Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I opened my eyes and there was a 'living sheen' to everything - connected, whole

I experienced this also today after doing the whole program.

A deeper love and respect for the forum is felt as well.
anart said:
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
Hi everyone,

There is something I don't understand: are we supposed to zone out? I've been doing the whole program for almost three weeks almost every day now and I have zoned out maybe twice!

If it makes you feel any better, I don't zone out either. I might drift a bit now and again, but the comments relating to zoning out with no memory of what happened for several minutes to whole portions of the audio are not my experience at this point.

mts said:
I've actually been busy fighting to remain concentrated on the prayer at all times (with success) because I figured zoning out was in fact dissociating! My husband zones out every time and from what I can hear, he basically snores!

Yes, I focus as well - on the breathing, the words, the meaning behind the words - so there's not a lot of zoning going on here either, though during the meditation, the focus is a bit more 'flowing and loose' - but I'm 'still there', as it were. Since not many people have mentioned not 'zoning out', I figured I'd let you know!

Since you put it that way ;)

I don't zone out either while doing the whole breathing/meditation audio program. Like anart said, I'm too busy listening and thinking about what is being said and really being conscious of the prayer; and, I'll admit, trying to not let my mind wander.

It also could be because, at this time, I have to do the whole thing in the morning at the start of my day. I am waiting for the cd to come out and then I will be able to do it at night. Uhm, there is going to be a cd or something isn't there?

Just for an experiment, I did the whole program before going to sleep by myself in bed. I know the counts and timing and stuff. Maybe it was because I was consciously keeping track of everything, I didn't zone out at that time either.

I do, however, have quite a bit of difficulty with sleeping. I am usually very tired at bedtime, and as soon as my head hits the pillow, my mind is wide awake while my body is screaming SLEEP, SLEEP SLEEP - SHUT UP AND SLEEP!!!! :headbash:

Anyway, I did go to sleep easier after doing it all and slept a little bit better. But my whole body ached after sitting/laying in the bed in the same position for so long - that may be why it took me awhile to get to sleep.

Anyway, I have plans on how to do it all when that cd comes out. But until then, I'll be doing it in the morning.

Edit: After reading more of your reports, I would like to add that ususally while in my FIR blanket, I will do several pipe breaths and then recite the prayer in my mind over and over while doing the breathing. At this time I do drift off or 'zone out'. To be honest, I don't know if I'm drifting off to sleep or not as this is what I am doing right before bedtime now.

And I have seen faces of people that I don't know flash before my eyes from time to time, but that is it.
GotoGo said:
Regarding 'energy', the following part from ISOTM may give some hints:
[quote author=Ouspensky - In Search of the Miraculousp 186]
We come to the conclusion that we must 'remember ourselves.' But we can 'remember ourselves' only if we have in us the energy for 'self-remembering.' We can study something, understand or feel something, only if we have the energy for understanding, feeling, or studying.

What then is a man to do when he begins to realize that he has not enough energy to attain the aims he has set before himself?

The answer to this is that every normal man has quite enough energy to begin work on himself. It is only necessary to learn how to save the greater part of the energy we possess for useful work instead of wasting it unproductively.

I think the 'quality' of energy or 'inner substance' is more important aspect in "an attempt or getting in contact with your higher centres" as "food diagram" in the Forth Way shows (see ISOTM C9). Also important to remember that the 'quality' of energy or 'inner substance' is the results of 'daily' efforts and will be accumulated. In that sense, how one spends time each normal moment in daily life is important and may impact significantly while one is doing Eíriú-Eolas - Breathing Program.

My point on "zone out" was not about if it is good or bad but about the possibility to See through as G says "in the state of self-consciousness a man can have Hashes of objective consciousness and remember them".


Thanks for that quote and insight, it brings some of my questions into perspective. I havent read ISOTM yet, but I can see why it's such a highly regarded book for esoteric understanding.
My thoughts as well DanielS,
DanielS said:
Thanks for that quote and insight, it brings some of my questions into perspective. I havent read ISOTM yet, but I can see why it's such a highly regarded book for esoteric understanding.
I haven't read this yet either but will make it my next book now. Your question and GotoGo's answer gave me some helpful insight as well. Thank you both. :)

Mountain Crown said:
A deeper love and respect for the forum is felt as well.
I have been feeling this way also lately. ;)
DanielS said:
GotoGo said:
Regarding 'energy', the following part from ISOTM may give some hints:
[quote author=Ouspensky - In Search of the Miraculousp 186]
We come to the conclusion that we must 'remember ourselves.' But we can 'remember ourselves' only if we have in us the energy for 'self-remembering.' We can study something, understand or feel something, only if we have the energy for understanding, feeling, or studying.

