Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

I think I saw almost the same cocktail but from Clean Nutraceuticals
Thank you Gaby, never heard of this company and glad you pointed it out. They appear to have two offering (at least to US based IP addresses) with Nattokinase which both seem to be full of other goodness (PulsePlex 360 and FlowDefend). Which I am thinking the FlowDefend is closer to what I was hoping to achieve.

And while on the subject, has anyone had any experiance with WarriorEssentials (Nocovidium, NattoRepair)? This seems to be explicitly targeted to those that took the jab and the literature doesn't seem to oversell itself, but that goes up to three additional bottles instead of the single Spike Support bottle awaiting me each morning (or FlowDefend if I go that route).

Interested to hear any feedback on any of the above.

I do have my own input which is about 2 weeks in to taking the Nattokinase that the ringing in my ears pretty much ceased which I have had for well over 18 months. No real proof of the Nattokinase other than the regiment of meds was pretty static and the only change in routine was the addition of the Spike Support.

That and maybe completely unrelated but the last internist appointment the PA asked me if I normally had low blood pressure. Which historically I do not and typically quite the opposite as I am fairly keyed up 24/7, even more so when going to any "medical" practitioner.
A friend of mine from work was suffering from long covid symptoms for a long time, super lethargic, no energy, no appetite. He bought the Spike Support and took it regularly, and he said he feels loads better now. I don't think he was taking many other supplements, either. FWIW.
The silica is used interchangeably with silicone dioxide and the stearic acid is the part of magnesium stearate that is potentially harmful.
That is certainly not good news! I figured they often use different names for the same ingredients. They’re pretty sneaky in that regard.
What I don't understand is that Thorne that produces high quality (?) supplements uses silicon dioxide in their supplements but they claim the following:
10. Silicon dioxide

Also known as silica, is a naturally-occurring compound that contains silicon, a mineral that is ubiquitous in nature and found in many foods, especially those high in fiber, and, because it is necessary for bone growth and maturation, it is also often added to nutritional supplements designed for bone support.

Silicon dioxide is used to control moisture content and to help powders flow into capsules. Although silicon is sometimes confused with silicone (the synthetic substance used in breast implants), there is no chemical similarity between these two substances.
The article is from 2019, though. No mention of nano particles.

BTW, I have noticed that Swanson supplements which are not very expensive contain magnesium stearate and silica, together or separately. :-(

DG Supplements (Lithuania/UK) are often fairly clean (they are a GMP company: Good Manufacturing Practice). I bought some on Dutch/German Amazon when their price and quality were right.

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Therapeutic approaches to post-COVID and post-vaccine syndrome - Dr. Kory in a lecture with Alina Lessenich (Vaccine Derivation Congress)

Unfortunately, I cannot link the video as it was only online for a short period of time during the congress.
Dr. Kory shared that there is a new product developed in Italy to remove the spikes. Kory, who is co-author of the FLCCC protocol, replaces the intake of nattokinase/bromelain/curcuma with the product Quantum NAC from Italy in most cases. The company is non-profit and has undergone a molecular restructuring. The product is only manufactured in Italy and marketed from there.

NAC (n-Acetilcisteina) - Quantum Hes
Not sure if you need to be logged in to Instagram to watch it or not, but worth posting here
I didn't need to be logged in to watch it. Thanks for posting. It really ticks me off how much garbage they put in these supplements. Why even take them if the fillers can make things worse? :mad: And they are still not that cheap. I will have to throw out quite a few, because I am one of these people that take many supplements. What a waste of money. OK, rant over. Fortunately, I also bought some German supplements without any fillers.
Keyhole just did a short video on the additives like silicon dioxide in supplements.

Thanks for reporting it now.
Indeed, I have just found Kay Kim's post on common additives to avoid, which Ant22 recalled, and I am preparing to recommend certain products with more attention to their composition. Because given the protocol and my current sensitivity to exhaustion, I prefer to protect myself here.
I didn't need to be logged in to watch it. Thanks for posting. It really ticks me off how much garbage they put in these supplements. Why even take them if the fillers can make things worse? :mad: And they are still not that cheap. I will have to throw out quite a few, because I am one of these people that take many supplements. What a waste of money. OK, rant over. Fortunately, I also bought some German supplements without any fillers.

