High Dose Melatonin Therapy

Because of extreme light sensitivity and a lot of other eye issues, I do not go outside without sunglasses, nor do I stand by windows unless it is very dim out so I do not get direct sun(light) into my eyes. I was told (and take with a grain of salt but it makes sense) by an energy reader that my body is hardly making melotonin, and to take 3 mg of sublingual melatonin before bed and also another 3 mg time-release tablet to try and keep me asleep throughout the night (I wake up about 5-6 times each night). It doesn't work so I upped the sublingual dose before bed to 5 mg and I still wake up. I already sleep in a dark room, have a humidifier, use earplugs, stay away from electronics, and have tried every sleep trick and supplement known to man. ;-D

Perhaps I should try taking a higher a dose of melatonin at night? Or maybe start taking some during the day also?
People are taking up to 20 mg per night in case of cancer . A couple of years ago i tried taking it and took only 1mg - it was the worst night ever - was waking up ever 15 min from very shallow sleep and nightmares.
i concluded my body doesn't need it.
i am planning to start again these days - will start first with 0.5 mg and see how it goes. Hopefully i can build up the dose to 20mg.
Here in Macedonia, it is ok to buy it in the pharmacies without a prescription. Doctors never prescribe melatonin here. Usually, it is a mixed with Vit B6 and sometimes with Valeriana. The price is pretty much high. Until recently it was much cheaper to buy it online than in pharmacy here. Last week I ordered online from pipingrock, but the shipping was around 20$. Before this madness, it was 5-7$.
Its dirt cheap on iherb
People are taking up to 20 mg per night in case of cancer . A couple of years ago i tried taking it and took only 1mg - it was the worst night ever - was waking up ever 15 min from very shallow sleep and nightmares.
i concluded my body doesn't need it.
i am planning to start again these days - will start first with 0.5 mg and see how it goes. Hopefully i can build up the dose to 20mg.

I don't know what form you took but I didn't respond well to melatonin in pills. It either didn't do anything or it gave me poor sleep. But ever since I switched to sublingual lozenges I've been getting very good results.

I tried taking 10mg and it made me feel groggy and fatigued for a few days afterwards. I decided to stick to lower doses.
From my experience in the past, any time I've used melatonin, I too used to have shallow sleep and waking dreams/nightmares and also that groggy heavy feeling that lasts the next day. It's not that the dream was scary, it's just that I would flash awake out of it. This caused me to lose interest and to stop experimenting with it.

Note: This was before Iodine, before my morning exercise routine, and before I started to intermittent fast and before I started to dabble with liposomal vitamin c, zinc supplements, and amino acid supplements. And also before I put a full stop to sugar in my coffee.

Recently, I started to take melatonin again, at least 50ml every second or third night, but only after having about 15ml of liposomal vitamin c. Each night I take it, I can recall my dreams again and also find it easier to wake in the morning. One thing I've noted in the past few weeks since I started to take melatonin more frequently is that the bags under my eyes aren't so distinguished and I feel more alert. I also seem to have less of a stress response to abrupt disturbances like loud noises or sudden changes to what I find are important routines.

As for that groggy heavy feeling, it's not as pronounced, instead, it's less of a groggy heavy feeling, and more of a calm heavy if that makes sense, or a heaviness that I feel isn't impeding my ability to be nimble, but instead part of my nerves being more settled, tying into what I mentioned earlier about having less of a stress response to abrupt stimuli.
Hi : )
Thank you Laura for the post, I have followed the recommendations in the health threads and it has greatly improved my health to begin with since I changed my diet several years ago.
I have been using Iodine and supplements for 2 years (my infant daughter and I) and a few months ago I used melatonin 1mg for me and .5mg for my daughter, at first I used 2 or 3mg but it made me dizzy, I think 1mg I can tolerate it very well, I wake up in the morning feeling very rested.

