How are you feeling?

May be it will be useful.
I have had that experiences prior.
And when I feel weak. Its like my 6th sense/senses are activating more. And I trying to use the resources I have, but not all I have. And it seems that I would feel that way right now. Stabilization process is going on.

So back to what I want to said as one of examples, and I've been noticing the same exact patterns before.
(I think I wouldn't formulate all of them well right now, at least I will try to share one example)

I was going to a shop to buy sweets (7 vitamins+ guarana or caffeine, 2 variety I found here.)
(The picture below, 👇)

There was, some girl came in and the cashier lady. 3 of us.
1. (Cashier lady - My feeling about that lady that she is not good as far as I tested her, (мы говорим, не хорош душой как человек. Я пытался относиться к этому продавцу и так и сяк (по-разному) Ей одинаково. Только дай ей что она хочет и все)
/ I will try to write in Russian and mixed way. /

The girl that came in (and I haven't seen her before, I didn't even look at her face but I feel girls by my heart, that's why sometimes it is harder to speak with them even when I'm weaker. )
/As far as I'm sensible, mine people "identification"
works different way, maybe I pay attention to the details that's other don't. /

So, this girl that come in, to the shop.
She acted so rude to that cashier.
First I noticed her voice tone vibration was in such a different manner. (Грубый голос на столько, я был на столько удивлен)

She turned around and watch at me.
I opened my heart in my mind to her.
(Because I was trying to block it to everyone around. Cause I need some time to spend on my own and rest somehow, I can make a "paused" mode right now.)
Even though I wasn't looking at her.

And her voice changed dramatically, I haven't Seen that singers/musicians do that ever to a such an extend. Believe me.
She started to be so polite and her voice was so gentle. (Even though that lady didn't care and don't even noticed that)

That girl stayed next to me and for some time for some reasons and and I felt protected.

And then a good guy, I didn't seen him before.
Looks like Orthodox priest.
Help me to solve my issue, in such a polite manner.
Maybe I will tell you a lot of others examples I went through right now and before)

One of the lessons I learned here is to act the way people deserve it. But you need a lot of Knowledge and Love to identify who is who.


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I've been feeling like crap this year. I got Covid at Christmas, and was sick enough that I left my door unlocked in case someone needed to get to me. Seems to have done a number on my metabolism, resulting in considerable and rapid weight gain with no real change in diet. I probably needed to gain some weight, as I was <100lbs, but this is ridiculous.
Then in May, I got multiple fractures by falling off a ladder, which put me out of work for a while.
Latest thing is a couple of months of bad dreams, but no real pattern to them otherwise.
Achy, bloated and irritable. Maybe depressed.
Also noticing a heightened sensitivity to moods/mindsets of others. Just want to stay indoors lately, and keep to myself. I try to do all needful errands only when I have to go out anyway, so as to minimize unnecessary outside contact.
Don't know if this is a good thing or not.
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I have asked already, I'm usually doing that.
What does people feel.
I know like a 1000 people here and it is small town.
My friend (gym trainer) he told me he feel like everything is on "pause" in his life.
The girl told me the same.

What I think it good to have a rest and get more energy.
If you can afford it.
I spoke with several more people around and I'm trying listening 🎧 what I can get.

Some are more stable in phycological way, some not.

(Некоторые устойчивые более психически, некоторые нет; женщины намного сильнее в этом вопросе, их психика более стабильная и это прекрасно)

An example of what I got today
A boy was speaking to his mother and said this issues and that he have, and told her about his friends, what they are experiencing, "that they are feeling badly"

She said "you all of you have some phycological troubles. "
I've been feeling like crap this year. I got Covid at Christmas, and was sick enough that I left my door unlocked in case someone needed to get to me. Seems to have done a number on my metabolism, resulting in considerable and rapid weight gain with no real change in diet. I probably needed to gain some weight, as I was <100lbs, but this is ridiculous.
Then in May, I got multiple fractures by falling off a ladder, which put me out of work for a while.
Latest thing is a couple of months of bad dreams, but no real pattern to them otherwise.
Achy, bloated and irritable. Maybe depressed.
Also noticing a heightened sensitivity to moods/mindsets of others. Just want to stay indoors lately, and keep to myself. I try to do all needful errands only when I have to go out anyway, so as to minimize unnecessary outside contact.
Don't know if this is a good thing or not.

I think I also had a covid of covids 19,20... or whatever it was.

I try to limit myself from external influences as much as possible. I haven't figured out how to do it properly yet.

I don't know what to say about weight gain or losses. I've noticed that people tend to either gain or lose weight in nervous situations.
It probably depends on genetics.

During my divorce, I couldn't eat anything at all. I was already thin, and then I lost 7-8 kilograms of weight.
I'm 1.80 metres tall. And my weight was 54-55kg or so at that moment.

We have saying here that for a guy its good for health is to have " equal weight" proportional to your height.
"При росте 1.8 метра, я должен иметь вес хотя бы 70кг"
Убрать единицу от роста и получишь тот идеальный вес. Это касательно мужчины конечно.
1.8-1= 80 kg
I think I also had a covid of covids 19,20... or whatever it was.

I try to limit myself from external influences as much as possible. I haven't figured out how to do it properly yet.

I don't know what to say about weight gain or losses. I've noticed that people tend to either gain or lose weight in nervous situations.
It probably depends on genetics.

During my divorce, I couldn't eat anything at all. I was already thin, and then I lost 7-8 kilograms of weight.
I'm 1.80 metres tall. And my weight was 54-55kg or so at that moment.

We have saying here that for a guy its good for health is to have " equal weight" proportional to your height.
"При росте 1.8 метра, я должен иметь вес хотя бы 70кг"
Убрать единицу от роста и получишь тот идеальный вес. Это касательно мужчины конечно.
1.8-1= 80 kg
We have a saying here that there's almost no problem that a nice bowl of spaghetti can't solve, at least briefly. Self-medicating with comfort food isn't great for us, but probably a better choice than using alcohol/drugs for such.
We have a saying here that there's almost no problem that a nice bowl of spaghetti can't solve, at least briefly. Self-medicating with comfort food isn't great for us, but probably a better choice than using alcohol/drugs for such.
Of course. It's probably better that way.

The thing is that at the time of the divorce I didn't have a drop of alcohol in my mouth.
I tried, I drank 1 litre of vodka. (Expensive, exclusive, I think from Belarus) It didn't help.
I still felt terrible pain.

That is what I am getting at.
That I usually have a tendency to fast and sleep. This is what works better with my body.
It may be different for someone else.
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