"Enjoying The Show" As The World Burns

When we look at the world through the eyes of the soul then we begin to "enjoy the show" in the right way.

A lot of substance in that one line. It does seem that we are going to have to start viewing the world and ourselves and others "through the eyes of the soul", i.e. as souls rather than bodies, because it seems we're going to be confronted with a lot of evidence that the physical body doesn't really count for much in this world.

And enjoy the show BUT, in the "right way". That highlights the fact that the definition of "enjoy" from a body-centric perspective is very different from the definition of "enjoy" from a soul perspective.
So the only way out of that is to cultivate the kind of knowledge and being that allows us to view, and ideally KNOW, physical existence as not the whole banana, and in fact just a temporary sojourn and, in that context, an 'illusion'. Pretty easy, right?:halo:
I think that's exactly what the "show" part of "enjoy the show" refers to - that 3D physicality is an illusion in a sense, a show.

The joy or 'ecstasy' may refer to being consciously connected to the core part of ourselves that knows that it is a show and that keeps a cosmic perspective - while being fully aware of what goes on in 3D physicality.

The illusion does have a purpose, similar to how movies have a purpose despite being illusions, but also quite different in many ways. It seems that the overall illusion of physicality is mostly a sort of feedback mechanism for learning lessons. And the only thing that is real is who is learning the lessons - the consciousness or soul.
Question preamble: The Cs have said many times over the years that we should "sit back and enjoy the show". Part of the "show" right now is a genocide in Gaza, which is actively and openly supported and facilitated by the USA and other Western "democracies".

Question: Assuming this trend is to continue, what perspective should we take on the suffering and death of many innocent people in order to "enjoy" such a show?

I've had some thoughts about that recently. I guess there's not much we can do about what everyone will experience anyway, according to their destiny and lessons.

I've also lost my reflex to be surprised by the crazy things that happen in the world.

Who are you going to tell what and who is going to understand what? That's how ridiculous it is.

For me, ‘enjoying the spectacle’ means not being overcome by anxiety and fear that you lose control. It is necessary to focus on one point to retain rational thinking and common sense. To be able to focus on this abomination, you need to detach yourself to a certain extent from the current reality, and ‘enjoying’ seems to be a reasonable way to do that.

It would be absurd to think of ‘enjoyment’ here as enjoying people's suffering.

So I tend to think that some communities are destined to learn certain lessons in the world.

Gaza is neither the first nor the last of these massacres.

I hope that Israel and its cronies, as the Cas. say, will make their own end.
If anything about this idea of religious concentration in a population is correct, cost of giving primacy to religious ideology over truth - jeez, they have watched their kids, families, homes and livelihoods being bombed, shot up and shredded for 75 years! Under these circumstances they refer to their dead as martyrs because they held onto their dodgy religious ideologies instead of learning to question them and their own minds until the end, fer cryin out loud!
I think referring to them as martyrs keeps the people left behind alive a little bit. Giving meaning to death can help cope with the loss. Otherwise, you'd probably go clinically insane.
If that's not an acceptance of torture and a total resistance to learning what the hell to do differently to avoid it, I dunno what is. But for them their whole country is basically their monastery and they are surrounded by it no matter what they do and where they go. How much do they have to suffer until they do learn the simple and karmic? The knowledge that protects? When do they reach the level of suffering where they experience the transmarginal inhibition that undoes their religious conditioning? How do parents stand watching their kids shot and blown up without deciding to do what they have to get the hell out?
Throughout the years, there are many who have escaped. But getting out is very difficult. For the people who want to get out, not everyone has the money to do so, not everyone will be lucky enough to not get shot or bombarded on their way out and not everyone will be lucky enough to escape with their entire family. Most of them are trapped and there are no places that are safe. It's pretty much an open air prison that gets bombed continuously.
I don't know how many Palestinians would say, 'I want no part in this game, how do I get out?' instead of turning into terrorists themselves to seek revenge and becoming the monster that they fight. Maybe there are a few and perhaps it would be good to include them in prayer.
If your entire family has been killed and you have no means to leave the country, you can either try to survive your days with other survivors or join the resistance. In my eyes, neither of these decisions make them monsters. I'd say most Palestinians who decide to fight back do so to protect their people while the IDF shoots and bombs to take over land and kill, capture or displace as many as they can. They're not the same IMO. My 2 cents.
If you want to watch a film or other programme on t.v. and people say hope you enjoy it. If the phone keeps ringing or others are coming in and out throughout said film you will certainly not enjoy the "show". Propaganda has always existed but we now live, for the 1st time in human history (that we know of) where massacres, weather changes, political machinations, displaced people etc are shown in technicolour, wide screen, instantaneous and 24/7.

I agree with what everyone here has said so eloquently so I just add that we have no excuse NOT to see the show. The C's didn't specify Gaza but to look left and right. We really have a global bird's eye view. The evil has always existed but we, in our day to day lives could forget. Now we have no excuse.
We have front row seats to see the faces of God. That's how I have read things.
Well now we definitely want to know what that 5% is!
If any group ever reached 100% congruence of beliefs about everything, it would get boring as hell and there'd be no further growth!

However, looking around at "the show" going on all around us today, you can see how much damage approximately 0% congruence on everything can do. I'd prefer a little boredom right now, so I'm here.

(That didn't quite come out right somehow...)
Gaza is neither the first nor the last of these massacres.

Agreed. But is it not the case that this is the first time in our known history when a genocide of this nature is being:

a) carried out by a supposedly 'Western' 'civilized' state

b) aided and abetted by THE most 'civilized' state and carrier of the banner of 'freedom and democracy'

c) televised, in effect, for all the world to witness

And in that case, it's rather different to similar events that preceded it?
If any group ever reached 100% congruence of beliefs about everything, it would get boring as hell and there'd be no further growth!

Not sure about that. 100% congruence just means seeing things in the same way. It doesn't mean no further growth. A person can grow alone, or grow together with others.

Anyway, the reason I'm interested in the 5% is to see if there's something I'm missing. I mean, I know there is a lot I'm missing, but it's not always easy to know what it is.
It's tempting to close your eyes and ignore all the atrocities, but once you develop the capacity to see the world as it is, it becomes impossible to retreat into "fantasy land". For example, a 4D STO being doesn't "go back" to 4D STS because its desire and ego have been purged during the transition/transformation. At an even higher awareness level (6D STO), it simply becomes impossible to violate anyone's free will—being in tune with reality becomes a way of life. "Enjoying the show" is the "preliminary, bitter taste" of the "non-interference principle", i.e. letting things play out.

I think we will certainly witness even worse acts of violence from our STS counterparts. Since we will be able to experience a wider range of emotions in 4D, it is presently hard to imagine how 4D torture would feel like. Maybe our definitions of malevolence have "training wheels" attached to them, so it would be wise not to get caught up thinking we have seen all the layers of the STS onion. Yes, enough is enough, the training wheels are about to fly off, but the rabbit hole can go even deeper!
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