporary adamic man, having lost contact with his higher

centres and therefore with his real 'I', appears practically the same as his

pre-adamic counterpart
. However, unlike the latter, he still has his higher

centres, which ensure that he has the possibility of following the way of esoteric

At present, pre-adamic man is deprived of this possibility, but it will

be given to him if adamic humanity develops as it should during the Era of the

Holy Spirit.

If the adamics en masse abandon the combat that leads to Redemption, and if

this desertion goes beyond the tolerance allowed, the good seed

could be progressively stifled by the tares, since for cosmic reasons the general

potential of organic Life on Earth must be maintained in any circumstance. The

world would then go straight toward catastrophe, which this time would take the

form of a Deluge of Fire. On the other hand, if the equilibrium, which is already

jeopardized, were reestablished, then, with the integral and simultaneous

incarnation of adamic souls, the Time of transition would end and humanity

would enter the Era of the Holy Spirit.
Then would follow a thousand years

consecrated to the perfecting of the two races, and after a second miltennium,

the reign of the Androgyne, the Last Judgment would definitively separate the

tares from the good seed. The latter, by integrally regaining the note SI of the

second cosmic octave, and now inspired by the breath of the *¥, would then

enter the bosom of the Lord to undertake a higher evolution and at last attain the

Pleroma. The tares of yesterday would cease to be tares. Promoted to the rank of

good seed, they would begin the long evolutionary course that the adamics

would have already covered. Then they in their turn would receive the higher

centres of consciousness, which, given them in potential, would be the talents

that they must make fruitful.

15th August 2009 said:
A: No, that must wait. The world is hurtling through space in its move toward destiny, and many of those questions are of little consequence. Besides, our interaction with you is not to pass messages to others of a more or less trivial nature.

In other words, as elements of the noumenal world, the higher centres of

consciousness are always in full strength and continually act within him, but as

he has diverted his attention from them and concentrated on the three lower

centres, he has no 'ears to hear' the divine Voice, which nevertheless ceaselessly

transmits the Word to him

941126 said:
Q: (L) Wasn't the Lizard takeover an event that occurred at
the time of the fall of Eden?
A: Yes.

950107 said:
Q: (L) So part of the "fall" into the physical existence and part
of the Edenic story of the whole business, "you shall eat by the
sweat of your brow," has to do with being physical and
needing to eat?
A: Lucifer, "The fallen Angel." This is you.

950311 said:
Q: (L) At one point we were told that time was an illusion that
came into being at the "time" of the "Fall" in Eden, and this
was said in such a way that I inferred that there were other
illusions put into place at that time...
A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your
altered DNA state.

990828 said:
Q: Okay, so this realm changed, as a part of the cycle;
various choices were made: the human race went through the
door after the 'gold,' so to speak, and became aligned with
the Lizzies after the 'female energy' consorted with the wrong
side, so to speak. This is what you have said. This resulted in
a number of effects: the breaking up of the DNA, the burning
off of the first ten factors of DNA, the separation of the
hemispheres of the brain...
A: Only reason for this: you play in the dirt, you're gonna get

Except when its energy is usurped by the three centres of the Personality, the

sexual centre in its direct function, which is carnal love, has a goal that is well

defined by the words: Be fruitful, and multiply. In other words, in a healthy

organism, this centre, like the higher emotional and intellectual centres, knows

neither doubt, nor hesitation, nor sadness, which is quite the opposite of what is

too often the case with the three lower centres

020713 said:
A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center
which is a higher center of creative energy
. During
sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the
lower intellectual cener and the moving center,
transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is
also the time during which the higher emotional and
intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the
lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic
portals so much loved by the lower centers. This
respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But,
more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also
more available to the other higher centers.

