Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Only about halfway thru the thread so far, but have a question regarding NAC. I went to take the NAC, ALA, milk thistle and some mag before bed and got quite a shock. It smelled kind of sulfur like, almost like rotten eggs. I thought my roommate let one loose as I was taking them. Turns out the culprit was the NAC. It smells FOWL. Im trying to get my detox system in line along with the other supplements as I await the book/lugols, but I want to make sure that this is normal. Not sure if Im just blending things together with hearing about the porter ranch outgassing and smelling rotten eggs recently as I drove past the Dundee, MI area on route to visit family. Irrational connection probably, but the smell made me hesitant to using it again.
Beau said:
Joe said:
Gaby said:
It does sound like "bromoderma" lesions. People who are having flare-ups of acne-like and node-like lesions should keep this one in mind. It can also be a bug.

I think I might have these "bromoderma" or "ioderma" things. For several weeks I've had small red itchy bumps appear mostly on my lower leg/ankle area, but also a bit higher at times. I usually scratch them bloody. It's kind of strange that more than 6 weeks after stopping iodine I would still be getting them. They also seem to associated with anxiety episodes.

I had the same issues. I stopped the iodine for a while and they stopped appearing. I scratched one on my foot till it broke the skin too. After starting the iodine again at only 1 drop of 12%, I haven't had any issues like this come up again.

I'm also glad you mentioned this because i've been having these recently. The problem i have is that these are appearing in areas where i've had twisted/locked muscle due to whiplash for the last two years and when a muscle pops back in to place, especially in troublesome areas like my shoulders, neck, hips, knees and ankles. In the past in these areas if i sat in a hot bath for too long i'd get mild histamine reaction/hives.

This week has been my knees and ankles, previous weeks i've had a few spots round my neck or hips, again accompanied by a loosening of the locked muscle.

Since the accident I've had symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome round my wrists but recently they've loosened and accompanied by a few itchy spots - i'm almost certain this was prompted and sped up because of the iodine - so it i thought it can't only be detox. Though it may be that the blood flow has been so slow in these areas that now it's flowing better, there's two years worth of stuff that needs to be ejected. My diet was fairly clean at the time of the accident but it could also just have made all the years of neglect prior even worse.

Much of the other symptoms i've experienced correlate with typical Fibromyalgia complaints; it could be that i had bad blood flow due to muscle issues, also picked up a virus because of it, as well as past toxicity to release.

As i say, since the symptoms have followed a predictable pattern and haven't been unbearable so i've felt comfortable just managing it but i will bear the comments in mind. I also took photos because i was thinking to ask. Tip: if you have an attack, i've found pepper mint oil to help ease the need to itch - just be careful around sensitive areas!!

Sidenote: I haven't noticed a difference in my smoking, actually may have increased my use during the depression phase. Dreams are often and vivid in comparison to normally. I've also been pulsing high doses to see any effects: other than the immediate heightened blood flow that i feel throughout my body, which can be bothersome since the knot in my neck isn't fully gone and can feel like it's pinching, i haven't any overly intense side effects. My sleep hasn't been so great. When upping the dose i was using 10 drops of 5.5mg (12%) and then a 35mg Pottassiun Iodide pill. I'll be back to my pulsing dose of about 3-5 drops 5 times a week.
Keit said:
In any case, I guess that one drop a day of 2% Lugol isn't going to hurt, right? I am not planning on increasing it any time soon anyway. And I also take selenium every time I take NAC twice a day (it's by NOW company, that also has molybdenum).

Your levels are not typically elevated, they are okay. And selenium should really tone down the oxidative stress in your body. :)
Keit said:
I did a blood test recently and just got the results. It's all good except for the Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) test. My results say 32 IU/mL, while the local lab's top normal is 30 IU/mL. So according to the lab, my result is a bit elevated. But on the internet it says that the norm is less than 35 IU/mL. So is it really elevated?

In any case, I guess that one drop a day of 2% Lugol isn't going to hurt, right? I am not planning on increasing it any time soon anyway. And I also take selenium every time I take NAC twice a day (it's by NOW company, that also has molybdenum).

fwiw I found this (given the levels in this document I wouldn't be worried by yours, but do keep an eye out for a sore neck/swollen thyroid - that would be a sign to act):
Combined Treatment with Myo-Inositol and Selenium Ensures Euthyroidism in Subclinical Hypothyroidism Patients with Autoimmune Thyroiditis

Background. Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, is the most common form of thyroiditis affecting more than 10% of females and 2% of males. The present study aims to evaluate the beneficial effect of a combined treatment, Myo-Inositol plus selenomethionine, on subclinical hypothyroidism. Methods. The study was designed as a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Eligible patients were women diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism having Tg antibodies (TgAb) titer higher than 350 IU/mL. Outcome measures were Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels, thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) and TgAb titer, selenium, and Myo-Inositol plasma concentration. Results. In the present paper, we demonstrated that the beneficial effects obtained by selenomethionine treatment on patients affected by subclinical hypothyroidism, likely due to the presence of autoantibody (TPOAb and TgAb), are further improved by cotreatment with Myo-Inositol. Conclusions. Indeed, due to its action as TSH second messenger, Myo-Inositol treatment reduces TSH levels closer to physiological concentrations.[..]

