Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I'm not sure this is the right place for this post, but it seems to be about 'Seeing', so that's why I put it here.

Recently, I've really begun to see the predators mind in myself; in my thoughts and actions.

Something GotoGo wrote a while back has really stuck with me. He said something like, "We can tell the predators mind isn't us, and is put into us, because it's the same in everyone."

Tonight, I was out with friends, and I stopped to look at them, and observe them, and also the strangers around us. It's in us all. It's in everyone.

It brings up a really strange feeling. It's like I'm coming to know how our beliefs define what we see, or interpret. A sentence comes to mind: when you've lived your whole life in a dream, being awake will seem very surreal.

That's what it was like tonight. Surreal. I remember someone asked Gurdjieff what it is like to be awake and he said, "everything more vivid".

I'm struggling to phrase what I'm feeling, what I'm seeing. Something about beliefs, and seeing without beliefs, and being very uncomfortable with it. Remember in The Matrix, when Neo asks Morpheus, "why do my eyes hurt?" and Morpheus says, "You've never used them"?

Sorry if this is noise, but I wanted to share it.
T.C. said:
I'm not sure this is the right place for this post, but it seems to be about 'Seeing', so that's why I put it here.

Recently, I've really begun to see the predators mind in myself; in my thoughts and actions.

Something GotoGo wrote a while back has really stuck with me. He said something like, "We can tell the predators mind isn't us, and is put into us, because it's the same in everyone."

Tonight, I was out with friends, and I stopped to look at them, and observe them, and also the strangers around us. It's in us all. It's in everyone.

It brings up a really strange feeling. It's like I'm coming to know how our beliefs define what we see, or interpret. A sentence comes to mind: when you've lived your whole life in a dream, being awake will seem very surreal.

That's what it was like tonight. Surreal. I remember someone asked Gurdjieff what it is like to be awake and he said, "everything more vivid".

I'm struggling to phrase what I'm feeling, what I'm seeing. Something about beliefs, and seeing without beliefs, and being very uncomfortable with it. Remember in The Matrix, when Neo asks Morpheus, "why do my eyes hurt?" and Morpheus says, "You've never used them"?

Sorry if this is noise, but I wanted to share it.

That's not noise at all TC. In fact to me, very important and all about seeing this reality for what it is and making decisions based on that vision. The programs hide the reality. They masquerade as it. And when you can begin to deconstruct programs that support the false reality (STS/predator's mind) - as depth of vision in to yourself - then your vision into the depths of others is reflected. In other words reality shines through.

These are my words describing my understanding of yours.
"the matrix" seems to be the closest analogy of this reality. it's weird.

"a deja vu is usually a glitch in the matrix, it happens when they change something" and then i read a session where the c's have said regarding deja vu that it happens when they "change the program." not to mention the analogy of being totally disgusted by the "real world." and the whole thing with discovering our great power, just as neo discovers his great power in the movie. sometimes i watch that movie to remind myself that, when we see the controllers for what they really are, we no longer have to dodge their bullets, we can stop them without even trying. i know that the matrix is just a movie and not a "message from above" but that's how i think about some of these things.

i just did the breathing again...this time the tingling effect was extreme, almost paralyzing, i couldn't move my hands very much at all. i had trouble with the prayer section, i'm confused about how to breath in that part. right now i must say that i'm feeling relaxed, yet alert (i realize this is expected effect) but right when i got done i felt weird, almost like i was high but definately not the same thing. i feel more in-touch with myself and how i feel. i'm noticing weird things like i will get different sensations in my body, kinda feels like rushing blood, maybe that's just my body readjusting.
Hi abstract,

Going by the experiences of others on this thread, you sound like you are doing fine. Most likely the effects you feeling (tingly in the hands and "high") are from being mildly hyperventilated. The body probably hasn't had much oxygen for a long while, and is adjusting to it.

The breathing for the prayer is just in and out with each phrase:

"Oh Divine Cosmic Mind" (breathing in)

"Holy Awareness in all creation (breathing out)

"Carried in the heart (breathe in)

"Ruler of the mind (breathe out) ect.

Laura once mentioned that the deeper she got into a meditative state, the less she would breathe. I took this to mean that it is ok to adjust the depth of the breath to the length of the phrase. Some of them are pretty short. Remember too that this is just regular belly breath; no special technique.

"More in touch with yourself and how you feel" is good! :thup:


edited for clarity
T.C. said:
Something GotoGo wrote a while back has really stuck with me. He said something like, "We can tell the predators mind isn't us, and is put into us, because it's the same in everyone."

Tonight, I was out with friends, and I stopped to look at them, and observe them, and also the strangers around us. It's in us all. It's in everyone.

Sorry if this is noise, but I wanted to share it.