The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th
density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I
Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of
constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves

We have seen the process of direct and lateral transmutation by which the

opening of the higher emotional centre operates in man, and how the possibility

of receiving its messages enables him to arrive at the consciousness of the real

T—a consciousness which is itself androgynous, that is, bipolar. It is the

passage of the Second Threshold which unites the Knight and the Lady of his

dreams forever in a celestial marriage which crowns their first exploit. Having

reached the bosom of the Absolute II, and being One together and ONE with

Christ, they experience at that moment the State which is defined by St Paul in

the following words which we have quoted several times already: '... neither is

Therefore take no thought, saying What shall we eat? or What shall

we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

For after all these things do the Gtntiles seek: foiyour heavenly Father

knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all

these things shall be given unto you.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take

thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil


It is obvious that, through these words, Christ was trying to turn the attention

of human beings away from the 'necessities' in which they were absorbed, and

to inculcate in them a desire for a higher bread, for the one thing necessary

Laura said:
So, you are realizing that, as a human being in 3 D, you have had an affiliation to the "Lizzies" (we use that term for lack of a better one to describe that entropic path) - the Thought Center of STS. And, as a human being, you also have potential affiliation to a different Thought Center, STO. It's a choice. And it is a choice made every moment.

Thomas gospel said:
When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

Thomas gospel said:
Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels.

Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty."
Just wanted to report a "glitch" from last night. I was listening to the audio on my cellphone (I don't have an iPod and my MP3 player's dead),
and it turned off in the middle of the Ba-Ha part of the program for no apparent reason. (never happened before, battery was full).
Ana said:
Laura said:
It might help if somebody could post some extracts from Mouravieff about the emotional center so ya'll can review how it works (or is supposed to).

Laura said:
There's a whole lot of people now who are moving slowly and inexorably toward fusion of the emotional center which will then connect to the higher emotional center and give access to the "eyes of the soul." This really is exciting!

Indeed , I started looking for this info and then came the inspiration and added some more...

That was an amazing juxtaposition of quotes, Ana... it clearly shows the complementarity of the various works and how the pieces fit together, and makes clear the task before us.

Thank you.

One thing that struck me is the following from Mouravieff:

At present, pre-adamic man is deprived of this possibility, but it will

be given to him if adamic humanity develops as it should during the Era of the

Holy Spirit.

It is truly motivating to recognize that the Pre-Adamic - Organic Portals - will have no possibility of evolution in the next cycle if something isn't done in THIS cycle. We aren't working just for ourselves, but for all.
Laura said:
One thing that struck me is the following from Mouravieff:

At present, pre-adamic man is deprived of this possibility, but it will

be given to him if adamic humanity develops as it should during the Era of the

Holy Spirit.

It is truly motivating to recognize that the Pre-Adamic - Organic Portals - will have no possibility of evolution in the next cycle if something isn't done in THIS cycle. We aren't working just for ourselves, but for all.

Yes it is, here is a little more about it:

We have already said that this new beginning was to the advantage of the pre-adamics, for whom it opened up the perspective, (distant but real), of an evolution that would operate during the cycle of the Holy Spirit, when, if all
goes well, they will be allowed to take the place of the corrupted adamics, when
the latter obtain their Redemption — the integrated harmonious state in which
they were before the fall — which they must now regain by conscious efforts.

We must add that the adamics who had previously degenerated into
pre-adamics would have the possibility of taking up their abandoned
evolution again, while an equivalent number of the most able pre-adamics
would receive the talents that were initially given to the former, and this would
help them leap forward on the road of esoteric evolution. They may be
compared with gifted, hardworking students who get a double promotion while
the incapable and lazy ones do another year in the same class. But in this case,
one can fail only once.

And this made me remember:

950924 said:
A: Here comes a shocker for you... one day, in 4th density, it
will be your descendants mission to carry on the tradition and
assignment of seeding the 3rd density universe, once you have
the adequate knowledge!!!