Over the years I've seen quite a few articles, mentions and allusions to big pharma owning, or having shares or stakes in the supplement industry. Those reports often mention that these brands purposefully make supplements that don't really work well just to create an illusion of pharmaceutical solutions being much better than supplementation, thus discouraging people from using them to solve problems - while also making money in the process because supplements do sell well, even if they aren't perceived as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. And does it really hurt big pharma if people develop health issues as a result of taking supplements with harmful fillers? Or course not - sick people is how they make money, so all it does is create more customers.

Another way is using worse quality or unabsorbable forms of substances in supplements. B12 is one example. Poorly absorbed cyanocobalamin is used in well over 90% of B12 supplements found in health shops and supermarkets, I can only find other forms, such as methylcobalamin, or adenosylcobalamin online.

It may sound far fetched, but I don't think it's entirely unlikely that there is something to it.

I copied a few reports about that below, but given how murky and convoluted the relationships between different corporations and brands are, with ownership being difficult to track - or often being trackable to one giant that operates behind the scenes, I'd say there's likely not only is a grain of truth to those reports, it may even be just the tip of the iceberg.

I used to think that Solgar was a great brand, and I was willing to pay more for their products thinking I was investing in my health. Turns out Nestle has a steak in this brand - and they add all the usual suspects to their products too (silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, etc.)

Nestle Health Science, a division of Nestle, bought Pure Encapsulations and Douglas Foods, along with a host of other supplement companies, including Garden of Life, Vital Proteins, Nuun, Wobenzym, Persona Nutrition, Genestra, Orthica, Minami, AOV, Klean Athlete and Bountiful. Bountiful itself owns Solgar, Osteo Bi-Flex, Puritan’s Pride, Ester-C and Sundown, which are now all under Nestle’s control.

Here's an article about Pfizer's tentacles spreading to the supplement industry. Given how big pharma manages to control medical research to make sure its conclusions are beneficial to them, is it really too much to think that they may be interfering in this supplement brand's operations in other ways than just research, development, and manufacturing capability support?,and Pfizer through Pharmavite's ownership
In 1997, Nature Made became a subsidiary of Pharmavite LLC, a leading manufacturer of dietary supplements. Pharmavite is a privately held company that operates independently and oversees the production and distribution of Nature Made products.

Pharmavite's acquisition of Nature Made was a strategic move to expand its product portfolio and tap into the growing demand for natural health supplements. With Nature Made's reputation for quality and effectiveness, the acquisition proved to be a fruitful endeavor for Pharmavite.

Although Nature Made is not directly owned by Pfizer, it is worth noting that Pfizer acquired Pharmacia Corporation in 2003, which owned Pharmavite at the time. Therefore, there is an indirect connection between Nature Made and Pfizer through Pharmavite's ownership.

Pharmavite's decision to join forces with Pfizer was driven by the desire to leverage Pfizer's global reach and resources. This partnership allowed Nature Made to expand its market presence and reach a wider audience, benefiting from Pfizer's extensive distribution network and marketing capabilities.

The Role of Pfizer in Nature Made's Operations​

While Pfizer does not directly control Nature Made's operations, the acquisition of Pharmacia Corporation by Pfizer has had some influence on the brand. Pfizer's extensive resources and expertise in the pharmaceutical industry have provided Pharmavite with additional support in terms of research and development, manufacturing capabilities, and regulatory compliance.

“Increasingly, Big Pharma and Big Herba are indistinguishable,” claims Parramore. “The very same mega-companies with gigantic chemical labs that make drugs are cooking up vitamin and herbal supplements labeled with sunny terms like ‘natural’ and ‘wholesome.’ Pfizer, Unilever, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and other big pharmaceutical firms make or sell supplements.” While she does acknowledge there are a few small companies still in the mix, Parramore says they represent a small fraction of the total sales in the $39 billion-a-year supplement industry.

Many of these pharma companies have made the foray into supplements because it plays to their strengths while being far, far cheaper than drug development. Meanwhile, though, there are other large companies coming at it from a different direction. Nestlé has established a subsidiary, Nestlé Health Science, which, according to STATopens in new tab/window, brings in billions in revenue every year, largely with “high-protein nutritional shakes sold under the Boost brand and shakes and soups marketed under the Meritene brand as reducing ‘tiredness and fatigue,’ among other benefits.”

