bjorn said:[quote author= Turgon]Bjorn,
I can see where you were both coming from. But I think you were describing what we are trying to do as far as spiritual development. But when it comes to 4D STS, I find it hard to fathom how you ascend to a more ethereal state of being while being consumed by negative emotions. Because things like greed, selfishness and hate are all limiting in so many ways.
I don’t get that either. But I could have missed it somewhere in the sessions or in other material. To clarify in case it wasn’t clear, with ethereal I meant nonphysical beings.
I guess ''graduation'' for STS to the fourth level is possible for some need of balance in service of the school.
I think you need to read the thread about negative emotions.,7197.0.html
Who said that negative emotions are greed, selfishness and hate?
See also:
Have either of you read the Mouravieff Gnosis trilogy?