I use it every night the same way for my daughter, because she is super active, she sleeps more easily all night.
If I understood correctly in the first posts of this thread, then is it safe to use it frequently or every day?
Weitere Informationen darüber, wie leistungsfähig ein Werkzeug für das ionische Fußbad ist, finden Sie in dem Video neben der Produktinformation mit dem Titel "Warum ein ionisches Fußbad verwenden", das sich wiederum auf Autismus bezieht, aber Sie können allgemeiner sehen, wie es aussehen würde sei sehr nützlich für alle. In diesem Video wird eine Studie erwähnt, in der autistische Jugendliche - bevor sie andere Modalitäten verwendeten - für einen bestimmten Zeitraum nur das Fußbad erhielten, so dass 65 Prozent ihrer Symptome verschwanden.

(Mir fällt ein, dass das ionische Fußbad zusätzlich zu den anderen verwendeten Heilmethoden an den verschiedenen Standorten von FOTCM eingesetzt werden kann.)

Hier finden Sie das ionische Fußbad:

[URL unfurl = "true"] klinghardtacademy.com [/ URL]

Ein weiterer Klinghardt-Artikel, auf den ich verlinken wollte, ist der von ihm empfohlene Ordner schlechthin. In dem Video, über das ich gesprochen habe, spricht er über Chlorella Vulgaris. Später erfuhr er jedoch, dass Chlorella Pyrenoidosa aufgrund einer starken Substanz in der dickeren Zellwand wirklich am effektivsten zur Entgiftung geeignet war. Die Chlorella Vulgaris ist aufgrund ihrer durchlässigeren Zellwand besser für die Nahrungsergänzung geeignet. Zusätzlich zu den Produktinformationen können Sie das kurze Video ansehen, das er zusammen mit der Produktbeschreibung gepostet hat, in der er dies bespricht. Hinweis: BioPure ist die Produktlinie, mit der Klinghardt verbunden ist und die sehr hohe Produktionsstandards zu haben scheint. Ki Science ist eine weitere Produktlinie, die er sehr empfiehlt, obwohl er keinen finanziellen Anteil hat.

[URL unfurl = "true"] BioPure Chlorella Pyrenoidosa 1000 Tablets For Immune Support [/ URL]

Klinghardt empfiehlt außerdem dringend die Verwendung einer Koriander-Tinktur (BioPure hat auch dieses Produkt), um die Entgiftung zu unterstützen. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich einmal gelesen habe, dass Koriander zur Entgiftung synergistisch mit Chlorella wirkt, also ist dies eine Bestätigung dafür.

Hier ist das Klinghardt-Video, über das ich gesprochen habe. Ich glaube, es bietet einige wichtige Erkenntnisse und einen praktikablen Entwurf, auf den man sich beziehen kann. Wie ich bereits sagte, beziehen sich die hohen Dosierungen von Melatonin, von denen er spricht, auf extreme Fälle von Autismus bei Kindern. Diese Konzepte können jedoch allgemeiner angewendet werden, wenn weitere Forschungen und / oder Anleitungen eines von Klinghardt ausgebildeten Praktikers durchgeführt werden:

[MEDIA = youtube] RwJNp_qhTU8 [/ MEDIA]

Hier ist ein Link zu detaillierten Informationen zu dem, was er bespricht. Obwohl es sich um Autismus handelt, ist es relevant für das Verständnis der Gehirnfunktion, der Komplexität einer ordnungsgemäßen Entgiftung usw.

[URL unfurl = "true"] Chicago 19.pptx [/ URL]

Was ich an Klinghardt mag, ist, wie spezifisch seine Protokolle sind. Einige von uns haben vielleicht bereits ein allgemeines Gefühl für vieles, worüber er spricht, aber es fehlen die Einzelheiten, die zur Erstellung der richtigen Protokolle erforderlich sind. Für Interessierte wäre es zumindest in den USA von Vorteil, einen Heilpraktiker zu finden, der bei Klinghardt ausgebildet wurde. Hier ist ein Link von seiner Seite zu einer Liste von Praktizierenden:


Eine wegweisende Technik, die diesen Praktikern beigebracht wird, heißt Autonomic Response Testing (ART). Viele von uns kennen bereits die Art der Muskeltests in der Kinesiologie. Dies nimmt diese Idee auf und erweitert sie grundlegend. Hier ist eine Beschreibung, wie es funktioniert:

