I would have calculated differently on my side, taking into consideration the 1 ATA. I would consider that if i do 60h at 2 ATA, i would take the image of driving a car at 200km/h (or miles, or mph ^^), this means a distance of 12000km. If i want to reach the same distance at 1,5 ATA, meaning 150km/h i will need 90 hours, not 120. Reason is that under 1 ATA, your body already heals itself, visibly not as well as it does with higher ATA (and more oxygen, but it's not the topic here), but it does, so i think it's more logical to take this into account.
This remains a detail anyway, what is important is to feel inside oneself once you can stop the treatment or to wait for the (positive) results of a medical check up.
But, the topic of which minimal pressure you need to be exposed to in order to allow your body to "fight" the maximum of pathologies HBOT can help to still remains uncomplete, at least this is what i have in mind.
As far as I understood, the lone number i read so far is from this article :
Difference Hard Soft Hyperbaric Chambers - National Hyperbaric
which states :
Scientific research shows that oxygen becomes bacteriostatic at 1.5 ATA. This means that at levels above 1.5 ATA, the oxygen prevents bacterial and fungal growth
and from this excerpt from
this book, already posted here more than 1, which states :
Soft inflatable bag chambers can only reach a maximum depth of 1.3 ATA internally, while the lowest protocol for hyperbaric medicine used by Physicians in the USA is 1.5 and above. You will never find an inflatable chamber in a hospital. In fact, studies show that oxygen cannot kill bacterial in pressures below 1.4 ATA and can in fact enhance the growth of some molds, bacteria and fungus.(Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine, page 143,4th Revised Edition, K.K. Jain, et al.)
But what about if, for instance, reaching 1,8 ATA renders/triggers another "effect" which then can heal a certain type of "wound" or pathology that couldn't be done with lower pressure, whatever the number of hours you spend ? Then another step at 2,2 ATA for instance, etc ... There are maybe a series of ... kind of steps to discover, ... or not ? I do not know in fact and i'm just wondering.
I already thought a lot of time on how to well formulate the question to the C's, and if i had just 1 question to ask, here's how i would formulate it :
Is there a minimal ATA pressure to reach for HBOT in order to obtain the maximum health benefits, or close to the maximum, of such type of treatment ?