Errors in "The Wave" (Online Version)

I am not sure if Kindle version of a book belongs to online version, printed book version or if a separate thread is most appropriate. I decided that Kindle is more online than printed. :)

In Pierres Earth Changes book Figure 39: There are no iridium values for Canada and Biarritz in the appropriate peach boxes. I am not sure if this is intended.
A few details noted when reading SHOTW3

p.20 image description does not match image, earth is not depicted

"Figure 11: Depiction of the Earth and its insulating bubble (the ionosphere) embedded in the heliosphere, the Sun’s own insulating bubble. Not to scale (©"

p.33 missing last part of footnote 52

"52 Christian Birkeland had written in 1913 that what is now called the ‘solar wind’ generates currents in space that cause the auroras. Birkeland’s theory was disputed at the time by the British geophysicist and mathematician"

p.63 14C half life = 5,568 years. Judging from the first few pages of google most people think it's 5730 (+/- 30 or 40 yrs), maybe a source would help any possible confusion there.

p.65 missing word, 'of'

"It might also explain why 8 out 19 mass extinctions"

p.81 orbit depicted below

"Comet ISON’s orbit, depicted above"

p.88 missing end of footnote

"178 In 1933, Earth made contact with the meteor swarm moving in the comet’s orbit, resulting in a strong rain of
meteors that lasted for an hour or two. Over some parts of Europe, more than 15,000 meteors were estimated to"

(switched from here on out to kindle, hence % instead of page #)

p. 35%: missing 'n', in intervene

"piezo electricity might itervene."

p. 36% - wrong figure reference, should be '101'

"Figure 100 shows how those various phenomena.."

p. 40% - County Clare

"Country Clare"

p. 49% - Don't you mean electric current is stronger at lower latitudes?

"Reciprocally, in the southern hemisphere, the atmospheric electric current is stronger at higher latitudes, therefore the Lorentz force is stronger near Antarctica than near the equator."

p. 49% - Don't you mean east coast in northern hemisphere and west coasts in the southern?

"west coasts in the Northern Hemisphere (Western Europe, for example) or east coasts in the Southern Hemisphere (Argentina, for example)."

p. 75% - the 'it' should go?

"While quantum physics strongly suggests the central role played by information (observer-event interaction – entanglement), a connection between mind and matter (observer’s role), and the existence of instantaneous interactions (two-double slit experiment), it leaves many questions unanswered."
The Wave, Ch. 67:

They will not even be able to identify and initiate from his words, or from his eyes. …’ (Hedsel 2000, 306)
I'm not sure, but this sentence threw me off as I tried to understand it; maybe "and" should be "an"?
HowToBe said:
The Wave, Ch. 67:

They will not even be able to identify and initiate from his words, or from his eyes. …’ (Hedsel 2000, 306)
I'm not sure, but this sentence threw me off as I tried to understand it; maybe "and" should be "an"?

I think you're right. I just changed it.
Since I'm reading through the Wave series right now, I'll keep an eye out for some errors.

Within English version of Chapter 31, I found what looks like some Unicode gobbledygook of some of the accented characters.

  • ~40 instances of Rennes-le-Château into Rennes-le-Château
  • ~15 instances of de Sède into de Sède
  • ~50 instances of Saunière into Saunière
  • 1 instance of ABBÉ into Abbé's (Not sure about this conversion, but can be found in the quoted section containing the letter Laura writes to Ms. Neyman: "BUT, that STILL DOES NOT EXPLAIN THE ABBÉ’S MONEY!" )

I was able to use the find[Ctrl+F, Cmd+F] function in Firefox to nab all of them. I haven't tried any other browsers or text editors but I think this can help.

I'll likely reread this chapter because I was both unfamiliar with the Priory of Sion back-story and some of the names and events. Until then, I'll continue on with Chapter 37.

As an aside, these editing contributions reminds of contributing to an open source project! :) Hope this helps!
Thank you for posting what it should be. This must have been an error when going from word processor to the online text editor that I missed. I will go through and fix all those soon.
Hello again!

I believe I found another error in the English version Chapter 51: The Psychomantium. There is a paragraph that appears to be within transcript section that shouldn't be.

I inspected the html and I think I know what happened. It appears that this quote below was merged into the <blockquote> tag which brings it into the section with the transcripts .

Well, that was interesting. As it happens, I have had no gallbladder problems, and probably won’t. However, the Cs certainly confirmed that Frank was unhappy. They were also conveying some deep information about Frank when they said that he was preparing to “bump it up a notch” that meshes exactly with what was later said on January 10, 2002:

Here's a potential fix in HTML to separate the paragraph back out:

Well, that was interesting. As it happens, I have had no gallbladder problems, and probably won’t. However, the Cs certainly confirmed that Frank was unhappy. They were also conveying some deep information about Frank when they said that he was preparing to “bump it up a notch” that meshes exactly with what was later said on January 10, 2002:

Thanks again!
There are errors in the article series "Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols" due, it seems, to differing character encoding in the pages of the old and new website versions. The places where such errors potentially can exist in the new version can be seen by viewing the old with Unicode encoding (at least for me, in Firefox - placeholder symbols appearing in place of how things should look). Viewing the old version with "Western" encoding, it looks as it is supposed to - which means things could be copied from there and reformatted in case of too many errors to fix one by one.

In part 2, search for "Pavia" and you'll find "Universit�di Pavia", which should be "Universitàdi Pavia"

In part 3, all instances of "Bonn-Tamir" should be "Bonné-Tamir".

Part 6 contains so many missing spaces between words (among other errors) that it's probably quicker to re-import the text from the earlier version. The errors begin at the paragraph which begins, "Gildas, writing in the sixth century AD".

Part 7 also contains a number of missing spaces. These begin at the paragraph which begins, "The story of Helen seems", and continue to before the quote before the very end. Earlier version here.

In part 8, "fiance" should be "fiancée".

Part 9 contains a number of formatting errors - mostly missing symbols, but also some missing spaces. These begin at the paragraph which begins, "Tracking this problem has led me down", and stop after the paragraph which ends, "April 16, 3100 BC.". Earlier version here.

Part 10 (earlier version) has many corrections, but some missing symbols (quotation marks, ellipses) and a few missing spaces remain here and there.

In part 11, "guided by a higher consciousness, or No ," should be "guided by a higher consciousness, or Noë,".

I have not yet looked through the rest of this series, but the pattern is probably similar.
Just bellow the "tree of life" diagram (the bolded word should be "mobius" or "möbius"):

"If I were able to present this in a hyperdimensional manner, the position at the top would include Being and Non-being that serves as a sort of Möbius connection between first density and seventh."

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