[URL unfurl = "true"] klinghardtacademy.com [/ URL]

Mir ist klar, dass dieser Beitrag weit über die Verwendung von hochdosiertem Melatonin hinausgeht, aber da hochdosiertes Melatonin für Klinghardts Behandlung von Autismus von entscheidender Bedeutung ist und diese Ideen auf die Behandlung und / oder Prävention von Alzheimer angewendet werden können (zum Beispiel), Ich dachte, dies könnte der Ort sein, um dies zu posten. Ich habe Klinghardt seit einiger Zeit im Zusammenhang mit meinen eigenen Gesundheitsproblemen untersucht und wollte daher einige dieser Informationen irgendwo im Forum veröffentlichen.
I found his lecture very interesting and watched a few more (unfortunately most of them are only available in German). I was particularly interested in the possibility of releasing and removing aluminum in the brain with the help of high-dose melatonin.

His focus is of course primarily on the treatment of autistic children. At the same time, however, he points out that in principle everyone is affected by poisoning by heavy metals, fluorides and glyphosphate. An important point, which I did not know before, is that glyphosphate is completely bound and excreted by taking only 10g glycine daily. I'm sure this has already been mentioned elsewhere here in the forum. I just missed it.

Dr. Klinghardt mentioned lymphatic drainage on the neck to support detoxification makes sense to me. I'm not sure if the cream used is strictly necessary.

Here is a helpful guide on how to easily do the massage yourself:

Dr. Klinghard also mentioned that in people who have high levels of aluminum toxicity in the brain, even lower doses of melatonin can cause a release. He says that when you wake up the next morning and have brain fog and severe fatigue, you haven't been taking enough chelating agents. This aspect made me curious and decided to experiment with this information (he uses doses between 80-300mg for targeted aluminum detoxification).

Last Thursday I added zinc to my daily food supplements (vitamin C, D3, B-complex, magnesium), then 1 teaspoon of zeolite in water, 300 mg of alpha lipoic acid and 100 mg of melatonin before going to sleep. That was at 10 p.m. I fell asleep very quickly and set my alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. the next morning because I had an appointment.

I was instantly awake with no signs of fatigue or brain fog. Unfortunately I don't have any test strips for the urine that show a concentration of heavy metals. But I have found that when heavy metals are bound and excreted with the help of alpha lipoic acid, the urine has a very strong smell of sulfur. And that was the case with me. I have now taken a break for 2 days and took 100mg of melatonin again last night (with all cofactors). This morning a very strong smell of sulfur when going to the toilet again. So it actually seems to be working. I continue to drink zeolite daily without interruption and also take 2x300 mg alpha lipoic acid on the days on which I take a break. I feel very good and have no side effects.
I found his lecture very interesting and watched a few more (unfortunately most of them are only available in German). I was particularly interested in the possibility of releasing and removing aluminum in the brain with the help of high-dose melatonin.

His focus is of course primarily on the treatment of autistic children. At the same time, however, he points out that in principle everyone is affected by poisoning by heavy metals, fluorides and glyphosphate. An important point, which I did not know before, is that glyphosphate is completely bound and excreted by taking only 10g glycine daily. I'm sure this has already been mentioned elsewhere here in the forum. I just missed it.

Dr. Klinghardt mentioned lymphatic drainage on the neck to support detoxification makes sense to me. I'm not sure if the cream used is strictly necessary.

Here is a helpful guide on how to easily do the massage yourself:

Dr. Klinghard also mentioned that in people who have high levels of aluminum toxicity in the brain, even lower doses of melatonin can cause a release. He says that when you wake up the next morning and have brain fog and severe fatigue, you haven't been taking enough chelating agents. This aspect made me curious and decided to experiment with this information (he uses doses between 80-300mg for targeted aluminum detoxification).

Last Thursday I added zinc to my daily food supplements (vitamin C, D3, B-complex, magnesium), then 1 teaspoon of zeolite in water, 300 mg of alpha lipoic acid and 100 mg of melatonin before going to sleep. That was at 10 p.m. I fell asleep very quickly and set my alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. the next morning because I had an appointment.