What then is a man to do when he begins to realize that he has not enough energy to attain the aims he has set before himself?

The answer to this is that every normal man has quite enough energy to begin work on himself. It is only necessary to learn how to save the greater part of the energy we possess for useful work instead of wasting it unproductively.

I think the 'quality' of energy or 'inner substance' is more important aspect in "an attempt or getting in contact with your higher centres" as "food diagram" in the Forth Way shows (see ISOTM C9). Also important to remember that the 'quality' of energy or 'inner substance' is the results of 'daily' efforts and will be accumulated. In that sense, how one spends time each normal moment in daily life is important and may impact significantly while one is doing Eíriú-Eolas - Breathing Program.

My point on "zone out" was not about if it is good or bad but about the possibility to See through as G says "in the state of self-consciousness a man can have Hashes of objective consciousness and remember them".

Thanks for that quote and insight, it brings some of my questions into perspective. I havent read ISOTM yet, but I can see why it's such a highly regarded book for esoteric understanding.

Though I have read ISOTM, I did not recall this. Thank you, GotoGo. This is a very helpful framework for considering what is going on during 'zoning'.
Kresnik said:
So, not sure if that counts for zoning out or not, but somethin's happenin'!!

I have been doing the breathing program quite regularly and i have always zone out. Sometimes, as soon as the first time Laura says the prayer, bingo i am gone and i come back when Laura do the count.
Nienna Eluch said:
I am waiting for the cd to come out and then I will be able to do it at night. Uhm, there is going to be a cd or something isn't there?

Using the 'Burn' option in Windows Media Player you can make a CD of an MP3 file that will play on any CD player. Select 'Burn' from the menu at the top of the player window. Drag and drop the MP3 file or files to the 'Burn list' at the bottom right of the player window. Put a blank CD in the computer’s disc writer, click 'Start burn', and WinMP automatically converts the MP3 file to CD format and writes it to the blank disc.

A CD will hold up to 74 minutes of audio.

There is probably other software that will do the same job, but Windows Media Player is the one I used.
GotoGo said:
For me at the same time both my hands get some kind of "electrified feeling". Both phenomena are fairly consistent when I practice full mediation mp3.

This also happens to me when meditating, but it feels more like magnetism, If I pay attention to the magnetism in my hands I can feel the diference between magnetism in my hands and enviroment as different levels of pressure..
It sounds to me like everyone is having exactly the right experiences for their individual situations. They will be similar, but not identical, and this is as it should be because one person may be stronger in one area than another and need "shoring up" in that area where they are less assertive, psychically or psychologically speaking.

One thing about "light": If you start seeing lights, it might be helpful to sort of "grab" them (or it) with your mind and try to hold it still. Over time, you may be able to do this, and then, watch it and "grow" it.

If you feel a "heaviness" around the third eye, also try to "hold it" and see if it is not "light trying to break through." These are just suggestions, not hard and fast rules.

As for "zoning," I think the description given in ISOTM is good, and what I learned was that, after a time, the "self-remembering" that is going on during this "zoning" period becomes more and more available to the conscious mind. That is, for a time, you won't be able to bring back the awareness of what goes on between you and the cosmos (higher self/objective consciousness), but as you continue, you will be able to bring back bits and pieces (sometimes in flashes of images, knowings, etc) and eventually, the dyke between the conscious mind and the higher self will wear away and you will be able to "walk between two worlds."

As I said, it's a process, and it will go at a sligthly different pace for each individual, or with emphasis on one area or another according to your need.

Now, let me give you a little preview of what can/may happen over the next couple of months as you continue this practice.

What you are doing is establishing a living relationship with the immeasurable force of your own higher being. Just being able to have definite experiences with this psychic or non-material existence is the first step and plays a primary part in true initiation.

Material life is the infinite or cosmic self housed in a body. The body is important only as insofar as it is that housing (though that housing is very important for a number of reasons I won't go into here). What is important for you now is understanding that the cosmic self/essence has a "house." The metaphor of the horse, cart, driver and master is useful here.

The "master," or higher self intelligence possesses a deeper faculty than material intelligence, because it exists in a state of limitlessness, which gives great breadth to its intelligence, while the brain of the body, which is what enables us to manifest "mind" is limited by material horizon. The higher intellectual center has the ability to perceive everything at one moment. This greater range of observation would obviously burn out the circuits of the physical brain which runs a lot of programs and loops that are tied to physical circuits. So this is why, mainly, zoning occurs. You simply could not handle what your higher self perceives. Not yet, anyway.