Not noise at all, T.C. I'm glad you posted that. I wouldn't be surprised if many of us have shared the same or similar experience; like, being in a social setting and all of a sudden feeling like a complete stranger in a surreal environment. People around you smiling and talking yet, appearing completely phoney or lifeless inside. One of them turns to look at you and you feel a momentary terror as the sensation of being seen by a bio-robot sinks in. Then the surreal effect goes almost as quickly as it came and all is back to 'normal' again.
Buddy said:
T.C. said:
Something GotoGo wrote a while back has really stuck with me. He said something like, "We can tell the predators mind isn't us, and is put into us, because it's the same in everyone."

Tonight, I was out with friends, and I stopped to look at them, and observe them, and also the strangers around us. It's in us all. It's in everyone.

Sorry if this is noise, but I wanted to share it.

Not noise at all, T.C. I'm glad you posted that. I wouldn't be surprised if many of us have shared the same or similar experience; like, being in a social setting and all of a sudden feeling like a complete stranger in a surreal environment. People around you smiling and talking yet, appearing completely phoney or lifeless inside. One of them turns to look at you and you feel a momentary terror as the sensation of being seen by a bio-robot sinks in. Then the surreal effect goes almost as quickly as it came and all is back to 'normal' again.

Buddy, T.C.,

This is almost exactly my experience too. The only difference is that the surreal effect never went away, and it took me quite a long and weird time to re-adjust and act "normal". For a long time, I was almost a mute (and in many respects I still am). You can't let it stop you from learning, to shut you down, to cause you to shrink back. To learn and to see, you have to interact.

And you do occasionally meet people who already know or suspect, but are playing along also.
T.C. said:
Something GotoGo wrote a while back has really stuck with me. He said something like, "We can tell the predators mind isn't us, and is put into us, because it's the same in everyone."

Tonight, I was out with friends, and I stopped to look at them, and observe them, and also the strangers around us. It's in us all. It's in everyone.

Sorry if this is noise, but I wanted to share it.

Hope I wont go off-top too much but regarding this, I'd like to share what I've observed recently. Namely, I had a harsh two weeks (new environment) and I've met a lot of new people. However, what's interesting about those meetings is that during the first meeting a couple of people seemed so much familiar; like I had already met them, altough I hadn't for sure. I discussed this strange fact with my friend and we concluded that it's caused by the fact that they "show the same patterns as people I already know". And right,- the behaviour, way of showing off, speech or even body movement resembled almost perfectly with people I'm already acquainted.

Here I think I can state that the predators mind is in everyone and it's outlook adopts similar faces and shapes. IMO this can help us to avoid people who could "hurt" us, as we already know the pattern from our past relationships. Just some thoughts.

Azur said:
Buddy said:
T.C. said:
Something GotoGo wrote a while back has really stuck with me. He said something like, "We can tell the predators mind isn't us, and is put into us, because it's the same in everyone."

Tonight, I was out with friends, and I stopped to look at them, and observe them, and also the strangers around us. It's in us all. It's in everyone.

Sorry if this is noise, but I wanted to share it.

Not noise at all, T.C. I'm glad you posted that. I wouldn't be surprised if many of us have shared the same or similar experience; like, being in a social setting and all of a sudden feeling like a complete stranger in a surreal environment. People around you smiling and talking yet, appearing completely phoney or lifeless inside. One of them turns to look at you and you feel a momentary terror as the sensation of being seen by a bio-robot sinks in. Then the surreal effect goes almost as quickly as it came and all is back to 'normal' again.

Buddy, T.C.,

This is almost exactly my experience too. The only difference is that the surreal effect never went away, and it took me quite a long and weird time to re-adjust and act "normal". For a long time, I was almost a mute (and in many respects I still am). You can't let it stop you from learning, to shut you down, to cause you to shrink back. To learn and to see, you have to interact.

And you do occasionally meet people who already know or suspect, but are playing along also.

Yes I have had similar experiences where at times I feel like I am looking from above. Able to see and hear all around me, observing. Noticing similar traits within people ( not a judgement, but observation) like body movements, laughs, hand gestures. It is very surreal, like everyone around me is feeding off each other.

The other thing that has been thought of while having this experience is my own thoughts of "do these people even know that at this very moment synchronicity is happening all over the place. Little microcosmic worlds of activity good & bad are going on right now." At these times I may spot an insect on a wall, or pay attention to a plane going over head or noticing someone not having as good a time as the others around me (just some examples). All the while everyone else is oblivious to their surroundings. There are other thoughts I have as well, like right now someone is an emergency room somewhere, or there is a war going on, or someone is starving. And then I go to the positive thoughts of someone is experiencing some kind of great joy and or love. It all happens within moments within this thought process and then I come back to my present moment of where I am and what is immediately around me.

Since starting the EE breathing & meditation it has become more often that this happens.
Something that really chills me is dead or soulless eyes. I often notice that when people are talking to me, their eyes are flat – there is no life in them, even though they may appear quite enthusiastic or animated in what they are saying. I may be enjoying what they are saying and their enthusiasm, and suddenly I notice that their eyes are dead. It is a shock and quite chilling to observe this and ponder the implications, to realise that I am having a conversation with a machine, and that all their thoughts, feelings, reactions, words and movements – in short, everything about the person – is mechanical.