I was instantly awake with no signs of fatigue or brain fog. Unfortunately I don't have any test strips for the urine that show a concentration of heavy metals. But I have found that when heavy metals are bound and excreted with the help of alpha lipoic acid, the urine has a very strong smell of sulfur. And that was the case with me. I have now taken a break for 2 days and took 100mg of melatonin again last night (with all cofactors). This morning a very strong smell of sulfur when going to the toilet again. So it actually seems to be working. I continue to drink zeolite daily without interruption and also take 2x300 mg alpha lipoic acid on the days on which I take a break. I feel very good and have no side effects.
Hi Kari Baba.

That sounds great. My body has great difficulty with handling toxins and detoxification, but you seem to have found a good protocol, which I should look into. What brand melatonin are you using? I had bought the liposomal brand that Klinghardt recommended, but around the time I started taking it I had an itchy rash happen on my lower legs, and so I stopped taking anything new that I'd been experimenting with including the liposomal melatonin -- I think the rash had more to do with certain toxins being released rather than the melatonin itself. But I wasn't taking the other agents you mentioned, except for my usual vitamins.

Klinghardt warns against certain types of zeolite, by the way. There's a reason he got involved with companies manufacturing these things since when they are poorly manufactured it can cause all types of problems. Zeolite in particular he warns about. So, you might look into the brand he's recommending through his website, if you haven't already (the highlighted "tools/products" on the left of the page at Klinghardt Academy.com links you to the Biopure products he's recommending; also: Ki Science is a company he likes -- I believe he's personally invested in Biopure, and supports his "friends" at Ki Science).
Hi Kari Baba.

That sounds great. My body has great difficulty with handling toxins and detoxification, but you seem to have found a good protocol, which I should look into. What brand melatonin are you using? I had bought the liposomal brand that Klinghardt recommended, but around the time I started taking it I had an itchy rash happen on my lower legs, and so I stopped taking anything new that I'd been experimenting with including the liposomal melatonin -- I think the rash had more to do with certain toxins being released rather than the melatonin itself. But I wasn't taking the other agents you mentioned, except for my usual vitamins.

Klinghardt warns against certain types of zeolite, by the way. There's a reason he got involved with companies manufacturing these things since when they are poorly manufactured it can cause all types of problems. Zeolite in particular he warns about. So, you might look into the brand he's recommending through his website, if you haven't already (the highlighted "tools/products" on the left of the page at Klinghardt Academy.com links you to the Biopure products he's recommending; also: Ki Science is a company he likes -- I believe he's personally invested in Biopure, and supports his "friends" at Ki Science).
Hi Heather

Thank you for pointing out the zeolite. I think Dr. Klinghardt means the impurities that are often associated with the breakdown. I found a German dealer and bought a 25 kg container. Regular laboratory analysis is visible on the retailer's website. Serious dealers always provide an analysis on request.

I use Piping Rock's melatonin (10mg). I have found that the liposomal form makes sense for vitamin C, as higher amounts can be taken orally here. Minerals are also available in this form and I think the bio availability is significantly improved here. For melatonin, the form of a normal tablet or sublingual is enough for me. I have the feeling to take it very well.

If you've been using liposomal melatonin, chances are you've taken a higher dose and the rash was a sign of toxin release. I think the most important is the binding of toxins and good support for the liver (alpha lipoic acid, milk thistle), the kidneys (salt protocol) and the intestines (zeolite, probiotics). But that applies to all forms of detoxification.
Hi : )
Thank you Laura for the post, I have followed the recommendations in the health threads and it has greatly improved my health to begin with since I changed my diet several years ago.
I have been using Iodine and supplements for 2 years (my infant daughter and I) and a few months ago I used melatonin 1mg for me and .5mg for my daughter, at first I used 2 or 3mg but it made me dizzy, I think 1mg I can tolerate it very well, I wake up in the morning feeling very rested.