The present study was performed as a prospective randomized double-blinded, controlled study in women ( ; mean age 38 years) with autoimmune thyroiditis and TPOAb; inclusion criteria were TgAb and /or TPOAb above 350 IU/mL, TSH levels between 4,01 mIU/L and 9,99 mIU/L, and a normal free-thyroxine level (0.6–1.8 ng/dL) as well as typical hypoechogenicity of the thyroid in high-resolution sonography. The primary endpoint of the study was restoration of TSH levels (lower than 4 mIU/L). Secondary end points were decreased in serum TPOAb and TgAb concentrations, free thyroid hormone levels and improvement of the thyroid and quality of life estimation. All patients enrolled signed an informed consent. Patients were randomized into 2 groups according to their initial TPOAb concentrations. group A consisted of 24 patients who received orally 83  g selenomethionine/day, in a soft gel capsule; group B consisted of 24 patients who received a combined treatment plus Myo-Inositol 600 mg also in a 83  g selenomethionine, soft gel capsule, orally, for 6 months. The patients were asked to take the medication with water about 2 h before or after a meal. They were not given further treatment, such as over-the-counter vitamins or trace elements. All patients were otherwise healthy. No patients were substituted with L-T4. TPOAb, TgAb, TSH, and free thyroid hormones were determined by commercial assays. The echogenicity of the thyroid was monitored with high-resolution ultrasound.[..]

Autoantibody titer, TPOAb and TgAb, significantly decreased in both groups. In particular, TPOAb concentration decreased significantly in the group A by 42% (905.6 ± 401.6 versus 522.6 ± 236.8 mIU/mL, ) and TgAb decreased by 38% (1080.8 ± 485.1 versus 670.1 ± 300.8 mIU/mL, ). In group B, TPOAb decreased by 44% (913.9 ± 543.9 versus 516.1 ± 315.4 mIU/mL, ) and TgAb decreased by 48% (1019 ± 374.2 versus 533.9 ± 258.4 mIU/mL, ).

Eleven patients in the combined treated group showed a reduction of the TgAb below the threshold identified as inclusion criterion, compared to three patients in group A. Ultrasound of the thyroid showed normalized echogenicity in these patients.[..]

The beneficial effect obtained by Myo-Inositol is easily explained by its biological role in signaling TSH hormone; indeed, inositol regulate H2O2-mediated iodination [4] and it has been shown that hypothyroidism can be caused by an impairment of the inositol-depended TSH signaling branch (TSH resistance) [5]; therefore, by increasing the amount of the second messenger, we can increase the TSH sensitivity.

It may also be useful if suffering from 'low' serotonin (if you rule out needing niacin) and dopamine:
[..]Inositol is used to synthesize IP3 (inositol triphosphate) and DAG (diacylglycerol). When IP3 and DAG bind with the appropriate receptors, calcium channels in the endoplasmic reticula of cells are opened. With increased intracellular calcium levels, an array of cellular activities are stimulated. If levels of inositol are low, then the messages sent by dopamine and serotonin will not get through to the nucleus of the cell. This can contribute to problems related to depression, anxiety, insomnia and more. These conditions are often attributed to low dopamine and serotonin levels, but they might also result from low inositol levels.

There are other roles for inositol in maintaining the general health of neurons and their signalling capacities. All brain cells are protected with a bilayer phospholipid cellular membrane. This membrane stabilizes the structure of the cells, and it helps to ensure proper cellular functioning. Inositol and choline help to generate new phospholipid bilayers, helping to keep the entire CNS healthy and effective.

Natural Inositol and Dopamine Supplements

Using inositol supplements to support brain activity via efficient neurotransmitter signaling may be effective. Unlike pharmaceuticals, including SSRIs and MAOIs, natural inositol supplements can help to alleviate a variety of symptoms associated with an even wider variety of health conditions – and do so without a long list of possible side effects. Inositol and dopamine, along with serotonin and other neurotransmitters, work in conjunction to stabilize moods and increase overall contentment. Even though inositol has been proven in clinical trials to be safe, you should always consult with your doctor before beginning any supplementation program.
Gaby said:
Your levels are not typically elevated, they are okay. And selenium should really tone down the oxidative stress in your body. :)

Yeah, figured as much. Thank you, Gaby and RedFox. :flowers:
Menrva said:
Mr. Premise said:
I think I may have found the weirdest benefit to the iodine protocol. I had mild fear of heights. It was something that got worse as I got older. Today I have been staying at an Embassy Suites hotel. They have a large courtyard in the middle with glass elevators. These elevators used to give me the willies to where I would turn away from the glass and look down. Today I could look out the glass with no problem going up to the seventh floor. Also, I was on the 9th floor of an office building and the office has those floor to ceiling windows that used to give me real problems but today I could look straight down with no problem. The only thing I could think of that changed is two months on the iodine protocol.

That's pretty awesome, Mr. Premise. I have a fear of heights myself. I look forward to seeing if the iodine remedies the situation. :)
I can't tell you how amazed I am by this. I've been testing this all day. I am really curious to see if it happens to anyone else.
Mr. Premise said:
I think I may have found the weirdest benefit to the iodine protocol. I had mild fear of heights. It was something that got worse as I got older. Today I have been staying at an Embassy Suites hotel. They have a large courtyard in the middle with glass elevators. These elevators used to give me the willies to where I would turn away from the glass and look down. Today I could look out the glass with no problem going up to the seventh floor. Also, I was on the 9th floor of an office building and the office has those floor to ceiling windows that used to give me real problems but today I could look straight down with no problem. The only thing I could think of that changed is two months on the iodine protocol.

I've experienced this phenomenon and it's really frustrating. Sometimes I have something to do and I know I can do it, I've done it many times before and shouldn't have any problems, but for some reason I can't face it. It doesn't even have to be something stressful. The best I can do is work up some adrenaline, but ultimately that just means there are other things I won't be able to do. But then one day I see it needs done and I just blast through it without a second thought with no drama at all. I've also experience this with fear of heights.
Keit said:
I did a blood test recently and just got the results. It's all good except for the Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) test. My results say 32 IU/mL, while the local lab's top normal is 30 IU/mL. So according to the lab, my result is a bit elevated. But on the internet it says that the norm is less than 35 IU/mL. So is it really elevated?

In any case, I guess that one drop a day of 2% Lugol isn't going to hurt, right? I am not planning on increasing it any time soon anyway. And I also take selenium every time I take NAC twice a day (it's by NOW company, that also has molybdenum).

Hi Keit,

Since I'm taking the same 2% Lugol's as you, I thought it could be useful to share my experience. It's my 8th week of taking Lugol's, and I'm currently taking 10 drops a day (every day). I have no symptoms now except for the emotional sensitivity which I mentioned earlier, but it's getting better now too.

I'm also taking selenium, vitamin C, B complex, zinc, magnesium, spirulina, ALA.

As for thyroid, all my glands (including thyroid) were swelling at the beginning of this protocol (week two was the strongest), but now it's all good. Hope that yours will also adapt soon. One drop per day sounds like a pretty safe mode.

Wish you most of success with your protocol. :hug2:
monotonic said:
Do you guys think it makes sense to use pork rhinds as a source of glycine?

I'm not sure just having more glycine in your diet would be an adequate substitute. Just like glutathione binds to toxins and takes them out through the bowel, glycine binds to toxins and carries them out in the urine. With all of the detox issues that come with the iodine protocol, our bodies probably need all it can get. If you can't afford to add the glycine right now, then make sure you are getting enough pork (it's high in glycine) in your diet and take it easy with the iodine dosage. The rinds are high glycine due to the gelatin, so adding bone broth may help too.
Update: after my phlegmy detox has cleared I commenced with iodine protocol first with 3 mg for 5 days and now 3rd day on 5mg , taking only Himalayan salt + acsorbic acid in the morning, sub-lingual B complex but in much smaller doses then ones recommended, selenium 200mcg and boron 9mg.

No noticeable effects except that my energy level has soared, and I also noticed that my mood has been great, with very positive outlook and significantly increased patience level. But I noticed these effects as soon as I started taking salty water first thing in the morning, even before I started Iodine.

Generally my mood is stable except that I noticed my emotional center has become very easy to rouse. The other day I was watching with friends the movie The Intern with Robert Deniro about the elderly guy who decides to start working, not particularly tear jerking movie, just glossy Hollywood drama with human touch. Most of the movie I had a lump in my throat and wanted to cry. Then the other day someone posted a video of a little budgie trying to wake up his dead friend and I cried like a baby.

I am intending to go with 5 mg for another 5 days and was going to start DMSA cycles after that , but I am wondering if I should if there are no significant heavy metal detox symptoms?
Konstantin said:
istina said:
If i dont receive this Lugol then i will order Iodine crystals and Potassium iodide from Amazon to my brother address in Australia , and then he will sent me the ingredients by post to my address in Macedonia. All than procedure will take another month minimum, but its the only way i can get this Lugols solution.