Until then it seems we all here have work to do.
Windmill knight Reply #1509 on: Yesterday at 09:34:11 PM said:
Generally speaking, the last month or so I have had a lot more peace and clarity of mind during the day; 'zen', like Corto Maltese described it. But at the same time I have had many moments during the day of inner crankiness, resentment, anger, feeling worthless and bad, etc. The difference with the past, I think, is that it is so much easier to see those emotions as projections and programs, usually with great clarity about where they come from (mostly childhood). I recently came to a deeper and better realization of how much the desire of being accepted and validated by the people who are important to me has ruled my life. The resentment, which I have repressed most of my life, comes from not getting enough 'acceptance' and then feeling worthless. And now it has become very transparent to me how much this dynamic of being either a 'good, cool, smart boy' to be admired or accepted; or secretly resentful and acting in predatory ways as a result, has determined me. It is the whole basis of my false personality, and I can trace virtually every trait of myself to this narcissistic black/white attitude. This insight is discouraging, but there it is. So, there is clarity of mind plus an almost daily revisiting of childish emotions, and it feels like a sky partially covered with clouds, that allows the sun to shine now, only to be obscured then, and shine again. Or perhaps it's like recovering bits of the psyche one small bit at a time in a controlled way; I hope.

I have been following this thread as best I can given my schedule, etc. These insights resonated inside me as much as any by folks on here describing their experiences. At some clouded, negative level, I am able to recognize myself with these descriptions by Windmill knight. That is me. I, too have been self-observing more narcissistic tendencies that "it" displays on a daily basis and the revelations have been not only noticeable, but shocking.

Wk said:
Yesterday I was reading some of Laura's comments on the meditation and I decided that I needed to concentrate and focus more on the prayer. So I did the 3 stage breathing without the audio and then the meditation for a bit less than an hour. I had images of sweeping with a broom during the "cleanse my heart" parts. Then I slept and had yet another emotionally charged dream (not distressing, but rather comforting and perhaps symbolic of a sort of a resolution, I think), and then in my dream I started hearing someone sweeping the floor. I looked around and was a bit alarmed that I didn't know who was doing the sweeping, and then I saw myself sweeping and thinking "this time I will start cleaning from the parts closest to the core and move to the surface". Then the sweeping sound became louder and transformed into waves of energy going through my body, which woke me up. It's possible that the sound was my own breathing - maybe I was unconsciously pipe-breathing?

This seems to be a helpful image to hold in one's mind as pertains to cleansing the emotional center during the meditation. I'm going to try to keep this "image seed" in mind in the upcoming sessions and see how things progress. Thanks for this insight, Windmill knight.
Been working my way through "Organic Portals": The Other Race and on page 15 here
Came across one of Laura's post on STS & STO and "the bootstrap method" There is a lot to this post, but what I want to punctuate here is this in relation to our choices, doing the meditation & breathing exercises and learning about our past/future/multidimesional, etc... selves.

quote from Chittick's "The Sufi Path of Knowledge"
God is the root of all "noble character traits". He is also the root of the "base character traits, though the relationship here is more subtle and will need some explanation. ... Having been created in the divine form, man embraces all the divine names and contains within himself all God's character traits. The task of the spiritual traveler is to bring the names and character traits from latency into actuality in perfect balance and harmony.

Since this is the case, the use of the term "assumption of traits" is problematic since the literal meaning of the term takhulluq is "to exert oneself in acquiring character traits" whereas strictly speaking, man already possesses the character traits. ...

God creates the good and the evil, the ugly and the beautiful, the straight and the crooked, the moral and the immoral. Does the Gnostic become manifest in these attributes? The answer, of course, is "Yes and no." Between the yes and the no lie the manifold dangers that face the traveler and would-be traveler on the path to God. ...

Man faces a predicament as real as himself, and he is forced by his own nature to choose between the straight path which leads to balance, harmony, and felicity and the crooked paths which lead to imbalance, disequilibrium, and wretchedness. ...

As delimited creatures faced with perfection and imperfection, likes and dislikes, ambitions and desires, and the demands of "the law", human beings are forced to discern between good and evil at every stage of their existence in this world. If they could say that God is Incomparable and they, like Him, are infinitely beyond this world, they could ignore reality. But that would be absurd and discourteous toward God who has created Reality also. Reality assumes the properties of the "Names of God, and the cosmos is full of life-giving and slaying, forgiveness and vengeance, exalting and abasing, guidance and misguidance on all sorts of levels.

In each case where human interests are involved, man is required to see the secondary causes, [the events and situations and relationships of reality] as either good or evil. Even if he could, by some miracle, be totally indifferent to life and death, pleasure and pain, love and hate, still, he would be commanded by the Law to put each thing in its proper place. Hence, human beings must always separate "God's point of view" from their own point of view.