I use it every night the same way for my daughter, because she is super active, she sleeps more easily all night.
If I understood correctly in the first posts of this thread, then is it safe to use it frequently or every day?
Hi Jess, i think you can take the melatonin everyday, i take it everyday for almost a year now and I'm feeling excellent. I experimented with taking up to 13 - 20 mg of melatonin for some months, sometimes i felt a little bit groggy but for the rest i was feeling ok. Now i take maximum 6 - 8 mg and i sleep like a baby and feeling pretty good afterwards.
Hi Jess, i think you can take the melatonin everyday, i take it everyday for almost a year now and I'm feeling excellent. I experimented with taking up to 13 - 20 mg of melatonin for some months, sometimes i felt a little bit groggy but for the rest i was feeling ok. Now i take maximum 6 - 8 mg and i sleep like a baby and feeling pretty good afterwards.
Hi Andrian, thank you so much for answering, I had that question because the packaging of the melatonin says to take it "occasionally" or no more than 14 days in a row.
So, there is no need to worry about taking it every night, in fact I have only seen the benefits, so far I could not say anything about noticing adverse effects.
(Now with the current situation of covid-19 and "turbulent times", I have been buying some extra supplements and among them melatonin seems to be a good choice to have it next to the food storage list).

Thanks for your comments :-)
This therapy was recently brought to our attention and there seems to be so many positive things about it, and it is relatively inexpensive, that I thought I would share a few links here to articles about it.

Here's something interesting:

Hi !! I used two nights melatonin 5grm..but I had so many weird dreams , so I wonder if I continue to use it I will have bizarre dreams .to be honest wasn't to pleasent to me.....🤔🖐️
Hi !! I used two nights melatonin 5grm..but I had so many weird dreams , so I wonder if I continue to use it I will have bizarre dreams .to be honest wasn't to pleasent to me.....🤔🖐️

5g is overkill IMHO, maybe bring it down a bit and perhaps try to ensure you're also up on other supplements, such as chelating agents like amino acids or other acids like Citric acid, Lactic acid, Ascorbic acid, and Acetic acid.
Hi !! I used two nights melatonin 5grm..but I had so many weird dreams , so I wonder if I continue to use it I will have bizarre dreams .to be honest wasn't to pleasent to me.....🤔🖐️
This also happened to my wife, so she reduced the dose and this didn't happen anymore. When these dreams began, she was taking 3 mg, so I told her to reduce the dose (0.5 mg) each night until she found the right dose for her. Now she's taking 1 mg, and she feels great.
I've been on and off melatonin for the past 5 years. Lower doses didn't really do anything for me. I'm nearly 30 and live in a high EMF environment. I found 10mg was good for a while, but started going up to 10-20-30-40mg. Closer to 40mg was too much, I'd have a really deep sleep and wake up alert after 5 hours, which I thought was perfect until I started nodding off around noon. The high doses also started a period of vivid dreams that seem to have calmed down now. In fact I sometimes have vivid dreams without the melatonin now, but didn't have many in the past.

I've reduced it back to 20-30mg depending on how tired I feel when it gets towards bedtime. Sometimes if I'm feeling sleepy enough I don't take it at all.

Edit: the brand was Puritan's Pride 10mg
Hi Andrian, thank you so much for answering, I had that question because the packaging of the melatonin says to take it "occasionally" or no more than 14 days in a row.
So, there is no need to worry about taking it every night, in fact I have only seen the benefits, so far I could not say anything about noticing adverse effects.

I've taken melatonin every day since mid 2018 and if anything, my sleep has gotten even better with time and I have more energy the following day. What I noticed is that if I don't take it at my usual time I get super sleepy around that time anyway.

I actually wonder if melatonin supplementation trains the body that there's a certain amount of melatonin in the system at a specific time, and when it doesn't come the body just produces it itself? It's a far shot, maybe people who supplemented it for a longer period and then stopped could confirm difficulties sleeping when they discontinued melatonin?

There were a few occasions when I didn't take melatonin, for example, I had a short night due to a plane journey the following day, or I simply forgot, and I didn't have trouble falling asleep. I haven't skipped melatonin for a few consecutive nights so it's hard to say if I'd notice an issue, but to make sure I don't have to worry about it I have a supply for a couple fo years ahead :-)
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