So, at present, you are being introduced to your immeasurable higher self and undergoing a process of psychic/psychological/emotional purification. You are "cleansing the temple," so to say.

Repeated practice of this process is this act of purification/cleansing and preparation for the union of the higher self and the earthly self. You are, in a sense, taking "light baths" every time you practice the meditation.

Many traditions focus on this task for years and years and years, turning it into a protracted, painful process. In many traditions, those who seek this sort of communion/purification, often spend YEARS getting to the stage that most of you have achieved after just a couple of weeks of practice. So don't be put off by the fact that it may take a couple or few months to clear away the programs and the dross of emotions that are a result of programming. You are preparing your vessel so that the higher self can actively "inhabit" or directly interact with your physical brain/mind.

The confusions and problems with most of what gets passed off as esoteric teachings in modern New Age contexts (not to mention older teachings that miss the mark) are caused by people seeking to manifest the force of the immeasureable higher self without either understanding or preparing for it. They seek to pour new wine in old bottles, as the "scriptures" say. They seek to pour into their own twisted and distorted selves (twisted and distorted by a pathological reality) the most amazing power in the Universe - the essence of their higher selves.

And so, the necessity for the cleansing.

So, what is actually happening for all of you is that your are generating the penetrating "astral light" that cleanses away all that stands between you and your true, higher self.

Even with the purest method such as we have here, this can take varying amounts of time according to what the life experiences of the individual are. In some cases, it can happen very fast. In other cases, it may take a little longer and may seem like it is going nowhere, but then, without warning, the light will break through and bathe and cleanse your entire being.

Keep in mind that the higher self does not measure time by material methods and it takes some getting used to - the manifestation of a limitless, timeless force.

Your own higher self/essence is directing the cleansing process. I suspect that some of the effects that many of you are reporting (lights, pressures, etc) are you feeling your own higher self/essence at work.

At some point, when the cleansing has proceeded to a certain point and the higher self is enabled to interact more directly - that is, take charge of the cart, driver and horse, it can begin to provide leadership and direction to your life. Now, since this is YOU doing it, don't think that it is going to feel like some stranger coming in and taking over. The only way I can describe it is like how you feel being an adult relative to having been a child. You make this leap into your true, grown-up self, and all that childish stuff just sort of falls away. You will become a being that is at once human and at the same time, divine. You will no longer identify with your body or false personality, it will, instead, become a "house" or an "instrument."

What will happen is that your self, your being, will take on a new quality of vitality and range and initiative. You will become strong in areas where you once were weak. You will experience the constant guidance of the higher self with its "eyes of the soul." This guidance will be active in the work of your hands and the words of your mouth. You will feel this guidance in the form of protection, also - you will have the ability to perceive danger. Your essence will guide you to acquire the knowledge you need on a practical level to protect the material being from unnecessary harm. The higher self, knowing the power of material attraction, helps you to be aware and strong so that you will continue to be a channel of the higher self into the material world.

So, that is just a brief outline of the initial benefits to come. There is more, of course, but let's save that for later.
Thank you Laura, that sounds so interesting. When I read that, it kind of feels like as if I'm reading what the C's would say.

I've had an interesting experience last night when I was doing the meditation part. When listening I close my eyes and kind of ''concentrate'' on the third eye.
Because I am kind of afraid in the dark I can't be awake too long without having my eyes opened now and then (to see if nothing ''evil'' is out there). Because when I have my eyes closed it feels like I am letting my guard down.
But this time I was telling myself that I will do it with my eyes closed, without trying to be afraid and that everything will be okay.

This is when I felt that I was becoming stronger and stronger. I was listening to the words and at the same time I was feeling as if my soul (I think?) was dancing? It kind of felt like floating and I felt strength and happiness somehow. I also saw dim lights in the shape of ehm comettailish, like the ones you see here http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/greywethers/greywethers2009.html though without the yinyang symbol. I saw them ''dancing'' or ''moving'' in different directions. Quite interesting!

I will try this: "One thing about "light": If you start seeing lights, it might be helpful to sort of "grab" them (or it) with your mind and try to hold it still. Over time, you may be able to do this, and then, watch it and "grow" it."

Thanks again!
I have wondered about one's relationship to the higher self. I have always kind of considered the higher self as some 'other' rather than being me. Yesterday during the meditation I felt the assurance that I would meet my higher self and a warmth/energy came over my body. I felt loved and began to cry.

