The Living Force
Laura said:It might help if somebody could post some extracts from Mouravieff about the emotional center so ya'll can review how it works (or is supposed to).
Laura said:There's a whole lot of people now who are moving slowly and inexorably toward fusion of the emotional center which will then connect to the higher emotional center and give access to the "eyes of the soul." This really is exciting!
Indeed , I started looking for this info and then came the inspiration and added some more...
From: GNOSIS BOOK THREE (The Esoteric Cycle)
Quite a few years ago, in his book Lost Christianity, Jacob Needleman hinted
that there exists or had existed a different Christianity, a form of Christianity that
was more demanding and more difficult to understand, but also more functional,
a 'working Christianity' in the sense that it taught something that could actually
be achieved. But at the time the book was written, this question appeared to him
almost unanswerable, 1 say 'almost', because even then the old books existed,
books once built as 'bridges' by servants of higher powers to help people cross
again from one river of Christianity to the other, to the living river: the mystical
Christianity which Christ called the livingwaier— but man's thinking had in the
meantime changed so much that few people at that time could understand such
30 May 2009 said:Q: (L) What's next?
A: How about "Paleochristianity"?
Q: (laughter) (L) Well since you brought it up... (J) You should respond with, "Now that's an interesting question!" (laughter) (L) What do you mean by Paleochristianity? (laughter) (L) Would you define Paleochristianity for us?
A: The knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall".
Q: (L) Why is it called Christianity? Isn't Christianity strictly related to Christianity as we know it?
A: Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted. For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman.
Q: (L) Okay. Were the Bogomils and the Cathars - as I have surmised - close to understanding this original reality?
A: They had some very close approximations, but they were still influenced by many of the distorted religious ideas of the time.
Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?
A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.
Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?
A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.
Q: (L) So in other words, some of the thoughts and discussions that we've had over the past week or two {about the global situation} are pretty much on the money?
A: Yes. More or less. There has also been some nudging from this side. Time is getting "short" even though there really is no time. Remember what we said about being wise as serpents and gentle as doves.
The human tares, the anthropoid race, are the descendants of pre-adamic
humanity. The principal difference between contemporary pre-adamic man
and adamic man — a difference which is not perceived by the senses —is that
the former does not possess the developed higher centres that exist in the latter
which, although they have been cut off from his waking consciousness since the
fall, offer him a real possibility of esoteric evolution. Apart from this, the two
races are similar: they have the same lower centres, the same structure of the
Personality and the same physical body, although more often than not this is
stronger in pre-adamic
020713 said:Quite closely. In an individual of the organic
variety, the so-called higher chakras are "produced in
effect" by stealing that energy from souled beings.
This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled
beings. The souled being is, in effect, perceiving a
mirror of their own soul when they ascribe "soul
qualities" to such beings.
We do not live among things and
phenomena as they are in themselves. Instead we live with representations of
them that we make for ourselves using the limited means available to our
psyches. Thus the phenomenal world accessible to us is only part of the whole.
The remainder is hidden from us because of our total incapacity to imagine it.
Yet we seek solutions to great questions that touch each of us most deeply,
such as: are there any permanent values in this Life, and if they exist, how can
we discern them? When devotion to an ideal is taken right up to the supreme
sacrifice, is this a mark of heroism or of absurdity? What is the real meaning of
death? Etc.
Answers to these questions can be found only in the ideas and circumstances
of the invisible world, and they are not perceived by the waking consciousness
of the exterior man, however gifted or cultured he may be. Theophan the
Recluse says that 'Here, neither erudition, nor ecclesiastical dignity are of any
It is only after the Second Threshold that the awe-struck Faithful begin to
progressively discover this world through the medium of their higher centres.
About the working of these centres we have already quoted the following words
of St Isaac the Syrian: 'The soul, like the body,has two eyes: but while the eyes of the
body both see things in the same way, those of the soul see them differently; one
contemplates the Truth in symbols and images; the other contemplates it face to face.'
Readers of 'Gnosis' will understand that he was referring to the higher
emotional Centre and the higher intellectual Centre respectively.
950909 said:When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on
assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited
possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.
In the esoteric sense, Symbols are always revealed, and their deeper meaning
is precise and cannot be subject to free interpretation, since, whether expressed
in human words, diagrams, or works of Art, they express objective truths that
have been reached in a higher state of consciousness.
In esoteric teaching, the practical value of symbols goes even further: they
allow the seeker who by conscious efforts develops new faculties in himself to
control his progress in the wider understanding of facts which each symbol
interprets, and which belong to the noumenal world. This is the case of the
Apocalypse that was revealed'to St John on the Isle of Patmos, when he was 'in
the Spirit.' Though the apostle translated it into human language, this symbol
can only be completely grasped by those who have access to the consciousness
of the higher emotional centre, which was the state in which St John himself
received the revelation. Even the most refined human intellect — available to
the Personality in its normal state — is unable to understand the Book of
Revelation, because human intelligence, left to its own resources and without
the help of a methodical esoteric formation, comes to a halt before the
uncrossable wall of the Unknown: Virchow's Jgnorabimus.
It follows that the disciple who wishes to connect his higher centres with his
waking consciousness must possess a vigorous and healthy organism, and
must be in conditions where he can obtain the best food and air to breathe, and
will be nourished with abundant impressions of good quality.