Ibn al-'Arabi sometimes distinguishes these two points of view by speaking of two divine commands. In respect of the first command, God says "Be!" and the whole cosmos comes into existence. In respect of the second, He says to human beings, "Do this and avoid that, or you will fall into wretchedness." The first command is known as the "engendering command" or the command without intermediary. The second is known as the "prescriptive command" or the command by intermediary [of "learning."] All created things obey the engendering command, so in this respect there is no evil in existence. But when the prescriptive command is taken into account, then some [learn and apply what they learn, and some do not." People bring both good and evil down upon themselves in respect of the prescriptive command. ...

If the engendering command alone is considered, there is no imperfection in the cosmos, since all creatures follow what God desires for them. In this respect, what is normally called "imperfection" is in fact perfection, since it allows for the actualization of the various levels of existence and knowledge. In other words, were there no imperfections - in the sense o9f diminishment, decrease, and lack - there would be no creation. Were there no creation, the Hidden Treasure would remain hidden. Hence Being would be unseen in every respect. There would be no self-disclosure of the Divine Reality, Light would not shine, and God would be the Non-manifest but not the Manifest.

But THIS is absurd because it demands the imperfection of Being Itself which by definition is nondelimited perfection. Being's perfection requires the manifestation of its properties. The effects of the names and attributes must be displayed for God to be God.

In short, the nondelimited perfection of the Divine Reality is made possible only by the existence of imperfection, which is to say that this "imperfection" is demanded by existence itself. It is to lack the divine attributes, beginning with Being.

But it is precisely the "otherness" which allows the cosmos and all the creatures within it to exist. If the things were perfect in every respect, they would be identical with God and there would be nothing "other than God." But then we would not even speak about the cosmos, since there would be no cosmos and no speaking. Hence it is imperfection which separates the creatures from their Creator and makes possible the existence of the cosmos. Imperfection is itself a kind of perfection.

Without imperfection, existence's perfection could not be actualized. All things are "imperfect" and thereby perfectly adapted to the roles they play in creation.

In their roles as human beings, those who have not attained to the station of human perfection are no less perfect than other creatures. However, because of the peculiar human situation, people are born with the possibility of actualizing a second kind of perfection. Unlike other creatures, they are not fixed in a specific ontological situation, but can change their situation through the gifts they have been given - such as knowledge, desire, and speech - by following the prescriptive command, the Scale of the Law.

The moment an animal is born, it is clearly this or that - a horse, an elephant, a mole, a mouse - and will never be anything else. But when a human being is born, only God knows what the person will be. He has the potentiality to become any one of a tremendous variety of human types, summarized by Ibn -al-'Arabi as unbeliever, believer, friend of God, prophet, and messenger. Whatever man becomes is"perfection" in one sense at least; but he will not be perfect in both sense unless be becomes a "perfect man."

So in this thought process I am seeing that maybe we are part of both ends of the spectrum of "good & evil" somewhere in the many shades of ourselves with this reality and other dimensional/hyperdimensional parts of ourselves. That having these dual experiences on ALL levels help us to gain knowledge and experience that we may be able to change our orientation on other levels. Aligning ones self to a more STO orientation so that when the wave does come our way we may be able to have a full awareness and make a choice based on this knowlegde. OSIT if I made any sense. :huh:

Quote from Laura in response at Reply #1494 on: Yesterday at 01:10:07 AM
My realization after all this was over was that this was the moment of turning a corner, of making a choice. I rejected and resisted the "spider-like beings" and their future, and chose to align myself with a different "Thought Center," that of creation and expansion and Service to Others. And from that moment on, my reality began to change.

Going through the feelings of disgust and horror at what you have been and done is part of the process. It may not be as dramatic for everyone, but it is part of the fusing of the emotional center and the awakening of true conscience. It is this horror and remorse that then becomes the fuel to "heal the present" as Gurdjieff said. It's easy to understand that healing the present can change the future, but also, in a strange way that we don't yet understand, when we "heal the present," it also changes the past. As the Cs once said: "The choice is ALWAYS, it's WHEN you choose that counts." I take that to mean that a person's "choice" is somehow always inside them and when they make it, it affects all their lives, past and future and even alternative realities/universes.