It reminds me of this, from ISOTM:

Gurdjieff said:
Moreover it happens fairly often that essence dies in a man while his personality and his body are still alive. A considerable percentage of the people we meet in the streets of a great town are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead.
Azur said:
For a long time, I was almost a mute (and in many respects I still am). You can't let it stop you from learning, to shut you down, to cause you to shrink back. To learn and to see, you have to interact.

Thanks Azur for reminding this. :)
It seems the best way to See the 'predictor mind' is on the 'mirror' of interactions in the objective 'Networking'.
No, not noise by any stretch - I can definitely relate. In fact, this experience tends to happen quite often, mostly when I'm alone, but surrounded by people (food store, subway, work, on the street, etc). It comes and goes when I'm in a social experience, and depends on my mood. But I can definitely identify with seeing empty eyes, its kinda funny in a way, its like talking to an image in a mirror, with the image talking back to you! :shock:

My emotions have been so off the wall lately it's been hard for me to focus. It's like the EE Program has broken down a dam and now I have all these feelings to deal with. Its pretty intense, but just remembering to breath, to hold the feel of the feeling, and to not let it influence my thinking, has been an invaluable skill/coping mechanism.

Buddy said:
T.C. said:
Something GotoGo wrote a while back has really stuck with me. He said something like, "We can tell the predators mind isn't us, and is put into us, because it's the same in everyone."

Tonight, I was out with friends, and I stopped to look at them, and observe them, and also the strangers around us. It's in us all. It's in everyone.

Sorry if this is noise, but I wanted to share it.

Not noise at all, T.C. I'm glad you posted that. I wouldn't be surprised if many of us have shared the same or similar experience; like, being in a social setting and all of a sudden feeling like a complete stranger in a surreal environment. People around you smiling and talking yet, appearing completely phoney or lifeless inside. One of them turns to look at you and you feel a momentary terror as the sensation of being seen by a bio-robot sinks in. Then the surreal effect goes almost as quickly as it came and all is back to 'normal' again.
The mention of the staring technique that is done during the Art of Living course (mentioned in the intro audio by Laura) is giving me the willies now that I've been reading the book "The Threat" by David Jacobs.

In it he describes this "staring in the eyes" by hybrids and greys that abductees are subjected to and by which they are body and mind controlled by it. I am thinking that intense staring in somebody's eyes (ala Art of Living) may just hypnotically open a window with all the implications of such, like leaving the window open for one thing.

I can't help but think of the podcast that talked about mind control and especially the part about the Ozzie kid having found a way to program the subconscious and how his friends got loopy as if he had opened something that was now wide open and picking up all sorts of things floating around in the ether.
I'm thinking that the same could be the case with this intense staring.

Also it seems to me that when two people do this that one will "win" in the sense of being stronger somehow. Doesn't seem like a very equal sharing of energies.

Anyway, I had to get these thoughts out as it had been on my mind lately.

In it he describes this "staring in the eyes" by hybrids and greys that abductees are subjected to and by which they are body and mind controlled by it. I am thinking that intense staring in somebody's eyes (ala Art of Living) may just hypnotically open a window with all the implications of such, like leaving the window open for one thing.

I read something else very similar to this lately in an exert from Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens by John E. Mack:
The eyes have a compelling power, and the adbuctees will often wish to avoid looking directly into them because of the overwhelming dread of their own sense of self, or loss of will, that occurs when they do so.

In any case, this discussion reminds me of the phrase that the eyes are the window to the soul... and I shall add "or lack thereof". And I had a similar experience today at the bookstore. A very tall, blonde-haired young man was in front of me. I was thinking he was a good looking guy until he turned around for a moment and looked me in the eyes. Just for a second maybe. And it really disturbed me. There was nothing about his facial expression that was unnerving, but something in/behind his eyes was very predatory and I did not like it.
So, some of you begin to "see the unseen". I bet you never thought that this was how it would be. You probably thought you'd start seeing ghosts or auras or some of the nonsense that gets propagated by the so-called esotericists and mumbo-jumbo artists.

What is interesting is when the so-called "rational mind," i.e. the intellect fueled by emotion, tries to talk you out of what you are seeing.
I remember being totally scared by a certain stare from a guy who had pathological fame and past history. It was a clear red flag. Reminds me of this:


In the book Violent Attachments, women and men have noted the particular stare of the psychopath - it is an intense, relentless gaze that seems to preclude his destruction of his victim or target. Women, in particular, have reported this stare, which is related to the "predatorial" (reptilian) gaze; it is as if the psychopath is directing all of his intensity toward you through his eyes, a sensation that one woman reported as a feeling of "being eaten." They tend to invade peoples' space either by their sudden intrusions or intimidating look-overs (which some women confuse for sexuality.)

Creepy but true!
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