I also found this summary of big pharma's ownership of supplement brands:


And another one here (popular Swanson and Nature's Way are on the list):


I'm not advocating throwing the baby out with the bathwater and ditching those brands completely, it may be hard to do, but I do think it's crucial to read the labels. And whenever possible, I personally choose to support smaller brands that make clean supplements, even if it costs me a little more. Not only are those supplements better for our health, buying for smaller but cleaner brands also supports small businesses that have it quite difficult out there when competing against the giants.
I also found this summary of big pharma's ownership of supplement brands:
Thank you for this info!
Trophic is a relatively good brand, but it's sold under Garden of Life, which is under Nestle it would seem.
Gosh, these evil corporations are everywhere!
This filler issue is quite annoying. I wish I had known just a little sooner because I bought all my supplements not that long ago.

Well, filler or not, I will have to endure because I don't have the finances to throw them in the garbage and buy new ones. I will take the risk hoping that they will be of more benefit than harm...
I recently came across this video of Dr. Bryan Ardis. He discusses Nicotine to cure long covid syndrome. He also discusses how the PTB have lied to us about nicotine being addictive and unhealthy, fats being unhealthy, and the 'pandemic' of copper insufficiency in people post covid and covid vaccination. It's got a lot of great info in a quick 17 minute video. I would like to add one recommendation to this video that is not spelled out... His recommendation of using a nicotine patch of 7mg for 6 days may heal those with long covid, but if you received the vaccination, you may benefit from long-term nicotine supplementation. Since the vaccine supplied mRNA, those vaccinated have been turned into a spike protein producers so a short-term therapy would not suffice. One last comment, it is not necessary to smoke nicotine/tobacco cigarettes. You could use the nicotine patch, gum, or vape pure nicotine as well. Cigarettes are fine as long as they are organic pure tobacco cigarettes without the fillers/additives. It is interesting that nicotine is 30 times more potent than Ivermectin. There is definitely some cross-over/repeat information in this video that has already been discussed, but the idea that nicotine can heal more quickly and more completely was new information to me. He also discusses the mode of tranmission of covid. It has been categorized as spread by respiratory droplets, but he states that it is actually spread via fecal-oral routes aka touching infected surfaces then touching your mouth and spreading via the GI tract. Very interesting.

One warning: he still believes in the traditional Christian dogma so don't be surprised when he mentions "God". BUT that does not minimize the fact that what he says is scientifically true.
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I recently came across this video of Dr. Bryan Ardis. He discusses Nicotine to cure long covid syndrome. He also discusses how the PTB have lied to us about nicotine being addictive and unhealthy, fats being unhealthy, and the 'pandemic' of copper insufficiency in people post covid and covid vaccination. It's got a lot of great info in a quick 17 minute video. I would like to add one recommendation to this video that is not spelled out... His recommendation of using a nicotine patch of 7mg for 6 days may heal those with long covid, but if you received the vaccination, you may benefit from long-term nicotine supplementation. Since the vaccine supplied mRNA, those vaccinated have been turned into a spike protein producers so a short-term therapy would not suffice. One last comment, it is not necessary to smoke nicotine/tobacco cigarettes. You could use the nicotine patch, gum, or vape pure nicotine as well. Cigarettes are fine as long as they are organic pure tobacco cigarettes without the fillers/additives. It is interesting that nicotine is 30 times more potent than Ivermectin. There is definitely some cross-over/repeat information in this video that has already been discussed, but the idea that nicotine can heal more quickly and more completely was new information to me. He also discusses the mode of tranmission of covid. It has been categorized as spread by respiratory droplets, but he states that it is actually spread via fecal-oral routes aka touching infected surfaces then touching your mouth and spreading via the GI tract. Very interesting.

One warning: he still believes in the traditional Christian dogma so don't be surprised when he mentions "God". BUT that does not minimize the fact that what he says is scientifically true.
Anecdotally, when covid had it way though our house a few years back I was the only one who didn’t get it. I’m a 15 ciggie a day smoker. Patches make me itch like crazy.
Anecdotally, when covid had it way though our house a few years back I was the only one who didn’t get it. I’m a 15 ciggie a day smoker. Patches make me itch like crazy.
I'm not a fan of patches either. They irritate my skin. Looks like I may take up smoking. 🤣 Maybe the gum tastes ok... Still patches work for a lot of people and it is a good option for some.
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