Further on, this situation, with its practical consequences and problems, will
be the object of a deeper study. This is necessary because the Era of the Holy
Spirit is approaching, at the end of which the question of the separation of the
tares from good seed arise. For the moment we will restrict ourselves to
repeating that contemporary adamic man, having lost contact with his higher
centres and therefore with his real 'I', appears practically the same as his
pre-adamic counterpart. However, unlike the latter, he still has his higher
centres, which ensure that he has the possibility of following the way of esoteric
evolution. At present, pre-adamic man is deprived of this possibility, but it will
be given to him if adamic humanity develops as it should during the Era of the
Holy Spirit.
If the adamics en masse abandon the combat that leads to Redemption, and if
this desertion goes beyond the tolerance allowed, the good seed
could be progressively stifled by the tares, since for cosmic reasons the general
potential of organic Life on Earth must be maintained in any circumstance. The
world would then go straight toward catastrophe, which this time would take the
form of a Deluge of Fire. On the other hand, if the equilibrium, which is already
jeopardized, were reestablished, then, with the integral and simultaneous
incarnation of adamic souls, the Time of transition would end and humanity
would enter the Era of the Holy Spirit. Then would follow a thousand years
consecrated to the perfecting of the two races, and after a second miltennium,
the reign of the Androgyne, the Last Judgment would definitively separate the
tares from the good seed. The latter, by integrally regaining the note SI of the
second cosmic octave, and now inspired by the breath of the *¥, would then
enter the bosom of the Lord to undertake a higher evolution and at last attain the
Pleroma. The tares of yesterday would cease to be tares. Promoted to the rank of
good seed, they would begin the long evolutionary course that the adamics
would have already covered. Then they in their turn would receive the higher
centres of consciousness, which, given them in potential, would be the talents
that they must make fruitful.
15th August 2009 said:A: No, that must wait. The world is hurtling through space in its move toward destiny, and many of those questions are of little consequence. Besides, our interaction with you is not to pass messages to others of a more or less trivial nature.
In other words, as elements of the noumenal world, the higher centres of
consciousness are always in full strength and continually act within him, but as
he has diverted his attention from them and concentrated on the three lower
centres, he has no 'ears to hear' the divine Voice, which nevertheless ceaselessly
transmits the Word to him.
941126 said:Q: (L) Wasn't the Lizard takeover an event that occurred at
the time of the fall of Eden?
A: Yes.
950107 said:Q: (L) So part of the "fall" into the physical existence and part
of the Edenic story of the whole business, "you shall eat by the
sweat of your brow," has to do with being physical and
needing to eat?
A: Lucifer, "The fallen Angel." This is you.
950311 said:Q: (L) At one point we were told that time was an illusion that
came into being at the "time" of the "Fall" in Eden, and this
was said in such a way that I inferred that there were other
illusions put into place at that time...
A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your
altered DNA state.
990828 said:Q: Okay, so this realm changed, as a part of the cycle;
various choices were made: the human race went through the
door after the 'gold,' so to speak, and became aligned with
the Lizzies after the 'female energy' consorted with the wrong
side, so to speak. This is what you have said. This resulted in
a number of effects: the breaking up of the DNA, the burning
off of the first ten factors of DNA, the separation of the
hemispheres of the brain...
A: Only reason for this: you play in the dirt, you're gonna get
Except when its energy is usurped by the three centres of the Personality, the
sexual centre in its direct function, which is carnal love, has a goal that is well
defined by the words: Be fruitful, and multiply. In other words, in a healthy
organism, this centre, like the higher emotional and intellectual centres, knows
neither doubt, nor hesitation, nor sadness, which is quite the opposite of what is
too often the case with the three lower centres
020713 said:A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center
which is a higher center of creative energy. During
sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the
lower intellectual cener and the moving center,
transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is
also the time during which the higher emotional and
intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the
lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic
portals so much loved by the lower centers. This
respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But,
more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also
more available to the other higher centers.
The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th
density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I
Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of
constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
We have seen the process of direct and lateral transmutation by which the
opening of the higher emotional centre operates in man, and how the possibility
of receiving its messages enables him to arrive at the consciousness of the real
T—a consciousness which is itself androgynous, that is, bipolar. It is the
passage of the Second Threshold which unites the Knight and the Lady of his
dreams forever in a celestial marriage which crowns their first exploit. Having
reached the bosom of the Absolute II, and being One together and ONE with
Christ, they experience at that moment the State which is defined by St Paul in
the following words which we have quoted several times already: '... neither is
Therefore take no thought, saying What shall we eat? or What shall
we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
For after all these things do the Gtntiles seek: foiyour heavenly Father
knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be given unto you.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take
thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil
It is obvious that, through these words, Christ was trying to turn the attention
of human beings away from the 'necessities' in which they were absorbed, and
to inculcate in them a desire for a higher bread, for the one thing necessary.
Laura said:So, you are realizing that, as a human being in 3 D, you have had an affiliation to the "Lizzies" (we use that term for lack of a better one to describe that entropic path) - the Thought Center of STS. And, as a human being, you also have potential affiliation to a different Thought Center, STO. It's a choice. And it is a choice made every moment.
Thomas gospel said:When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."
Thomas gospel said:Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels.
Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty."