I thought I'd post this information here since it does involve the use of high dose melatonin specifically with regard to detoxifying the brain. If this idea interests you, it is important to research the topic thoroughly, so this post is hopefully helpful toward that end.
In the video at the very bottom of this post, the speaker, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, is largely addressing autism in children. However, most of what he’s discussing is relevant to us all. And while the extremely high dosages of melatonin he’s discussing are appropriate for severe cases of autism, many of us might benefit from working with these concepts at lower dosages. The high dose melatonin, along with other modalities he discusses — including the proper use of the appropriate binders (extremely important) — are used to detox the brain of aluminum, fluoride, toxic chemicals, etc. For this purpose, the melatonin he’s recommending is either liposomal or transdermal, both of which prove effective for detoxifying the brain.
Klinhardt also states, again with regard to autism, that before detoxifying the brain with high dose melatonin, the lymphatic and venous drainage of the brain need to be opened. There is a cream Klinghardt uses to achieve this (as per the video). I’m leaving open how these ideas and products may be applied to those without autism who are just seeking to detox the brain. In addition to other links I'm posting here, I'll provide a link to U.S. practitioners who have trained with Klinghardt.
Also in the video, Klinghardt points out the rather stunning fact that fifty percent of us will develop Alzheimer’s (I'm uncertain as to whether this is just in the U.S. or worldwide). This is due to the same factors that cause autism: namely, the synergy of mercury, lead, aluminum, agrochemicals — additionally, fluoride, which he has a lot to say about; most significantly, the fact that fluoride is a major factor in preventing the pineal gland from producing melatonin. He also discusses the deleterious effects of EMR.
In addition to viewing the video, I recommend reading this Klinghardt article to more fully understand how heavy metals impede the vital work of the immune system. I know the topic of heavy metals is discussed elsewhere at this forum. However, speaking for myself, I never fully understood how heavy metals deposited at specific sites in the body shut down the immune system at those sites, which then allows prions, retroviruses, etc., to flourish -- again, at those specific sites. So, even if one is treating the immune system holistically, the treatment will be ineffective at the sites where there are heavy metal deposits since the immune system has been shut down in these areas. In other words, heavy metals create a kind of protective shield for chronic disease. But it’s the site specific nature of this that I never fully understood before.
Here's the article:
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt Academy for the Healing Arts and Neural Therapy and Biology Official Website.
Klinghardt is an expert in detoxification and the immune system; and, as you’ll see in his talk, he seems to be a visionary in many respects. You can further research his work and the various products and tools he uses at Klinghardt Academy [klinghardtacademy.com].
One tool Klinghardt discusses in the video and recommends for everyone is the ionic foot bath. The brand he recommends is expensive, but unfortunately the cheaper ones don’t work. The high end ones are phenomenal at detoxing through the feet — also the hands, which connects more to the brain. Scroll down the page linked to below and you’ll see the foot bath he recommends (along with some other useful products). People are fooled with the cheaper versions of these foot baths since often there’s a chemical reaction which causes the water to change color and this is erroneously interpreted as the result of detoxification.
For more information on how powerful a tool the ionic foot bath is see the video linked to next to the product information titled "Why use an Ionic Foot Bath," which, again, relates to autism, but you can see more generally how it would be very useful for everyone. Something mentioned in that video is a study in which autistic teenagers— before using any other modalities — were given just the foot bath for a period of time with the result that 65 percent of their symptoms disappeared.
(It occurs to me that the ionic foot bath is something that could be put to use at FOTCM's various locations, in addition to the other healing modalities being used.)
Here's where you can find the ionic foot bath:
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt Academy for the Healing Arts and Neural Therapy and Biology Official Website.
Another Klinghardt related item I thought I’d link to is the binder par excellence that he recommends. In the video I’ve been discussing he talks about Chlorella Vulgaris. But he later learned it was really Chlorella Pyrenoidosa that was the most effective for detoxification due to a powerful substance found in the thicker cell wall. The Chlorella Vulgaris, because it has a more permeable cell wall, is better for nutritional supplementation. In addition to the product information, you can watch the short video he has posted along with the product description in which he discusses this. Note: BioPure is the product line Klinghardt is affiliated with, and looks to have very high production standards; Ki Science is another product line he highly recommends, although he has no financial stake.
BioPure Organic Chlorella Pyrenoidosa is a complete food, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals in a chewable, immune boosting form.
Klinghardt also highly recommends using a cilantro tincture (BioPure also has this product) to help with detoxification. I remember reading once that cilantro works synergistically with chlorella for detoxification, so this is a confirmation of that.
Here is the Klinghardt video I've been discussing. I believe it offers some important insights, and a workable blueprint to refer to. Again, as I said previously, the high dosages of melatonin he's talking about relates to extreme cases of childhood autism. However, these concepts can be applied more generally with further research and/or guidance from a Klinghardt trained practitioner:
Here’s a link to detailed information related to what he's discussing. Although it pertains to autism, it's relevant to understanding brain function, the complexities of proper detoxification, etc.
What I like about Klinghardt is how specific his protocols are. Some of us may already have a general feel for a lot of what he's talking about, but lack the specifics needed to create the proper protocols. For those interested, it would be beneficial, in the U.S. at least, to find a health practitioner who has trained with Klinghardt. Here's a link from his site to a list of practitioners:
A seminal technique these practitioners are taught is called Autonomic Response Testing (ART). Many of us already know about the type of muscle testing utilized in kinesiology. This takes that idea and profoundly expands upon it. Here's a description of how it works:
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt Academy for the Healing Arts and Neural Therapy and Biology Official Website.
I do realize this post goes far and above the use of high dose melatonin, but since high dose melatonin is seminal to Klinghardt's treatment of autism, and since these ideas can be applied to the treatment and/or prevention of Alzheimer's (for example), I thought this might be the place to post this. I've been investigating Klinghardt for some time now related to my own health issues, and so I wanted to share some of this information somewhere at the forum.