You know how some people have a certain feeling about them, well I felt the presence of myself (and finally understood that the higher self is me. Well OK I'm still a bit confused), but also one other. Someone I have known since I was a child but haven't seen in about 15 years. In fact almost all of my cleansing, that I am aware of, has been regarding this person. Is our higher self composed of two or more people? Is this what is meant by 'soul groups'?
Jeff P said:
I have wondered about one's relationship to the higher self. I have always kind of considered the higher self as some 'other' rather than being me. Yesterday during the meditation I felt the assurance that I would meet my higher self and a warmth/energy came over my body. I felt loved and began to cry.

You know how some people have a certain feeling about them, well I felt the presence of myself (and finally understood that the higher self is me. Well OK I'm still a bit confused), but also one other. Someone I have known since I was a child but haven't seen in about 15 years. In fact almost all of my cleansing, that I am aware of, has been regarding this person. Is our higher self composed of two or more people? Is this what is meant by 'soul groups'?

No, your higher self is not composed of "two or more people" though there can be different aspects. You can feel like your higher/true self/essence is your TRUE Parent, male or female. It is also the essence of your true child. It is, in a sense, the trinity, but it is YOU.

Some of this is very hard to describe, so I just suggest that you keep practicing, and alternate this with knowledge input on a regular basis. Things will become clearer as you cleanse and "grow."
I promised to report back if we practiced the breathing programme with the children- and we did -so here goes.
Our Eldest and youngest children, slept at my parents house last night, so alone with the 2 boys (aged 8 and 10) we offered them the chance to join in the breathing with us. The youngest has terrible dreams about fighting “Aliens” and “monsters” that are trying to eat him and the family. My wife always tells him to fight them and tell them firmly to leave him alone, and we felt, as Laura suggested, that the meditation would help provide some added protection too.

All started well, although they felt a little self-conscious during the pipe breathing, they soon got in to the swing of it. Shortly before the end of one of the routines, one of the boys very audibly and very loudly “expelled air” from altogether the wrong end, (if you get my meaning) resulting in that part of the session collapsing in a fit of the giggles by all participants! We all found hard to regain focus after that, but eventually we did, and they carried on, and particularly enjoyed the warriors breath.

Their focus during the meditation and “Prayer of the Soul, was amazing they really seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards, they went straight to bed, and slept like little boys deserve to. Last night at least, the “aliens” and “monsters” didn’t dare put in an appearance!

Thank you again Laura
Laura said:
Jeff P said:
I have wondered about one's relationship to the higher self. I have always kind of considered the higher self as some 'other' rather than being me. Yesterday during the meditation I felt the assurance that I would meet my higher self and a warmth/energy came over my body. I felt loved and began to cry.

You know how some people have a certain feeling about them, well I felt the presence of myself (and finally understood that the higher self is me. Well OK I'm still a bit confused), but also one other. Someone I have known since I was a child but haven't seen in about 15 years. In fact almost all of my cleansing, that I am aware of, has been regarding this person. Is our higher self composed of two or more people? Is this what is meant by 'soul groups'?

No, your higher self is not composed of "two or more people" though there can be different aspects. You can feel like your higher/true self/essence is your TRUE Parent, male or female. It is also the essence of your true child. It is, in a sense, the trinity, but it is YOU.

Some of this is very hard to describe, so I just suggest that you keep practicing, and alternate this with knowledge input on a regular basis. Things will become clearer as you cleanse and "grow."

Yes, what I experience while meditating, and even in daily situations in my life when I am capable of being no matter how the situation or persons are in that moment, is like being a witness able to see all at once, just letting it be, not controling it, its like seeing (perceiving) all the probabilities ready to occur and how things are changing while they choose interacting one way or another.

Also that’s when I am able to see how others are acting only as egos, and a few times I do perceive the presence of another essence.

As I see it, It is truth that there is no way to classify or know what essence/higher self is, it is not something separate you can analyze, you just can be, when it occur.
mada85 said:
Nienna Eluch said:
I am waiting for the cd to come out and then I will be able to do it at night. Uhm, there is going to be a cd or something isn't there?

Using the 'Burn' option in Windows Media Player you can make a CD of an MP3 file that will play on any CD player. Select 'Burn' from the menu at the top of the player window. Drag and drop the MP3 file or files to the 'Burn list' at the bottom right of the player window. Put a blank CD in the computer’s disc writer, click 'Start burn', and WinMP automatically converts the MP3 file to CD format and writes it to the blank disc.

A CD will hold up to 74 minutes of audio.

There is probably other software that will do the same job, but Windows Media Player is the one I used.

Thanks, mada85. I tried that. The cd played beautifully on my computer, but on my cd player, an error message came up and it wouldn't play. Maybe I will try it again with a different cd.
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