So, you are realizing that, as a human being in 3 D, you have had an affiliation to the "Lizzies" (we use that term for lack of a better one to describe that entropic path) - the Thought Center of STS. And, as a human being, you also have potential affiliation to a different Thought Center, STO. It's a choice. And it is a choice made every moment.
Aragorn said:
Windmill knight said:
Generally speaking, the last month or so I have had a lot more peace and clarity of mind during the day; 'zen', like Corto Maltese described it. But at the same time I have had many moments during the day of inner crankiness, resentment, anger, feeling worthless and bad, etc. The difference with the past, I think, is that it is so much easier to see those emotions as projections and programs, usually with great clarity about where they come from (mostly childhood). I recently came to a deeper and better realization of how much the desire of being accepted and validated by the people who are important to me has ruled my life. The resentment, which I have repressed most of my life, comes from not getting enough 'acceptance' and then feeling worthless. And now it has become very transparent to me how much this dynamic of being either a 'good, cool, smart boy' to be admired or accepted; or secretly resentful and acting in predatory ways as a result, has determined me. It is the whole basis of my false personality, and I can trace virtually every trait of myself to this narcissistic black/white attitude. This insight is discouraging, but there it is. So, there is clarity of mind plus an almost daily revisiting of childish emotions, and it feels like a sky partially covered with clouds, that allows the sun to shine now, only to be obscured then, and shine again. Or perhaps it's like recovering bits of the psyche one small bit at a time in a controlled way; I hope.
That sure sounds familiar! In addition to all that you mention above I'm really struggling with this "congratulating one self"-thing. Every time I recognize these programs and reactive actions that are not part of my core self, but coping mechanisms from childhood, I tend to congratulate myself: "Well done, that's another one neutralized!" I believe that Castaneda was absolutely right about this; even if this "finest hour" is just a fraction of a second it feels "evil" somehow. It feels like when I congratulate myself from exposing me, I'm actually taking credit and elevating myself - MY EGO ENFLATES. It strikes me as a really narcissistic attitude (even if it is just this tiny moment).

So those of you that recognize this and have experienced it, how have you tried to overcome this?!

I've observed this as well.
I guess I can't say I've overcome this, but after observing and recognised a program this 'congratulation' from another "I" might occur.
When it happens I observe that as a program also. I usually just clear my mind before it has a chance to show it's presence and move on.
I think Gurdjieff talked about this and how this patting oneself on the back drains the energy from the work you just did with observing programs and different I's within oneself.
Aragorn said:
That sure sounds familiar! In addition to all that you mention above I'm really struggling with this "congratulating one self"-thing. Every time I recognize these programs and reactive actions that are not part of my core self, but coping mechanisms from childhood, I tend to congratulate myself: "Well done, that's another one neutralized!" I believe that Castaneda was absolutely right about this; even if this "finest hour" is just a fraction of a second it feels "evil" somehow. It feels like when I congratulate myself from exposing me, I'm actually taking credit and elevating myself - MY EGO ENFLATES. It strikes me as a really narcissistic attitude (even if it is just this tiny moment).

So those of you that recognize this and have experienced it, how have you tried to overcome this?!

Hi Aragorn. I recognize that in myself too. I think it is just another of the manifestations of the childish narcissistic black/white emotional mentality, albeit a smallish one. It goes something like: "I am a freak. I have all these programs. But today I managed to see them and control them - so I'm Jesus' sidekick!" In other words, because somewhere inside we feel so worthless, we try to compensate at the slightest provocation by jumping into an overinflated image of ourselves. In emotional states I tend to do that to others too, making them either saints or demons in my mind, and I've heard that I'm not the only one who reacts like this.

I think it helps to remind ourselves that life is much more colorful and complex than black or white when we notice the program; and perhaps try to remember how many infinite number of times already our childish fantasies have turned out to be wrong.

