Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

Looks like I may take up smoking. 🤣 Maybe the gum tastes ok...
Testimonial from a non-smoker: The gums are quite fine. I asked a friend to give me a couple so that I could recover my sense of smell that I lost (according to Dr. Ardis recommendations).
I used to have a perfumer's nose, and after some weird 3 weeks of congestion during the summer 2022 (most likely some covid mischief), I lost my smell to almost 80% which made me very upset. The gums helped recover to 50% maybe. The rest came back over time over the span of more than a year.
Now I know why it didn't work so well: the dosage was not enough. 2mg per gum and I cut them in 4, and took only 2... 🤔

After reading that Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?
I found some Nicotiana Rustica Wild Tobacco from Leaf Only online Store. I can't take much because it gives me "light head" and food cravings.
Thanks for the info. I lost my sense of taste and smell after COVID infection in 2021. Today I still haven't got them back. I'm not a smoker so I'm going to try the patches or the gums or the spray. Well, there's a choice of formats. Everything I eat tastes of plastic. Sometimes my senses come back with a bang, but it doesn't last long. I take a long time to react! As for the cardiac comfort protocol, after contact with the vaccinated, I'm going to take hawthorn berry capsules. It's time I applied what the forum recommends. Thank you all for sharing your experiences.:cool2::cry::lol:
I found this nattokinase made by luma nutrition which is reasonably priced, does not contain silica or stearates and it's third party tested. It does not say it's enteric coated.

I was a bit confused. I always thought nattokinase should be taken on an empty stomach, however this one says to take with a meal for best results. Perhaps it says this because it's not enteric coated?

I also found this Bestvite natto which seems too cheap. It says take on an empty stomach and also does not contain silica or stearates. Any thoughts on which would be best?
It is quite high in nic content and would be easier to balance in a DIY e-liquid. I posted recipes in the Smoking Thread.
That is exactly why I chose it, that way I don't have to inhale as much smoke in order to receive nicotine. Also, as per the literature posted by Laura and the C's that I linked up in my previous msg, nicotine is better delivered to the brain by smoking it rather than ingesting it.
I found this nattokinase made by luma nutrition which is reasonably priced, does not contain silica or stearates and it's third party tested. It does not say it's enteric coated.

I was a bit confused. I always thought nattokinase should be taken on an empty stomach, however this one says to take with a meal for best results. Perhaps it says this because it's not enteric coated?

I also found this Bestvite natto which seems too cheap. It says take on an empty stomach and also does not contain silica or stearates. Any thoughts on which would be best?

From what I understand, Nattokinase is very easily / richly absorbed in the upper digestive trakt.

A Chinese study recently
has shown for example, that when taking 600 mg Nattokinase daily (300 mg in the morning, 300 mg in the evening / 3 pills each - on empty stomach), it gradually dissolves the plaque in our blood vessels over time to a high degree (while 100-200 mg didn't show any improvement) I have no link to the study. It was mentioned by old Grad daddy; Swedish Lars Bern (82), who often speaks about medical findings in the alternative media how people can improve / support their health.

What to watch out for, Bern says is, that you may get lower blood pressure to a degree that (in his case) he sometimes gets too low blood pressure (he then simply takes a break with Nattokinase for a while). Supposedly the condition of his blood vessels are now like "that of a 25 year old" A man who was very ill 30 years ago, on many strange medications that lead him on a path to nowhere and a lot more illnesses caused by Big Pharma's medications. Therefore, he became interested into investigating a lot more abouthealth, medicine, and studies.

Also to watch out for is kidney conditions and bleeding for those who are sensitive or have issues with it.

I personally take 600 mg Nattokinase since several weeks, because i have noticed that my left leg sometimes get somewhat thicker (puffy) compared to the other foot/lower leg - and socks leave a deeper mark in the skin. After weeks with Nattokinase however, my socks leave less pronounced marks, and seem to improve things.
I spoke with my cousin, which told me about the trend in pediatrics that I wasn't aware of. She said that in our country, the pediatricians do not want to give small children any drugs for flu like symptoms. What they do is they give parents ampules of isotonic solutions for the inhalation with ultrasonic nebulizers. And they assume that every parent has one. They don't even ask if that is the case. And she said that she had a great experience with it with her son, and that she also used it on herself with good results. She said that isotonic sprays do nothing, but with these nebulizers she feels great.

And we are talking here about simple physiological saline, not Quinton Plasma or something like that. So maybe that could be another useful thing in our arsenal against viruses?
Testimonial from a non-smoker: The gums are quite fine. I asked a friend to give me a couple so that I could recover my sense of smell that I lost (according to Dr. Ardis recommendations).
I used to have a perfumer's nose, and after some weird 3 weeks of congestion during the summer 2022 (most likely some covid mischief), I lost my smell to almost 80% which made me very upset. The gums helped recover to 50% maybe. The rest came back over time over the span of more than a year.
Now I know why it didn't work so well: the dosage was not enough. 2mg per gum and I cut them in 4, and took only 2... 🤔

After reading that Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?
I found some Nicotiana Rustica Wild Tobacco from Leaf Only online Store. I can't take much because it gives me "light head" and food cravings.

For me the Canadian flue cured tobacco from leaf only is much more smokeable than most of their other products. It could be the leaf you received wasn’t cured properly. I’ve had that happen before. You can re-cure it yourself - there is info online about that. In the future, you can always open it, smoke, and if it’s unsmokable, you can get a refund. You have to do this within seven days of receiving the package.

Also, here in BC the govt has introduced a free three months worth of patches. I like smoking, but I like the patches better I think. Less ups and downs. They irritate the skin, but that’s just a small price to pay I think. Not sure if there is a free patches deal in QC but you could ask at a pharmacy.
Nattokinase is super useful for breaking down protein tangles, and so I think it would be very useful in the case of blood clotting.

Even better would be "Lumbrokinase", but its worth mentioning that this is EXTREMELY expensive!
Yes I think Nattokinase is generally less expensive, When I replaced warfarin as a blood thinner, the medical establishments answer to blood clotting problems (for e Leiden factor 5) I researched and decided on Lumbrokinase for its ability to break down clots, then after further research add Nattokinase and Serrapeptase, which are both less expensive than Lumbrokinase. So I take one capsule each morning of Natto, Lumbro - kinase and serrapeptase. They all work on breaking down unwanted proteins with enzymes.
I found this nattokinase made by luma nutrition which is reasonably priced, does not contain silica or stearates and it's third party tested. It does not say it's enteric coated.

I was a bit confused. I always thought nattokinase should be taken on an empty stomach, however this one says to take with a meal for best results. Perhaps it says this because it's not enteric coated?

I also found this Bestvite natto which seems too cheap. It says take on an empty stomach and also does not contain silica or stearates. Any thoughts on which would be best?
The price of Bestvite is approximately what we have to pay in Europe. Quite normal, I would say.

Lumanutrition is more expensive but the nattokinase content per capsule is also higher:

Bestvite: 2000 FU
Lumanutrition: 4000 FU
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