Konstantin, maybe you could try to order here:


Thank you Istina

I ordered 2 bottles from 30 ml Lugols 5% sollution. It was 20.5 Euro for one bottle and 23.5 for 2 bottles, so i ordered 2. It was cheaper that way.
So, now i have to wait for the order to arrive. :)

After 6 days my Lugols came. Yesterday they arrive by Post. So today morning i started the protokol. First in the morning a bone broth with extra added salt in it. Then a breakfast , and 30 minutes later 1 drop of 5% Lugols and co factors.
I`ll continue with this dosage for next 2 weeks and see how will i react. I`ll go very slow. I still have 2 amalgams in my mouth so i suspect that have a lot of mercury in my body.

Yesterday evening i noticed that my left side of my neck, just under the jaw bone hurts when i turn the head. On touch i can feel that it is swollen. Then i suspected that it was my left tonsil swollen. I dont have tonsils problem since i was a little kid.Never my whole life. This morning i saw from inside my throat that the left side is red and swollen but i dont feel any pain. For almost 3-4 weeks i have this weird cold symptoms with congested sinuses .Maybe its the same bug. So maybe iodine will clear this bug too.
Z said:
Update: after my phlegmy detox has cleared I commenced with iodine protocol first with 3 mg for 5 days and now 3rd day on 5mg , taking only Himalayan salt + acsorbic acid in the morning, sub-lingual B complex but in much smaller doses then ones recommended, selenium 200mcg and boron 9mg.

No noticeable effects except that my energy level has soared, and I also noticed that my mood has been great, with very positive outlook and significantly increased patience level. But I noticed these effects as soon as I started taking salty water first thing in the morning, even before I started Iodine.

The ascorbic acid in the morning is likely giving you the boost before the iodine. It's been mentioned a few times in the thread that vitamin C should be taken in the afternoon away from the iodine, as it neutralizes the iodine. Taking them that close together will lesson the effectiveness of the iodine.

Konstantin said:
Yesterday evening i noticed that my left side of my neck, just under the jaw bone hurts when i turn the head. On touch i can feel that it is swollen. Then i suspected that it was my left tonsil swollen. I dont have tonsils problem since i was a little kid.Never my whole life. This morning i saw from inside my throat that the left side is red and swollen but i dont feel any pain. For almost 3-4 weeks i have this weird cold symptoms with congested sinuses .Maybe its the same bug. So maybe iodine will clear this bug too.

It's possible this is a bromide/heavy metal detox reaction, or a bug waking up.
I would say though, that as it's your neck (where the thyroid is) it's important to consider if it's the thyroid swelling. Are you taking selenium too?
Siberia said:
As for thyroid, all my glands (including thyroid) were swelling at the beginning of this protocol (week two was the strongest), but now it's all good. Hope that yours will also adapt soon. One drop per day sounds like a pretty safe mode.

Wish you most of success with your protocol. :hug2:

Thank you for sharing, Siberia. It is indeed very helpful. And, yeah, I prefer to go easy during this particular period in my life. But that's ok, because even one drop of water with time and consistency can modify stone. ;) Wish you good luck with your protocol, too! :flowers:
RedFox said:
Konstantin said:
Yesterday evening i noticed that my left side of my neck, just under the jaw bone hurts when i turn the head. On touch i can feel that it is swollen. Then i suspected that it was my left tonsil swollen. I dont have tonsils problem since i was a little kid.Never my whole life. This morning i saw from inside my throat that the left side is red and swollen but i dont feel any pain. For almost 3-4 weeks i have this weird cold symptoms with congested sinuses .Maybe its the same bug. So maybe iodine will clear this bug too.

It's possible this is a bromide/heavy metal detox reaction, or a bug waking up.
I would say though, that as it's your neck (where the thyroid is) it's important to consider if it's the thyroid swelling. Are you taking selenium too?

I dont think that its a thyroid. Today i started the protokol. Before that i took iodine tikture only a few times just a one drop, and the last time i took it was maybe a 7-10 days ago, i dont remember.So i noticed this swelling before i took iodine today. I guess that its a bug waking up. Its very up in the throat whre left tonsile is. Its not close to the thyroid. Some friend of mine said that it could be some tooth infection too. And its under the jaw bone, so i cant exclude that possibility too.
Yes i`m taking B2, B3( Niacinamide ) and Selenium( 200 microGrams ). Later afternoon VIt C, and some Magnesium in the evening.
I`ll take one drop of iodine tomorrow too and then i`ll pause for the weekend but i will continue with all co-factors, so i can see how will i react.
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