Having said that, I don't think it is wrong to recognize that you have done something good if you have, as long as the recognition is objective, proportionate and placed in the proper context.

That's my current take on this anyway.

Thanks Aragorn, Axis Mundi, KC Kelly and Brenda86 for your replies and comments. :)
Here's my update since my last post here over a month ago.

Mostly, my EE sessions has been calm and went without any unpleasant or intense sorts of experiences during thereof, other than the usual bodily tingling sensations. But, I have noticed that my sleeping hours changed a bit whereas I would go to sleep at a normal time (11pm) after doing the whole program, and I would wake up feeling very refresh, thinking it was seven in the morning when, in actuality, it was closer to either 10am or 11am, which is weird. It only happened a few times recently when I did the full program the night before as I normally go for 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

Also, as I am not sure if this is anyway related, I have had a dream a couple of days ago. It's actually a very long dream - I was in a college campus at dormitory, having a conversation with a one person after another over time, about this and about that, about classes or social plans, etc. etc. It was a very normal kind of experience, as one would experience in a real life, until I went to the swimming pool room (the place that has both outdoor pool as well indoor pool) where I've suddenly became naked and "exposed" and everyone in the room was staring at me - their faces have "blank" expressions - and pointing at me, using only right arms. I then looked at my right hand, and said: "I'm dreaming." Then, something odd has had happened as if something just "clicked." I've started to have a self-awareness in my dream, stood there for a minute before walking outside and said, "heck," and jumped to fly over the pools. It was my first lucid dream. This may not be related to the EE program as I just wanted to throw this out there, but this dream occurred after the night of doing the full program.
Aragorn said:
That sure sounds familiar! In addition to all that you mention above I'm really struggling with this "congratulating one self"-thing. Every time I recognize these programs and reactive actions that are not part of my core self, but coping mechanisms from childhood, I tend to congratulate myself: "Well done, that's another one neutralized!" I believe that Castaneda was absolutely right about this; even if this "finest hour" is just a fraction of a second it feels "evil" somehow. It feels like when I congratulate myself from exposing me, I'm actually taking credit and elevating myself - MY EGO ENFLATES. It strikes me as a really narcissistic attitude (even if it is just this tiny moment).

So those of you that recognize this and have experienced it, how have you tried to overcome this?

Hi Aragorn, This has been a big obstacle for me, too. I didn’t recognize the “spiritual pride” program, until a woman friend
named it and pointed it out. The “personality I” had taken credit for the Work, and was bragging about it. When I noticed
the I wanting to talk about Work progress, it stopped and went underground and became the silent smug program. The direct approach of using will power to control the I had little effect. Eventually I just noticed and grinned without comment from the mind. The “personality I’s” that claim credit pop like a bubble when I see and don’t identify with them. I even noticed an I claiming credit for noticing an I claiming credit. It’s just hilarious. I don’t know how I can claim any credit, it has been a slow process and I don’t do anything except admire the cunning tricks the Devil has up his sleeve.
Windmill knight said:
Aragorn said:
That sure sounds familiar! In addition to all that you mention above I'm really struggling with this "congratulating one self"-thing. Every time I recognize these programs and reactive actions that are not part of my core self, but coping mechanisms from childhood, I tend to congratulate myself: "Well done, that's another one neutralized!" I believe that Castaneda was absolutely right about this; even if this "finest hour" is just a fraction of a second it feels "evil" somehow. It feels like when I congratulate myself from exposing me, I'm actually taking credit and elevating myself - MY EGO ENFLATES. It strikes me as a really narcissistic attitude (even if it is just this tiny moment).

So those of you that recognize this and have experienced it, how have you tried to overcome this?!

Hi Aragorn. I recognize that in myself too. I think it is just another of the manifestations of the childish narcissistic black/white emotional mentality, albeit a smallish one. It goes something like: "I am a freak. I have all these programs. But today I managed to see them and control them - so I'm Jesus' sidekick!" In other words, because somewhere inside we feel so worthless, we try to compensate at the slightest provocation by jumping into an overinflated image of ourselves. In emotional states I tend to do that to others too, making them either saints or demons in my mind, and I've heard that I'm not the only one who reacts like this.

I think it helps to remind ourselves that life is much more colorful and complex than black or white when we notice the program; and perhaps try to remember how many infinite number of times already our childish fantasies have turned out to be wrong.

Having said that, I don't think it is wrong to recognize that you have done something good if you have, as long as the recognition is objective, proportionate and placed in the proper context.

That's my current take on this anyway.

Thanks Aragorn, Axis Mundi, KC Kelly and Brenda86 for your replies and comments. :)

That's why good and bad are subjective terms :lol: but whateva we should be more specific than just say good or bad

a big question for me is that if the EE programs helps you in your emotions because I did it 4 times and it's really hard to me to feel sadness,i feel curious and like, I'm not happy but i'm not sad, like neutral like when the chat with the c's was the part when Terry said that be like STO is like being as someone that don't want anything material or something, I just want to learn.
Laura said:
It is truly motivating to recognize that the Pre-Adamic - Organic Portals - will have no possibility of evolution in the next cycle if something isn't done in THIS cycle. We aren't working just for ourselves, but for all.
I readed the shocker of our parents helping the 3d beings when we have the knowledge, so I think that we will help those pre adamic or organic portals in the next cycle, buut if we don't get it in this cycle I think they will not have someone that wants to give them a hand.
cubbex said:
That's why good and bad are subjective terms :lol: but whateva we should be more specific than just say good or bad

a big question for me is that if the EE programs helps you in your emotions because I did it 4 times and it's really hard to me to feel sadness,i feel curious and like, I'm not happy but i'm not sad, like neutral

I would suggest that you keep doing the program. 4 times isn't much at all - do it consistently for a few months (2 times a week for 2 month equals 16 times - with the prayer/meditation every single night = 60 times) and see if things don't shift a bit. Assuming you are sincere, that is.
Aragorn said:
So those of you that recognize this and have experienced it, how have you tried to overcome this?!

This is a big issue for me in all areas of my life. I tend fall in love with my ideas and mental constructs, and my narcissistic programs kick in big time. When I was a practicing yogi I'm afraid I was an insufferable jerk. My friends (god bless 'em) confided in me later that they were very relieved when I left that path. I think outer consideration is the first line of defense, learning to recognize this behavior and not allowing it to be expressed externally, thus robbing it of some of it's power over you. The spiritual pride program is particularly insidious, especially when relying on received wisdom that you have not internally realized and validated.

go2 said:
Hi Aragorn, This has been a big obstacle for me, too. I didn’t recognize the “spiritual pride” program, until a woman friend
named it and pointed it out. The “personality I” had taken credit for the Work, and was bragging about it. When I noticed
the I wanting to talk about Work progress, it stopped and went underground and became the silent smug program. The direct approach of using will power to control the I had little effect. Eventually I just noticed and grinned without comment from the mind. The “personality I’s” that claim credit pop like a bubble when I see and don’t identify with them. I even noticed an I claiming credit for noticing an I claiming credit. It’s just hilarious. I don’t know how I can claim any credit, it has been a slow process and I don’t do anything except admire the cunning tricks the Devil has up his sleeve.

Maybe a sense of humor is a potent weapon too. Certainly humility is called for, since we have no idea what the experiences and emotions arising from the work really mean or if they represent spiritual growth at all. In response to my first post on this forum Bo, Xman and others pointed this concept out to me in another context:

Xman said:
Well I think your first error is in assuming that you are not an OP yourself.

So there is always the distinct possibility that we are not the souled beings we think we are, doing this great, important work. We might be an OP going through the motions in a mechanical fashion, ready to be used as an instrument of attack when the time is right. Now that's a humbling thought.
Laura, big thanks from Russia! I am a Russian guy, a translator. I have just downloaded your breathing intro, now listening and admiring your voice and speech. So distinct, so intelligent tones and pitches, I understand literally every word, which is not always the case with native speakers. Will share this record with a colleague of mine, for the sake of language for one thing, and maybe he will get into the C's topic as well.
Cassiopean message has found its way to Russia, your source and name is known at esoteric forums. Let me extend my appreciation (see how I borrowed your phase from the record) :)
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